

The Study of the System of Marx’s Theory

【作者】 王清涛

【导师】 周向军;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 马克思学说是一个内涵丰富、结构严谨的科学体系。马克思从现实的人出发,通过揭示存在于现实的人自身之内的矛盾,从而发现了现实的人的内在矛盾是人类社会发展的动力,这一矛盾也是其学说展开的内在动力,而现实的人的内在矛盾的解决——人的解放也就成了马克思学说体系的逻辑主线,全部的马克思学说体系就是围绕人的解放这一主线的逻辑展开,现实的人通过由低级到高级的人类历史的实践活动,最终完成人与人的真实的本质的统一,实现人的本质的复归。整个马克思学说体系就是从现实的人出发,通过人的实践活动,最终达到全面发展的人,马克思学说体系就表现为一个正、反、合的逻辑结构。马克思学说体系以人的解放为主线通过否定之否定逻辑构筑成完整的大圆圈,这个大圆圈包含着若干低一层次的小圆圈。围绕人的本质,马克思开启了他的哲学视界,在现实的人的本质的构筑过程中,马克思发现了唯物史观,以唯物史观为基本原则,马克思对资本主义社会否定人的本质作了彻底的批判,这部分内容展开为马克思的政治经济学,马克思还以唯物史观为基本原则揭示人类历史的发展规律、发展道路,对未来社会加以构想,从而构筑了科学社会主义理论体系。马克思是在批判旧世界中发现新世界的,马克思正是从现实的矛盾出发揭示现实发展的趋势及其条件,正是在对旧哲学、政治经济学的批判中发现了唯物史观和剩余价值学说,即在批判旧世界中发现新世界,马克思是在批判中建构其学说体系的,批判是马克思学说体系产生的根本路径。马克思学说是一个严密的逻辑体系,对人本质的揭示及人的解放道路的探索是马克思学说的主题。马克思人本质的构筑经历了一个从抽象的人出发,经过对人本质的异化的揭示最后到达现实的人的层层深入的三个阶段,这三个阶段表现为一个正反合的辩证过程。现实人的本质的内在矛盾是人类历史发展的动力,也是马克思学说展开的内在动力。人类历史发展的必然趋势和马克思学说展开的逻辑结论就是对导致人本质异化的社会关系的克服和全面发展的人的实现。现实的人是马克思学说体系的逻辑起点,全面发展的人是马克思学说体系的逻辑终点,而革命的实践则是贯通马克思学体系说体系的逻辑起点、逻辑终点的逻辑中介。马克思学说体系的逻辑起点、逻辑终点和逻辑中介的准确定位是构筑科学的马克思学说体系的前提,也是确保马克思主义发展一脉相承的基本准则。要真正理解什么是马克思学说体系,什么是马克思学说体系的根本属性,不仅需要弄清马克思学说体系的基本原理和具体结论,还必须搞清楚马克思学说体系赖以产生的最根本的思维方式,即弄清马克思学说体系的生成方式是什么。在马克思学说体系这一鸿篇巨制之下起支配作用的是他的思维方式。对马克思学说体系思维方式的寻找其实就是在找寻马克思学说的“理论框架”,这个“理论框架”当属马克思学说的“元哲学”。一门哲学的元哲学应当规定着这门哲学的对象、属性和功能,辩证法是马克思学说体系的元哲学,辩证法是马克思学说体系产生的根本方式,是构筑马克思学说整个体系的内在原则,是决定马克思学说永恒在场的根据。《哲学的贫困》揭示了马克思全部学说产生的秘密:辩证法,马克思全部学说就是以辩证法的形式逐层次展开的学说体系,这一按照历史顺序依次展开的立体形态就是马克思学说体系的历时态结构。共时性研究和历时性研究是马克思学说研究的两个基本维度,共时性研究以系统性和整体性为手段,得出的结论是二维的平面化的马克思学说原理体系;而历时性研究则专注马克思学说体系在不同时期的结构形态以及它们之间的逻辑演进关系,构筑的是马克思学说的立体结构。马克思学说就是通过辩证法建构起来的历时态结构,这一结构按照历史顺序依次展开为五个层次,其主题统一,逻辑递进,思想前后承接。每一个层次分别从各自最初的抽象上升而成具体的形态,五个层次共同构成马克思学说的立体结构。正确建构马克思学说体系,必须进行共时性研究,共时性结构所勾勒出的是马克思学说体系的宏伟框架。共时性研究是相对于历时性研究而言的,二者分别从静态与动态、横向与纵向两个维度考察社会结构及其形态以及文化理论结构与形态。共时性研究侧重于研究对象系统以及系统中要素问相互关系为基础,重在把握对象的结构,而历时性研究则侧重于对象运动的过程以及过程中的矛盾运动发展的规律为基础,把握过程的形态。共时性研究与历时性研究是辩证统一的关系。对马克思学说的层次性结构的正确划分是马克思学说体系共时性研究的重要内容,是重建马克思学说整体性的前提。对马克思学说体系层次性的解读存在不同范式,结构性解读和功能性解读是已有的基本范式,而按照马克思的文本逻辑对其学说的层次性结构进行解读则是马克思学说层次性研究的范式转换。马克思文本中有关于其学说层次性理解的逻辑,这是对马克思学说层次性划分的最终根据。在此基础上,马克思学说体系被分为三个层次:第一层次是人,第二层次是唯物史观,第三层次是其科学体系。以辩证法为生成方式构筑的马克思学说体系的宏观结构是共时性研究的又一重要内容,马克思学说体系就是一个建立在辩证法基础上,由正题、反题、合题构成的逻辑圆圈,整个马克思学说体系的正题:马克思的哲学,反题:马克思的政治经济学,合题:科学社会主义。马克思学说体系还包含若干低层次的圆圈,是一层圆圈套另一层圆圈,一层层圆圈环环相扣,共同组成马克思学说体系。马克思学说是一个庞大的理论体系,包括哲学、历史学、社会学、政治学、经济学等众多学科领域,从认识论的角度来看,这是一个纷繁复杂的理论体系,但从价值论的角度来看,整个马克思学说体系存在一个基本的思想路线和一条非常清晰的逻辑主线。要全面深刻地把握马克思学说体系,必须认真剖析这条逻辑主线,只有如此,才能科学、严谨地理解马克思学说体系。从马克思学说体系本身的逻辑结构来看,从马克思学说体系的内容结构来看,都存在这样一条主线,这条逻辑主线,就是人的解放。现实的人是马克思学说体系的逻辑起点,对现实的人的正确认识是科学理解马克思学说体系的基本前提。马克思从对人本质的异化形式的批判中发掘人本质的真实内涵,继揭露“法”、“国家”、“宗教”、“抽象的人”是人本质异化的分形式之后,马克思把“一切社会关系的总和”归结为人本质异化的总形式。生成性、否定性、统一性是马克思人本质理论的基本属性,唯物史观的科学性并未终结马克思学说的价值批判功能,马克思学说是真理观和价值观的统一,异化仍然是马克思唯物史观的理论“构件”。前提批判和价值立场应是当下哲学、社会科学建构的出发点。要深入理解马克思学说体系还必须廓清马克思学说体系的本体论,作为社会理论体系存在的整个马克思学说体系存在统一的本体论,“主体”本体是整个马克思学说体系的本体论。在马克思的理论体系中,“主体”就是“实体”,“实体”上升为“本体”;这与传统哲学“主体”、“实体”以及“本体”之间的转换关系正好相反,在传统哲学那里,“本体”被转换为“实体”,在黑格尔那里,“实体就是主体”。在解剖马克思学说体系的结构基础上,必须回答马克思学说体系的当代性问题,对马克思学说体系结构的揭示是回答马克思学说体系当代性的前提,马克思学说体系当代性的建构是马克思学说体系结构性研究的价值所在。马克思学说体系从诞生那天起就面对着挑战,这些挑战是多方面的,有来自马克思学说体系自身的问题,也有来自共产主义实践中出现的新情况、新问题对马克思学说体系科学性的质疑,还有来自当代西方哲学文化思潮对马克思学说体系的诘难。总之,时至今日,马克思学说体系的当代性受到广泛质疑。我们究竟是要“告别马克思”,还是要“回到马克思”?是“历史的终结”,抑或“马克思是我们的同代人”?如何捍卫马克思学说体系的科学性和当代性,是当代马克思主义工作者们所肩负的历史使命。我们坚信马克思学说体系是科学的,马克思学说体系永远是批判现实世界锐利的思想武器——这绝不是独断,这是从马克思学说体系自身的本性中生发出的结论。马克思学说体系的主题、马克思学说体系的基本精神、马克思学说体系的生成法则是马克思学说体系在场性的根本保证。马克思学说体系在场性的三大法宝是人的解放理论、批判精神和辩证法。

