

Study on Factors Analysis and Evaluation of Employee Satisfaction in High-tech Enterprises

【作者】 石岩

【导师】 王兴元;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 21世纪人类进入了一个以知识为主宰的全新的经济时代。以新能源技术、新材料技术、网络通讯技术和生物技术为代表的高新技术正在推动人类从后工业时代进入到知识经济时代。传统的以大量消耗原材料和能源为特征的工业经济,正在逐渐丧失昔日的繁荣,全新的基于知识的新经济形态已显出勃勃生机,并展现出其非凡的魅力。而与知识社会密切相关的高新技术产业已经成为世界发达国家竭尽全力追逐的“产业制高点”。人们依托现代信息、通讯、电子等各种现代化生产技术,以人类社会前所未有的速度进行着知识的生产、更新以及应用活动。而高新技术企业就是从事这种活动最重要的载体,知识的产生与应用归根结底离不开高素质的员工。而员工的满意度作为组织管理诊断评价标准,其作用主要反映在帮助组织进行组织诊断、影响组织未来绩效、保证员工心理健康以及提高员工工作质量等四个方面。重视并科学有效的管理员工的满意度,已经成为高新技术企业管理的重要内容和手段。文章以高新技术企业的资料数据为基础,通过实证研究来剖析高新技术企业的员工满意度影响因素的指标体系。探究在高新技术企业中究竟哪些要素是影响员工满意度的关键因素,可以促使员工的积极性、主动性以及创造性的提高,从而促进企业绩效的提高,企业就可以从这些方面入手进行员工满意度的提升。作者从心理学、管理学、社会学的角度构建了高新技术企业员工满意度影响因素分析模型,通过访谈和发放调查问卷分析员工满意度的影响因素,寻找员工满意的源泉,对回收调查问卷获得的数据进行定量分析,找出对员工满意度有显著影响作用的各种影响要素,为员工满意度的有效管理提供理论依据。主要研究内容包括:(1)在文献回顾、梳理和规范分析的基础上,建立基于高新技术企业员工满意度影响因素测评的理论框架。由于高新技术企业员工满意度自身所具有的独特性,区别于其他行业员工满意度的特征,因而对于此问题的研究,应结合高新技术企业的现实,在以往研究的基础上,提出相应的基本理论框架,并对该框架中变量间的相互关系进行剖析,以供高新技术企业在进行员工满意度提升的实践中予以参考,而不能简单照搬现有的国内外的相关研究成果。(2)通过半结构式访谈的方式与高新技术企业的中层、高层管理人员进行交流与沟通,在有限的时间之内,获取到尽可能多的关于高新技术企业员工满意度影响因素的资料。然后通过文献回顾与访谈结果相结合的方式,提出了相应的潜变量与潜变量之间、潜变量与显变量之间关系的一系列假设,最后再通过问卷调查来建构测量高新技术企业员工满意度影响因素的量表。(3)通过多种方式进行较大规模的问卷调查,然后所收集到的数据进行分析,使用LISREL8.72统计软件程序构建结构方程模型,使得模型各因子的影响路径明确化,从而研究高新技术企业员工满意度的作用机制和影响路径;使用SPSS15.0统计软件程序进行统计分析,找出对高新技术企业员工满意度有显著影响作用的相关要素,构建高新技术企业员工满意度影响因素的测评模型。运用灰色关联分析法对实证研究结果进行进一步验证。研究分八个部分对高新技术企业员工满意度影响因素及测评体系进行分析阐述。第1部分是导论;第2部分是文献综述;第3部分是高新技术企业员工满意度的影响机制研究;第4部分是高新技术企业员工满意度影响因素的分析模型构建;第5部分是高新技术企业员工满意度影响因素实证研究设计;第6部分是高新技术企业员工满意度影响因素实证研究结果:第7部分是高新技术企业员工满意度影响因素的改进策略;第8部分是结论与展望。研究的主要创新点是:1.系统研究了员工满意度的影响机制,结合国内目前关于员工满意度的研究三个重点提出了系统测评过程。综合国内外研究成果,本研究专门针对高新技术企业员工满意度测评的复杂运行过程的研究领域内,缺乏系统的研究理论作指导。本研究从系统分析的角度,借用组织行为学研究的基本模式“动机—行为—结果”,对员工满意度的影响机制进行分析,了解测评系统中各要素的构成及运行机制,借以寻找评价的关键环节,进行针对性研究。2.构建了高新技术企业员工满意度影响因素指标体系。经过研究发现,现有的员工满意度影响因素指标体系的构建相对来说较为简单,同时,在部分因子的选择和归类方面其适合度也有待进一步考证。本研究在综合国内外关于员工满意度影响因素的研究结果的基础上,通过增加新的影响因子、修订原有的子层次、对关联因子进行调整等方式,并配以高新技术企业员工满意度的特性构建了较为全面的高新技术企业员工满意度影响因素指标体系。3.提出了影响高新技术企业员工满意度的直接影响模型和中介影响模型,指出企业形象、企业文化、工作本身与工作环境、职业发展、角色满意度、工作回报、组织公民行为对高新技术企业员工满意度既存在着直接的影响,同时各影响因素间也存在着互相影响的结构关系,共同作用于员工的满意度。而之前的相关研究对影响因素间结构关系未作较为详尽的探讨,可能出现对影响因素的相关重要性的误判。4.取得了针对高新技术企业领域的特定分类研究成果。本研究专门针对高新技术企业的员工进行调查,调查数据对影响员工满意度的直接因素和中介因素进行了分类阐释,取得了特定行业的研究结论,解决了目前国内外研究多数只是针对员工满意度一般层面的笼统性分析,拓展了该领域分类研究的理论基础。

【Abstract】 In the 21st century, the human has entered an absolutely new economic era which is dominated by knowledge. Represented by new energy technology, new material technology, network communication technology and biotechnology, high-technologies are impelling the human entering the knowledge economy time from the post-industrial period. The traditional industrial economy,which is characterized by large consumption of raw material and energy, is gradually losing its former prosperity. The new economy based on knowledge has showed its vitality and its extra-ordinary charm. High-tech industry which is closely related with knowledge society, has become the commanding height of industry pursued by developed countries. People are taking activities in production, updating and application of knowledge at an unprecedented speed by using all kinds of modern manufacturing techniques, such as modern information, communication and electronic technology. And high-tech industry is the most important carrier in these activities. Knowledge can’t emerge and be applied without qualified employees. As diagnosis and evaluation criterion of organizational