

【作者】 游志能

【导师】 徐中起;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 民族法学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 经济分析法学自产生以来,在全世界产生了广泛的影响。相关学者不仅将它运用到部门法的分析中去,还逐步将它运用到非市场行为分析中去,试图在各种不同的领域发现经济理性的作用形式。本文运用这一理论,对民族习惯法进行研究,力图发现隐含其中的经济理性。文章的第一章对“民族习惯法中的交易成本”问题进行了分析。交易成本是经济分析法学的核心概念之一。经济分析法学的研究表明,交易成本广泛存在于社会生活之中。各种制度发展的一个重要目的就是降低交易成本。本章第一节对交易成本的基本理论做了简要的介绍。第二节对沉默交易、礼物交换进行了分析,主要分析这些具体制度中存在些什么样的交易成本,以及该制度和其他可选择的制度相比较存在哪些交易成本上的优势。第二章主要论述了“信息成本与制度选择”问题。在技术条件落后的初民社会,发现事实、保存信息、传递信息都需要较高的成本。在有些情况下,信息费用较高,但是我们无法避开。这时,我们要通过制度选择来适应这种情况,如案件真相难以调查清楚时选择严格责任制或者神判。有时候,我们可以想办法以更便捷的方式获取有用的信息,比如通过年龄区分、性别区分来区分不同群体的基本劳动能力,通过个人在日常生活中的表现来承认他的领袖地位。第三章的主要内容是赔命价制度中的成本问题。第一节中,笔者就赔命价产生的经济合理性进行了分析,从血亲复仇到赔命价的制度变迁过程着手,分析了血亲复仇潜藏的机会成本、沉没成本。通过本节的研究,说明从血亲复仇到赔命价的制度变迁,是一种有利于节约社会成本的进步。第二节对藏族“赔命价”的制度变迁进行了分析。说明藏族赔命价制度在变迁过程中通过减少案件类型有效的降低了交易成本,使得双方当事人更容易就赔偿标准达成一致意见。第三节重点分析了青海藏族赔命价的经济意义。通过分析,证明赔命价是对致害人家庭的严厉惩罚,可以起到威慑潜在犯罪者的作用;另一方面,赔命价最终由受害人家庭、受害人亲属及部落头领、宗教人士共同分享了,受害人家庭只得到命价中很少的一部分。这和当地的社会结构有着密切的关系,曾经是合理的。但是,随着社会的发展,其中一些做法在现代社会已经明显不合理。要想较好的解决赔命价与国家法的冲突,就应重视赔命价制度中存在的合理性因素。第四章关注的是“民族习惯法中的效率”问题。初民社会充满各种危险,其中最大的问题就是食物短缺。所有的人都面临着巨大的生存压力,必须在现有的条件下想尽一切办法来提高生产效率,以赢得更多的生存机会。第一节对集体狩猎与刀耕火种两种制度进行了研究。通过研究,认为这两种制度都能在一定程度上产生规模经济效应,提高劳动生产率,获得更多的生活资料。第二节对纠纷处理效率问题进行研究。通过研究,证明在少数民族地区,依习惯法调解纠纷,相对于通过国家法诉讼而言,通常能更快的达成纠纷处理一致意见、有效的降低调解成本(如交通费用、诉讼代理费等)和执行成本(很少有执行难问题)。第五章对“民族习惯法中的风险分摊”问题进行研究。初民社会充满各种危险,除了食物短缺,还有野兽的袭击、自然灾害、血亲复仇等,每一种风险都可能致人于死地。因此,必须在一定范围内分摊风险,创造相对稳定的生存环境。第一节对对初民社会中的食物分享和共耕制的研究,说明这两项制度实际上有效的分摊了初民社会中食物短缺、生产缺乏保障的风险。第二节对初民社会中刑事赔偿集体责任制度的研究,说明该项制度能有效的减少因小家庭无法承担赔偿责任而引起新的更大纠纷的可能,降低了血亲复仇和械斗的风险。本文的主要观点可以归纳为:在一定的资源廪赋和技术条件下,如何降低成本、提高效率在制度的形成与变化过程中有重要影响,发现其中的规律性问题对于解释少数民族习惯法具有一定的理论意义。

【Abstract】 From the produce of the Economic Analysis of Law in 1960s, it has gotten wide-ranging implications all over the world. It has not only been widely used to analyze the department laws, but also used to analyze the non-market behaviors. The scholars try to find the economic rationality in different kinds of areas. The article tries to put the theory into the analysis of the Minorities’Customary Law in order to find the implicit economic rationality in them.ChapterⅠconcerns the transaction cost in Minorities’Customary Law. Section I was an introduction to the Economic Analysis of Law. Ronald Coase firstly proposed the concept named transaction cost in 1937. He published another important article The Problem of Social Cost in 1960. Then the concept soon became one of the most important concepts of Economic Analysis of Law. It has been proved that transaction cost exists in daily life everywhere. One of the most important aims developing all kinds of systems is to reduce the transaction cost. SectionⅡtries to explain the cost in silent trade and the gift exchange by comparison with the potential choices to find the advantages of them.ChapterⅡconcerns the information cost and the system choice according to it. The primitive society was technology backward, to find, protect and send the messages all cost too much. In order to adapt to the situation, the people created the systems. Sometimes they had to adapt to the high information cost, they created the strict liability system and god-judge system and so on. Sometimes they tried to find some information conveniently through their daily life experience. They distinguished the people by their age, gender, and their daily performance and so on.ChapterⅢconcerns the cost of the Peimingjia system of the Tibetans. SectionⅠ, I studied the cost of blood revenge system, such as the opportunity cost and sunk cost. On the contrary, the Peimingjia system can avoid the costs effectively. So it is a great progress to save the social cost. SectionⅡⅠanalyze the system changes of the Peimingjia system. By analyzing the 3 key changes in the history, I find that they all aims to reduce the transaction cost by reducing the type of cases. SectionⅢⅠstudied the economic significance of the compensation to the three parties of the Peimingjia system. To the one who did the harm, it is a severe punishment, if it takes the most part of the wealth belonging to his family. To the victim, it is a mixture of spirit compensation and material compensation. His close families get the less half; his tribe shares some; the rest was presented to the temple to afford to salvage the dead. It was connected to the social structure and reasonable once. But with the development of the world, it is not reasonable anymore. If we want to resolve the conflict between the State Law and the Minorities’Customary Law, we have to pay our attention to the reasonable factors.Chapter IV concerns the efficiency in the primitive society. We once thought they lived an inefficient life. After the study, I found that the primitive society was full of risks, they were lack of foods, and they were threatened by different kinds of disasters. They had to work more efficiently, if not, they could not survive. They were nothing except in the collective. They haunt collectively, they slash and born together, in order to be more efficient, it was a way to take out the economics of scale. In the mediation of the disputes, the Minorities’Customary Law is more efficient than the State Law. It can save the time, negotiation costs and the implementation costs.Chapter V concerns the risk-spreading in the primitive society. Now that they were in very dangerous situation, they had to spread out the danger to be safe. Usually they shared their foods in their tribe, in order to avoid the risk sometimes they can not haunt the animals or get the wild fruits timely. They took the compensation to the victim together, if the one who did the harm can not afford it by his family. Because they were a collective, they created the wealth for the collective; they were the most important wealth of the collective. But they would kill a recidivist who made the loss once and once again, he was the bigger risk.In a word, when the resource was limited and technique was backward, how to reduce the costs and how to work more efficiently were very important. It had a significant influence on the formation and change of their systems. To find out the regulation in the rules is helpful to understand and explain the Minorities’Customary Law.
