

A Research of Influence and Communication of citizen Video News

【作者】 王建磊

【导师】 吴信训;

【作者基本信息】 上海大学 , 传播学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 公民视频新闻是公民新闻中一个重要的组成部分和表现形态,其本质是通过发动广大公众的个体力量,对社会机构进行监督和对弱势群体权益实施有效保障的一种民间形式,在当前的社会公共生活中,扮演着越来越积极的角色。无论是视频拍摄者,还是视频观看者,他们所达成的对社会事务的认知框架(尤其是人文关怀精神和对社会不公的不满)的一致,事实上形成了权威的转移和对社会正义的推动。然而对这个问题,当前学界还未对其做出深度层面的学理溯源和意义探讨。本文从公民视频新闻的特殊表现形态入手,以采自搜狐、新浪、优酷和酷6网上2009.5—2010.4期间的380条公民视频新闻为基础,展开定量描述、定性分析和理论探讨。研究的主要内容包括:第一章分别从网络视频和公民新闻两条线索追溯了公民视频新闻的发展轨迹,介绍了公民视频新闻的发展脉络和与之前各类形态公民新闻之间的承接关系,最后界定出本文所研究的公民视频新闻的范囿:由普通公众拍摄、制作,发布在互联网平台上,运用画面与声音符号体系对新近或正在发生的事实进行反映、报道、记录、调查的视频短片;第二章着重分析了公民视频新闻“开放式”的文本结构,总结出其内文本和外文本的构成符号并探讨了其互动关系,研究发现:尽管其形态与专业的电视新闻大相径庭,但公民视频新闻拥有自己的语法规则,也出现了连续报道、系列报道、调查报道等多种类型。总体而言,它们是变形的新闻;第三章通过统计公民视频新闻的内容类型、聚焦的议题和价值倾向,发现:公民视频新闻中以突发事件和公共监督类视频居多,而公共监督视频中又以负面报道居多。本章以“批判的表达”来概括公民视频新闻的集体立场,对普通公众所持的批判态度和监督自觉予以了充分肯定,并指出社会转型期的背景是报道者框架选取的深层诱因;第四章通过考察公民视频新闻的传播流程,总结了其生产的三个要素,分析了其背后的筛选机制——潜在的把关,最后揭示了公民视频新闻的传播范式,总结了其核心传播的要素,探讨了常用的传播修辞策略,在一定程度上解释了为什么在把关得到削弱的情形下,公民视频的真实性问题并没有被过多的质疑;第五章对公民视频新闻的传播效果予以重点关注,通过测量内容类型、议题种类、内容倾向各个因素与点击率和留言量之间的因果关系,分析影响公民视频新闻传播的因素;随后通过对留言文本的技术分析明确受众的态度、观点,并从舆论学的角度分析了其舆论形成过程、表现方式和特征,揭示了其独特的舆论规律:形成过程的“折射现象”和传播效果上的“溢出效应”。第六章回归到公民视频新闻所具备的社会功能,并从人文关怀的视角对当前公民视频新闻所具备的文化、政治意义进行综述,认为尽管其具备的正义力量十分有限,但是他们为追求社会公正和民主进步所做出的努力值得赞许;第七章系统总结了公民视频新闻所带来的新的理论价值和社会价值,通过对其“边界”和“内核”的确认,对其未来发展趋势进行了分析与展望。可以说,本文在大量的文本定量分析的基础上,做出的关于公民视频新闻技术形态、内容倾向、传播范式和传播效果的探讨,为推动传统公民新闻理论创新做出有益尝试,同时也旨在为公众、学界和政府机构更好的使用、把握、引导公民视频新闻所带来的社会影响提供参照。

【Abstract】 Citizen video news is an important composition and manifestation of citizen journalism. The nature of it is non-government mobilizing individuals to monitor social organs and to provide an efficient measure of protecting the vulnerable groups. Citizen video news plays an increasing significant role in current public lives. Consensus between the video shooter and the viewer potentially promote the transferring power of the authorities that impact on social justice. However, as one of the most representative form of citizen journalism, citizen video news is not much studied, which provide a possibility for further exploration theoretically and practically.Starting with the special manifestation of citizen video news, based on the collection of 380 pieces of citizen video news in Sohu, Sina, Youku and Ku6 from 1 May 2009 to 30 April 2010, the dissertation probes the public opinion formation, communication effectiveness and social impact of citizen video news by strictly coded, measured and tested, combined with content analysis and Theoretical Investigation.The First Chapter traces the development of citizen video news from the network video and citizen journalism respectively, analyzes the relationship between citizen video news and previous forms of citizen journalism, which connotation is defined as short videos investigating, recording and reporting issues that is happening or just happened by ordinary individuals, who shoot, edit and publish those videos online;The Second Chapter analyzes the "open" text structure of the citizen video news, indicates the statistics of technical feature of the samples and concludes that: despite its shape is very different from professional TV news, citizens video news uses their stylish grammar to do consecutive reports, series reports and investigative reports. But all in all, they are transformed news; Chapter Three shows the statistics relative to the types of video news content, hot issues and attitude tendency, and finds that citizen video news is dominated by the emergencies and supervisory video, while the supervisory video is dominated by negative reporting. Base on the findings, the dissertation extracts the wording "critical expression" to summarize the collective position and attitude of citizen video news. In this chapter the critical attitude and public consciousness of individuals is fully confirmed, meanwhile the social transformation is attributed as the inner incentives that decide the reporting framework;Chapter Four examines the communication process of citizen video news, sums up three elements influencing the content production and analyzes the potential gate-keeping mechanism. Based on analysis above, core elements and commonly used rhetorical strategies are concluded to explain the reason for that the citizen video’s authenticity has not been much doubted even thought its“gate-keeping”function is weakened;Chapter Five focuses on the communication effects of the citizen video news. Firstly measures the correlation between various factors and click rate, number of comments, followed demonstrates audience attitudes by technical analysis message text, then describes the formation, expression and characteristics of public opinion, last but not least reveals its unique law: "refraction" happened in the formation and "Spillover effect "happened on the dissemination of results;Chapter Six discusses social effects of citizen video news, and reviews the cultural and political significance from the perspective of humanistic care. As it concluded that the citizen video news’pursuit of social fair ness and democratic progress is valuable despite of the very limited force;Chapter Seven summarizes the innovative theoretical value and social value brought by the citizen video news. By re-confirming its "boundary" and "kernel " , this dissertation anticipates some possible trends and prospects.Based on the abundant concrete researches of content analysis, this dissertation proposes an exploration on the related technology, content tendency, communication format and effect, hereby to make a try in news revolutionary in the comparison with the traditional news, then to provide a reference for the public, the academics and government to adapt to the times of citizen journalism.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 上海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 10期