【Abstract】 The system of Marx’s theory is a rich, well-structured scientific system. Researching from the realistic human being, Marx, through revealing the contradictions existed within the realistic human being, discovered that the reality of the inner contradiction is the driving force, which is also the internal driving force to start his theory, for development of human society, thus the solution to solve the realistic human being’s inner contradictions of the solution-the liberation of people becomes the logical thread of Marxism system. The whole Marx’s theory uses people’s liberation as its’main line and spreads itself logically. The realistic human beings, from the lower to higher historic humankind practice, ultimately complete the real and intrinsic unification between people, fulfilling the essential regression of humankind. The whole Marx’s theory is a system starting from the realistic human being, ultimately achieving the full development of people through human practice, therefore it performs as a system with the logical stricter of Obverse_Reverse_their Combination. With the main line of the liberation of the people, Marxist Theory has built a large circle of the logic of Negation of Negation which contains a large number of lower level small circles. In the process of building the nature of realistic human being and around the nature of human, Marx broadened his philosophical vision and discovered the historical materialism, and then used it as the basic principles, Marx criticized the capitalist society’s negation of human nature thoroughly. This part then developed as Marx’s Political Economics. Still, with the historical materialism, Marx also conceived the fundamental principles and development path of human history, as well as the future society, thus building up the scientific socialism theoretical system.Marx found the new world by criticizing the old world. Marx started his research from the contradiction in real life and revealed the trend and conditions of reality development. He found the materialistic interpretation of history and theory of surplus value through the critique of the old philosophy and political economics. In a word, he found the new world by criticizing the old. It is with criticism that Marx built his theory system; criticism is the fundamental path of Marxism system. Marxism is a tight logical system, and revealing the human nature and human exploration of Liberation is the theme of Marxism. The formation of the Marx’s human nature underwent three phases: from an abstract human being to reveals the reality of alienation of human nature, and then to realistic human being, the process of which is also a logical stricter of Obverse Reverse their Combination. Contradictions of human nature within the realistic human being are the driving force of both human history and the internal power of the development of Marxism. The inevitable trend of historical development of mankind and the logical conclusion of the system of Marx’s theory are the overcome of the alienation of social relations, and the realization of comprehensive development of people.The logical starting point of Marx’s theory is realistic human being, and its’ logical end is the all-round development of people, while the revolutionary practice is the logical medium which runs through the logical starting point to end point of Marxist theory system. The exact positioning of Marxist theory’s logical starting point, logical end point and logical medium are the premise of building a scientific Marxism system and the basic norm to ensure Marxism’coming down in one continuous line.To really understand what is Marxism, what is the fundamental property of Marxism, we need not only to understand the basic principles and the specific conclusions of Marxism, but also to be clear with the most fundamental mode of thinking that the Marxism was dependent on,i.e., we must figure out how is Marxism produced. His way of thinking is dominant in system of Marx’s theory. The research of the thinking