

【作者】 余文兵

【导师】 余梓东;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 马克思主义民族理论与政策, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 清朝作为中国历史上最后一个封建王朝,统治中国近270年之久,其审时度势、因地制宜地制定诸项边疆民族政策,是其帝祚绵长的主要原因之一。清朝在全国边疆少数民族地区所施行的一系列治理政策,虽未完全达到其“长治久安”的最终目的,但对当时边疆各少数民族社会历史发展的进程,及中国多民族统一国家的形成和发展,都产生了深远的影响。地处中国最西南端的滇缅边区,一直是多民族分布地区,而且中华民族多元一体格局特点,生动具体地展现在这个区域里。滇缅边区多民族分布格局形成与发展过程,从某种意义上讲,是中华民族多元一体格局的历史进程的缩影。同时,滇缅边区又是中国与东南亚、南亚世界进行政治、经济、文化交流的国际大通道,也是我国农耕与山地文化互相交汇和多民族迁徙、聚居、融合、发展的重要区域,具有独特的区域文化特点和发展历史。在元、明两代对滇缅边区治理的基础上,清朝对滇缅边区实施了更为直接全面和有效的经营。较之从前,清朝中央治理滇缅边区的政治、经济、文化、军事等诸项政策更为完备深入,具有鲜明的特色,对滇缅边区少数民族社会产生了深刻的影响。因此,系统全面地研究清朝治理滇缅边区的各项政策,具有重要的学术价值和现实意义。本文在前人研究的基础上,利用民族学、历史学等学科的方法,结合相关学科理论,根据丰富、翔实的史志资料,从多学科视角对清代中期中央政府在滇缅边区实施的治理和统治,以及这种治理对滇缅边区社会的影响这一核心论题进行了较为深入的探讨。全文由绪论、主体论述和结论三大部分构成。在绪论中,重点说明了本文的缘起、研究的基本内容及其意义、国内外学术界相关研究概况、本文研究对象的时空范围、研究方法、资料来源等。主体论述部分共分六章。第一章论述了滇缅边区的自然和人文环境的独特性,以及这种独特性与清朝中央政府对滇缅边地治理以及不断深入的关系。滇缅边区民族和地理上的多样性,是清朝在滇缅边区推行各项政策的基础。清朝在滇缅边区边的治理过程中受到了该区域内自然和人文的局限,最后在自然和文化间做出了妥协。第二章论述了清朝中央在滇缅边区的政治治理。特殊的历史条件决定了清朝在滇缅边区实施“土流兼治”的行政管理政策,即在滇缅边区内既设土官,又置流官的政治统治方式。这是清朝边疆治理因地制宜原则的具体体现。“土流兼治”政策的实施,既适应了滇缅边区民族地理多样性的特点,同时也保证了滇缅边区与内地中央王朝的统属关系,调动了当地各族人民的积极性,并有效地防止了土司坐大做强的弊端,因此它可谓是清朝边地治理的成功之法。第三章论述了清朝在滇缅边区的经济治理。其内容包括农业、矿业、商业等,认为清朝中期滇缅边区社会经济的发展已迈进一个新的发展阶段,中央王朝体系的经济运行变化,对滇缅边区少数民族经济的带动和影响日趋显著,整个开发治理活动表现出适应中央王朝统一经济体系的需要而促动发展的特征。第四章论述了清朝对滇缅边区的文化治理。基于西南边疆民族地区的特殊背景,清朝中期,统治者开始对传统的治边思想进行反思,并对以往边疆民族教育政策作出重新调整,提出了全新的边疆民族教育思想。继而在包括滇缅边区在内的西南边疆地区施行“文教为先”的文化治理政策,对边疆普通民族子弟进行开化民智的启蒙教育,以推进边疆与内地的一体化进程。这一时期,滇缅边区文化教育得到了的发展,社会全貌发生了较大的改观。第五章论述了清朝在滇缅边区的军事治理。绿营兵制是清朝在包括滇缅边区在内的云南边疆地区的驻军制度。绿营兵不但使清朝战胜了各种反清力量,实现了对滇缅边地的有效控制,而且还将其统治范围延伸至滇缅边区山区,将少数民族纳入直接统治的范围,使清朝对滇缅边区的统治大大超越了以前任何一个历史时期,使祖国的西南边陲更加巩固和发展。第六章论述了清朝中期中央政府的治理与滇缅边区民族关系和文化变迁的关系。认为,随着清朝国家层面治理的不断深入,滇缅边区与内地的经济、政治、文化等各个方面的联系更加紧密,这不仅有力地推动了滇缅边区各民族社会的经济和文化进步,还使得本时期滇缅边区民族关系格局以及各民族文化的发展和演变呈现出了新的特点。结论部分,总结了清朝治理滇缅边区的举措对以往的朝代有哪些继承与发展,认为,清代中期比以往任何一个朝代对滇缅边区的治理都更为深入,影响更加深远。从政治文明的角度去分析清朝政府在巩固统治滇缅边区、维系中央政府与地方政府政治关系的特殊做法,并得出相关启示。

