

【作者】 江南

【导师】 匡爱民;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 民族法学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 国家制定法的内容不管有多么严密,都不可能调整包罗万象的社会生活各个角落的关系,而由于制定法的滞后性和刚性特点,又使国家不得不花费高昂的成本来制定、实施法律,这其中就包括借鉴和移植先进国家的法律,以维持一个正常理性的社会秩序。但近年来,随着西方法律价值危机的加重、移植法律的水土不服、诉讼爆炸等问题的出现,作为调整社会关系准则的制定法,在纷繁复杂的社会生活面前,也显得无能为力,从而促使越来越多的学者加入了研究习惯法的行列,希望能从习惯法找到问题的解决之道。在民族习惯法研究成果中,一般都是对各少数民族的全盘习惯法进行考察和论述,鲜有专门就民族的婚姻家庭习惯法进行系统性的研究,对跨境民族婚姻家庭习惯法的研究和比较分析到目前似乎尚为一片空白。而婚姻作为一种特殊的社会关系,是人类二性结合后形成家庭关系的基础,因而调整婚姻家庭关系的规范从某种程度上可以说是调整个社会关系规范的基础。现代的婚姻法制,虽然日益完善健全,但婚姻家庭关系作为一种归属于人身性质的身份关系,更有其包含了人性之种种显性或隐性身理和心理特质的一面,而法律的刚性使该类关系的调控领域留下诸多空白,若仅将之寄希望于道德的调整或约束,则必然使这些空白处于“失范”状态。此时,习惯法的调整功能和价值便自然彰显出来,我们不得不回头审视各民族那些看似原始简陋甚至是落后却将将婚姻家庭关系调整得进然有序的习惯法,承认国家制定法的普遍有效性在当地反而弱于习惯法的现实。本文通过对几个主要中越跨境民族婚姻家庭习惯法的研究,对同源跨境民族的婚姻习惯法及其与国家制定法进行比较,回顾和分析国家对少数民族婚姻家庭习惯法的态度,指出以习惯法解决婚姻家族纠纷的一些问题及其所需要达成的条件,以期丰富并弘扬各民族文化,发挥习惯法的优势,使之更好地为制定法服务,借鉴相邻国家对各民族的法律态度,加强民族地区的法制建设和保障国家制定法最终能在少数民族地区全面贯彻实施、真正实现法的权威性和统一性。全文共分六个部分,简介如下:第一章绪论,共分四节。首先概述本题研究的目的和意义,研究动态和研究方法,提出问题及其解决的思路,分析当前习惯法的研究动态,指出本文的创新之处及其不足。然后介绍中越跨境民族的数量及其划分标准,各少数民族分布的特点及相关社会文化背景,对几个主要中越跨境同源民族进行了简介,最后是习惯法和中越跨境民族婚姻习惯法的概述,对习惯法的界定、溯源作了简要探讨,以作为理解习惯法和国家法互动关系的基础。第二章婚姻基本制度,共分四节。主要论述中国的壮、傣、瑶、苗族和越南对应的同源民族岱、泰、瑶、赫蒙等中越跨境民族的恋爱习俗和观念、婚姻基本制度、通婚范围、入赘婚及因此产生的相应权利义务关系以及相关一些少数民族特殊婚俗。第三章婚姻的缔结程序和终止,共分四节。在第一章的基础上,主要论述上述几个民族的婚姻关系的缔结程序,离婚的观念、原因、形式及其所产生的法律后果。第四章家庭关系和继承制度,共分四节。主要剖析前述几个跨境民族的家庭结构、生育习惯法以及夫妻关系和父母子女关系,并就这些中越跨境民族在子女成年后的分家析产制度、各民族继承习惯的特点以及就继承人的范围、继承的原则等习惯法的内容及继承习惯法的特点等进行分析研究。第五章中越跨境民族婚姻家庭习惯法与国家制定法的比较及其应用,共分六节。首先追述了中越两国婚姻家庭法的立法沿革,对中越两国婚姻家庭制定法之间及其与跨境民族婚姻家庭习惯法之间的基本制度进行比较分析,在总结跨境民族婚姻家庭习惯法基础上进行内在合理性及功能性分析,探讨跨境民族运用婚姻家庭习惯法解决纠纷的意义、原则和条件。结语在民族法制的建构过程中,跨境民族习惯法应该扮演积极的本土法治资源角色,并与包括民族法制在内的国家制定法形成良性的互动。