mode of Marx’s theory is actually searching for the "theoretical framework" of Marx’s theory. The "theoretical framework" is undoubtedly the Marxist doctrine of the "meta-philosophy." Meta-philosophy should decide the objects, properties and function of the philosophy. Dialectical logic is the meta-philosophy, the fundamental doctrine of Marxism, the intrinsic principle of the whole system and the evidence for the eternal presence of Marxism. In The Poverty of Philosophy, Marx revealed the secret doctrine of all:Dialectical Logic. All the Marx’s doctrines are developed in the form of dialectical logic. The solid shape developed in the historical order is the diachronic structure of the system of Marx’s theory. The Synchronic study and diachronic study of Marxist theory are the two basic dimensions. Synchronic study researches by means of systematicness and integrity with the conclusion of two-dimensional principles of the system of the Marx’theory; while diachronic study is focused on Marxism of the structures of the different periods, and the logical evolution of relations between them, building the three-dimensional structure of Marxist theory. Marx’s theory is the diachronic structure with dialectics, which expands on the historical order of five levels, in a unified theme, in logical progression, and in a harmonious theme. Each of the five levels, from initial abstraction respectively to the concrete forms, together constitutes the Marxist theory of five levels of three-dimensional structure.To properly construct the system of Marx’s theory, Synchronic study must be carried out, and it outlines the great framework of Marxism system. Synchronic study is in relative terms with the diachronic study. Synchronic and diachronic studies of Marxist theory system are the two basic dimensions of Marx’s theory, both of which examine the forms of social structure and cultural theory and its structure and morphology from their respectively static and dynamic, vertical and horizontal dimensions. Synchronic study mainly focuses on the target system and the relationship of the ingredients within it, paying special attention to the structure of the targets; whereas the diachronic study based on the laws of development of the paradoxical movement, is mainly for the process of the moving objects, and mainly for the morphology of the process. Synchronic and diachronic studies are dialectical unity with each other. A correct hierarchical study of Marxist theory is important and is the premise for the reconstruction its integrity. The decoding for hierarchy of the Marxist theory has already had several different paradigms, and the structural decoding and the functioning decoding have had their fundamental paradigms. The decoding for hierarchy of the Marxist theory, according to Marx’s logic of the text, is the transformation of the paradigm of the varied gradations research of his doctrines.There exists the logic of the hierarchical decoding in Marx’s text, which is the ultimate evidence of hierarchical division of the system of Marx’s theory. Based on that, the system of Marx’s theory can be divided into three layers:human being, historical materialism, and its scientific system.The macro-structure of system of Marx’s theory generated by the dialectics is the main ingredient of the synchronic study. System of Marx’s theory is based on dialectics, a logic circle formed by thesis, antithesis and combination of thesis and antithesis. The thesis in the system of Marx’s theory is the Marxist philosophy, the antithesis is Marxist political economy, and the combination is the scientific socialism. The system of Marx’s theory also includes many lower level interlocked circles.The system