

【作者】 魏霞

【导师】 徐平;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 民族社会学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 本文是一项以北京胡同为田野研究地点的社会人类学研究。文章以胡同功能的变化和居住人口成份变化为主线,描述经济变迁背景下胡同的社会文化变迁。胡同作为传统居住格局正在城市日新月异的建设中从人们的视野中消退,现存的胡同许多被开发为旅游景点,胡同四合院生活的居民亦在导游们对历史的讲述和对现状的评述中成为游客们的参观对象。作者调查的胡同社区位于皇城以里,因居住环境的特殊,那里的居民的命运在历史沿革中更紧密地被各种变迁所牵制。现在生活在胡同的大多数家庭居住空间狭小,生活贫困,单身人口多,比起不断进入胡同的外国人和外地人,他们并没有显著的地域优势。然而,特殊的居住环境和福利保障滋养了他们特殊的优越感。胡同居民仍然生活在皇城根儿的幻觉中,对自己作为北京人的身份,拥有的房产以及房产可能带来的经济效益充满幻觉,但那种幻觉在残酷的现实面前往往会化为泡沫。胡同居民越来越改变不了他们所赖以生活的物质文化,他们被强大的变革所拨弄,如任凭狂风摆布的芦苇。在对物质文化无能为力的时候,人们的精神文化也日益分崩离析。这种状态下,社区已非原来的社区,它只是原有居民在固有的物质空间下青苔附石般的残存,剧烈的城市化的力量己将它彻底吞噬。文章在写作上将详今略古。在旧城改造的过程中,北京市以保护文化遗产的名义保留下一些老城区。在保护上,注重胡同的文化意义而忽视了胡同的生活意义。目前,胡同的建筑文化吸引了外国人的入住,低廉的租金又吸引了外地人的进入,市场经济催生了一些胡同贵族。但是,与外国人、外地人的进入和改革开放后胡同贵族兴起相对应的是老胡同居民的衰退,而在更大意义上也说明北京从封建消费城市,变更为国际化大都市,胡同的变迁是中国城市化图景的一个侧面,从单线进化的视角来看社区,它将不可避免地走向衰退。目前,一些社会学、人类学的研究者对城市化进程中城乡结合部的“城中村”进行了深入地研究,但是,对这种成片地保留下来的老城区的社区关注还比较少见。本文将从分以下几个章节研究胡同社区:第一章导论。指出社区的基本状况,研究背景,研究方法,从北京史、北京人的生活和城市化以及社会分层等几个方面展开研究综述。第二章胡同里北京居民的生活。房子对胡同居民的意义,以及对家庭关系的影响。房子对老人,是养老的资本之一;对年轻人,是婚姻的资本;因为房子,胡同里家庭关系破裂,单身人数膨胀,家庭继替停滞。此外,胡同居民受年龄,教育等因素的制约,存在大量失业问题。或者他们在从事低收入,高劳动量的职业。但是,居民依然对自己的身份和房产寄予希望,他们的北京居民身份能给他们带来一定的福利保障,同时,他们将房子,无论大小,视为改变命运和生活状态的资本。许多人在等待拆迁和他们理想中的拆迁补偿。第三章胡同维持的机制。国家权力是对社区秩序的保证,比如皇城文化的保护,福利政策的保障等都是胡同得以维持的政治保障。另外,愿意为北京居民提供廉价服务的,低报酬的外地人的进入,是胡同维持的另一保障。第四章被围攻的胡同居民。胡同因地理位置的特殊性,安排了部分领导人的住宅。入住胡同的领导干部成了特殊的胡同居民,但他们和普通的胡同居民并不发生互动。另外,胡同房价的上扬使一些早期投资胡同房产的人成为胡同新贵,他们与胡同居民形成一定的对比。此外,胡同作为皇城文化保护的一部分,在外国人眼里是老北京的标志物之一。因此,不断有外国游客参观胡同,并有外国人入住胡同,体验胡同文化。这些特殊居民,胡同新贵和外国人占有胡同的大部分资源,胡同居民处于被围困的状态。第五章社区死亡学与社区再生学。胡同作为传统社区,正在经历着衰落和死亡之痛。社区的死亡大致有几种,如空间的消失,老居民的衰退和移民的替代,这些现象正在胡同发生。而社区的重建或再生是扼制社区死亡的重要途径。菊儿胡同的改造就是早期社区再生的重要实验。

【Abstract】 This thesis is a study of Social Anthropology based on the field research of Beijing hutong community. The function and resident composition changes, which lead to the social and cultural changes, will be detailed in the article. Hutong is now disappearing during the urban construction process, and the current preserved hutong are developed as sightseeing, so as the hutong residents. The hutong community studied in the article is inner the imperial city, because of the unique location, the fate of the residents there is closely related to the social changes. Now people there are living in small rooms with low income, and the number of single people is rising up, while the unique location and welfare security somehow raise the special superiority of the local residents. They still live in the hallucination that they are residents of imperial city and different from others. They care about their Beijing residential identity and believe their house can bring about fortune and change their fate, although sometimes tragedy makes them lose confidence in their fortune. They, like the reed going with wind, have no power to change or even hold their community.This thesis will detail the changes in the last 30 years. During the process of the reconstruction, Beijing preserves some old communities under the name of cultural relic protection. On preservation, the government pay more attention to the culture significance while neglect its living significance. At present, the architecture attracts foreigners living in the hutong, and the low rent attracts the migrant worker, also the market economy make some people in the hutong rich, especially those who have more houses. Along with the coming of foreigners, migrant workers and the appearance of rich people, the old hutong residents are declining. In a large sense, it means Beijing becoming a modern and international city instead of a feudal consumption city. The changes happening in the hutong is the reflection of the China urbanization and the old hutong will inevitably fade in the modern society.Now the studies of sociology and anthropology care more about the communities located in the junction of the city and suburb, that is, "villages within the cities", while less about the preserved city area. In the thesis, the author will write about the preserved city area in following parts.The first part is the Introduction of the thesis, indicating the basic status of the hutong, research background, methodology and review of the related research.The second part describes the life of the Beijing locals. Houses are very important to them and the family relationship is affected by their houses, which are security to old raise and young marriage. Now Single people are growing in the hutong because they lack rooms to get married, which will affect the regeneration of the family. As to the occupation of the local people, they also engage in some low paid jobs and many of them have no jobs. They have welfare security because of the Beijing residential identity and they believe houses can change their fate. Some of them are waiting for moving out of the hutong by reconstruction and asking for a good compensation.The third part is the mechanism of hutong maintenance. First of all, the government power provides the political security for the hutong maintenance. For example, the architecture preservation and social security policy are both important condition of the hutong maintenance. Besides, the migrant workers in the hutong are willing to engage in the low paid jobs and provide service for the local people, that’s in fact another important condition of the hutong maintenance.The fourth part is about the besieged local people. Some senior leaders’residences are set up in the hutong because of the special location, so now the leaders become special residents in the hutong. They almost have no interaction with the locals but occupy the resource. Besides, the real estate market makes people who have house investment in the hutong rich and a few people control most of the space in the hutong. Moreover, the foreigner and the stranger’s tour in the hutong or some of them even live in the hutong also changes the structure and culture of the old hutong.The fifth part is about the study of community death and regeneration. As a traditional community, hutong is experiencing comedown and death. For the death of a community, there are some styles, such as the disappearance of original architecture, the fading of the local people or being replaced by migrants. Now all the phenomena are happening in the hutong, so only by regeneration can stop the death of the hutong. A good example for hutong regeneration is the reconstruction of Juer Hutong.

  • 【分类号】C912.8
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