

The Research on the Academic History of the Qing Dynasty in the First Half the Twentieth

【作者】 刘海静

【导师】 陈勇;

【作者基本信息】 上海大学 , 中国近现代史, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 20世纪以来清代学术一直是学术界关注的热点,当时学术界的一流学者,如章太炎、刘师培、梁启超、柳诒徵、胡适、钱穆、侯外庐、张舜徽等人都对它做过梳理和总结。清代学术之所以如此吸引众人,是因为处于转型期的中国学术在20世纪上半期空前繁荣;五四以来对科学精神的追求以及新汉学运动高涨,都使得学者们十分关注注重实证、讲求征信的清代汉学;学者们生于斯、长于斯,在新时代下对哺育过自己的清代学术进行总结,是一种普遍的心理诉求。在众多学者中,章太炎、刘师培、梁启超、钱穆是20世纪前半期清学史研究的杰出代表,开启了研究和总结清学史的一代新风。作为20世纪以来用新思想、新方法研究清学史的第一人,章太炎在《訄书·清儒》篇中对有清一代学术做了系统的梳理与总结。他以乾嘉汉学为清代学术的主流,最早提出了吴、皖分帜之说,对近代学者的清学史研究产生了重要影响。刘师培的清学史研究稍后于章太炎,对章氏的研究既有继承,又有超越。他对清学来源的探讨,对乾嘉汉学的界定、对清儒治学特点的总结、对清代学术分期的解说,填补了章太炎研究的不足,也引发了后学对清学史研究的进一步思考。基于排满革命的需要,两人在论述清代学术时都带有浓厚的民族主义色彩,同时两人皆为清末古文经学大师,拘守古文家法,对晚清今文经学持强烈的批评态度。他们的清学史研究虽然没有留下什么鸿篇巨制,但开创之功不可磨灭,都是近代清学史研究初创阶段的大家重镇。继章太炎、刘师培之后对清学史研究最有成就的学者是梁启超。1904年,梁启超发表《近世之学术》一文,这是他治清代学术史的发轫。20世纪20年代,他先后撰写了《清代学术概论》、《中国近三百年学术史》两部著作,以“复古解放”为主线完成了对清代学术思想的全面考察与总结,进一步扩大了清学史研究的领域。他对清学成因问题的探讨,在章、刘分析的基础上续有展拓,提出了“理学反动说”,还指出了以“复古”为职志,以“解放”为手段的“学术反动”的发展方向,拓展了清学史研究的思路。梁启超不仅继承了章、刘的吴皖分派的观点,更是详细的论述的吴、皖两派的不同,并且有明显的抑吴扬皖的倾向。他对清代汉学做了全面的梳理和总结,既阐述了乾嘉学者在考据学上的杰出成就,又对其治学方法进行归纳总结,同时也分析了清代汉学的弊端。其对晚清学术的分析较之于章、刘更为客观,较之于钱穆更为符合当时的实际。梁启超清学史研究可商榷之处亦不少,如隔断清学与宋明理学的联系、将清学比作文艺复兴是否确切、论述清代学术时表现出来的学术与思想上的矛盾等,这些都是我们在研究中需要加以注意的。在20世纪前半期的清学史研究中,钱穆的研究后来居上,将清学史研究推向深入。钱穆的清学史研究成就集中体现在《中国近三百年学术史》一书中。该书虽与梁启超的著作同名,但在写作主旨、研究内容和方法等方面却与梁著大异其趣。他不同意梁的“理学反动说”而提出“每转益进说”,深化了对清学成因的分析;论清初学术时,对梁以顾炎武为清代汉学开山提出质疑,从而表彰和凸显黄宗羲的贡献;他不赞同梁启超的抑吴扬皖论,把考察的重心放在吴学对戴学的影响上;对晚清今文经学也多有批评;对清代理学,尤其是对乾嘉理学的深入发掘和阐发,在学术界产生了重大影响。钱穆对章学诚的评价,既不同于章氏批评章学诚的正统史观,也不同于梁启超对章学诚史学成绩的赞扬,而是从尊崇宋学的角度对章学诚的学术思想和贡献进行了系统论述,较之章、梁的研究更进一步。当然,钱穆的清学史研究也有不少可商榷之处,诸如钱穆仅从学术求真的方面来评价晚清今文经学,论清代学术时绝少谈到西学,对乾嘉汉学的批评以及对戴震的评价均有片面之处。总之,近人研究清代学术,由章太炎开其端,刘师培继其后。继章、刘之后卓有成就者,当推梁启超、钱穆二人,尤其是钱穆后来居上,将研究引向深入。本文以20世纪前半期为研究时段,主要选取这一时期对清学史研究贡献尤大的章太炎、刘师培、梁启超、钱穆为研究对象,力图揭示出这一时期清学史研究的特点及其影响,希望能对近代学术史的研究起一些推动作用。

