

A Service Trade Research Based on the Virtual World Economy

【作者】 沈明伟

【导师】 孔庆峰;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 国际贸易学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 虚拟世界经济是基于虚拟世界的相关经济现象和活动的总称。现阶段,社交网站与网络游戏是虚拟世界的主要载体。关于虚拟世界经济的问题是欧美学者研究的热点,在国际上属于比较前沿的领域,将其与服务贸易结合起来则对中国经济具有特殊的意义。其中,第1章和第2章是研究的前期准备和铺垫;第3章对主要概念的界定是后续研究的前提;第4章解释服务贸易的基本理论问题,是理论基础;第5章介绍了这类服务贸易发生的方式和过程;第6章在4、5章的基础上对中国的情况进行了全面分析;第7章提出了政策建议。本文第1章介绍了论文的写作背景、思路方法及创新点等基本问题。原有理论对于虚拟世界服务贸易外部性的解释不充分,欠缺理论基础,难以对后续定量研究提供支持,因此本文创新之一是对外部性的来源进行解释。同时,对于中国虚拟世界经济的特性研究很少,而西方该领域的研究结果对中国难以适用。因此,另一个工作是对中国的情况进行了系统研究,特别是与发达国家不同的方面。从国际经济学领域对虚拟世界经济进行研究,有两个主要原因。第一,虚拟世界与现实世界的关系从经济角度看,类似于国际贸易中小国与大国的关系,国际贸易和汇率的相关理论有较好的适用性。第二,虚拟世界中的服务交换跨越国界时,只有服务贸易的相关理论能够从国家层面进行解释。从服务贸易的角度对虚拟世界经济进行研究是新的尝试。第2章就相关文献进行了综述。由于该方向没有系统的理论成果,因此将相关的前置理论和相关理论进行了梳理。第一部分总结了对虚拟世界内部经济体系的主要研究成果,这是相关服务贸易发生的平台,是后续研究的基础。同时,介绍了虚拟世界经济与现实世界的关系,侧重于总结虚拟世界经济对现实世界的影响。这是服务贸易实现的过程,是重要的传导机制。第二部分介绍了作为虚拟世界重要物质基础的网络游戏产业的发展状况,这是中国发展相关服务贸易的基础和前提。第三部分归纳了传统国际贸易理论在服务贸易领域有效性的研究,这是工具的可获得性和有效性问题。在梳理每一部分的过程中,都随时注意与主题的关联,同时也认识到现有理论对新问题的局限性,并提出在研究中的改进方向。第3章界定了虚拟世界经济的相关概念,并与相关概念的关系进行了初步研究。这是开展研究的基础。虚拟世界经济是相对较新的研究主题,而对相关服务贸易的研究更少,因此在初级阶段,准确界定研究范围是前期最重要的工作。在这部分中,将网络游戏、虚拟世界、虚拟世界经济的概念进行了界定,并且就虚拟世界经济与虚拟经济的关系进行了辨析,避免后续研究的混乱。由于该领域的研究较初级,因此这部分也将涉及到的虚拟物品的价值、效用工具的有效性等基础问题进行了阐释。第4章解释了虚拟世界服务贸易的基本理论问题。在虚拟世界中,信息的获取及时、准确,信息对称程度远高于现实世界,因此人们之间的等级差别更加明显和公开,促使人们努力去提高自己在虚拟世界中的地位,而通过购买他人的服务可以有效地实现这一目标。虚拟世界服务具有外部性,而外部性的来源一直没有准确的理论描述,这对后续要就造成障碍。本章尝试建立排位模型和服务替代模型对这一状况进行解释。接着,将外部性引入原有交易模型,解释其对均衡点的影响。在引入国际服务贸易后,从美国角度分析了各方福利变化,认为虚拟世界服务贸易进口国整体福利是下降的。第5章对基于虚拟世界服务贸易的收益模式进行了研究,目的是从中找出适合中国发展的模式。该领域的收益模式分为直接模式和间接模式。直接收益是指网络游戏运营商获取的收益,间接收益是指基于虚拟世界的第三方活动获取的收益。一般来说,和网络游戏运营商不发生直接商业联系的均为间接收益。从对两种收益模式的研究中找到适合中国的发展路径,并对潜在的发展方向进行初步的分析。第6章对中国虚拟世界经济的发展状况进行了系统研究。通过建立2*2的比较优势模型对中国从事虚拟世界服务贸易的分工状况进行分析,认为中国的人口数量对产生正的网络效应至关重要,同时中国的劳动力价格水平处于发展该领域服务贸易的有效区间。同时,对中国参与虚拟世界服务贸易进行了福利分析,得出结论,认为中国发展虚拟世界服务贸易的福利与出口规模正相关,不存在限制外部性的问题。这部分是由于虚拟世界服务贸易外部性与消费方相关的原因。第7章根据研究结果对中国如何发展基于虚拟世界经济的服务贸易提出了政策建议。交易平台的建设是核心,通过交易平台进行货币和服务转化的效率,类似于现实贸易中的关税和运输成本带来的影响。对现阶段的中国来说,从该领域服务贸易中的收益直接受转化效率的影响。微型服务外包是从消费角度进行的外包,是适合中国的发展方式,需要适合的发展环境。加快立法,减少行政干预可以保证虚拟世界经济有序发展。作为虚拟世界重要载体的社交网络与网络游戏带来很大社会问题,需要向发达国家学习先进经验。虚拟世界经济领域的对外直接投资应优先投入文化接近的东亚国家,逐渐向欧美和其他地区渗透。最后,对中国虚拟世界经济的整体发展前景进行了展望。

