

Study on Exciled and Demoted Officials in Tang Dynasty

【作者】 梁瑞

【导师】 卢向前;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 中国古代史, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 官员受到流放或贬谪处罚,不仅涉及到一个王朝进行吏治时各种制度的变迁,而且还涉及到王朝政治变动及官场道德取向。唐代作为我国封建社会从上古向近世变革的重要时期,对犯罪官员的流贬惩罚经历了一个从疏到密、从松到严的变化过程。这一过程与唐代官制的变迁、政治形势的变化密切相关。而唐代流贬官对政治的反思及所进行的文化创作活动,对唐代思想文化的繁荣起到了特殊的作用。本文首先从制度层面来考察唐朝廷流放和贬谪犯罪官员的特点;接着从政治运动与职务犯罪的角度来分析唐代出现众多流贬官的原因;然后,从官员被遣谪的过程来考察流贬官的经济待遇及心理变化;随之,对流贬官的迁转途经进行考述;最后,初步总结流贬官对谪所造成的影响。通过这些方面的研究,笔者力图构建出唐代流贬官这一特殊群体的流贬过程、心理特点及历史地位。本文的导言部分,主要是对一些概念进行界定和提出本文所主要研究的主题。本文以“流贬官”为标题,实际上包含两类人,一是受到流刑处罚的官员,一种是受到贬谪处罚的官员。这两类官员有的具体内涵怎样,他们在被谪遣过程中体现出哪些唐代官僚制度与政治运动的特点,他们的迁转途径怎样,带着这些问题,导言提出本文研究的主题和意义,即探讨唐代流刑与贬官制度的特征、流贬官与政治运动的关系、流贬官受谪过程与心理变化、流贬官迁转途径等。本文的正文部分,共分六章:第一章,主要阐述流贬官受到遣谪处罚的制度规定。流刑制度在北朝时期以前,一般作为附加刑来处罚犯罪官员,至北魏后才逐渐成为“五刑”中的正刑。唐代流刑不仅出现常流、除名配流、长流、五流等类型,而且相应的管理制度也更加规范。贬谪制度随着官阶制度的发展而不断变化,经历了先秦贬爵、秦汉贬爵与降秩、魏晋南北朝时期贬号、降职的发展过程。唐代对前朝官阶制度进行了综合归纳,又继承了隋朝把地方佐官任命权收归吏部的制度,便出现夺爵、贬职、削阶、降勋封等贬官制度。流刑种类的增多与中央安置贬官范围的扩大,是唐代出现众多流贬官的重要原因。第二章,分析官员受到流贬处罚的原因。官员犯罪原因复杂多样,但大多与政治斗争关系密切,因此,本节主要从政治与非政治原因,对官员受流贬处罚原因进行探讨,并考察唐代法治与人治之间的关系。第三章,考察流贬官受遣过程及其谪所分布状况。政府对流贬犯罪官员,一般要经过弹劾审讯、确定谪所、遣离京城、安置管理等程序。从地域来看,岭南道、黔中道、剑南道是流官分布的主要地区,岭南道、江南东西道、山南东西道是贬官谪所的主要分布区。这种分布状况体现了政府在对官员进行流贬处罚时,遵循朝官南罚、法治与人治相结合的惩官特点。第四章,考述流贬官在谪所生活状况及心理变化。流贬官因身份的不同,在谪所受到的政治、经济待遇也有显著的不同。流官不仅失去了官的身份,而且他们经济状况也很差。贬官的政治待遇与经济状况总体上比流官稍好些,但他们与流官一样,身体和心理都受到打击。面对人生挫折,有些流贬官消极沉沦,有些则通过写诗作文等方式调节自己受挫的心理。第五章,探讨流贬官的迁转途径。唐代官员因犯有过错被贬降或流放后,经过一定期限或遇赦仍有迁改官职的机会。但由于贬官身份、官资的特殊性,政府对他们的迁转途径进行了限制。流官一般经过刑满叙资、量移、入幕、受征入朝等途径逐渐恢复政治自由。贬官在唐前期,主要通过被征召或考满改官的方式来恢复贬官的官资;唐中后期,征召、量移、入幕改官是贬官迁转的主要途径。第六章,概括流贬官对谪所的影响及地位。流贬官由于在被遣谪前有着特殊的朝官身份与文化素养,他们在谪所的活动,对边远地区的经济、社会产生一定影响,尤其是在文化教育事业上的作用更为明显。流贬官在谪所留下的遗迹,对当代地方旅游经济开发具有重要意义。

