【作者】 孙军;
【导师】 金炳镐;
【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 马克思主义民族理论与政策, 2011, 博士
【摘要】 中国共产党对于马克思主义民族理论中国化基本问题的探求和思考,始于建党之初。在总结大革命和土地革命时期民族工作正反两个方面的经验基础上,毛泽东于中共六届六中全会上所做的关于民族问题的政治报告中,基本确立了马克思主义民族理论中国化的原则。本论文选取马克思主义民族理论中国化早期历史进程为研究主题,主要以马克思主义民族理论、中共党史等学科为基础,以中国新民主主义革命前期为讨论时限,突出历史叙述,深入探讨这一时期中国共产党民族理论与政策的发展历程,以及影响中国共产党民族理论认知和民族政策实践的国内外各种要素,以期努力做出具有一定规律性的理论总结,探索出马克思主义民族理论中国化早期进程的内在规律和经验启示。本文所论及的马克思主义民族理论中国化的早期历史进程,从时间范围上是指中国共产党自成立以来,经过两次革命战争(大革命和土地革命)到1938年中共六届六中全会的召开这段历史时期。笔者认为,中共六届六中全会及毛泽东同志所做的《论新阶段》的政治报告,标志着马克思主义民族理论中国化主要原则的基本确立。中共六届六中全会是中国共产党在新民主主义革命时期民族纲领政策发生变化的重要转折点,也是中国共产党独立自主地阐释民族问题、制定民族政策的开始。自此之后把民族平等、团结基础上的民族区域自治作为解决中国民族问题的基本指导思想,在理论和实践的层面逐步付诸实施。论文共分绪论、正文和结语三大部分。绪论简要界定马克思主义民族理论中国化的内涵,并对论文选题的依据、国内外研究现状以及论文的主要研究方法作出说明。正文共分四章。第一章马克思主义民族理论在中国的早期传播。第一节归纳了马克思主义经典作家关于民族问题的基本观点。第二节则从中国近代民族问题现状、传播主体、传播途径及主要内容等四个方面对马克思主义民族理论在中国的早期传播作出简要评述。第三节简述了中国早期共产主义者的民族思想。第二章马克思主义民族理论中国化的初步探索。本章重点论述了中国共产党成立初期对于国内民族问题的基本研判。同时观照到马克思主义者在与不同政治派别围绕“联省自治”和“外蒙古”问题展开论战的过程中,对于民族自决和联邦制理念的初步阐发。第三章马克思主义民族理论中国化的初步实践。本章主要梳理了从1928年中共六大召开到1930年代中期长征胜利结束这段历史时期,中国共产党探索马克思主义民族理论中国化的实践历程。这一时期中国共产党继续主张以民族自决和联邦制来解决中国民族问题,但是民族自治的思想萌芽已经开始出现。中共六大以后,党对民族问题有了全新的认识,民族工作也在部分地区渐次开展。特别是中华苏维埃共和国的建立,为中国共产党从国家建构层面思考和解决民族问题提供了实践平台。期间历时两年、途径少数民族地区的红军长征,对于中国共产党来说,则是一次近距离宣传和实践马克思主义民族理论的良机,不仅使中国共产党进一步认识到民族问题的复杂性和特殊性,也为在抗战期间更大范围内动员少数民族和开展民族工作奠定了坚实的基础。在这期间,中国共产党也对党内民族工作中的“左”倾错误主张和张国焘的大汉族主义思想做了抵制和批判。第四章马克思主义民族理论中国化基本原则的初步确立。本章着重论述在抗日战争的历史条件下,中国共产党有效借助民族意识,激发各民族的爱国热情,号召并领导全国各族人民共同抗日。这一阶段,随着中国共产党理论水平的提高,以及对于中华民族观念和民族自决权理念的深入认识,中国共产党具备了实现马克思主义民族理论中国化的主体条件。中共六届六中全会上通过的《论新阶段》的政治报告,则标志着中国共产党已经自觉确立起马克思主义民族理论中国化的基本原则,即把马克思主义民族理论的基本原理与中国多民族国家的具体实际相结合,运用马克思主义的立场、观点和方法,指导和解决中国的民族问题。结语马克思主义民族理论中国化早期探索的历史地位和经验总结。在结语部分,本文认为,作为马克思主义民族理论中国化历程中不可或缺的历史阶段,中国共产党在早期学习和传播马克思主义民族理论,观察、分析和解决中国民族问题的历史实践中,根据国际共产主义运动的发展和国内新民主主义革命的形势,逐步探索出一条符合中国具体国情且具有鲜明中国特色的民族问题解决之路。它实际上反映了中国共产党在创造性地运用和发展马克思主义民族理论的进程中,结合中国民族问题实际,在探索和解决民族问题的革命实践中形成的理论思考与实践经验上升为民族理论政策体系的渐进过程。这一历史进程,充分彰显了马克思主义与时俱进的科学品质,不仅为毛泽东思想民族理论增加了重要内容,更为马克思主义民族理论的后续中国化积累了经验教训,奠定了坚实的理论和实践基础。
【Abstract】 Since its inception, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been contemplating and exploring the sinicisation of Marxist natonal theory in China. Based on the pro and con experiences in the ethnical work during the Great Revolution and Land Reforming Movement periods, Mao Zedong, in his report on the national issues to the 6th Plenary Session of the 6th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, set forth the major principles for sinicisation of Marxism national theory. This thesis discusses in great depth the development of CCP’s nation theory and relevant policies during the early stage of China’s new democratic revolution. With an emphasis on the historic narration, it studies the various domestic and international factors that have an impact on CCP’s understanding of national theory and political practices. The author hopes to shed some light on the inherent trend and empirical implication of the early development of the Marxism nation theory in China, and to come up with some theoretical conclusions.The timeframe that this study covers spans from the incept of CCP, through the two Revolutional movements, to the 6th Plenary Session of the 6th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held in 1938. The author thinks that Mao’s report at that meeting symbolised the establishment of the major principles for sinicisation of Marxist enthnonymics. The meeting was an important turning point during the Democratic Revolution when the change in CCP’s ethnical guideline policies took place. It also represented the beginning of CCP’s independent interpretation of ethnical issues and the according policy-making. Since that point, the Party’s guiding philosophy, which is ethnic regional autonomy based on fairness and unification of various ethnic communities, has been gradually realised on both theoretical and practical levels.The thesis comprise three parts. The Introduction indentifies the content of the sinicisation of Marxist nation theory, explains the reasons for choosing such a topic, reviews the status of current domestic and international research in this area and illustrates the methodology used. The Body consists of four chapters.Chapter 1 The historic context for the propagation of Marxist nation theory in China. The first section summarises the basis views of Marxism-Leninism