management, staffs satisfaction plays an important role in helping organization to diagnosis, affecting the organization’s future performance, ensuring their mental health and raising their work quality. Attaching importance to staff’s satisfaction and managing employee satisfaction scientifically and effectively have become important content and mean of the management in high-tech industry.Based on the data of the high-tech enterprises, this dissertation analyzes employee satisfaction influence factor index system by empirical research. Searching for the key factors that influence employee satisfaction in high-tech enterprises can improve employee’s enthusiasm, initiative and creativity, and then promote the improvement of the organization’s performance. Then enterprise can evaluate employees’satisfaction from these points. From the view of psychology, management as well as sociology,the author establishes an analysis model of employee satisfaction in high-tech enterprise and analyzes the factors that influence employee satisfaction by interview and questionnaire, for the sake of looking for the source of satisfaction. The author carries on quantitative analysis of the data from questionnaire, finds out the various elements impacting on employee satisfaction, and then offers the theoretical basis for the effective management of satisfaction.The main research content including:(1) Based on the through paper review, research and analysis, the dissertation establishes a theoretical framework for influence factors assessment of staff’s satisfaction in high-tech enterprises. The uniqueness of employee satisfaction in high-tech enterprises is different from that in other kinds of enterprises. So, it is impossible to copy the existing and related studies. Instead, the dissertation proposes a relevant basic theoretical framework on basis of previous research and the reality of high-tech enterprises. Besides, the dissertation analyzes the relationship between the variables in this framework, in order to supply a reference for high-tech enterprises to improve in the practice of employee satisfaction.(2) By the means of semi-structure interview with executives in high-tech enterprises, the author communicated with the interviewee relatively open in a limited time, and got as much information as possible about the employee satisfaction influence factors in high-tech enterprises. Then, the author puts forward a series of assumptions of the relationship between the variables by referring the literature and combining it with interview. At last, the author builds and enriches influence factors measurement scale of employee satisfaction in high-tech enterprises through the social survey.(3) By analyzing the data collected from the questionnaire in a large scale through a variety of ways, the author builds a structural equation model by using LISREL8.72 statistical software program, which makes the impact path of each factor clear, and explores the mechanism and the impact path of staff’s satisfaction in high-tech enterprises.By using SPSS15.0 Statistical software program,the author finds out the relevant elements which have a significant effect on employee satisfaction in high-tech enterprises, and builds influence factors assessment model for employee satisfaction in high-tech enterprises.The dissertation is divided into eight parts to set forth employee satisfaction influence factors assessment system in high-tech enterprises. Part one is