

【作者】 张文香

【导师】 徐中起;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 民族法学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 近年来,伴随着社会矛盾的激化,多元化纠纷解决机制不仅受到了研究者的重视,也同样受到了立法者、司法者的关注和实践。多元化纠纷解决机制中,一个不可回避的问题就是如何对待国家制定法以外的民间习惯问题,因而,对民间法的研究逐渐成为了一个相对独立的领域。我国“幅员辽阔”,造就了不同地区民间法的巨大差异性;而“民族众多”又使得各民族间的民间习惯呈现出了各自的特点。如果说民间法仅仅是从“国家制定法以外”的视角观察社会规范的话,少数民族习惯法就是从各民族特有的民族文化传统角度看待调整一定族群内部社会关系的规则问题,属于民间法的一个组成部分。“法律是用于解决纠纷的”,这些规范不仅调整着人们相互之间的关系,更在其发生纠纷时发挥解决纠纷的作用,而一些习惯本身就是关于解纷方式的作法。因而,关注少数民族习惯法在纠纷解决中的适用问题成为了社会学、文化学、民族学和法学的交叉研究领域。本文关注了蒙古族民事习惯在民事纠纷解决中的运用问题,认为:尽管蒙古族习惯法随着蒙古族社会经济、生产生活方式的变化发生了根本性改变,但其仍然在纠纷的多元化解决中发挥着作用;尽管蒙古族习惯法对国家制定法具有补充作用,同时又有一定的冲突性,但当前正确的态度应当是:正视蒙古族习惯法的存在、正确认识其在纠纷解决中的作用,并建立适当的机制和条件,以更好地发挥其积极作用。以上研究结论建立在实证调查和理论研究的基础上。本文首先探讨了蒙古族地区传统的生产、生活方式及其变迁,阐述了蒙古族传统的纠纷及其解决观念;以纠纷构成理论分析了蒙古族纠纷的构成及其特点;以社会控制和多元化纠纷解决理论为手段,分析了蒙古族纠纷的解决方式。在考察了蒙古族地区纠纷类型的基础上,分析了其解决纠纷的几种方式。该研究的目的在于阐明社会发展、生产、生活方式的变迁与纠纷、纠纷解决观念之间的关系,并提出了多元化纠纷解决理论中所涉及的解纷主体、规范适用、正式规范与习惯法协调等范畴与理论对于分析蒙古族习惯法在民事纠纷解决中的有用性,为进一步探讨少数民族习惯法在纠纷解决中的具体运用问题奠定基础。其次,本文对蒙古族习惯在纠纷解决中的运用进行了实证研究,认为纠纷解决活动,尤其是民间纠纷解决活动与传统习惯有着千丝万缕的联系,纠纷解决离不开对静态规则的使用,甚至关于解决纠纷的程序与习惯也可以成为规则、规范的一部分内容。在该研究中,将蒙古族传统习惯作为一条贯穿始终的线索来加以考察,先对蒙古族的传统民事习惯进行了归纳、分类;在法社会学的视野下重点考察了蒙古族纠纷解决机制的运作和机理。本文认为,随着社会历史的变迁,蒙古族传统习惯尽管还存在于社会中,并作用于社会生活,但显然不能与往昔同日而语。以田野调查的方法考察了蒙古族习惯在诉讼外纠纷解决机制和诉讼中的实际运用情况,得出了在民间纠纷解决中,很多传统的习惯性规则至今延续并且被适用着;而在司法场域中,蒙古族传统习惯也以各种形式扮演着重要的角色,发挥着特有的作用。本文运用了“民间法与国家法关系”的一般理论,分析了蒙古族习惯法与国家法的关系,并且以此为基础,对调研中发现的不同主体的“习惯法观念”进行了分析,认为:作为民间法组成部分的少数民族习惯法与国家制定法的关系当然符合众多学者所归纳的“民间法与国家法关系”的一般原理,但由于少数民族习惯法自身的特殊性,导致了其内涵的不同,本文着重从“补充”和“冲突”两个方面对此进行了研究。本文的一个创新之处表现在,对三类调研对象的习惯法观念分别进行了观察和分析,认为:普通民众、法官“无蒙古族习惯法”的“话语表达”(或观念)与其“实践行为”是相悖的,本文对产生这种“背离”的原因和可能引发的问题进行了分析。这部分分析是全文的核心和灵魂,它承接了上文国家法与蒙古族习惯法的基本理论并引出了全文的结论。本文的结论是:应当正确对待蒙古族习惯法,即,应当正视蒙古族习惯法的存在,并且对适用蒙古族习惯法的障碍及其排除提出了自己的看法,而这一论点,直接回应了习惯法“观念”与“行动”的背离,同时指出:要正确对待蒙古族习惯法,具体而言,就是要确立“国家法为主导,民族习惯法为补充”的蒙古族习惯法地位;培育正确的蒙古族习惯法意识,以避免“无习惯法”观念所产生的问题;为蒙古族习惯法作用的发挥创造、准备“机制”与“条件”。

