

The Research on Miscellaneous Biography in Wei-Jin and Southern-Northern Dynasties

【作者】 史卉

【导师】 徐传武;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中国古代文学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 杂传是中国古代史部书目中的一个重要门类。它兴起于西汉末年,经东汉的发展,至魏晋南北朝达到鼎盛。魏晋南北朝时期的杂传不仅数量众多,而且内容丰富,展现了魏晋南北朝社会生活的方方面面。本文拟对魏晋南北朝杂传进行系统研究。全文共分七个部分。绪论部分首先对杂传的内涵进行了界定,杂传是正史列传之外的,无一定体例和名称的单独成书的类传。然后参照古代史志书目对杂传的纂述,将魏晋南北朝杂传分为七类:郡书、家传、孝子、忠臣、列女、名贤、高隐,并对每一类杂传的源流演变情况进行了说明。第一章对魏晋南北朝杂传兴盛的原因进行了探析。魏晋南北朝时期杂传之所以兴盛,主要可归结为两方面的原因。一是杂传体裁本身不断发展的结果。早在先秦时代,传记文学既已萌芽并有所发展。两汉时,司马迁的《史记》和班固的《汉书》无论是在写作体例还是在传人手法上都对后世的史传文学产生了重要的影响。而西汉末年,刘向创作的杂传体既有对《史记》写作传统的继承,同时也形成了自己独特的艺术风格。东汉时期,杂传创作有所增加,写作技法也日趋成熟,这为魏晋南北朝杂传的兴盛奠定了基础。二是魏晋南北朝的时代环境有利于杂传创作的繁荣。此一时期地方经济的发展、纸的推广使用、门阀政治的盛行、思想意识领域的相对自由以及社会对史学的重视都为杂传创作的繁荣提供了客观条件。第二、三、四章分别对魏晋南北朝郡书、家传、孝子、忠臣、列女、名贤、高隐七类杂传进行了系统研究。主要包括对各类杂传的作者、存佚、创作时间、流传版本等问题进行考证;对一些没有辑本的杂传进行辑校;对各类杂传的内容和文学特征进行说明。大致来说,魏晋南北朝杂传以两晋时代数量最多;杂传作者主要是史学家,当然也有小部分文学家;魏晋南北朝杂传散佚严重,尽管从古至今许多学者做过辑佚工作,但尚不充分;魏晋南北朝杂传内容丰富,实录与虚构并举,独具艺术魅力,采用了语言描写、动作描写、细节描写、对比烘托等诸多表现手法,塑造了形形色色的人物形象。第五章分析了魏晋南北朝杂传的思想倾向。魏晋南北朝是一个思想自由开放的时代,儒、玄、佛、名、法等诸家思想在魏晋南北朝时期均得到不同程度的发展,而这也使得魏晋南北朝杂传的思想相当复杂。但从总体而言,魏晋南北朝杂传仍以儒家思想为主导,儒家的天命史观、道德史观、贤人史观、英雄史观等仍是魏晋南北朝杂传所表现的主要思想。此外,玄学推崇隐逸、崇尚自然、重视人的才性器度等思想以及佛教灵魂不灭、因果报应、业报轮回等思想在魏晋南北朝杂传中也多有反映。第六章论述了魏晋南北朝杂传的价值。魏晋南北朝杂传兼具文史特征,因此具有多重价值。在史学方面,它可以补充正史的不足,为正史撰写提供资料,查校典籍的讹误,极大地丰富了史学题材,有利于帮助人们更全面、更深入地了解历史;在文学方面,它不仅为后世文学提供了丰富的素材,而且其独特的传人艺术手法也对后世传记文学及小说的创作产生了深远的影响。另外,魏晋南北朝杂传还广泛反映了汉魏六朝的信仰民俗、社会组织民俗、民间文学等多种民风民俗现象,从而为研究古代民俗提供了文献资料,具有一定的民俗价值。

