

【作者】 翟会锋

【导师】 胡素华;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本文以“参考语法”所倡导的语言描写与研究的原则和方法为理论框架,以语言学的基本理论作指导,吸收类型学的研究成果对三官彝语的语法结构及其特点进行了系统的、全面的共时描写。全文共分九章。第一章绪论。分研究设计和三官寨概况两节。第一节介绍论文的理论框架、研究方法、语料来源等。在对前人的研究成果的回顾后,提出了研究彝语东部方言的紧迫性和重要性。第二节介绍了三官寨的地理位置、村寨历史以及彝语使用情况。第二章语音。描写了三官彝语的声、韵、调系统以及音节结构类型;归纳了三官彝语的一些音变现象。第三章词法。分单纯词和合成词两部分。单纯词分为:单音节单纯词、双音节单纯词、多音节单纯词。合成词分为:复合式、重叠式和附加式三类。第四章词类。共分十二节,对三官彝语的名词、代词、数词、量词、动词、形容词、助动词、副词、介词、连词、助词、应答词进行详细描写。不仅全面地描写了这些词类的语法特征,而且对一些相对封闭的词类进行了逐个地描写和研究。重点描写分析了动词的视点体,把三官彝语的视点体分为:完成体、完整体、终结体、起始体、进行体、持续体和伴随体七种。详细描写了副词的类别以及单个副词的语法功能。对介词(前置词)不仅进行了逐个地描写,而且,从语义的联系和差异,构建和分析了介词语法化的过程。该部分还对助词的类别、语法功能进行了全面的、系统的描写和分析。第五章短语结构。共分六节,对三官彝语的并列、偏正、动宾、动补、主谓以及领属短语进行了分类和描写。第六章句法成分。共分六节,对充当句法成分的词类和结构以及句法成分语义上的分类进行了描写和分析。第七章单句。共分七节,分别对动词性谓语句、形容词性谓语句、名词性谓语句、主谓谓语句、比较句、话题句和非主谓句进行了描写。其中,比较句部分,对比较句的构成、类型和语序进行了全面的、微观的描写和分析;话题句部分,把话题分为无标记话题句和有标记话题句,并对这两种类型的构成和特点进行了挖掘。第八章复句。分别对联合复句和主从复句进行了描写和分析。其中,把联合复句分为:并列、选择、顺承、解说和递进五种类型;把主从复句分为:转折、假设、条件、因果、目的五种类型。第九章句类。共四节,分别对陈述句、疑问句、祈使句和感叹句进行了描写。通过描写分析,我们对三官彝语有了较为全面和深入的认识。从词汇构成上看,三官彝语借用汉语的年代估计较早,不仅一些新出现的事物借用了汉语借词,而且在一些功能词上,如助动词、体助词,也借用了汉语,出现汉语借词与彝语固有词之间并存竞争的局面。从屈折变化上看,三官彝语中通过辅音声母的清浊对立来表示使动的屈折变化正趋于消失,只剩下残存的使动与自动的对立。从词的重叠上看,除了个别的量词能够重叠表示遍指外,绝大部分的量词不能重叠,动词、形容词可以重叠表示疑问。从语序上看,形容词作定语可在中心语之后,也可在中心语之前;指示代词、量词、数量短语、指量短语作定语,在中心语之后,人称代词、疑问代词、动词、名词、介词短语作定语,在中心语之前;副词充当状语有两个句法位置,有些副词只能出现在谓语动词之后,有些副词只能出现在谓语动词之前。从词类上看,三官彝语中的附置词,不仅有后置词,而且还有前置词和框式附置词,这些前置词都是彝语的固有词,这种OV型语言中出现前置词的现象对语言类型学、语言接触理论的研究具有重要意义。定中结构助词分为领属性和描写性两种,两者严格区分,不能混淆。从以上特点可以看到,三官彝语不仅具有典型的分析型SOV语言所具有的类型学特征,同时还具有非典型的类型学特征。它可以为汉藏语的比较研究和类型学的研究提供素材和依据,是非常值得研究的彝语方言。

