

【作者】 包永全

【导师】 贺金瑞;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 民族政治学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 党中央1941年在延安成立了第一所民族学院以来,民族院校经历了三个重要的阶段,经过长期实践,积累了大量的宝贵经验,形成系统化、合理化、制度化的思想政治教育模式,为培养少数民族优秀人才、发展民族地区经济做出重要贡献。目前我国共13所民族高等院校,在校学生十余万人,累计输送了50多万名高素质人才,在维护民族团结和国家稳定方面的作用愈来愈明显和突出。少数民族大学生综合素质,尤其是政治素质、思想道德素质、民族心理素质对于促进民族地区经济发展和社会进步、完善民族区域自治和保障社会秩序的稳定,起着至关重要的推进作用。近年来,西方敌对势力利用少数民族大学生纯朴善良的爱国心,利用所谓的民族、宗教问题实施“西化、分化”。切实加强民族院校少数民族大学生正确的政治观、国家观和民族观教育、防范和抵御分裂势力的反动图谋、构筑爱国主义、民族团结、祖国统一牢固思想防线势在必行。当前,民族高等教育体制尚不能很好地适应新形势的要求。同时,民族院校大学生族群多样、文化多元、民族心理各异,受民族、家庭和宗教习俗影响,普遍存在民族情感浓厚、思维相对单纯和民族心理封闭等特点。所以,民族院校要以“三育人”为中心,高度重视少数民族大学生的思想政治教育,针对其特殊性和复杂性,突出针对性和实效性,力求思想政治教育取得新进展和新突破。本文共分为导论和七章,主要通过政治认同、国家认同和民族认同内涵和外延的比较及延伸,把握少数民族大学生思想政治规律与特点,分析成因,并就发展态势作一理论思考。笔者认为,民族院校少数民族大学生思想政治要以“三重认同”教育为核心,以人生观、价值观和世界观教育为切入点,以民主观、人权观、政党观、宗教观为思想政治教育的延长点,针对当前社会形势和民族大学生的特点,切实加强“十观”教育,打造有实效、起作用、富实际的思想政治教育模式,以更好地指导少数民族大学生思想政治教育工作。本文首先对“三重认同”,即“政治认同、国家认同和民族认同”内涵通过近似概念比较与分析予以界定。同时民族院校少数民族大学生思想政治教育是一个系统的“基础工程”,是集哲学、政治学、社会学等于一体的综合体系,遵循普通高等教育的一般规律,同时也遵循民族高等教育的特殊规律。笔者以中央民族大学作为调查研究的主要对象,借鉴相关民族院校的数据,对当前民族院校少数民族大学生思想状况进行了调查和研究。总体来看,少数民族大学生政治认同度高、价值取向积极,政治参与增强,民族心理健康发展。但由于生长环境、家庭因素、民族文化和风俗习惯等影响,其“三重认同”意识具有一定的特殊性,呈多元、片面、现实和善变的特点。政治认同意识形态中政党认同与价值认同基本相符并互为借鉴,人权认同与民主认同意识中主体参与性增强,其程度受政治参与的被动性因素影响较大。他们对国家的概念有较客观的认识,祖国情感、国家尊严、民族自强思想依然浓厚,但对世界公民身份尚存好奇和怀疑。在广泛认同中华民族“多元一体”格局的前提下,民族认同意识仍然强烈,影响着对他民族或他文化的心理接受程度。宗教认同亦有被动性、非自觉性和传承性的特点,宗教民族性和民族宗教性因素相互交织,影响着对宗教知识和政策的理解深度。所以,民族院校要正视受教育群体的特殊性,切实开展科学的、富有成效的思想政治教育,通过理论指导、课堂教学、社会实践、队伍培训、校园文化、民族政策、心理咨询等形式,实现少数民族大学生政治、国家和民族的高度认同。正是在“三重认同”教育过程中,其政治素质、思想素质、民族心理素质和文化素质也在潜移默化中得以提升。故“三重认同”是民族院校少数民族大学生思想政治教育的中心主线,贯穿于民族高等教育始终,并指导和引领着少数民族大学生思想政治教育的方向与目标。加强“三重认同”教育,对发挥民族院校在保持社会稳定、实现社会和谐、维护祖国统一、反对民族分裂等领域的基础保障作用奠定坚实基础,对少数民族大学生提高政治素养、增强政治自信、扩大政治参与、树立民族自尊等发挥着重要的引导功能,同时对宣传我国民族宗教政策、加强国际交流和培养世界公民意识都具有重要意义。富有创新精神的民族高等院校必将发展壮大,更富创新性的少数民族优秀人才、更富发展前景的建设者将从这里产生,我们有信心,世界亦有信心等待。