【Abstract】 Since the 20th century, the academic history of the Qing Dynasty has been the focus of attention. As the first group of scholars of 20th century: Zhang Taiyan, Liu Shipei, Liang Qichao, Liu Yizhi,Qian Mu, Hu Shi, Hou Wailu, Zhang Shunhui and so on, they not only received Chinese traditional education, but also actively adopt new knowledge. Compared with the traditional scholars, they collated and summarized the academic history of the Qing Dynasty those based on their growth environment, the impact of different academic thought and different social purposes. Why do so many scholars study the academic history of the Qing Dynasty? Because the academic was prosperity at the time of academic transformation in the first half of the twentieth century, The spread of scientific concepts around May Fourth Movement and the rising of the new Sinology caused the scholars to concern the academic History of the Qing Dynasty, there was a universal psychological demands when they went back to summary the the Academic History of the Qing Dynasty. Among the many schliars, Zhang Taiyan, Liu Shipei, Liang Qichao and Qian Mu were distinguished representative becacse they opended a new trend of the research on the academic History of the Qing Dynasty.Zhang Taiyan was the first person who with new ideas, new methods to study the academic history of the Qing Dynasty in the 20th century. He summaryed the academic of the Qing Dynasty in Qingru and he published some articles about Qingxue. Liu Shipei also engaged in study on the academic History of the Qing Dynasty in the early 20th Century. As a fellow of Zhang Taiyan, there are both inheritance and beyond of the research of History of Qing Dynasty by Zhang Taiyan, corresponding supplement is also for the research of history of Qing Dynasty by Zhang taiyan. On issues such as the positioning of the Qing beginner Scholar Gu Yanwu, the distribution of the Qian-Jia school, the cause of the academic of Qing Dynasty, Zhang Taiyan discourse had an important impact on later scholars. The discussion on the source of the Qing Dynasty by Liu Shipei complemented the lack of Zhang Taiyan, defined on the Sinology, summary of the confucianism in Qing studies characteristics, staging of the Qing Dynasty, these all fill the gaps of the research of Zhang Taiyan. Because they based on the needs of the revolution of Qing Dynasty, their nationatism principle was very obvious when they dischssed the academic history of Qing Dynasty. Based on their own academic origin and discontented of Reformists, they Preference confucian classics scholars to contemporary classics scholars. Overall, although there is no masterwork about the research of History of Qing Dynasty of them, but as the openers of the research of History of Qing Dynasty in the early 20th century, they have the power to create indelible.Jinshizhixueshu is a maiden work to Liang Qichao research the learning of Qing Dynasty in 1904, the work was obviously affected by Zhang Taiyan’s. Qingdaixueshugailun and Academic History of China of the Past 300 Years were published in 1920s. He made important contributions to the Academic History of the Qing Dynasty and these books broaden our horizon about the amademic of Qing Dynasty. He studied in detail several aspects: he proposed a new theory“Cheng-Zhu Confucianism Counteraction”about cause of the academic of Qing Dynasity, he Consolidated the Master position of Sinology in Qing of Gu Yanwu, he commended Qian-Jia school, he evaluated the lateQing scholarship that was objective compared with Zhang Taiyan and was consistent with the reality of history compared with Qian Mu. Although he achieved results, but there were insufficient, such as he cuted off contact between the Academic History of the Qing Dynasty and Confucian Philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties,he put the the Academic History of the Qing Dynasty compared to Renaissance that was incorrect, he showed the contradiction between the academic and though and so on. These faults must be concerned when we researched the works of Qing dynasty’s academic of Liang Qichao.The research of history of Qing Dynasty by Qian Mu focus on the discovery of Qing Dynasty’s Confucian Philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties, bring the history of the Qing Dynasty in the 20th century into the depth of research. Because he dissatisfied the style around the 1930s, Stimulation of national crisis and launched an attack on the History of the Qing Dynasty of Liang writings, So he decided to open the academic history of China of the Past 300 Years courses in the Peking University, Thus also achieved a masterpiece of the research of Academic History of China of the Past 300 Years. There were many views unlike with Liang in this book, Such as: the cause of the academic of Qing Dynasty, Qian Mu proposed the“Advancement after each transformation”; he affirmed Gu Yanwu status, but he also pointed out that Gu Yanwu was not the originator of the Sinology in Qing, and detailed analysised of this issue; Relative to the beam on the Qian-Jia school, he pointed out that the Textual research was not enough to actually learning the whole; He also criticized the New Texts School of the late Qing. At the same time he discovered the Qing Dynasty’s Confucian Philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties. In the Preface and Contents of Academic Biographies of the Qing Confucian Scholars, the Confucian Philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties was the main line, and phased the Academic History of the Qing Dynasty. The evaluation of Zhang was different from the Orthodox Conception of History of the criticism of Zhang Taiyan for Zhang Xuecheng, also different from the tribute to the historical results of Liang for Zhang Xuecheng, but from the perspective of the avocation of the Confucian Philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties, expounded on Zhang Xuecheng, positive attitude on the criticism of Zhang Xuecheng for Dai Zhen. Of course, the research of History of Qing Dynasty by Qian Mu could be opened to question more, Such as Qian Mu Only from the aspect of Academic truth to evaluate the New Texts School of the late Qing, he rarely talked about Western on the Academic of Qing Dynasty, On a one-sided at the criticism of the Qian-Jia Sinology and the evaluation of the Dai Zhen.All in all, from the beginning research by Zhang Taiyan, Subsequently, by Lin Shipei on studying the Academic of Qing Dynasty among modern scholars. Overachievers after Zhang and Liu, Liang Qichao and Qian Mu should be elected; Especially Qian caught up and studied in depth. In this paper, the first half of the 20th century for the study period, Selected as the main object of study for contribution to the larger on the research of Academic History of Qing Dynasty by Zhang Taiyan, Liu Shipei, Liang Qichao, Qian Mu. I am tried to reveal the history of this period of the Qing Dynasty in the characteristics and effects. I hope that this paper can play a catalytic role for the research of Modern academic history.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 上海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 10期