

Physical Activity as the Origin of Paideia

【作者】 樊杰

【导师】 刘铁芳;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 高等教育学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 体育是生命自身的保育,它直接与个体生命的福祉相关,其作为德育、智育的前提,目的不仅仅是职业的培养,而是指向国民大众,负担的是神圣的社会职责。然而在现实中,身体活动作为自然完整的生命表现形式,被人为物化,对生命意义的渴望被降低为技术性追求,教化的空间被窄化。在此情况下,重新回到起源意义上的体育,寻找体育最根本性的理解,挖掘本源性体育之于教化的启示性意义,从而为体育和教育的研究敞开新的思考空间,就显得非常有意义。论文回到西方文明的源头古希腊,从古希腊体育的起源神话开始,分析了古希腊体育起源的观念背景,以及其在本源性的意义上与教化的一体性;接下来,论文追寻了在古希腊体育发展的历程中基于起源信仰所形成的贵族德性传统、泛城邦赛会传统和城邦体育馆传统,以及随之形成的以体育、音乐和修辞(或哲学)为中心建构的特殊的教化目标和教育体系;然后,论文分析了古希腊由于起源性信仰的失落而产生的教化分裂局面,并分析了古希腊哲学家如何通过重新理解基于起源意义上的自然秩序,在逻各斯之中重建了基于生命整全性发展的、以体育音乐和哲学为基础的教化体系。论文认为,古希腊体育源于古希腊人对于自然之秩序性的确信,以及对生命法则乃是基于在苦难中感受美好的理解。敬畏生命的内在目的性,发展自然生命的强而有力,是古希腊人体育的核心价值,也是古希腊教化之德性理想的关键。正是古希腊对于秩序之神圣起源的不断追溯和对德性的追求,推动了古希腊数百年来体育以及体育思想的发展。该研究给我们留下以下启示:第一,作为教化核心价值的德性,乃是源自自然生命内在秩序的发展;第二、教化的途径乃是生命的参与性;第三,体育乃是作为生命整体参与世界获取意义的一种方式。在此意义上,体育乃是作为教化的重要源头。教化不是由人为规训所限定的教化,而是源于神圣秩序起源的,指向人之卓越不断生成的教化;体育作为教化之源,不是以简单的身体竞技作为教化的出发点,而是以整体自然生命的潜在目的性作为教化的出发点。我们应该像古希腊人那样,重新回到自然生命的神圣起源之中,以理性的逻各斯来提升人的自然生命存在,使人从当下世界和身体的无穷变化之中,领会生命意义的永恒。

【Abstract】 Physical activity is the nursing of life. It is directly related to everybody’s well-being. As an antecedent of intellectual and moral education, it is not vocational training but the fundamental development of the people, and it carries the divine social responsibilities. But in reality, physical activity as a practice of the whole natural life, has been materialized, the eager for realizing the meaning of life lowered as skill pursuit, indoctrination space narrowed. In this case, returning to the original meaning of physical activity, finding out what its basic understandings should be, revealing the values of the original meaning of "physical activity" to "Paideia", and opening a larger thinking space for right-now research, thus becomes very important.Therefore, the thesis returns to the source of western civilization——ancient Greece, analyses its myths and legends about the origin of "physical activity" which reveals the thinking background of the beginning of physical activity, and the connection between "physical activity" and "Paideia". Then it explores the developing process of ancient Greek physical activity and its three traditions----aristocratic athletic contests、Pan-city tournament and gymnasium training----during which the whole "Paideia" system has been completed including physical training, music and poetry and rhetoric(and philosophy). Next, it analyses how this special kind of "Paideia" split apart in ancient Greece, and how the philosophers reconstruct it in Logos to pursuit holistic development of the person through physical activity、music and philosophy by returning to the saint originalorder of the whole universe.This paper believes that ancient Greek physical activity stems from the conviction of the orderliness of nature, and the understanding of life being based on the natural law from tribulation to feeling good. The awe of life’s inner purpose, and the seeking for developing natural life to be strong and powerful, is the core value of the ancient Greek physical activity and the key of their Paideia pursuit----arete. It is because the ancient Greeks traced back to their original meaning of the natural order and pursued arete continually that the Greek physical activity and its ideology developed radiantly for hundreds of years.This research gives us the following revelations:First, arete as the core value of paideia stems from the development of the inner order of the natural life; Second, the way of paideia is the participation of life; Third, physical activity is a way for natural life to participate in the world and obtain meanings. In this sense, physical activity is an important source of paideia, which does not mean athletics by itself is the goal of life but the purposiveness of the whole natural life is, nor shall it been limited by the disciplines from outer purpose but should be broadened by the natural life’s original meaning promoting excellence. Thus it reveals that we shall also trace back to the divine origin of natural life, promote people’s life through Logos, and help them to experience eternal through changing existence as the ancient Greeks taught us.

【关键词】 古希腊体育教化
【Key words】 ancient Greekphysical activityPaideia
  • 【分类号】G80
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】827