

【作者】 程安霞

【导师】 邢莉;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 民俗学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 本文基于洪洞走亲习俗活动的田野调查,围绕着“走出来的亲戚”展开讨论。本文在对作为文化表演的走亲的描述基础上,揭示了仪式中的物品、行为等的象征意义和人神交流、人际交往的象征秩序;通过走亲仪式背后的国家与社会、群体的复杂互动及其潜藏的深刻的政治经济文化背景,探讨了民间文化如何顽强或策略性的表达自己。除绪论、结语外,论文主体部分由六章构成,其主要内容可以用“一个中心,六个论述层次”而概括。一个中心指的是以“走”为中心,以“亲”为题眼,围绕着“走亲”展开了六个章节分析:第一章:什么是走亲?——走亲的文化表演。本章从文化表演的视角出发,把走亲仪式置于民众生活世界的场域中,将其放大化、戏剧化。同时,笔者置身于表演的现场,参与其中,以一种“民俗内观”的眼界,力图呈现走亲仪式文化生态的视觉整体和文化意义。第二章:为何走?——走亲的合法性支撑。本章通过对流传于洪洞地区的娥皇、女英神话传说的口头文本的梳理,探讨了娥皇、女英传说如何使亲戚网络关系得以缔结,如何作为合法性支撑展开仪式行为的。并且,通过对比分析娥皇女、英在“大传统”中的主流形象和在“小传统”中的地方形象,考察了娥皇、女英传说的“本土特色”。第三章:在何时何地走?——走亲的时空场域。本章主要考察了“走亲圈/信仰圈”“庙/家”等仪式空间观念和仪式的“常与非常’的生活节律及仪式时间的“合法性”、“稳定性”,认为在仪式让民俗生活与多重交往互动关系汇集于同一场景中,形成了充满节奏感和地方感的仪式生活。第四章:何人走?怎样走?——走亲的角色和交往性行为。本章以“仪式馈赠”为切入点,通过对走亲仪式中的物化表述、仪式行动进行了文化意义上的解读,考察了人神交流、人际交往的象征秩序民俗物是“多重象征的凝聚体”,不仅具有言说表述功能,还具有实践的功能意义。仪式行为馈赠对村落生活中人神关系、社群网络关系的构建与凝结、对地方社会认同感的缔结等具有功能性特征。仪式中物的流动、行为的馈赠折射出了一种村落共同体之间结构化的交往模式和交换体系。第五章:何以坚持在走?——亲情的维系。亲属关系除了在仪式的时空秩序中集中展演之外,在日常生活中,这种亲情关系依然在实践着、维系着。本章将从社会心理、经济基础、组织基础和个人推动四个层面考察日常生活中的亲戚互动关系。第六章:为何走了又停,停了又走?——亲戚关系的调适和拓展。本章主要通过国家、社会、现代化的三重维度,考察了走亲仪式伴随国家政治沉浮的历史变迁过程,在此基础上力图揭示地方社会与国家政治之间的互动关系,并分析了走亲仪式的文化传承在现代化背景下呈现一种怎样的调适性特征。走亲仪式以象征的形式透视出村落生活的结构,凸显了人与人之间、人与神、村与村之间的互动方式,将生活的世界、想象的世界、社会的世界融合起来,反映了人们对生活世界的一种理解和阐释。

【Abstract】 The paper mainly discusses "the formation of relatives by Visiting" based on the field research in Hongtong, Shanxi province. The study describes the scene of the Visiting Relatives ceremony as cultural performances, revealing the symbolic meaning of the articles, action in the ceremony and the symbolic order of the communication between God and human, people and people. Moreover, the study explores that folk culture how to indomitably express in tactics, through the analysis of the complex interaction of the state, society and groups and the deep background of the political, economic and cultural behind the Visiting Relatives Ceremony.In addition to the introduction, conclusion, the main part constitutes six chapters. The main content has a central clue and six topic:ChapterⅠ:What is visiting relatives’ ceremony?——Visiting Relatives as cultural performances. The chapter takes place the ceremony in the life world as dramatic cultural performances. Meanwhile, the author place herself in the scene, in an "Inner Perspective", trying to wholly show the visual ecological culture and cultural significance.ChapterⅡ:Why to visit?——The legality of Visiting. This chapter sorts out the mythology of Ehuang and Nvying spreading in the area of Hongtong, discussing the relating between the ceremony and the formation of the network relations.Also, it analyses the different the image of Ehuang and Nvying in the "Great Tradition" and "Little Tradition"ChapterⅢ:When and where to go?——Time and space. This chapter examines space concept implying in the "visiting relative circle/ belief circle" "temple/house", the rhyme between ritual life and daily life, and the legitimacy and stability of the ceremony. The study illustrates that the folk life and multiple relations compiles in the same scene and shape the ritual life full of rhythm and sense of place Chapter IV:Who and how to visit?——The roles and interactional behavior. The chapter mainly discusses the "ritual present" explains he cultural significance of the physical representation, ritual action and exanimate the symbolic order of the communication between God and human, people and people. The folk articles are full of multiple symbolic meaning, having both narrative functions and practical functions. The ritual behavioural present refracts the structural communication model and communication system in rural the groups.ChapterⅤ:Why to insist on visiting?——Maintenance of the relationship. Besides the visiting relatives performing in the scene of the ceremony, in daily life, the kinship relation is still in practice. The chapter will explore the interactive relationship in four aspects:social psychology, economic and organizational basis and individual’s motive force.Chapter VI:Why go and stop alternately?——The related adjustment and development. This chapter mainly represents transition with the historical changes of the state, society and the modernization. On the basis of this description, it reveals the interactive relationship between the local community and the country, and analyses the adaptive characteristics in the in the cultural continuity.The Visiting Relatives ceremony demonstrates the village life structure in the way of symbolism the perspective of, displays the interactive pattern between the Gods and human, people and people, village and village.
