

【作者】 申慧淑

【导师】 丁石庆;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 随着中国社会城市化进程的加快,少数民族人口的流动也不可避免地在进行。尤其朝鲜族人口,呈现出地方到大城市、从国内到国外的大批人口迁移现象。迁居所带来的语言使用的变化、语言适应的过程、语言功能的变化也是不可避免的。要很好地适应城市环境,加快朝鲜民族自身的发展,语言的适应是我们必须引起重视的一个问题。北京是朝鲜族迁移人口大批聚居的城市,同时也聚居了很多韩国企业和韩国人口,选择北京朝鲜族人口为调查样本,进行语言的使用及适应问题的研究具有一定的典型性。作为受教育程度较高、双语兼通者较多、迁移人口猛增的跨境民族,朝鲜族群体的语言适应研究也能够为其他少数民族的语言适应问题以及迁移者的城市语言适应问题提供一定的参考。本文共分五个章节。具体结构为:在前言部分,主要论述了选题的意义及目的,对国内外有关语言适应的著作及资料文献进行了梳理,把语言适应的概念澄清,并论述了本文的重点。本文的研究基于问卷调查和自然语言录音,因此对样本的选取与研究方法做了说明,并对北京地区朝鲜族的沿革与现况做了基本的阐述。在第一章,根据问卷调查的统计分析结果,按人群的分类,论述了大学生、公务员与白领、服务业人员的语言使用现况及语言适应情况;在第二章,则分析了影响语言适应的相关因素,以年龄、性别、方言、居住时间为变量考察了这些变量与语言使用及语言适应情况之间的关系。在第三章,对语言的几个要素的变异与适应情况进行了梳理,我们选取了词汇、称谓语、程式语三个要素,根据自然语言的对话,分析阐述了朝鲜族群体在大城市中对韩国语和汉语适应过程中三个要素的适应情况。第四章,研究了作为语言适应重要策略之一的语码转换,在城市朝鲜族双语人群中与聚居区相比,有什么不同特点以及城市中语码转换功能的强化。我们选取了在京8个家庭,考察了儿童语言的语码转换,通过考察父母的语码转换与儿童的语码转换之间的相关关系,得出父母的教养方式、语言态度等因素与儿童母语习得之间的关系,并总结出父母的成功语言策略。第五章,我们把语境分为语言语境、情景语境和文化语境,通过一些交际实例来分析了语境在语言适应中的主要功能,以及语境的各种要素对语言产生的影响。结语部分对本文的意义和重点做了概括和引申。本文试图从以下几个方面进行深入研究和有所突破。第一:除了通过问卷调查获得语言的基本使用情况并进行分析以外,尝试以几个关键变量为轴线探索与语言适应密切相关并产生重大影响的因素。第二:试图以自然语言录音文本、个人追踪调查等方法,结合本体的研究深入挖掘语言适应的过程与表现形式以及策略,初步获得有价值的成果。

【Abstract】 With the expediting process of urbanization in China, it is inevitable for ethnic population to immigrate into urban areas. Especially for the Korean nationality, large numbers of them move to big cities or abroad from their original inhabiting regions. And the immigration brings many differences on their ethnic language, such as the variation on the way of language using and language function, as well as the proceeding of speech accommodation. To get better with the new environment and accelerate the ethnic Korean’s self-development, we should attach importance to language adaptation. We choose the Korean ethnic group in Beijing as the research sample because of the mass gathering of the ethnic Koreans as well as the Korean enterprises and Koreans; it is representative to carry out the research on the question of using and adapting language. And for reference purposes, this research also could produce an effect on other ethnic groups owing to the feature of highly educated, bilingual mastered, and increasingly population floated in Korean nationality.The paper contains five chapters. The preface mainly enunciates the purpose and importance of the topic. It also makes a list of the relevant references on language adaptation which come from both inside and outside China and clarifies the definition of the concept. The research of this paper is based on questionnaires and recordings of natural language, so this part also includes the method of choosing sample and conducting the research, as well as the evolution and current situation of Korean nationality in Beijing.According to the result of questionnaire’s statistic analysis, chapter one elaborates the language using and adapting situation of university students, civil servants and white collar workers, as well as servers respectively on the basis of multitude category.The second chapter analyses the relevant factors that influence the adaptation of language. It takes age, gender, dialect, and living period as the variables, and then inspects the relationship between these variables and the language using and adapting situation.In chapter three, we make clear of the variation and adaptation cases of several elements in language which are vocabulary, appellations, and formulaic language. Based on natural language dialogues in the recordings, this part expounds the adapting situation of Korean ethnic group to the three elements which exist in speaking Korean and Chinese.The following chapter studies the language code-switching, which can be seen as one of the major strategies of language adaptation. It points out the different features of code-switching between bilingual ethnic Korean’s city dwellings and their original region dwellings, and also the intensification of code-switching function in cities. We pick eight families in Beijing to observe the code-switching of children’s language and reach a conclusion of the relationship between several factors like the way of education & language attitude and the children’s first language acquisition by comparing the children’s code-switching to their parents’. We could sum up the best way of learning language from the research.We could divided the context into language context and situational context, and the fifth part of the paper analyses the chief function of context in the language adaptation and the influences of context elements on language through several living communication examples. The conclusion summarizes and extends the important points and significance of the whole passage.This paper tries to research in a deep-going way and make a breakthrough in the following aspects:firstly, using several key variables as the middle axle to explore the decisive factors which closely relate to and have effect on the language adaptation apart from analyzing the basic situation by questionnaire research; Secondly, we try to use the text of natural language recordings and personal tracking as the research methods, and combine the research of language itself to excavate the proceeding, expression, and strategies of language adaptation to obtain useful results preliminarily.