【Abstract】 Virtual world economy is based on the virtual world of economic phenomena and activities related to general. At this stage, social networking sites and online games is the main carrier of the virtual world. Economic problems on the virtual world is a hot European and American scholars, a relatively cutting edge in the international field, will combine its service trade with China is of special significance. Of these, Chapters 1 and Chapter 2 is to study the preparation and bedding; in Chapter 3, the definition of key concepts is the premise of the follow-up study; Chapter 4 explains the basic theoretical issues of trade in services, is the theoretical basis; Chapter 5 occurrence of such services, the manner and process of trade; Chapter 6 on the situation in China conducted a comprehensive analysis; Chapter 7 policy recommendations.Chapter 1 of this paper describes the background of writing, ideas, methods and basic issues of innovation. For the original theory of the virtual world outside the interpretation of trade in services is not adequate, the lack of theoretical foundation, it is difficult to support the follow-up quantitative research, this paper innovation is one of the sources of the externality explanation. Meanwhile, the Chinese characteristics of the virtual world economy is small, and the results of Western research in the field difficult to apply to China. Therefore, another work is the situation in China has been systematically studied, in particular, different aspects of developed countries. From the field of international economics study of the virtual world economy, there are two main reasons. First, the virtual world and the relationship between the real world from an economic point of view, similar to the small countries in international trade relations with major powers, international trade and exchange rate have better applicability of the theory. Second, the virtual world of cross-border exchange of services, only the theory of trade in services can be explained from the national level. From the perspective of trade in services of the virtual world economy is a new attempt.Chapter 2 reviewed the literature on the relevant. Since there is no systematic theory of the direction of the results, so the relevant theory and the theory of pre-made combs. The first section summarizes the economic system within the virtual world, the main research results, this is a platform-related services trade takes place, is the follow-up research. Meanwhile, the introduction of the virtual world economy and the relationship between the real world, focusing on the summary of the virtual world economy, the impact of the real world. This is the process of implementation of trade in services is an important transmission mechanism. The second part describes the virtual world as an important material basis for the development of online game industry, which is related to China’s development foundation and prerequisite for trade in services. Part III summarizes the traditional international trade theory in the effectiveness of trade in services, which is a tool availability and effectiveness. In the process of combing each section, are associated with the subject and pay attention, while recognizing the current limitations of theory to new problems and propose improvements in research direction. Chapter 3 defines the concepts of virtual world economy, and the relationship with the concepts studied. This is a research foundation. Virtual world economy is relatively new research topic, and research on trade in services less relevant, so the initial stage, accurately define the scope of the study is the most important early work. In this section, online games, virtual worlds, virtual world defines the concept of the economy, and to the virtual world economy and the relationship between virtual economy was discrimination, to avoid confusion in future research. As research in this area than the primary, so this part will also involve the value of virtual goods, utility tools, and other basic issues of validity of interpretation.Chapter 4 explains the virtual world, the basic theory of trade in services issues. In the virtual world, information access timely, accurate, information symmetry is much higher than the real world, so the level of difference between people is more obvious and open, prompting efforts to improve their position in the virtual world, and through the purchase of another service can effectively achieve this goal. The use of models vying for positions on this model and the conformity status of a basic description. From the utility perspective, the dual constraints of time and income, people in the real world and how to choose the virtual world of investment is worth studying. This explains China’s development of trade in services in the field advantage.Chapter 5 of the virtual world trade in services based revenue model was studied, aimed to find out for China’s development model. Revenue model in this area is divided into direct mode and indirect mode. Direct benefits refers to the online game operator for the gains, the indirect income is based on the virtual world to get the benefits of third-party activities. In general, and online game operators do not have direct business contacts are indirect benefits. The pattern of benefits from the two studies find that China’s development path, and the potential direction of a preliminary analysis.Chapter 6 China’s economic development situation of the virtual world has been systematically studied. Through the establishment of 2 * 2 model of the comparative advantage of China’s trade in services in the virtual world analysis of the state division of labor that China’s population have a positive network effect on the essential, while the price level of China’s labor force in the development of trade in services in the field effective range. Meanwhile, China’s participation in the virtual world trade in services in the welfare analysis, concluded that China’s development benefits the virtual world trade in services is associated with the export scale, there is no limit the external issues. This is partly because the virtual world services trade and consumer side externalities related causes.Based on the results of Chapter 7 on how China developed the virtual world economy based on trade in services policy recommendations. Construction is the core trading platform, trading platform through the conversion of currency and the efficiency of services, similar to the reality of trade tariffs and the impact of transport costs. The present stage of China, trade in services in the field from the proceeds directly affected by the conversion efficiency. Micro-services outsourcing is outsourcing from the consumer point of view, is the way for China’s development requires a suitable environment for development. Speed up the legislation, reducing administrative intervention can ensure orderly development of the virtual world economy. As an important carrier of the virtual world of social networking and online games great social problems, and need to learn the advanced experience of developed countries. Virtual world Foreign Direct Investment in the economic field should give priority to investment in cultural proximity of the East Asian countries, the gradual penetration of the U.S., Europe and other regions.Finally, China’s overall economic development of the virtual world prospect.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 12期