【Abstract】 Qing Dynasty, the last feudal dynasty in the history of China, had been in power for about 270 years. The basic reasons for its long government are the various policies for the nationality groups and border areas the government adopted according to the situation and the time. Though the series of the policies implemented in the areas of minority nationality by the Qing Dynasty Government had not reached the goal of "long stability and Peace", these policies produced significant and profoundly influence on the process of social development of all minority nationality groups in different periods and the formation and development of the ethnically united China.The borderland of Yunnan-Burma located in southwest of China, There are many peoples, and the characteristics of the pattern of diversity in unity of the Chinese has been vividly and concrete showed in this regions. Today, the process of multi-nationality distribution pattern formed and developed, in the areas of Yunnan-Burma border, is typical miniature about the great historical process of the pattern of diversity in unity of the Chinese, in a sense. Meanwhile, the borderland of Yunnan-Burma, is the international thoroughfare of world political, economic and cultural exchanges about China and the Southeast Asia or South Asia, and it is a important area of the fanning and mountain culture mutually connects and multi-ethnic migration, inhabit, fusion, development, which has the unique regional cultural characteristics and development history.On the basis of the management of the borderland of Yunnan-Burma, ruled by Yuan and Ming Dynasty, the government of Qing Dynasty ruled the areas of the borderland of Yunnan-Burma in a more direct and effective way, which is carried out according to the real situation of The areas of the borderland of Yunnan-Burma and the progress of the history of China and the areas of the borderland of Yunnan-Burma at that time. Compared with the policies made by Yuan Dynasty and Ming Dynasty, the policies of Qing Dynasty for the management of The areas of the borderland of Yunnan-Burma politics, economy, culture and military are more complete, more profound and unique, thus it produced greater influence. Therefore it is historically and current significant to have a systematical, overall study and summary of the policies and measures for the management of the borderland of Yunnan-Burma by Qing Dynasty.According to rich and detailed information,this paper research the policy of rule carried out by Qing Dynasty in the borderland of Yunnan-Burma and the impact of multi-ethnic society from a multidisciplinary perspective in the mid-Qing Qing Dynasty, used disciplinary approach, such as national theory, ethnology, history and so on, which was based on previous studies.The text is organized by three parts, including introduction,discussion and conclusions.The part of introduction is mainly focused on the origin of article materials, the basic contents, significance and overviews of domestic and international in the academic research. In addition, I also pay attentions to the study of the spatial and temporal scope, research methods, data sources and research difficulties and so on.The part of discussion is divided into six chapters:Chapter one discusses the unique environment of natural and human and the relationship between the unique and the governance of Qing Dynasty, Believing that the diversity of National-geographic is the foundation of policies implemented by mid-Qing Dynasty in Yunnan-Burma border, which has a profoundly effect on the governance of Qing Dynasty in Yunnan-Burma border.Chapter two discusses the administrative of Qing Dynasty in Yunnan-Burma border. Because of the special historical conditions in Qing Dynasty, the co-management policy of local officials and the central government was implemented in the Burma border, which embodied the principle of adaptation in local conditions. The implementation of co-management policy not only was adapted to the diversity of nation geographical, but also to ensure the relationship of the Subordination between the central and the local administrative in Yunnan-Burma border. At the same time, it mobilized the enthusiasm of the all local nationalities and effectively prevented the right expanding in the hands of local officials. So it can be taken as the success of governance law in the Qing Dynasty border.The third chapter discusses about the policies of economic policy of Qing Dynasty in the Burma border, which including the contents of agriculture, mining, commerce etc. People think that the social development of Yunnan-Burma Frontier has entered a new stage in the mid-Qing Dynasty. The policy of changes in economic operation by central administrative has significantly impact on minorities economic in Yunnan-Burma border. The characteristic, adapted to the needs of the development, has been showed in the whole activities of management and development by the system of unified economic in central administrativeThe fourth chapter discusses the culture policy of the Qing Dynasty on the Yunnan-Burma border governance. The rulers of the mid-Qing Dynasty, based on the special background of Southwestern border region, began to rethink on the traditional ideology of borderland governance and re-adjust the national education policy, in the meantime proposed a new ideology of education in Yunnan-Burma border.The policy of culture and education as the first" was carried out in Yunnan-Burma border. The ordinary children of border were educated elementary the civilized wisdom, in order to promote the process of integration with the Mainland border. During this period, culture and education get an unprecedented development in Yunnan-Burma border, great change has take place in Social Panorama.Chapter five discusses the Qing Dynasty’s military governance in Yunnan-Burma border. Green Camp Military System of Qing Dynasty is the military regime in the border areas of Yunnan, including the Yunnan-Burma border areas. Green Camp soldiers not only overcome a variety of anti-Qing forces to achieve control of Yunnan border areas, but also extend its rule to the mountains areas of the Yunnan-Burma border and take ethnic minorities into directly rule range, which makes the Qing Dynasty’s rule on Burma bestially exceeded any previous historical periods so that the southwest border of the motherland has been an unprecedented consolidation and development.Chapter six discusses how the governance of Mid-Qing affect the ethnic relations and cultural changes on the Yunnan-Burma frontier. With the deepening of the Qing Dynasty administration, the Yunnan-Burma border and the mainland’s economic, political, cultural and other aspects are linked more closely, which not only a strong impetus progress of the national economy and culture in the Yunnan-Burma border areas, but also show this period’s new features of pattern of ethnic relations, the development and evolution of national culture in Yunnan-Burma border.The last part is the "Conclusion", According to the conclusion mentioned above, the paper compared with the previous dynasty try to summary the succession and development of ruling policy of Qing dynasty in the areas of Yunnan-Bunna border. From the perspective of the political civilization, the paper researches the special measures of the consolidation of ruling and the maintaining political relationship between the central government and local governments in the Bunna border, so that get some inspiration from it.
