

The Research of the Exploitation and Social Change in Modern Xiangxi from the View of Regional History

【作者】 龙先琼

【导师】 郑大华;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 本文是研究近代湘西的开发与社会历史变迁问题,从开发史的理解入手,以治理开发活动为线索,以开发和和社会变迁的史实分析为重点,从区域史的视角(理论和方法),疏理近代湘西开发的历史过程,深刻地探讨近代湘西开发的特点及其历史影响,阐述近代湘西开发治理引发的社会历史变迁的基本情况,并通过这个实证史例揭示一个区域社会在宏观历史背景下的历史变迁轨迹,从而推动区域史研究。文章的主要内容和观点:湘西的开发历史悠久,在“中央——地方”的关系模式下,其悠久的开发历史在不同历史时期具有明显的不平衡性,社会变迁的历史进程也表现出显著差异。进入近代,湘西开发受宏观历史过程拖拉,越来越紧密地融入历史大进程,开发和变迁的广度与深度明显拓展和深化,但同时又表现时间、范围、民族和内涵上的差异性与不平衡性,具有鲜明的区域历史特征,即治理性、拉动性、地域性、民族性和差异性。而分析这一历史个案,需要确立整体史观下的区域史视角,惟其如此,也才能更深入认识这个区域社会的近代历史变迁,而且是深化区域史研究的有益尝试。第一章:介绍并阐述课题的选题依据及研究概况。主要介绍本课题的选题依据,说明选题缘由和根源;介绍课题研究的学术动态,说明本课题研究的必要性,阐述课题研究的主要意义;论术字根表课题研究的对象、主要内容及其重点、难点,说明课题研究的思路与方法;同时,介绍本课题研究的主要创新点并分析存在的不足之处等。第二章:说明“开发史”的相关概念及近代以前湘西开发的历史概况。主要说明什么是开发?什么是区域开发和区域开发史?什么是社会变迁以及历史进程中的开发治理活动与社会变迁的关系如何?简要介绍湘西的自然地理环境,探讨近代以前湘西的开发的历史概况,以及古代湘西开发过程中的社会历史演变的特征。第三章:疏理晚清时期湘西开发的历史情况,着重探讨进入近代以后湘西开发的新变化。在半殖民地半封建的进程中湘西的开发出现了近代转型的新趋势,社会历史变迁出现近代新特点。第四章:研究北洋军阀时期的湘西开发情况,着重分析辛亥革命和北洋军阀割据统治对湘西开发的历史影响。军阀割据对近代湘西开发和社会变迁造成极不利的历史影响。第五章:研究国民政府统治时期的湘西开发,着重探讨张治中治湘西时期和民国初期陈渠珍对湘西的治理与开发,以及抗日时期湘西开发的“战时”繁荣情况,阐述这一时期湘西社会历史发展的重要特征。影响这一时期的湘西开发与社会历史变迁的进程加快。第六章:研究土地革命时期湘西革命根据地的开发,探讨湘鄂西和湘鄂川黔革命根据地的开发与建设情况,说明中国共产党在根据地开发与建设中的重要历史作用,确立新的开发建设模式,体现以民为本的新特征。结语:对近代湘西的开发历史及社会变迁的历史特征进行分析,概述了近代湘西开发进程中社会变迁的时代性、本土性、民族性和不平衡性的特征,也指出了进一步深化本课题研究应当注意分析的主要问题。

【Abstract】 This thesis is to study the development and social change of Xiangxi (western Hunan) in modern times. Starting with the interpretation of development history, taking the governance and development activities as the clues, focusing on the historical facts of development and social change, this thesis, from the perspective of regional history (theory and method), summarizes the historical process of Xiangxi development in modern times, deeply explores its characteristics and historical influence, and elaborates the basic information of the resulting social change. Through that empirical case, this thesis reveals the social changing track of a local society in the macro-historical background so as to promote regional history research.Main content and viewpoints:In Xiangxi, there is a long history of development which, in the "central-local" relationship mode, appeared to be imbalanced in different historical stages and thus resulted in significant difference in the social change. In modern times, the development of Xiangxi, influenced by the macro-historical process, became more and more closely integrated into the major historical processes, and the development and the change were obviously expanded and deepened in breadth and depth. But at the same time, the development and the change displayed differences and imbalance in times, scopes, ethnics and connotation, with distinct historical characteristics of governance, promotion, regionalism, ethnics. To analyze this historical case, it is necessary to establish the perspective of regional history in accordance with the overall historical viewpoint. Only in this way can the historical change of this regional society in modern times be explored, which can be a beneficial attempt in the study of regional history.Chapter One--Introduction of the Basis for the Subject Selected and the Survey of the Study. This chapter briefly introduces the basis for the subject selected, the academic trends, the necessity and significance of the study, the major objects of the study, the important and difficult points, the train of thought and study methods, and the innovations and deficiencies.ChapterⅡ--Definition of the "Development History" and the Overview of the Pre-Modern Development of Xiangxi. This chapter explains development, regional development, and the history of regional development, expounds social change and its relationship with the development and governance activities in the historical process, introduces the natural geographical environment of Xiangxi, and probes into the pre-modern development of Xiangxi and the social evolutionary characteristics of ancient Xiangxi development.ChapterⅢ—Summary of Xiangxi Development in Late Qing Dynasty. This chapter summarizes the historical condition of developing Xiangxi in late Qing Dynasty, with emphasis on the exploration of changes in modern times. In the semi-colonial and semi-feudal process, there were some new trends in Xiangxi development, which resulted in some new characteristics of modern times in the socio-historical change.ChapterⅣ--Research of Xiangxi Development in the period of the Northern Warlords. This chapter studies Xiangxi development in the period of the Northern Warlords, analyzes the historical influence of the Revolution of 1911 and the Northern warlords rule on Xiangxi development. It is put forward that Warlord regime caused extremely negative historical influence on the development and social change of Xiangxi in modern times.Chapter Five--Research of Xiangxi development in the Republic of China. This chapter focuses on the governance of Xiangxi by Zhang Zhizhong and Chen Quzhen in the early stage of the Republic of China, as well as the "wartime" development prosperity in Xiangxi during the anti-Japanese war. It also expounds the important features of the socio-historical development and the accelerated process of socio-historical change in Xiangxi.ChapterⅥ--Research of the development of Xiangxi revolutionary base areas during the agrarian reolution. This chapter explores the development and construction of the revolutionary base areas in Hunan, Hubei, Sichuan, and Guizhou and in western Hubei and Hunan, which proves the important historical role the Chinese Communist Party played in the development and construction of those areas. During that period, new mode of development and construction was set up, which showed a new people-oriented feature.Conclusion:This part analyzes the development history of Xiangxi and the historical characteristics of its social change, summarizes the epochal character, aboriginality, the ethnic character, and imbalance of social change in the process of Xiangxi development in modern times, and this part also points out the major problems to deepen the research of this subject.
