

A Study on Network Political Surveillance Duing the Course Towards Socialist Democratic Politics with Chinese Characteristics

【作者】 吕静锋

【导师】 李屏南;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 伴随着互联网在中国的普及,舆论监督和群众监督在互联网这个新的载体上面相结合,构建了监督当代中国政治的崭新监督形式——网络政治监督。网络政治监督是当代中国民主政治的一大特色,它既是中国特色社会主义民主政治发展的产物,又是中国特色社会主义民主政治发展的重要内容。本文以互联网时代的网络政治监督与我国民主政治的相互关系为主题展开研究,阐述了网络政治监督的基本内涵、特点和本质;回顾了我国网络政治监督的发展历程,指出网络政治监督是我国政治监督的新形式,也是我国民主政治发展的新内容。网络政治监督是我国民主政治发展的必然,从21世纪初到现在,我国网络政治监督发展大体经过了三个阶段,初步体现了网络政治监督的优势,当然也伴随着网络政治监督的一些弊端。网络政治监督在推动着我国民主政治建设的同时,也对我国政治制度、意识形态和执政党的执政能力提出了新的挑战。应对网络政治监督的挑战,必须要在思想意识形态、社会主义的本质、共产党的执政能力等三个基本问题上提高认识,把握好党性原则、法治原则、宽容原则和引导原则,加强网络立法、提高网民素质、加强政府信息公开完善网络政治监督的体制机制等,推进网络政治监督和中国特色社会主义民主政治建设的良性互动。最后,要认识到网络政治监督是现实政治监督体系的有益补充,借助网络监督推动民主政治是一个逐步探索和完善的过程。全文围绕此思路,在理论和逻辑上展开,全文分为一个导论,五章正文,一个结束语,共计七个部分。具体如下:导论部分,介绍了本课题的研究缘由、研究意义,对国内网相关研究做了综述,从而为本课题的研究奠定了基础。此部分还对本文的研究思路、研究方法和全文的逻辑结构作了简要介绍。第一章主要围绕网络政治监督概念的基本内涵、主要特征和网络政治监督实现的主要途径进行了分析。重点在于界定网络政治监督的内涵,从而为全文的展开奠下基础。本人认为,所谓网络政治监督,是指网民以网络为平台,在网络世界里对现实生活中的政治现象、政治过程进行评价、批评的一种行为。网络政治监督是两类政治权力主体之间的权力监督与制衡,网络政治监督的主体是拥有公民身份的网民,网络政治监督的客体以及监督对象是政府及政府官员。网络政治监督的内容是政府及其工作人员的政治活动、政治事务、政治言论,对于经济、文化、社会等公共事务的监督不在网络政治监督的范围之内。网络政治监督是对政治事务的非正式的政治参与,是宪法赋予我国公民的基本权利。它把现实政治生活中的群众监督和虚拟网络环境下的网络监督结合起来,是现代社会民主化发展进程的必然。第一章还归纳了网络政治监督的主要特征,即监督主体的大中性、监督途径的便捷性、监督环境的纯净性、监督成本的廉价性。实现网络政治监督的主要途径有三方面,一是以网络权力监督政治权力,二是以网络监督制约政治权力,三是德性监督政治权力。第二章探讨了我国网络政治监督发展的简要历程及其兴起的原因。在回顾互联网发展的基础上,从网络政治参与的视角,初步概括了我国网络政治监督发展的三个阶段,即准备阶段、形成阶段和发展阶段,这三个阶段,表现了网络监督从附议——表达——参与转变的过程。我国网络政治监督兴起和蓬勃发展的主要原因既是网络技术发展提供的物质条件,也是腐败问题和权力监督失灵的现实需求,更是党和政府对网络政治监督的主动应对。第三章主要分析网络政治监督对中国特色社会主义民主政治建设的新机遇、新推动。网络政治监是推动社会主义民主政治建设的新手段,是扩大公民政治参与的新平台,是强化政治权力监督的新杠杆。网络政治监督为我国社会主义民主政治建设提供了新的机遇和推动力。第四章探讨了网络政治监督对中国特色社会主义民主政治的挑战。网络政治监督带来新机遇的同时,它也存在弊端,如网络政治监督主体的代表性存在质疑、网络政治监督的可操作性和欺骗性、网络政治监督中出现的“网络暴力”问题以及网络政治监督的偶然性和随意性。这些弊端,对我国社会主义民主政治制度构成了挑战,造成合法性危机;对我国政治制度的马克思主义指导思想构成了挑战,造成了信仰危机;对我国民主政治的领导力量中国共产党构成了挑战,造成了信任危机。第五章主要讨论中国特色民主政治进程中网络政治监督的治理和调试。建设社会主义民主政治,对网络政治监督的治理要注意把握党性原则、法治原则、宽容原则和引导的原则。探讨了民主政治进程中正确应对网络政治监督的策略:一是理性应对:提升网络政治监督的舆论引导能力;二是依法治网:规范网络政治监督的根本保证;三是道德规范:网络政治治理的基本要求;四是畅通渠道:提升网络政治监督的品质;五是制度完善:网络政治监督从网络延伸到现实。论文最后对网络政治监督与中国特色社会主义民主政治的未来进行了展望。网络监督只是社会主义民主监督诸多实践形式中的-种,目前它与其他民主监督一样没有实质解决政治监督得以顺利展开的监督权问题,同时自身还有着难以克服的内在缺陷,我们只能说,它为中国特色社会主义民主政治机制的创新提供了一种技术条件或突破口。网络监督的根本价值显然是工具性的而不是目的性的,这意味着它绝非天然正当,其历史地位与发展前景需要在民主政治实践中展开具体分析。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development and widespread of Internet in China, surveillance both by public opinion and by the masses, via Internet, find their common denominator——the newly emerging media in modern era, which results in the yielding of a new supervising form--the network political surveillance. Being not only the product of, but also the main contents of the development in Chinese democratic politics, it represents another characteristic for Chinese democratic politics.Began with the interrelation between the network political surveillance and the Chinese democratic politics under the Internet times, the article states the basic connotations, features and intrinsic quality of the network political surveillance, reviews its development course and points out that the network political surveillance is the new form of the Chinese democratic politics as well as the new contents. Network political surveillance is the corollary of the Chinese democratic politics, which, from the beginning of the 21s century to now, largely underwent three main stages. It preliminarily exemplifies the advantages of network political surveillance, indeed, companied with some disadvantages of it.It also brings some challenges to the political systems and main ideology of our country, and governing ability of the Party while improving the strengthening of democracy. When facing these challenges, we must deepen our comprehension of the following three basic problems:cognition, essence of socialism, and governing ability of the Party. We must handle Party spirit principle, legality principle, charity principle, and guiding principle well, reinforce the network legislation, promote net-citizens’quality, and strengthen the publicity of government information, perfect network political surveillance system. And the beneficial interaction between network political surveillance and Chinese democratic politics should be impelled as well. Finally, we must also realize that the network political surveillance is the favorable supplement to the real political surveillance system. It is a progressive and exploratory course to improve democratic politics through network surveillance. Focusing on the key opinion, the article is divided into seven parts: introduction, five main chapters and conclusion.Introduction explains the senses of the study, the research significance and its status at home and abroad and paves way for the article. It also gives a brief explanation of the research’s clue, methods and the whole logical arrangements.Chapter One mainly analyzes the basic concept connotation, the main features and the major way of realization of the network political surveillance. The point is to define the connotation of the network political surveillance, thus paves way for the article. In my opinion, the so-called network political surveillance is a kind of action which