of Marx’s theory is a huge theory system, including philosophy, history, sociology, politics, economics and many scientific areas. From the perspective of theory of knowledge it is a sophisticated system of theories. But from the theory of value, there exist a fundamental ideological line and a very lucid logic main line. To understand the system of Marx’s theory comprehensively and profoundly, we must seriously analyze the logic main line so that we can master the system scantily and precisely. In both the logic structure and the content structure, there always exists this main line in the system of Marx’s theory, i.e. the liberation of people.The realistic human being is the logic beginning of the system of Marx’s theory. The understanding of the realistic human being is the fundamental premise of the scientific understanding the system of Marx’s theory. Marx studied the real concept the human nature by criticizing the alienation of the human nature. After exposing that the "law", "country", "religion" and "abstract man" are fractal, Marx went on to conclude that "all the social relationships" are the overall form of all the human nature alienation. Generative, negativity and unity are the fundamental property of the system of Marx’s theory. The value criticism function does not stop the scientific historical materialism. The system of Marx’s theory is the unity of the concept of truth and values. Alienation is still the component of the Marxist historical materialism. Prerequisite criticism and value should be the stand starting point for the present development of philosophy and social science.To deeply understand the system of Marx’s theory, we must clearly outline its ontology. There exists a unified ontology in the system of Marx’s theory which is the social theory. The "subject" noumenon is the ontology of the whole system of Marx’s theory. In the Marx’s theory system, the "subject" is the "substance", and the "substance" is the "noumenon". This is directly opposite to conversions of the traditional philosophy for its subject, substance and noumenon. In the traditional philosophy, "noumenon" is converted into "substance", and in Hegel’s philosophy, "subject is substance".With the analyses of the structure of the system of Marx’s theory, modernity of the system of Marx’s theory should be answered. The reveal of the structure of the system of Marx’s theory is the premise of the answer. The building up the modernity of the system of Marx’s theory is the value of this study. The system of Marx’s theory is faced with various challenges since its born. The challenges are coming from the system of Marx’s theory itself, the new situation and new problems in the communist practice, and the controversies from the philosophy of contemporary western philosophy and culture. In one word, the modernity of system of Marx’s theory is widely questioned. Do we need to "say farewell to Marxism" or to "go back to Marxism"? Is it a "historical termination? Or "Marx is contemporary"? How to defend the system of Marx’s theory and its modernity is a historic mission for contemporary Marxists.We strongly believe that system of Marx’s theory is scientific. The system of Marx’s theory is always the keen ideological weapon for the criticizing the real world:it is not arbitrariness, but is the conclusion of the system of Marx’s theory. The theme, fundamental ideology and generating rules in the system of Marx’s theory are the fundamental guarantee for the presence of the system of Marx’s theory. The three magic weapons for the presence of system of Marx’s theory are the theory of human liberation, critical spirit and dialectics.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 11期