

【作者】 王建华

【导师】 熊坤新;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 马克思主义民族理论与民族政策, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 民族问题是社会发展总问题的一部分,这是马克思列宁主义关于民族问题理论的一个基本观点。从而构成我们观察美国民族问题的一个基本的理论视阈。本文认为美利坚合众国是一个遵循欧洲民族国家原则,以英属北美殖民地的盎格鲁-撒克逊族裔为基础,经民族自决而建立起来的民族国家,美利坚民族本质上是一个组合民族。英国殖民者在英属北美殖民地复制英格兰的政治理念和社会关系的同时,与宗主国各方面的相异性——民族及种族的多元性、清教立国思想与物质主义并存、宗主国与业主殖民地之间的利益张力——逐渐凸显出来。最终利益冲突导致民族分离,独立战争后美利坚合众国建立。独立后的美国,按着欧洲的民族原则,再造一个仅由公民个人组成的国家民族的构建工作,不可避免地遵循了一条以英语为主要交际工具、以盎格鲁-新教价值观(即W A S P)为价值导向的同化道路。第一,美国政府确立的隔离政策的“双轨制”将印第安人和非洲裔黑人区隔在了“熔炉”之外。当初欧洲殖民者追逐利益的内心冲动把白种人、红种人、黑种人结合在一起。扩张的周期性爆发的结果是土著印第安人不断失去部落领地和非洲裔黑种人被掳掠到新建州的过程。以限权政府原则为背景的美国政府,在种族和民族不平等政策的批导下,往往能够迅速形成有利于英裔美国人和其他白种人的法案、法令、政令和司法解释,而对印第安人要求保留部落地位和黑人奴隶要求获得自由身份的夙愿则置若罔闻,形成了不可逆转的白人种族主义。内战后通过的《宪法第十三条修正案》废除了奴隶制。1877年战后重建失败前后,美国印第安人失去了部落自治地位,而黑人只是获得了法律形式上的人格。《黑人法典》及后来的一系列法案、法令,使非洲黑人族裔由过去的私人财产变成了最劣等的民族集团。美国政府在种族和民族纯洁思想的指导下,用“隔离但平等”的司法解释确立了长期的种族隔离制度。而到1924年,出于美国政党利益考虑而全部获得公民权的印第安人,在白人设计的竞争环境下最终处于落败境地,只能靠政府可怜的救济在保留地内自生自灭。三元种族的并行格局一直持续到美国黑人民权运动时期。第二,白人种族主义者出于利益独享的目的,以“美国化”为宗旨,排斥外国移民,剥夺移民财产,形成了金字塔式的种族和民族不平等的谱系。无论是美国政府出台的《移民归化法》、《分配优先法案》、《排华法案》、《限制移民法》、《移民国籍法》等法案中内含的不正当竞争手段,还是美国历史上曾经发生的“帕尔默搜捕”、三K党暴行、宗教不宽容、排斥华人、无差别的驱逐入境的墨西哥人、监禁剥夺日裔美国人,以及麦卡锡主义的泛滥,都从不同侧面强化了各少数民族的群体认同意识。第三,20世纪六十年代的民权运动拆除了种族隔离制度的藩篱,促生了美国政府的“肯定性行动”计划。受其影响形成了民族性的觉醒以及多元文化主义的兴起。非洲裔美国人的地位获得承认,印第安人的部落自治地位在《印第安人自决法案》中得到体认,各少数民族移民的民族自觉性增长,对传统文化的皈依强化了,公开的种族主义逊位。这同时也是苏东剧变引发的第三次全球范围内的民族主义浪潮在美国社会中的折射。但民族性的觉醒和多元文化主义的兴起可能带给美国的“巴尔干化”问题,不能不引起美国保守主义势力的思考,“文明冲突论”代表着美国保守势力对“非美国化”的深度担忧。本文的结论是:美国作为所谓的现代民族国家是由狭义的民族国家逐渐走向了广义的民族国家。“政治一体与文化多元”严格说来只是民权运动之后的产物。美国内战和黑人民权运动恰恰说明回避“族裔政治化”是在掩耳盗铃,其结果只能是付出更为惨重的代价。美国的民族过程的具体借鉴意义在于:我国作为一个统一的多民族国家,如何在存在着民族间事实上的不平等的前提下,避免重蹈美国民族过程所走过的弯路。