classical works with respect to ethnic issues Section 2 provides a primary discussion of the reality basis, propagation media, routes and contents of early propagation of Marxist nation theory in China. Section 3 introduce the early Chinese communists’national views.Chapter 2 Early attempts in sincisation of Marxist nation theory. This chapter is focused on CCP’s principal analysis of domestic ethnic issues at its inception. In addition, it describes the primary development of ethnic autonomy and federalism by Marxists during its debates with other political parties over the confederation autonomy and issues on external Mongolia. During this period, CCP gradually deepened its understanding of the issues surrounding the ethnic Minorities within China’s territory, and it also started exploring its ethnic policies.Chapter 3 The deep realisation of sincisation of Marxist nation theory. This chapter sorts out the progress of CCP exploring sinicisation of Marxist nation theory over the period between the 1928 the 6th National Congress of CCP and the end of the Long March in mid-1930s. The CCP continued employing ethic self-determination and confederation to solve ethic issues. Neverthelss, ideas of ethnic autonomy started to emerge. After the 6th National Congress of CCP, the Part gained a new understanding of the ethnic issues, and the ethnic work was rolled out across certain regions. The establishment of the Jiangxi Soviet Republic, in particular, provided a platform of practice for the CPP to consider and solve ethnic issues from the perspective of how a government was constituted. The two-year Long March, when the Red Army has gone through the Minorities regions, was actually a good opportunity for the CCP to closely propagate and practice its Marxist ethnonymics. This not only made the CCP realise the complexity and particularity of ethnic issues, but also forged a solid ground for expanded engagement of minorities and outreach of ethnic work during the anti-Japanese war. Also during this period, the CCP made effective resistance to the leftists’ wrong policies and Zhang Guoshou’s Han ethnicism.Chapter 4 The primary estabilishment of principles for sinicisation of Marxist nation theory. This chapter is focused on how the CCP effectively leveraged on the nationalistic sensations to encourage patriotism of all the ethnic communities and to call on all the Chinese people to fight against the Japanese invaders during the war. Over this period, with the improved CCP’s theoretical knowledge as well as increased understanding of the Chinese nationalism and ethnic self-determination, the CCP acquired the endogenous conditions required for sinicisation of Marxist ethnonymics. Mao’s report was ratified unanimously at the meeting, which symbolised that the CCP has proactively established the principles for the sinicisation of Marxist nation theory, that is, to combine the basic principles of Marxist nation theory with the fact that China is a county with multi-ethnicity in order to use the Marxist position, views and methodologies to guide and solve the ethnic issues in China.Conclusion The historic position and summary of expericences of early exploration of sinicisation of Marxist nation theory. The author concludes that it is an indispensable part of the historic development sinicisation of Marxist nation theory for the CCP to study and propagate the Marxist nation theory and to observe, analyse and resolve China’s own ethnic issues. The Party has gradually explored a novel approach to address China’s particular ethnic issues, which were consistently based on the development of international communist movements and domestic new democratic revolution, and fit in well with the country’s own situations. This actually reflects how the CCP innovatively applied and further developed the Marxist nation theory as a result of combining the practical consideration of China’s own requirements, the thoughts and empirical knowhow accumulated in the course of exploring and resolving China’s ethnic issues, and gradually forged its own ethnic knowledge and political systems. This historic development showcased the consistently innovative attributes of Marxism, not only adding to the existing Maoism, but with empirical lessons leraned laid a solid groundwork for futher sinicisation of Marxist nation theory.