【Abstract】 In recent years, with the intensification of the social conflict, pluralism resolution mechanism is not only taken into account by the researchers and legislators but also put into practice by the judges. In this mechanism, an unavoidable problem is how to deal with the custom issues outside the pale of the positive law, thus the research on the customary law becomes a comparatively independent subject.China is a country with a vast territory which creates the huge differences of the customary law among different regions of the whole country; various ethnic groups have their own features in the customary laws. If the customary law is only the observation of the social norms "outside the pale of positive law", then the minorities’customary laws look at the norms regulating the inner-social relations of certain ethnic groups from the prospective of the traditions of these ethnic groups, which is part of customary law. "Law is made to solve dispute", and norms regulate the interpersonal relationship, meanwhile, play the role of solving disputes where there are some, and some customs themselves are the resolution. Accordingly, the study on application of the minorities’customary law becomes an interdisciplinary including sociology, culturology, ethnology and law. This article focuses on the application of Mongolian customary in the civil disputes, and states that although Mongolian customary law has been materially changed with the change of Mongolian social economy and life style, Mongolian’s customary law still play an important role in the various dispute resolution methods; although Mongolian customary law works as a supplementary to the national statutes and conflicts to some extent, the present attitude to Mongolian customary law should be:realize the existence of Mongolian customary law and its positive role in the dispute resolution, and establish the suitable mechanism and condition for the purpose to play a positive and important role. The aforesaid research result is based on the case study and theory research.This article firstly discusses status of the dispute resolution around the inhabited region of Inner Mongolia. This chapter mainly deals with the concept of the conventional disputes (hereinafter referred to as Disputes) and the their resolution among the Inner Mongolians by introducing the traditional ways of production, lifestyle as well as their changes; it analyses the composition and features of the Disputes based on the dispute composition theory; it also analyses the patterns of dispute resolution in accordance with the theory of social control and pluralism. Based on the different types of the Disputes, it illustrates the corresponding resolutions. The aim of this chapter lies in clarifying the relationship among the changes of the social development, production, lifestyle and the Disputes as well as the concept of the resolutions. By raising the serviceability of the subjects in the disputes, the application of the legal norm, the balance between statute law and the customary law in the theory of pluralism resolution to the Mongolian customary law in the resolution of civil conflict, it lays the foundations of the specific applications in the dispute resolutions in comply with the minorities’customary law.Secondly, this article conducts empirical research on dispute resolution used in Mongolian customary. Dispute resolution activities, especially activities of civil dispute resolution are inextricably linked to traditional practices, and disputes cannot be settled without the use of static rules, thus even settlement of disputes procedures and habits can be the part of rules. Therefore, Mongolian customs is to be investigated as a clue in the present research. The article firstly puts forward the introduction and classification of Mongolian customs; reexamines the operation and mechanism of Mongolian’s dispute settlement from the perspective of sociology.This article argues that, with the change of social history, although the Mongolian customs still exist and have a role in social life, but its functions are apparently less important than the past. Based on field survey methods to study the practical application of Mongolian litigation dispute resolution mechanism and litigation cases, obtained in the civil dispute resolution, many of the traditional and customary rule is applicable to the renewal date; and in the judicial domain, the Mongolian customs also play its unique role in various forms.Based on the aforesaid contents, this article analyses the relationship between Mongolian customary law and the state law. This part uses the general theory of "relationship between customary law and state law" to analysis the relationship between Mongolian customary law and the state law, and on this basis to analysis the "concept of customary law" of different subjects in the survey. This article argues that, as a part of nongovernmental law, minority custom law’s relationship with state law is inexorably complied with the general theory of "relationship between civil law and state law" summarized by general scholars. Whereas, due to the particularity of ethnic customary law, it results in different meanings, and the article will focus on two aspects of "add" and "conflict" to study.Another important part of this article is to separately review and analysis the three main subjects in customary law. It is also the highlights of this article. The article argues that, there exists the contradiction between the "express words" (or concepts) in the general public and the judge between "no Mongolian customary law" and "practical action"; the reasons and problems arose possibly by this "departure" is analyzed in the article. This part of the analysis is the core of the article, which takes the basic theory of Mongolian customary law and state law in the pretext, leading to the conclusion of the essay.The conclusion of this article is:treat Mongolian customary law seriously. The author attempts to draw the conclusion on the ground of the previous text of the Mongolian types of social disputes, dispute resolution and the analysis of relationship between Mongolian customary law and state law; namely the existence of Mongolian customary law should be faced, and the author puts forward views on the obstacles and the way to rule out of applicable Mongolian customary law, and on this argument, it directly responds to the customary law "concept" and "action" of the departure.This article argues that, to deal with Mongolian customary law correctly, the status of Mongolian customary law should be established in the way specifically which "lead by state law and supplemented by customary law"; cultivate the right sense of Mongolian customary law in order to avoid problems caused by avoidance of conception of "no customary law"; create "mechanism and conditions" for the play of Mongolian customary law.
