

The Theory Research on Boshan Glass and Its Industrialization Ways Protection

【作者】 宋暖

【导师】 徐畅;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 专门史, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 琉璃是我国五大名器和佛家七宝之一,是艺术花园中一朵争芳斗艳的奇葩。自古琉璃称谓无数,工艺复杂,文化意蕴丰富,中国琉璃起源中国说在学术界已得到了共识。在日常生活中,对琉璃这个概念,人们是既熟悉又陌生的。通过调查我们得出真正熟悉琉璃的人很少,但有购买欲的人以及支持对其进行产业化保护的人所占的比例,还是较为乐观的,这在一定程度上为我们的理论研究和实践探索奠定了较为广泛的群众基础。博山是名副其实的琉璃之乡,它在自然资源、历史因素、文化背景等多方面都具备了成为琉璃生产重镇的必要条件。博山琉璃艺术孕有浓厚的文化气息,拥有悠久的历史传统,是我国宝贵的艺术遗存。博山琉璃种类繁多,工艺精绝,曾引领中国琉璃发展的主方向。但很长一段时间以来,由于传承至今的载体甚少,成文资料极缺,造成我们对琉璃的不重视以及认识不够,再及琉璃生产环境较为恶劣、各级政府对其不重视等多种因素造成了博山琉璃发展迟缓。尤其是自20世纪90年代以来,伴随着经济体制发生剧变,博山琉璃受到了猛烈冲击,其发展更是日渐衰落。在此大背景下,我们厘清博山琉璃的非遗传承,多维视角解读博山琉璃,对博山琉璃的产业特征、产品现状、行业现状、消费者状况以及市场运作等一系列问题进行调查分析,将博山琉璃区别对待(可产业化与不可产业化),探求艺术性与产业化之间的微妙关系,挖掘在市场经济体制下博山琉璃所潜在的市场价值,多角度分析博山琉璃工艺及其产业化保护发展的可行性。另外我们秉承实践出真知,理论最终指导实践的根本原则,以鲁派和冀派内画作为典型案例,梳理鲁派内画的发展历程,调查制作工艺、艺术特点和行业发展状况以及分析冀派内画成功产业化发展的原因所在,从政府扶持、市场调控、人才培养几个方面将二者进行比对,总结经验,吸取教训,为保护和发展博山琉璃提供借鉴,为非物质文化遗产产业化保护指明方向,以期最终达到促进非物质文化遗产可持续性发展的根本目的。通过对琉璃、博山琉璃历史的梳理以及对博山琉璃产业化保护的研究,我们认识到文化遗产是各国文化发展的缩影,它演绎了每个国家的文化传统,是延续和彰显民族精神的重要载体,是艺术家们在文化史中用心涂写的每一笔。伴随着人类知识的不断丰富,人们对文化重视程度的不断加深,全世界人民进一步展开了对历史、文化和精神的重新审视和反思,非物质文化遗产的保护问题也日渐提上了日程。尤其是在20世纪后几十年,在经济一体化、经济全球化的大环境下,文化日益趋同,如何保持民族文化特质成为每个国家重点研讨的内容。像博山琉璃这种具有广泛群众基础、承载整个民族文化记忆与文化精神的非物质文化遗产对整个国家、整个民族的意义是非比寻常的,我们不应该漠视它的存在,任其衰落和消失,我们应该从思想上重视,从行动上落实,在继承和保护的基础上,充分挖掘它们所隐藏的经济潜力,以期创造更大的经济和社会效益。

【Abstract】 Glass is one of the five Chinese articles and the seven treasures of Buddhism. It is a wonderful work in the art history. Glass had many names from the ancient times. Its technology is very complex and contains rich cultural elements. The academic circle has reached the consensus that Glass originated from China. In our daily life, we are strange but also familiar with the concept of "Glass ". Through investigation, we can draw the conclusion that there are only a few who are really familiar with it but still we should be optimistic because the scale in the crowd who would like to buy the glaze and who approve its protection through industrialization ways, which lays mass foundation for us to do the theoretical study and practical exploration in the future.Boshan is worthy of the name of Glass’s hometown with the necessary elements to product it such as natural resources, historical factors and cultural backgrounds, etc. Boshan Glass is very a precious Chinese art heritage with great cultural elements, long history, many varieties and complex technology which used to lead the development of Glass in China. For the less of and carriers and written materials, we did not pay enough attention to Glass, what’s worse, the working conditions were really poor. So Boshan Glass has developed very slowly in a long time. Especially since 1990s, with the great change of economy system, Boshan Glass has been impacted badly and declined gradually. Under this background, we unscramble the inheritance of Boshan Glass and interpretive it from more than one perspective, research industry characteristics, product status, industry status, consumer status and market operation etc. of Boshan Glass. We can explore the contradictions between artistic and industrialization, and find the feasibility to develop it as an industry on the basis of its potential marketing value. Also, I believe that genuine knowledge comes from practice and then guides the practice. So I choose Shandong Interior Painted and Hebei Interior Painted as typical examples, to unscramble the development of Interior Painted, investigate the technology, the art feature, and the development of the industry development, and find out the reasons of the success of Hebei Interior Painted. Then compare the two from the government supports, the market regulations and the talent cultivations, through which I hope to find some useful experiences and give a direction in the protection of Glass through industrialization. I hope a sustainable way can be found to protect the intangible cultural heritages and make a lasting development of them.Through the study of the history of Glass, especially Boshan Glass and its industrialization ways protection, we can see that culture heritage is the epitome of a nation’s cultural development which reveals the national cultural tradition; it is the important carrier to continue the national sprit. In nowadays, human beings are accepting more and more knowledge and make more account of culture. People all over the world are study the history, culture, and spirit and see them from new perspectives. Also the protection of intangible heritages is put on the agenda. During the last decades of the 20th century, cultures became similar under the times background of integration and globalization, so how to keep the characteristics of national culture became an important issue. Boshan Glass has a wide mass foundation and carries the national cultural memory. It has so important meaning to the whole nation that we should not ignore its existence and let it disappear. We must treat it seriously and protect if with actions. On the basis of inheriting and protection we can find its economic potential and create better economic and social benefits.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 11期