the introduction. Part two is the literature review.Part three is the research on the influent mechanism of employee satisfaction in high-tech enterprises.Part four is the concept model construction of employee satisfaction influence factors in high-tech enterprises.Part five is the design of empirical research on employee satisfaction in high-tech enterprises.Part six is the result of employee satisfaction in high-tech enterprises.Part seven is strategies to improve influence factors of employee satisfaction in high-tech enterprises.Part eight is the conclusion and prospect.The main innovations are:1. The influent mechanism of employee satisfaction, is systematically studied. The system assessment process is proposed on the basis of the three points of domestic current research on employee satisfaction at home. According to research results at home and abroad, the research supplies the specific guidance on the complex running process on employee satisfaction factors assessment in high-tech enterprises which is lack of systematic research. By using the basic model of organizational behavior "motivation-behavior-results", this study analyzes the influent mechanism of employee satisfaction from the perspective of system analysis and keeps abreast of the composition and operational mechanism of the various elements of the system to find the key of evaluating and take the targeted research.2. An influence factors index system of employee satisfaction in high-tech enterprise is constructed. It is found, after a study, that the existing construction of employee satisfaction index system is relatively simple. At the same time, the selection and classification of some aspects of their fitness has to be further studied. A more comprehensive assessment of employee satisfaction index system in high-tech enterprises is built on the basis of the findings of the influence factors of the employee satisfaction at home and abroad, by adding new factors, amending the sub-levels, adjusting the association factor and combining with high-tech features of employee satisfaction.3. The direct effect model and intermediary effect model,which influence employee satisfaction of high-tech enterprises are proposed.lt points out that some factors not only affect directly the effective assessment of employee satisfaction in high-tech enterprises, but also have the structural relationship existed among them, and all of them both act on the employee satisfaction together, such as corporate image、corporate culture、the work itself and the working environment、career development、role satisfaction、work return、organizational citizenship behavior.The previous studies on the structural relationship between factors are not to make a more detailed discussion, which may lead to a misjudgment of the relative importance of these factors.4. The achievement on the classified field of high-tech enterprises is acquired. The study investigates staff in high-tech enterprises specifically and classifies and expounds the direct factors and mediating factors of survey data which impact assessment of employee satisfaction. Then conclusions in specific industry are made. The study solves the problem that most of the studies at home and abroad analyze the employee satisfaction only in the general level and expands the classified theoretical basis in this field.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 11期
  • 【分类号】F276.44;F272.92;F224
  • 【被引频次】22
  • 【下载频次】4017
  • 攻读期成果