

Agricultural Policv Banking Svstem Innovation Research Based on the concept of Financial Function Perspective

【作者】 游栋明

【导师】 张文棋;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 农业经济管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 农业政策性银行是世界各国政府用于干预农村金融市场失灵的主要政策性金融机构。中国农业发展银行作为我国唯一的农业政策性银行,历经数次改革,近年来除了继续保留粮食储备和保护价收购政策性贷款外,专门开拓商业性贷款而非政策性贷款业务,不能发挥其农业政策性银行应有的功能。国内外研究有较多成果,肯定了农业政策性银行制度的重要性,指出了其中存在的一些问题,但如何进行我国农业政策性银行体制创新尚缺乏系统研究,因此在理论上不能很好地指导实践。目前农发行在综合开发性金融理论的指导下转型,忽视了政策性贷款业务的开拓,偏离了政策性银行的办行宗旨,引起学术界较大的争议。本文的研究目的是研究我国农业政策性银行如何进行功能拓展和体制创新,如何更好地开拓农业政策性信贷服务,协助政府更好地促进大农业的发展,实现农业增产、农民增收和农村发展的社会目标。并希望通过农业政策性银行体制创新的研究,为政府及农发行领导层对农发行转型提供合理的政策建议。文章基于金融功能观的视角,从我国农村金融市场外部环境出发,认为农村金融市场最主要缺少的是农发行农业政策性信贷功能的发挥,而对此功能的需求提出了要对农发行进行功能拓展和体制创新,以弥补农村金融市场的不足。本文的研究思路是从金融功能观的视角出发,运用混合经济、分工、交易费用和制度创新等理论,对国内外农业政策性银行体制进行比较分析,对中国农业发展银行的经营状况进行统计和调查分析,提出了计划结合市场的农业政策性银行体制创新目标并对其进行理论论证,再用案例分析的方法证明农发行进行体制创新和功能拓展的可行性,接着用问卷调查法取得专家意见,用层次分析法计算影响农业政策性银行体制创新的主要制约因素,并提出体制创新的对策和配套措施。按照研究思路,得出以下结论:一、根据混合经济和分工理论,农村金融市场应综合计划和市场两种手段配置信贷资金资源,并且农业政策性银行、商业银行和农村信用社间要进行合理的分工和配合才更有效率二、我国农业政策性银行功能不全,体制有缺陷。用统计和调查研究方法分析表明,我国初期的农发行属于计划经济体制,越了财政之位,2004年之后的农发行属于自由放任的市场经济体制,主业偏向了商业性信贷,错了商业银行之位,均有缺陷,不能弥补农村金融市场的不足,不符合世界经济规律和国情。市场失灵的外部环境和农业政策性银行体制弊端引致了体制创新的要求。三、提出农发行体制创新目标模式是计划结合市场的农业政策性银行体制。是多功能、低风险、以扶持大农业为主、自主性强、计划与市场手段适当配合、政策性风险基金作保障、计划结合市场的农业政策性银行体制。农发行应有农业政策性银行的功能和职责,进行体制创新并开拓农业政策性贷款业务。提出体制创新目标的任务是要弥补农村金融市场失灵、保证农产品供应和生态安全、提高就业、维护社会公平稳定,实现综合效益最大化。四、通过调查问卷和专家访谈,用层次分析法计算得出体制创新的主要制约因素分别为:农发行业务的政策规定,农发行政策性贷款范围小,农业信贷的政策优惠,农发行机构网点和人员少,财政对政策亏损是否补贴,企业与农民信用意识不强6个主要因素。五、提出实现农业政策性银行体制创新目标的路径设计主要有:保证国家“粮食安全”、主要农产品供应和“生态安全”的战略创新;对农业政策性银行的理论边界、规模边界和业务边界进行重新界定,认为农业政策性贷款的规模受到风险基金、盈利能力和风险损失率的限制;农业政策性银行应拓展扶持、逆向选择、诱导、辅助和服务功能;农发行的内部要有明确的分工,应分设两个部门分别经营政策性信贷和商业性信贷业务,把责权利重心和信贷审批权下放;应坚持农业政策性银行制度,完善内部考核和奖惩制度,加强法制建设;完善信贷风险防范体制,进行抵押担保体制创新,完善林权抵押贷款制度,提出非拍卖式的农地租金抵押贷款制度创新设计方案,完善征信体系。六、提出实现农业政策性银行体制创新目标的配套措施主要有:加强农业政策与农业政策性银行制度的配合,建立农村信用担保体系,完善农村信用环境,完善农业政策性贷款风险基金补偿机制和理顺农业政策性银行的外部关系。总之,农业政策性银行是世界各国农村金融体系不可或缺的组成部分。从金融功能观视角看,我国农村金融市场失灵现象严重的外部环境提出了完善农业政策性银行功能的需求,而该功能由农发行来承担效率更高,效果更佳,因此农发行应进行多功能、计划结合市场的农业政策性银行体制创新。本文认为农发行的目标应定位在保证国家粮食安全、主要农产品供应和生态安全,弥补农村金融市场的不足,通过放宽信贷条件,接受特殊的抵押担保方式,设立风险准备基金等措施,尽力帮助那些获得商业贷款困难的合格农业企业和农村经济组织,向他们提供农业政策性贷款,增加我国大农业的信贷资本投入,从而促进农业增产、农民增收和农村发展。基于上述研究,本文的创新主要表现在以下三个方面:一是在理论上创新性地提出并界定了农业政策性贷款的规模边界。认为农业政策性贷款的规模要受到财政风险补贴基金、农业政策性银行盈利金额和风险损失率三个因素的限制。二是把层次分析法引入到对农业政策性银行的研究领域,分析我国农业政策性银行体制创新的主要制约因素。三是提出并论证我国农业政策性银行体制创新的目标模式:计划结合市场的农业政策性银行体制的必要性和可行性。

【Abstract】 Agricultural policy bank is the major policy-oriented financial institution that the world’s governments intervention the market failure in rural financial markets. Agricultural Development Bank of China, as China’s only agricultural policy bank, after several reforms in recent years, apart from the continuation of policy loans for food reserves and the protection of acquisition price, specifically to develop commercial loans but not policy-based lending business, can not play its agricultural policy bank should function.Domestic and abroad have many Study results, confirmed the importance of the agricultural policy banking system, noting some of the existence problems in it, But it is still a lack of systematic research on how to innovation in the banking system in China’s agricultural policy bank, so in theory, can not properly guide practice. It is precisely because of the lack of theoretical and practical study. The current financial restructuring of Agricultural Development Bank, is under the guidance of the comprehensive development of financial theory, ignoring the business development policy loans, policy banks deviated from the purpose for running the line, causing the larger academic controversy.The purpose of this research is to study how China’s agricultural policy bank function expansion and institutional innovation. How to better develop the agricultural policy credit services to help the Government, to better promote and achieve large agricultural development, Increase agricultural output and farmers income and rural