【Abstract】 According to some principles on language description and researches which are proposed by reference grammar, this dissertation, based on the typological research achievements, makes a comprehensive and systematic study on San Guan Sub-dialect, a branch of eastern dialect of the Yi language, mainly discussing its phonological system, morphology and syntactic system. It consists of nine chapters.Chapter one is composed of two sections:the design of the dissertation and a short description of the village of San Guan. The first section introduces the theories and methods, the corpus source of San Guan Yi-language and so on. On the basis of a general review on the former linguistic researches, this paper advances the significance and importance on researching the San Guan Yi-language. The second section describes the geographical position and the history of San Guan, and the actual situation of Yi-language use is also introduced.Chapter Two describes the initials, finals, tonic types and syllable canon of the San Guan Yi-language (SGYL). And tonic variations are also tentatively referred.Chapter Three makes a presentation of word-building process of the language, namely, single-morpheme and compounding words The single-morpheme words are divided into three categories:monosyllable, disyllable and polysyllable. Compounding words consists of compound, superposition and affixation.Chapter Four is something about parts of speech and it is made up of twelve sections which describe such parts of speech as noun, pronoun, numeral, quantifier, verb, adjective, auxiliary, adverb, preposition, conjunction, particle, and interjection respectively. Each section not only describes the grammatical features of those words but also does some research on some words in the close word-classes. Special attention is also paid to the aspects of verbs in this chapter. SGYL is made up of seven sorts of aspects which are perfect, perfective, telicity, inceptive, progressive, continuous and comitative. Meanwhile, the types of adverbs and grammatical function of single adverb are described particularly. The prepositions are not only completely described one by one in the chapter and the processes of their grammaticalizations are also described by comparing their difference on synchronic state of their meanings. Besides, this chapter describes categories of particles and their syntactic functions.Chapter Five is a description on the phrasal structure of SGYL The structure is divided into six parts which are coordinate phrases, modifier-noun phrases, narrative-object phrases, verb- complement phrases, subject-predicate phrases, and "bu13" or "x(?)33" phrases.Chapter six, Chapter Seven and Chapter Eight concentrate upon syntactic aspects of the language. Starting from sentence components (Chapter Six), the dissertation goes all the way through simple sentence types (Chapter Seven) to complex sentence types (Chapter Eight). Chapter Seven gives a full description of verb sentences, adjective sentences, noun sentences, subject-predicate sentences, comparative sentences, topic sentences and so on. The Parts of comparative sentences and topic sentences are paid more attentions to, in comparative sentences from their constitutes to word orders, and in topic sentences from marker topic sentences to non-marker topic sentences. Chapter Eight puts stress on complex sentence of coordination and subordinate structure types, namely,and-coordinate,but-coordinate, or-coordinate, continue-coordinate and conditional clauses, causal clauses, purpose clauses, concessive clauses, temporal clauses, etc. Chapter nine is description on mood types of sentences. The structure is divided into four parts which are declarative sentences, interrogative sentences, imperative sentences and exclamatory sentences.On the basis of the study, we have got a comprehensive and deep understanding on SGYL. From the aspect of phonetics, the plosives or affricates of initial consonants in prenasalized stops in SGYL have the tendency of devoicing. Initial consonants of affricates behind the tip of the tongue are changing towards affricates in front of the apex of the tongue. Most of glottal stops have disappeared. From the aspect of lexical formation, it is a long history for SGYL to borrow some words from Han Chinese characters. Not only some new-born matters but also function words such as auxiliaries, aspects of auxiliaries and so on have borrowed from Han Chinese characters. So, the competitive situation between Chinese loanwords and SGYL local words has existed. From the aspect of inflection, it is almost disappearing for SGYL to express Causative inflection through voiced and voiceless opposition of initial consonants and the opposition between actuation and automation has only been left. From the aspect of Overlapping words, except that separate overlapping quantifiers can express common indication, most quantifiers can not overlap. Verbs and adjectives can overlap to express interrogation. From the aspect of sentence order, Adjectives acting as attributes scan be put not only behind the qualified words but also in front of qualified words. Demonstrative pronoun, quantifier, quantity phrases and indicating phrases acting as attributes can be put in front of qualified words. There are two syntax positions for adverbs acting as adverbial modifiers. Some of adverbs can only be in front of predicates and some are only behind predicates. From the aspect of parts of speech, position words in SGYL contain postposition, preposition and framing position words. Those preposition words belong to innate words of SGYL. The type of OV sentence has played a significant part on the study of linguistic typology and language contact. Auxiliary words in attribute head structure is divided into leading and describing words which are very different from each other and can’t be confused. According to above features, SGYL not only has the typical features of typology but also has the features of other Yi dialects. Meanwhile SGYL has some special features different from other Yi dialects and untypical typology,and it is a valuable Yi language to for us to study. On the discussion of the above features, the SGYL has both typical and non-typical typological characteristics of analysis-type SOV language. It is strongly expected that the present study will be helpful to the further research of the SGYL and beneficial to the contrastive research and typological study of the Sino-Tibetan family.