gives comments and criticism to the political phenomenon and political process of the real life in net world through the platform of network. Network political surveillance is the supervision and balance of power between the two kinds of political right subjects. The subjects are net-citizens who own the citizenship, while the objects and the surveillanced objects are government and its officials. The contents of network political surveillance are the political activities, political affairs, and political speech, excluding the surveillance of economy, culture, society, and public affairs. Network political surveillance, the informal political participation in political affairs, is the fundamental right of our citizen empowered by the constitution. It combines the surveillance by the masses in real life and the network surveillance in virtual net environment, which is the necessity of the modern social democratization course. Chapter one also concludes the major features of network political surveillance, that is to say, the generality of the surveillance subjects, the convenience of the surveillance means, the purity of the surveillance environment, and the cheapness of the surveillance cost. The following three chief methods can achieve the network political surveillance: firstly, supervise political power through network power; secondly, restrict political power by network surveillance; thirdly, supervise political power via moral.Chapter Two discusses the main course of our country’s network political surveillance development and the reason for its rise. On the basis of reviewing the development of network, it summaries from the view of network political participation the three phases of our country’s network political surveillance:the preparation phase, the formation phase, and the developing phase, which show the changing course of network surveillance from contending to expressing and to participating. The reason for the rise and flourish of network political surveillance is that the development of network technology has provided material condition, which is the realistic demand for the corruption problem and the failure on power surveillance as well as the positive response of the party and government on political surveillance.Chapter Three mainly analyzes the new opportunities and improvements to strengthening the socialistic democracy brought by network political surveillance, which is the new method of pushing the socialistic democracy construction, the new platform of enlarging the political participation of citizen, and the new lever of strengthening political power surveillance, and it also offers new opportunities and driving force to the socialistic democracy construction.Chapter Four contains that the network political surveillance brings challenges for socialist democracy. As well as new opportunities, drawbacks created by network political surveillance are in evidence, such as query on the representative subject of network political surveillance, on the maneuverability and fraudulence, on network violence and the contingency and spontaneity of network political surveillance. Those drawbacks mentioned above are roots of crisises which are challenges of the legitimacy of socialist democratic political system, of political conviction of Marxism which is the fundamental guiding principle of our political system, of the confidence in our party who is the leadership of socialist democracy.Chapter Five mainly discusses the construction of socialist democracy, the administration and debugging of network political surveillance. To build a socialist democracy, we must grasp firmly the basic principle of Party character, the principle of legality, the principle of charity and the principle of guiding. In addition, there are five strategies for supervision of network political surveillance. Firstly, be rational. The guiding capacity of network political surveillance must be improves. Secondly, be legal. The fundamental guarantee of network political surveillance must be standardized. Thirdly, be moral. Morality is the basic requirement of network political surveillance. Fourthly, be open and unconditional. The quality must be promoted. Fifthly, be perfect. A perfect system can truly put network political surveillance into effect. In the conclusion part, the author made a forecast of the future on the tendency of the network political surveillance and the socialist democracy. At present, the network political surveillanceis just one of many practical forms of our socailist democratic surveillance system, which, like the other supervising forms, could not give an eventual answer to the problem of superintendence only by which the political surveillance can go on wheels. Meantime, it still has its insurmountability of its own. By far, e we can only confirm that the network political surveillance sullies some technological factors or a sally port to come up with some new trails in the development of the socialist democracy. The ultimate value of the network political surveillance is instrumental rather than purposive, which means, its historical function and future propects will be determined by the practice of socialist democracy.