development. And hope that through the agricultural policy banking system innovation research, give the Gcvernment and the leadership of the Agricultural Development Bank some advices of transformation of the Agricultural Development Bank, and provide reasonable policy recommendations. Based on the concept of financial function perspective, from the external environment for China’s rural financial markets, starting that the lack of rural financial markets is the most important agricultural policy of the Agricultural Development Bank Credit fulfilling its functions,.While the demand for this feature to be made to the Agricultural Development Bank of function expansion and institution innovative in order to compensate for the (?)nadequacies of rural financial markets.This study idea is from the concept of financial functions perspective, the use of mixed economy, division of labor, transaction costs and institutional innovation theory, through comparative and analysis domestic and international agricultural policy banking systems, and through statistical and survey analysis on the operations of China’s Agricultural Development Bank, put forward Combination of Market with Planned System innovation goal of Agricultural policy bank, and its theoretical argument, then use case study method to demonstrate the feasibility of Agricultural Development Bank to develop institutional innovations and functional expansion, and then using a questionnaire survey method to obtain expert advice, using analytic hierarchy process calculate the impacts of agricultural policy innovation in the banking system constraints and then propose measures and institutional innovation supporting measures. In accordance with this research ideas, draw these following conclusions:1. According to the mixed economy and the division of labor theory, rural financial markets should comprehensive plan and the market means to allocation of financial credit resources, and agricultural policy banks, commercial banks and rural credit cooperatives to make a rational division of labor between and co-operation will more efficient.2. China’s agricultural policy bank dysfunction and system defects. Statistical and survey research methods analysis showed that the Agricultural Development Bank of China initial part of the planned economic system, Offside the position of fiscal. After 2004, the Agricultural Development Bank belongs to laissez-faire market economy system, Main business bias of the commercial credit, stand on the wrong position of commercial banks, they all have flaws and can not compensate for lack of rural financial markets, they are inconsistent with the laws of the world and the conditions of nation. Market failure of the external environment and agricultural policy shortcomings of the banking system caused the need of institutional innovation.3. Put forward innovation goal of Agricultural Development Bank of China is Combination of Market with Planned Agricultural policy bank System. It is a multi-functional, Low Risk, mainly support Agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, sideline production, fishery, strong independent, with proper planning and market instruments, policies risk fund for protection, Combination of Market with Planned Agricultural policy bank System. Agricultural Development Bank of China should have functions and responsibilities of agricultural policy bank, carry out institutional innovation and the development of agricultural policy lending operations. Made the task of institutional innovation goal is to make up for the rural financial market failure to ensure that agricultural supply and ecological security, increase employment, maintaining social equity and stability and achieve maximum overall efficiency.4. Used the methods of questionnaires and expert interviews, calculated using AHP institutional innovation main constraints are six major factors:the Agricultural Development Bank operational policies and