

On Optimizing College Curriculum Structure

【作者】 戴小春

【导师】 张楚廷;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 高等教育学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 应该给学生提供什么样的课程一直是我国高校课程改革面对的核心问题。为了解决这一问题,人们在不断优化现有课程。可是,究竟应该在何种理念指导下进行优化,应该遵循什么样的优化原则等问题还有待回答。本文给出的基本答案是:在全面发展理念和相应原则的指导下优化高校课程结构。具体来说,本文以英语专业为例,在探讨了高校课程结构优化过程中存在的问题之后,首先从个人视角,以及个人和他人的相对关系视角上探讨了全面发展理念。认为从个人视角上讨论的时候,全面发展是要素面和关系面的协同发展。要素面随着关系面的展开而发展,关系面随着要素面的发展而深化;如果要素面中的某一基本面仅在关系面中的某个基本面上发展,则会带来人的片面性发展,反之亦然。从个人与他人的相对关系视角上讨论的时候,全面发展是共性和个性的和谐发展,共性和个性和谐发展的内涵指共性的发展不仅仅没有压抑个性的发展,反而为个性发展提供了更加宽广而坚实的平台;个性的充分发展不但没有否定共性的发展,反而为共性的全面发展提供了有利条件。处于和谐发展关系中的共性和个性程度的变化,表现为历时性的整体提升和共时性的相对递增。这就是说,从历时视角上看,人的全面发展是一个追求共性和个性在更高水平层面的和谐发展过程。从共时视角上看,在某一具体素质的共性发展程度和个性发展程度之间是一种相辅相成的此强彼弱的关系。接着,本文探讨了全面发展理念在高校课程结构上的表征,找到了该理念和高校课程之间的链接点。然后,本文提出将“贯彻全面发展理念”作为高校课程结构的总优化原则。为了贯彻全面发展理念,课程结构的整个优化过程都需要坚持“神合”,即坚持与全面发展理念的精神实质吻合,而不是与某种表述形式吻合。除此之外,贯彻全面发展理念意味着该理念不仅仅要体现在优化原则之中,还要体现在现实的课程之中,所以要保证全面发展理念的层级运行和层级表征。接着,本文探讨了全面发展理念下的高校课程结构的具体优化原则。它包括课程目标、课程内容和学习活动方式等三个方面的优化原则。课程目标的优化原则包括三个方面的内容:完整呈现全面发展的基本面、忠实于人与社会经济等之间的本来关系、共性发展底线受限与个性发展空间极大化。其中,第一个方面指在优化课程目标构成要素的过程中,全面关照学生各基本面中基本要素,以及各基本要素中共性和个性特征的发展。将各种基本素质的发展要求充分而完整地体现在课程目标中。第二个方面指课程目标中,人与社会经济等之间的关系是主体与客体的关系,而不是相反。第三个方面指在完整呈现全面发展的基本面和忠实于人与社会经济等之间的本来关系的基础上,课程目标应该将学生的共性发展底线界定在相对最低的标准上课程内容的优化原则包括三个方面的内容:完整承载全面发展所需的课程内容、采用渗透整合与化合整合等整合方式、提供共性课程的同时强调提供个性课程。其中,第一方面主要指学生各基本面的发展所需要的各种课程,都可以在课程总库中找到。第二个方面主要是优化课程内容的时候,可以采用的两种整合机制。渗透整合和化合整合的契合点都是课程内容之间的同质关系,但是前者不改变被整合课程的性质,后者改变被整合课程的性质。第三方面指课程内容的优化,要关照学生共性发展的诉求,更要关照学生个性发展的诉求。首先,所有课程内容都按照时间先后顺序组合起来提供给学生。在此基础上,同一性质的课程内容按照难度系数的顺序优化。除此之外,教师在实施课程的过程中,需要根据具体情况进一步优化任教课程内容的顺序。同时,学生根据自己的特点,选择学习不同的课程类型和不同难度系数的课程。学习活动方式的优化原则包括了三个方面的内容:明确学习活动的主体与对象、完整呈现各类学习活动方式、采用层级匹配式整合机制。其中,第一方面指优化过程中,视学生为学习活动的主体,视预设的和创生的课程内容为学习活动对象。第二方面指学习活动方式应该既包括认知活动方式又包括非认知活动方式;既包括指引学生认识外部世界的活动方式,也包括指引学生认识内部世界的活动方式。第三方面指学习活动方式的整合是一种匹配性的多层级整合。学生根据课程目标、课程内容和自己的状况对经过了共性化整合的学习活动方式进行个性化整合,并用它指导具体的学习活动。这里,经过共性化整合后的学习活动方式是一种具有共性特征的、前瞻性的、可重复的、预设性的活动方式;经过个性化整合后的学习活动方式是具有个性特征的、反思性的、不可重复的活动方式。进行学习活动方式的共性化和个性化整合的时候,要求共性化整合过程中,优先整合能够激发情感的活动方式,并且给个性化整合留下足够的空间;要求个性化整合过程中,学生与共性化整合体之间保持一定张力。最后,本文以湖南师范大学英语专业教师教育方向课程结构为例,展示了以上理论的运用价值。本文采用主要研究方法包括文献法、调查法、对比法、例证法等。