【Abstract】 Ethnic issue is part of general social issues. This is a basic view of Marxist theory about ethnic issue, thus providing a theoretical perspective for us to look at America’s ethnic issue.The United States of America is a nation-state which is formed through self-determination primarily by Anglo-Saxon ethnic group in the English-American colonies in accordance with European principles of nation-state. The American nation is in itself a combination of different ethnic groups.Since the establishment of the first settlement-Jamestown--in 1607 in North America, the English has followed the lead of earlier colonists-the Portuguese and the Spaniards-and started overseas expansion that lasted for several centuries to relocate its domestic population as a result of religious dispute, famine and desire for wealth. Before the outbreak of the War of Independence, while the political ideology and social relation in England were replicated in the English-American colonies, what make the colonies distinct from the home country--multiple ethnicity, the co-existence of Puritanism and materialism--and the tension caused by competing interests between the two sides gradually became obvious. The conflict of interests finally leads to the separation of the nation:the United States of America was founded after the War of Independence. The supremacy of so called "WASP" (White Anglo Saxon Protestants) was inevitable after independence as English had become the main tool for communication and English Puritanical ideas, systems and values with regard to politics, culture and religion dominated American culture.In the years after independence, to build a new nation that merely consists of individual citizens according to European principles of nation was laid on the agenda of the new born country. However, in more than two centuries’time, the idea of "melting pot"—to blend people of different nationalities/ethnic groups into one nation—has never been successfully practiced.First, native Indians and black communities were excluded from the "melting pot" by the American government’s segregation policy. At the beginning, it was European colonists’urge to pursuit of wealth that brought the white, the Indians and the black together. As the expansion of America exploded periodically, the ternary ethnic structure first broke the ethnic boundaries defined in the Proclamation of 1763, then sequentially expanded into the Mississippi River Basin, the Missouri River Basin, and the Pacific coastal region in the far west. This is a process during which the native Indians gradually lost their territories and the Negros were captured and sold to new states and territories along Mason-Dixon Line (Line of latitude 36’30 " Plan). The American government though formed with the idea of limited government was quick to develop laws, acts, government decrees and judicial interpretation that were in favor of English-Americans and other white people. But at the same time it often turned a deaf ear to the Indians’call for retaining the status of their tribes and the Negro slaves’ demand for freedom. As a result, the prevalence of racism that endowed the white people with supremacy is irreversible. However, there were moral incentives for the Puritans, the free farmers and the capitalists in the North who found themselves in an unfavorable condition in the competition with the South to call for an end to the slavery. These factors worked together with the strive to maintain the Union in abolishing the slavery through the Civil War and the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitute, which was passed after the war. The economic expansion as a result of post-war reconstruction and a new wave of immigration required more land. By around 1877 when the post-war reconstruction failed, the American Indian tribes lost their autonomy while the black people only gained human dignity in terms of law. With the enforcement of the Black Code and a series of other laws and acts passed later, the African Americans who had been the private property of the planters were turn into the lowest ethnic group. By putting the essence of its laws as "separate but equal", the American government, which was guided by the idea of national/ethnic pureness, set up a long-term segregation system to prevent "Africanization". By 1924, the Indians were granted full citizenship for the interests of political parties. But they finally became a loser in a white-dominated competitive environment which was totally new for them. They were left alone in their reserves with only government relief to live on. The ternary ethnic structure lasted until the end of the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s.Second, to reap the benefits alone, the white racists ostracized foreign immigrants and deprived their possessions that national/ethnic hierarchy was formed. Both the means of unfair competition contained in laws and acts, such as Immigration and Naturalization Act, Assigned Priority Bills, Chinese Exclusion Act, Restriction on Immigration Law, Immigration Nationality Act Plan, and the racism incidents in American history, such as the Palmer Raids, the violent action by Ku-Klux-Klan, religious intolerance, the exclusion of Chinese, the undifferentiated deportation of Mexicans, the imprisonment of Japanese Americans and the unchecked spread of McCarthyism, have increased ethnic minorities’awareness of group identity.Finally, the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s dismantled the barrier of racial segregation and produced Affirmative Action Programs. Consequently, national/ethnic awareness and multiculturalism emerged. The WASP-centered mentality was abandoned in education system and the Afro-American culture and customs were recognized. And the autonomous status of Indian tribes was reflected in the Indian Self-Determination Act. Ethnic groups felt more attached to their roots-the dependence on their traditional culture increased. All these not only marked the end to open racism but also demonstrated that the third wave of worldwide nationalism arising from the collapse of Soviet Union and former east block also impacted U.S. society. However, the Balkanization of the United States (the fragmentation of the nation) that may be caused by the emerge of national/ethnic awareness and multiculturalism couldn’t be ignored by the conservatives in the country. The "Theory of Clash of Civilizations" reflected the deep-rooted concern about "Non-Americanization" among the conservatives.After examination of the development of American nation, this thesis concludes that:being a modern nation-state, the United States of America first emerged as a nation-state in the strict sense of the word and then gradual evolved into a nation-state in a more general sense. The "political integration and cultural diversity" we see today in the U.S. is actually the fruit of the Civil Rights Movement. In fact, the Civil War and the Civil Rights Movement show exactly how absurd it is to shy away from "ethnicity politicizing" and how costly it could be. While sharing the common nationality, the American nation, in effect, is consist of different ethnic groups.The lessons we may draw from the development of American nation include:with the de facto inequality between different ethnic groups, how China as a united multi-ethnic country can manage to avoid the detours that the U.S. has experienced. When dealing with different ethnic minorities that are at different levels of development, a differentiated approach should be adopted instead of a one-size-fits-all solution. The social Darwinism attitude towards ethnic issues in the U.S. should be discarded. And in the full swing of the third wave of worldwide nationalism, we must uphold Marxism national theory as our guideline for works related to ethnic issues. At the same time, we need to draw on the successful experiences of Western countries, especially the U.S., to deal with unexpected ethnic problems coming up during the process of industrialization, urbanization and modernization so that the national unity and ethnic harmony could be maintained.