regulations, Agricultural Development Bank policy-oriented loans to small areas, preferential policy on agricultural credit, the Agricultural Development Bank agency network and the small number of personnel. Whether fiscal policy to subsidize loss-making. Enterprises and the farmer’s credit awareness are not strong.5. Proposed implement in the path design of agricultural policy bank institutional innovation goals are:to ensure that national "food security", the main agricultural supply and the "ecological security" business strategy of innovation. Redefine agricultural policy bank theory border, size of the border and business border innovation. Think that the scale of agricultural policy loans is limited by venture capital, profitability and risk of loss; Agricultural development banks should support the policy, adverse selection, induction, support and service functions; the Agricultural Development Bank have a clear internal division of labor should be divided into two departments to operating policies and commercial credit, Responsibility, power, interests and the credit approval are decentralization; should adhere to the agricultural policy banking system, improve internal evaluation and reward system, and strengthen the legal system; improve credit risk prevention system, the collateral system innovation, improve the forest right mortgage loan system, proposed non-auction-style system of agricultural land rent mortgage innovative design solutions, complete credit system. 6. Proposed implement in the support measures of agricultural policy bank institutional innovation goals are strengthening coordinate between the agricultural policy and agricultural policy bank system. Establish of rural credit guarantee system, improve the rural credit environment, improving the agricultural policy-based lending risk fund as a compensation mechanism and rationalize the agricultural policy bank’s external relations.In short, agricultural policy bank is the world’s rural financial system and an integral part of. Functional perspective from the financial perspective, the phenomenon of China’s rural financial market failure raised serious external environment improving the agricultural policy bank functional requirements, and the function is performed by the Agricultural Development Bank to undertake efficient and a better effect, the Agricultural Development Bank should be more than features, so Agricultural Development Bank should carry on multi-functional and Combination of Market with Planned Agricultural Policy Bank System innovation.This paper argues that the Agricultural Development Bank of the goal should be positioned to ensure national food security, the main agricultural supply and ecological security, make up for lack of rural financial markets. Through the relaxation of credit conditions, receive special collateral ways, set up a risk reserve fund and other measures to try to help those who are difficult to obtain commercial loans of qualified agricultural enterprises and the rural economic organizations, to provide them with agricultural policy loans, increase in credit capital investment in agriculture, so as to promote agricultural production, incomes to farmers and rural development.Based on the above studies, paper innovations are mainly manifested in the following three areas:1. In theory, put forward innovative defines the scale of agricultural policy loans boundary. Think that the scale of agricultural policy loans are limited by the following three factors, financial risk allowance funds, the amount of agricultural policy bank profitability and risk of loss rate.2. Introduction AHP into the research areas in agricultural policy bank, analysis of the main constraints in the institutional innovation of China’s agricultural policy bank.3. Proposed and demonstrated the necessity and feasibility of the China’s Agricultural Policy Bank system innovation goals is Combination of Market with Planned Agricultural Policy Bank System.