【Abstract】 What kind of curriculum the college students should be provided with has been the key problem to be solved by colleges. In order to solve this problem, people have to know the answers to the following question:in the process of optimizing college curriculum, what idea and what principles should be followed? By taking English majors’curriculum as the example, this doctoral dissertation argues that the answers to the question is that colleges should optimize curriculum by following the idea of all-round development and the principles reflecting the idea of full development.Taking English majors’curriculum as the example, the dissertation has firstly discussed the problem of stressing instrumental value in optimizing college curriculum. Based on the discussion, the dissertation has studied the idea of all-round development from both personal angle and interpersonal angle. It has argued that if studied from personal angle, all-round development means the harmonious development between the aspects of factors, such as moral qualities, intellectual ability, physical fitness and aesthetic appreciation, and the aspects of relation factors, such as the relationship between individual and nature, the relationship between individuals and the relationship between the individual and himself. If studied from interpersonal angle, all-round development is the accord development of universality and individuality, which means that the universality and individuality coexist in the individual’s development process, in which the development of universality does not depress the development of the individuality but provides the wider and stronger development basis; meanwhile, the development of individuality does not negate the development of universality but provides good development conditions for it. The law of accord development of universality and individuality is that both universality and individuality in accordance shows the diachronically co-development and synchronically relative-development. Then, on the basis, the dissertation has studied the presentation of full development on college curriculum.The dissertation has proposed that when optimizing curriculum, colleges should follow the general principle, which is carrying out the idea of all-round development through the whole process, and the specific principles, which are the principles of objectives optimization, the principles of course content optimization and the principles of optimizing learning activity models.More specifically, the principle of objectives optimization includes three sub-principles that are completeness, faithfulness and the maximization of individuality development. The sub-principle of completeness refers to that all the basic factors consisting of man’s all-round development should be designed in the objectives; the principle of faithfulness means that the relation between the sub-objectives in objectives should be optimized according to the original relationship between human and human’s production; the principle of maximization of individuality development is that the standards in the objectives should not designed according to the too high level but according to the relatively low level so that students have more time and energy to spend in developing their individualities.The principles of course content optimization include three sub-principles that are the principle of completeness, the principle of compound integration and infiltrative integration, and the principle of stressing individuality. What should be particularly mentioned here is that the integration of infiltration and that of combination have the same agreement point, that is the sameness among different courses, but the integration results are different in these cases that infiltration does not change the features of the courses but combination does. Both infiltration and combination will promote the curriculum function of cultivating qualified person.The principles of optimizing learning activity models includes three sub-principles that are being clear about the learning subject and object, the completeness of learning activities, and adopting the integration mechanism of hierarchical matching. Here, the integration mechanism is a kind of matching integration among learning activity ways and the course objective, course content, as well as the state of students. Meanwhile, this kind of integration is of universality and individuality at different levels. One of the results is the universality integration body at macro-layer and middle-layer, which is the basis of the individuality integration at micro-layer. And the individuality integration on the basis of the universality integration body is the mechanism of learning activity ways. Its effective work requires the learning activity ways which can exert students’emotion owns the priority in the process of universality integrating. At the same time, enough freedom should be left for the students to make the individuality integration that is what students have to do.In the last chapter, the dissertation has illustrated the value of the above theories by dissecting the curriculum now used by English majors of Hunan Normal University.The research approaches applied to the study are mainly literature search, investigation, comparative study, illustration, etc.