【Abstract】 With the establishment of the CPC Central Committee’s first Minzu College in Yan’an in 1941, our country’s political education for minority is formally onto the political stage. During different historical periods, the Minzu Universities have created and accumulated a lot of valuable experience and excellent tradition, and gradually formed a systematic, traditional, institutional and theoretical education mode of the political education, which have trained lots of minority talents and made great contribution to the economic construction. Its development has mainly experienced three important periods:that is the three decades after the founding of our country; the period of reform and opening up; and the period of today’s harmonious development. Nowadays we have 13 Minzu Universities which have more than 10 million students and have cultivated 50 million high-quality talents. In the modern era, the political education of the Minzu University plays an important role in maintaining national unity, promoting the unification of our motherland as well as in cultivating minority talents. Minority students’ integrated qualities, especially their political, moral and psychological qualities will make great contributions to the economic development and social progress as well as the system of regional autonomy and the stability of social order in national regions. Influenced by the civilization clash and fusion, cultural exchange and collision, minority students’ political ideas, value orientations, national consciousnesses and their faith have changed profoundly. Especially in recent years, the hostile foreign forces who want to re-create our minority college students by so-called national and religious issues are busy in seizing the students by their simple and pure love to the motherland. In this complicated situation, by improving the education for the minority students’correct political and national identity, we can effectively prevent and resist all sorts of separatist forces, furthermore construct the firm lines of patriotism and national unity.However, the current higher education system for minority can’t satisfy the demands of the new situation. Meanwhile, the minority students in Minzu Universities who are influenced by their families and religions are mainly with deep love for their own ethic, relatively simple thoughts as well as closed national psychology etc. That’s why the Minzu Universities must focus on the minority students’political education and make new progress under its special and complicated circumstances.This paper is divided into instruction and seven chapters, which mainly analyzes and forecasts the rule and its reason behind of the minority students’political thoughts by comparing the intension and extension between political and national identity. In my opinion, the political education for minority students in Minzu Universities should take the "triple identity" as the core, the outlooks and values on life as the breakthrough point, the democratic, human, political and religion view as the extention. In view of the current social situation and the characteristics of the minority students, we improve the "ten outlook" education and create an effective educational mode, in order to guide the political education for minority students.Firstly, this paper give a definition to "triple identity", that is "political, national and ethical identify". At the same time, in Minzu Universities, the educational system for Minzu students is a systematic "basic project" which includes philosophy, politics and sociology. The project follows the basic higher educational rules as well as the special minority higher educational rules. Based on the main research object in Minzu University of China as well as the survey data from other Minzu Universities, the author takes an analysis and research on the condition of political education for minority students in Minzu Universities at present. Overall, the minority students are with high political identities, positive value orientation, actuve political participation and healthy psychological development. However, due to their living circumstances, their families and their different cultural and customs, the "triple identity" has got its specialty, that is diversity, fragmentary, reality and captious. For the political identity, party identity is mainly consistent with the value recognition, and for the human right and democratic identity, there is more and more participation which is influenced by the degree of political participation. The minority students have an objective concept of "country", as well as the deep love for "motherland". But they have curiosity and skepticism for the world citizenship. In the religion investigation, we find that their religious identity has the characteristics of passivity, non self-consciousness and heredity. Their understandings of the religion knowledge and policy are influenced by the ethnic and religious factors. So in order to enhance the minority students’political, country and national identity, Minzu University should face up to the particularity of their students in school and give them the proper political education by political theory instruction, classroom teaching, social practice, team training, campus culture, national policy and campus counseling. The "triple identity" is the theme as well as the guideline of political education for minority students in Minzu University, because it can improve the students’ political, psychological and cultural qualities. With the "triple identity" education, Minzu Universities play an important role in maintaining social stability, realizing the social harmony, safeguarding the unity of the motherland and opposing national separation. With the "triple identity" education, we can properly guide the minority students, and improve their political qualities as well as their self-confidence.The Minzu Universities with innovation will no doubt be vigorous. Not only we, but also the world have the confidence that more and more minority talents with rich innovation will be cultivated in them.

  • 【分类号】G751
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】3708