【Abstract】 The punishments which were used to banish or demote officials in Tang Dynasty,were not only related to institutional change of the bureaucracy, but also related to political movements and officials’moral orientation. The Tang dynasty in Chinese is often thought to be the important period when a ancient society approached to a middle one in many fields.That the ways of excelling and demoting officials changed shows that feudal law became stricter and crueler.When more and more inllectects tried to change the situation,they are punished and often drived to magin districts.Just because of that, officials could recognize the real world.In order to learn the punished officials, This paper firstly researches the history of the Exciling and Demoting punishment and their new characateristics in Tang Dynasty.Then, analyzes evidences by which the government punished criminal officials.In the end,inspecting the course of officials being driven,their mental changement,their lifestyle in the excelling districts and their promoting ways.The whole paper has seven parts.The introduction part, mainly definites some concepts and puts forward to the main research topic of this paper. Banished officials means the criminal officials who were exiled by law,and demoted officials means the officials who are degraded and driven out of the capital because of their mistakes.The two kind of punished fficials has commons as well as differences in many fields.These ommons and differences and the changes of their political position and life, makes the paper valuable to research the special official group.In this paper, the main part is divided into six chapters:The first chapter, mainly expounds institutional rules of exiling and demoting officials. Before the Northern Dynasties, exile was used to punish crime as a auxiliary punishment. After becoming one of five principal penalties in Northern Wei Dynasty, excile played an important role and had new characteristics,especially having more kinds such as Life Exile,Exile without remitting,Exile with heavier labour etc.in Tang Dynasty.Demoting officials began in ancient time,and changed all the time.In pre-Chin, the government degraded one’s title of nobility while Han Dynasty Emperor demoted officials’ position and aristocratic status. In Tang Dynasty, with more official ranks appearing and central government taking back the right appointing low ranking officials, the system of demoting officials was more complicated including demoting position, removing aristocratic identity, degrading rank.These factors are one of the reasons why there were more punished officials.The second chapter, analyzes the reasons that officials were demoted and exiled. Reasons for exiling and demoting is complicated, but mostly related to the political struggles, therefore, the political affairs that caused demoting and exiling officials are the first emphasis in this section,and then studying other non-political reasons. Based on these analyses,this part also discusses bureaucracy system related to exile and banishment and the relation between the law ande rulers’ personal arbitraryChapter 3, inspects the course of exiling and demoting and distribution where the punished officials were sent. When the government of the dynasty decided to exile and banish officials, they need the legal procedures deciding arresting,trialing,sentencing and resettlement place. From a regional perspective, the distractions of Lingnandao, Qianzhongdao, Jiannandao are the main places where resettled exiled and demoted officials. This distribution situation shows that Tang government obeyed the rules of punishing by law, filling local offical blanks,identifying the official ranks and appointing the serious crimal officials in the faraway soutyern states.These rules are also very important to the systems of Breaucracy of Tang Dynasty.The fourth chapter, studies the exiled and demoted officials’ Daily life and Mental changes.The demoted officials had better political and economic treatment than the exiled ones because of different identities,though they were both punished officials. The exiled officials’ treatment was very bad and often died in the resettled place because of their serious crimes,while demoted officials still had the officer’s identity and official’s salary though they suffered physical and psychological blow as well as exiled officials. Facing life setbacks,some of these punished officials became depressive and despaired,some tried to adjust their frustrated psychology by writing and touring.Chapter 5, mainly inspects the approaches of getting freedom. Though having to accept lower official positions in the faraway districts after doing something wrong or breaking the government law,the demoted officials in Tang Dynasty still have opportunities to be promoted when meeting the Emperor’s amnesty or ending their periods of office. But because of their special identity and demoted record, the government sets up some restrictions when they want to regain their positions. In the pre- period of Tang Dynasty,the imperial government change the demoted officials mainly by calling back them to the central government when necessary or giving them a proper positions as soon as their office period expires. However,in the middle and post period of the empire,the government delay the demoted officials’ office time and only allow them to be another officials in the distict which is still far from the politic center of the empire.Chapter 6, summarized the influence and status of the group of the driven officials. Flow celebrated in were sent fallen Due to their pre- noble and cultural literacy identity, exiled and demoted officials exerted influence on remote areas in economy,sociatyand culture, especially their elegant articles promote cultural and educational development. More than that,the punished officials’ historical remains in the remote area become the valuable tourism resources nowadays.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期