【Abstract】 No matter how tight countries develop the content of the law, they can not touch on every corner of the social life, and since the statute has the characteristics of lagness and stiffness, so,those countries had to spend high cost to develop and implement laws, of which transplantation from advanced countries is included, with the purpose of maintaining a normal and rational social order. But in recent years, with the aggravation of the crisis of Western legal values, the acclimatization of legal transplants and litigation explosion and other problems.In the face of complicated social life, the statute,as the guidelines for regulating social relations, also looks powerfulless. Because of the crisis of statute,there are a growing number of scholars join the ranks of customary law study,with the hope of finding another way of solution. The research of customary law was in general the observation and discussion of customary law on all ethnic minorities, there are few specific researches on the ethnic marriage and family customary law,not to say the systematic research on cross-border ethnic customary law of marriage and family. And marriage as a special social relationship between two human beings forms the foundation of a family relationship,and thus the norms for regulating marriage and family relations can be said to some extent the normative basis of social relations. Modern marriage legal system, while increasingly being developed and perfected, but as a marriage and family relations as a sort of status attributed to the personal nature,and more than which contains all the dominant or recessive physical and psychological characteristics of human beings. The rigidity of the law leaves many areas for the regulation of such relationship.If this task were put on moral constraint, then this relationship would be in the "anomie" state. At this moment, the function of customary law and values will naturally be manifested.We have to look back to the original primitive customary law of all ethnic groups and even those who appear to be old and useless,they made the relationship of family and marriage into the natural and orderly state. The recognition of universal validity of national law was weaker than the local value of customary law.Based on the study of several major China-Vietnam cross-border national customary law of marriage and family,which compare with the state law, review and analyze the country’s attitude toward the national minorities marriage and family customary law. There are the need for some conditions to resolve family disputes and marital problems in order to enrich and promote the national culture, and to play the advantages of customary law, to better serve for the development of state law, learning the legal manner from the various ethnic groups in neighbor countries to strengthen national legal system and safeguard the region and constitutional Law in the minority areas can eventually fully implement the real authority and unity of the law.This dissertation is divided into six parts:The first chapter is divided into four sections. First, the study outlines the purpose and significance of the issue, research trends and research methods, problems and solutions,points out current research trends and the innovation and its limits. Then introduces the the number of the cross-border ethnic groups and the criteria for the classification, the distribution characteristics of each ethnic groups and related social and cultural background. Then introduce the customary law and customary marriage in China-Vietnam cross-border ethnic groups. Overview the definition and origin of customary law, all of these can be the basis for understanding the interactive relations of customary law and national law.ChapterⅡThe basic system of marriage,which is divided into four sections. Mainly discusses China’s Zhuang, Dai, Yao, Miao and Dai ethnic minorities correspond to homologous Vietnamese:Thai, Yao, Hmong and other cross-border ethnic groups whose customs and love concept, basic system of marriage, the range of inter-marriage,and the corresponding number of rights and obligations and the related special wedding customs. ChapterⅢMarriage procedures and termination, consist of four sections. Mainly about the procedures of discussed ethnic minorities in the first chapter and the concept of divorce, causes, forms and the legal consequences.ChapterⅣFamily relations and inheritance system.Analyse the family structure, fertility and the marital relationship and the relationship between parents and children of several major cross-border ethnic groups discussed above. The scope of the principle of inheritance the content of customary law and inheritance characteristics of customary law were analyzed.ChapterⅤNational marriage and family law compare with the state law and its application, is divided into six sections. First, recount the legislative history of marriage and family law in China and Vietnam.then compare the statute of marriage and family and the customary law between China and Vietnam. Based on the rational and functional analysis of the use of cross-border ethnic customary law of marriage and family,discusses the principles and conditions for dispute resolution by using the customary law.Conclusion:In the process of building national legal system, cross-border ethnic customary law should play an active role as the local legal resources, and form a benign interaction between national law and the state law.

  • 【分类号】D923.9;D933.3
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1092
  • 攻读期成果