

The Economic Research of Banana Production Technology in China

【作者】 夏勇开

【导师】 过建春; 金志强;

【作者基本信息】 海南大学 , 农业生物技术, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 香蕉是世界贸易的大宗水果,在农产品贸易中仅次于小麦、大豆和玉米。在中国,香蕉是主要的热带水果之一,是华南农业经济中的支柱性产业。长期以来,与进口香蕉相比,中国香蕉产业市场综合竞争力不强,表现在龙头企业规模较小,科技有效投入不足,生产技术应用水平低,产业创新发展能力较差,政策支持滞后等等。站在全球背景下对中国香蕉生产技术进行经济研究,提出可操作性的政策建议,填补了国内在该领域研究的不足,具有较强的理论和实践意义。本文将香蕉生产技术分为香蕉公共类生产技术、准公共类生产技术和私人类生产技术三类,本文认为,香蕉公共类技术供给应在政府的主导或资金支持下进行;香蕉准公共类生产技术供给应由各种合作组织及一定类型的研究机构来提供;香蕉私人类生产技术供给最好由企业来提供。本文指出,当前制约中国香蕉生产技术供给的主要问题是技术的有效供给不足,技术供给主体的结构不合理,企业发挥的作用有限,所供给的技术质量有待突破,技术成果的转化和推广率低,对广大香蕉种植户没有形成有效技术供给。本文以广西为例对中国香蕉种植户的技术需求影响因素进行了实证分析;运用C-D生产函数模型计算出了1995~2009年中国香蕉生产的科技进步贡献率为28.9%(索洛余值法)和27.0%(直接法);运用DEA的SBM超效率模型对香蕉生产的技术效率进行了实证分析,1995~2009年全国香蕉TFPch年均增长速度为0.6%,其中增长主要来源于综合技术效率的提高,而综合技术效率增长的主要因素是规模效率的提高。本文认为,近几年中国香蕉生产的技术进步总体表现乏力,在节约劳动力的生产技术、香蕉的采收采后处理技术,以及病虫害综合防控技术等研发与应用方面,离产业的潜在技术需求存在较大的落差。未来中国香蕉产业要进一步加大香蕉科技的投入力度,特别是加大香蕉省劳技术的研发和推广力度,推动形成中国香蕉生产技术进步的第三次革命化浪潮。本文认为,对于香蕉这样的大宗热带作物,如果能够把中国最优秀的农业科研机构和广大的农业科技工作者积极性调动起来,就会形成香蕉生产技术的有效供给;如果把龙头企业以及通过香蕉合作社把广大的蕉农有效组织起来,进行香蕉的标准化生产和产业化经营,就能形成香蕉生产技术的有效需求,从而达到提高技术的应用效率和经济效益的目的。最后,本文从香蕉生产技术的研发策略、应用策略以及中国香蕉产业化发展战略等方面提出了具体的对策和建议。

【Abstract】 Banana is fruit, the bulk of world trade in agricultural trade after wheat, sorghum and corn. In china, a banana is mainly of tropical fruit, one of china’s agricultural economy Pillar industry, long, compared with the import of bananas, the banana industry overall competitive market, in self cater to smaller scale, science and technology effectively into of production technology application of industry innovation ability in development and policy support to lag behind, and so on. Stand on a global context of the banana production technology for economic research, Operability of policy recommendations, has filled in the field of study at home, have strong sense of the theory and practice.The banana production technology into the public types of production technology, public types of production technology and private human production technologies, I think, the three categories of public class in the government should provide technical leadership and financial support on; Bananas must have the kind of production technology should be provided by various organizations, including certain types of research institutions to provide; Banana private human production technology supplied by enterprises to provide better. this article points out that the restraining china’s banana production technology supply of the main problem is the effective supply is inadequate, technology supply of the main structure is irrational and enterprises play a role is limited, the supply of technology, quality remains the technological achievements into promotion Rate low, and the banana peasants not to create an effective technology supply.This article in Guangxi, for example for Chinese banana peasants technical requirement influence factors in the paper. use Cobb-Douglas production function model, the thesis summed up the banana production, From1995 to 2009 China’s science and technology progress Contribution rate for 28.9 percent (Solow residual method) and 27.0 percent (direct method). This article also used the SBM super efficiency DEA model for technical efficiency of banana production in the empirical analysis.From1995 to 2009, the national average annual growth of bananas TFPch for 0.6%. Growth was mainly derived from a comprehensive technical efficiency improvement and technical efficiency in the main factor is the scale of efficiency improvement. I think, in recent years Chinese banana production of technological progress and overall performance, Labor-saving production technology in, Postharvest banana harvest processing technology, And integrated pest control techniques and applications such as R & D, Technical requirements from the industry, there is a big potential drop.The banana industry of china to further expand the bananas and technology, especially bananas provinces will increase the technological research and promotional efforts to promote the formation of the banana production of technological progress in the third revolutionary wave.I think, for which such a large tropical plants, if that china’s best agricultural research institutions and the agricultural science and technology workers enthusiasm, they would form a banana production technology of the effective supply; if the tap by the co-operative enterprises and the great banana another effective organization for standardization of banana production with industrialized operation of banana production and formation of effective demand and thus to improve the efficiency and economic purposes.Finally, from the banana production technology applications research and development strategies, tactics and the banana industrialization development strategy for a specific proposal.

【关键词】 香蕉生产技术经济研究
【Key words】 BananaProduction technologyEconomic research
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 海南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 11期