【Abstract】 Miscellaneous biography is an important part of the history type in the four categories of ancient title catalogue. Originating from XiHan Dynasty and developing in Donghan Dynasty, it was prosperous in Wei-Jin and Southern-Northern Dynasties. Miscellaneous biography not only has a large number, but also coveres a lot of grounds, which displays every aspect of social life in Wei-Jin and Southern-Northern Dynasties. This dissertation is intended to research miscellaneous biography in Wei-Jin and Southern-Northern Dynasties. The dissertation consists of seven parts.Introduction. This part defines miscellaneous biography firstly. Miscellaneous biography is an independent book which includes of similar people without a certain style or name and it is unofficial history. Second, consulting the description and classification of miscellaneous biography in the catalogue of history books, this dissertation divides miscellaneous biography in Wei-Jin and Southern-Northern Dynasties into seven categories and then introduces the origin and development of each type.Chapter 1. This chapter analyzes the reasons why miscellaneous biography was prosperous in Wei-Jin and Southern-Northern Dynasties. On the one hand, it is due to the style’s development. Early in the Pre-Qin era, biographical literature was already germinating and developing. Sima Qian’s Shi Ji and Ban Gu’s Han Book had a significant influence on both history style and literature devices to the latter biography and fiction. At the end of XiHan Dynasty, LiuXiang created miscellaneous biography which inherited Shi Ji and also had unique artistic style. In DongHan Dynasty, the number of miscellaneous biography was increasing, and the writing techniques were becoming increasingly mature which provided the basis for the prosperity of miscellaneous biography in Wei-Jin and Southern-Northern Dynasties. On the other hand, it is closely related to the background. The economic conditions, political system, social ethos and traditional culture in Wei-Jin and Southern-Northern Dynasties played an important role in the miscellaneous biography’s prosperity.Chapter 2-4. These three chapters researches seven categories of biography in Wei-Jin and Southern-Northern Dynasties, namely state biography, family biography, filial son biography, loyal courtier biography, woman biography, famous gentleman biography, hermit biography. The dissertation does textual research on the situation of their authors, existence, wringting time and different editions, compiles the scattered biographies and analyzes the contents and literary features of each category miscellaneous biography. Generally speaking, Jin Dynasty has the largest number in miscellaneous biography of Wei-Jin and Southern-Northern Dynasties. The authors of miscellaneous biography are mainly historians, and a small part of them are literators. Miscellaneous biography in Wei-Jin and Southern-Northern Dynasties was seriously scattered and lost. It is still deficient although many scholars have made some compilation work. Miscellaneous biography in Wei-Jin and Southern-Northern Dynasties enjoys rich contents which are authentic and fictitious simultaneously. It has unique artistic charm which creates all sorts of characters, using the language description, action description, detail description, comparison contrast, and many other techniques of expressions.Chapter 5. This chapter discusses the ideological tendency of miscellaneous biography in Wei-Jin and Southern-Northern Dynasties. It was relatively freedom in the ideological and cultural fields in Wei-Jin and Southern-Northern Dynasties, and various kinds of thoughts developed in this period, which made the idea of miscellaneous biography quite complex. Nonetheless, Confucianism still held the dominant position which miscellaneous biography reflected. The miscellaneous biography in Wei-Jin and Southern-Northern Dynasties reflectd Confucianism widely, such as ancestor woship, sage politics, moral supremacy, telepathy between humans and nature, and so on. Besides, miscellaneous biography also reflected metapsychical climate which respected hermit and nature, emphasized individuality and Buddhist thoughts on immortality of the soul, karma, karma reincarnation.Chapter 6. This chapter discusses the value of miscellaneous biography in Wei-Jin and Southern-Northern Dynasties. Because miscellaneous biography has not only history features, but also literary features, so it has multiple values. From the aspect of history, miscellaneous biography is the important reference to compile and proofread history books. It also enriches historical theme. From the aspect of literature, miscellaneous biography provides material for the later literary works and its unique writing skill has an important influence on the later creation of biography and novel. In addition, miscellaneous biography widely reflects the folk customs of Han and Wei-Jin and Southern-Northern Dynasties which could provide some history records for researching ancient folk customs, so it has the value of folklore.

【关键词】 杂传思想倾向价值
【Key words】 miscellaneous biographyideological tendencyvalue
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 12期