

【作者】 何春明

【导师】 李鸿宾;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 专门史, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 唐朝四方馆是唐朝接待周边民族和国家使者的具有一定行政管理职能的涉外接待机构。前人已对四方馆进行过探讨和研究,但仍留有不小的探索空间,特别是关于唐代四方馆,空间还很大。本文通过对史料的整理分析,来探讨四方馆的演变、建置、职能及其在处理民族关系中的地位和作用,并试着揭示出唐朝民族互动交流的主流和实质。本文的几点新意在于:一是梳理出了舍、蛮夷邸、四夷馆、四方馆和会同馆之间的承继关系和演变轨迹。二是对唐代四方馆的建置职能进行了详细论述,揭示出四方馆在一定程度上是唐朝民族关系、对外关系的晴雨表和风向标,同时,从四方馆内居住人员的构成上分析得出,唐朝与强势民族和国家的交流往来是唐朝民族关系和对外关系的主体和主导。三是认为四方馆对贯彻执行唐朝“布兹宽惠”的民族政策和实现“悦近来远”的外交意图,展示唐朝强大的外交形象、促进唐与周边民族的交流融合,加强与周边国家的友好往来发挥了积极作用。本文的不足之处在于,一是囿于史料所限,只能笼统地指出四方馆内居住的是四方使客,但无法准确地判定具体是何人。二是对四方馆与其他部门关系的探究,深度不够,还有很多的问题值得思考和研究。这些,都有待日后深入探讨,逐步解决。文章内容安排如下:第一章是绪论,主要叙述论文选题的由来、选题的意义、四方馆研究综述、论文的研究方法以及论文写作过程中的难点和重点等内容。第二章是四方馆的由来与变迁。在前人研究成果的基础上,笔者进一步对有关史料进行梳理,并据此探析四方馆萌芽、发展、成熟、面世、完善、衰弱、陨殁变迁的历史原因和社会背景,并重点考察了先秦时期的“舍”、秦汉时期的蛮夷邸、魏晋南北朝时期的四夷馆、隋唐四方馆、宋代的都亭驿、礼宾院、元明时期的会同馆等重要的古代中央客馆,阐述了决定四方馆变迁的主要原因是基于当时中央王朝处理民族关系和对外关系的客观需要,中央王朝接待机构的变革和异动是服从和服务于当时民族融合和对外交往的国家大局的。第三章是四方馆的建置。本章主要考察了四方馆的行政建置和人员编制、四方馆的办事人员和主事长官及其主要职责,重点阐述了四方馆公职人员的朝见引纳及辞谢、负责慰劳存问及郊迓两方面的主要职责。同时,还分类考察了四方馆的管理和服务对象——四方馆内的居住人员,主要是周边民族和国家派遣至唐的各类使客,如朝贡使者、朝见使者、求请使者、和亲使者、告哀使者、祝贺使者、告捷使者、修好使者、互市使者、答谢使者、吊祭使者和侍子、留学生和政治避难人员等。第四章是四方馆与唐朝其他部门的关系。本章主要论述了四方馆与同样涉及涉外接待事务的鸿胪客馆、礼宾院、太仆寺、将作监、地方客馆及中央其他行政部门的关系,阐述了鸿胪客馆是高级外宾接待机构,礼宾院是举行宴请、会见等礼仪的外交礼仪场所,将作监、太仆寺只是在皇帝有诏令或接待任务特别繁重的特殊情况下才参与接待外宾的,其他有关行政部门在涉外接待方面多是负责遣唐使者的管理、待遇等宏观政策性事务,并据此论述了四方馆承担了唐朝涉外接待,尤其是四方馆内居住人的生活起居等服务的主要任务,进一步分析了四方馆在唐朝行政体系中的地位和作用。第五章是四方馆的职能。本章主要阐述了四方馆作为承担唐朝主要涉外接待任务的重要机构所具有的接待安置、司礼奏纳、安边怀远、互市贸易、了解蕃情等五项重要职能。同时还就学术界关于四方馆具有警示功能这一提法进行了商榷,并提出笔者自己的观点。最后一部分是结语。主要论述了四方馆是一个以接待职能为主的兼具行政、外交、商贸、礼仪、情报等职能的综合性的涉外接待机构。它在完成外事接待,贯彻落实唐朝的民族政策和外交意图,展示唐朝强大的外交形象、促进民族交流与融合等方面的积极作用。并揭示出唐朝时期的民族交往和国家往来主要是强势民族和强势国家之间的交流和往来,这是民族、国家之间互动交流的主体、主流,居于主导地位,唐与周边弱小民族和国家的交流往来处在非主体的从属地位。

【Abstract】 Sifang Guan in Tang Dynasty is a reception agency concerning foreign affairs with a administrative management function to receive envoys from minorities and other states. Explorations and studies on Sifang Guan have been made in the past but still leaving a great space for us, especially on the investigation of Sifang Guan in Tang Dynasty. Through analysis on the historical materials, this thesis probes into the evolvement, establishment, function as well as its role in the management of ethnic relations and tries to root out the mainstream and essentials of interactions of minorities in Tang Dynasty.The newness of this study mainly represents in four points. Firstly, it reorganized the successive relationships and the evolving trail of "She", "Manyi Di", "Siyi Guan", "Sifang Guan" and "Huitong Guan". Secondly, it dissertates the establishment and function of Sifang Guan in Tang Dynasty posting that Sifang Guan on a certain level is a barometer and wind vane for the ethnic and foreign relations of Tang Dynasty. Through the analysis of the residents structure in Sifang Guan, we can draw a conclusion that the exchange between Tang Dynasty and the advantaged minorities and countries are the leading exchange in Tang Dynasty’s ethnic relations and foreign relations. Thirdly, Sifang Guan plays a very important role in implementation of the ethnic policy of "tolerance and benefit without fail" and realization of the foreign policy of "pleasing the neighborhood and attracting the far away" which aims at showing the strong foreign image of Tang Dynasty and strengthening the interaction of Tang and the neighboring minorities as well as strengthening the friendly exchanges with bordering countries.The shortcomings of this study are mainly at two aspects. First, as lack of historical materials, this study can only states vigorously that the residents in Sifang Guan are envoys from all sides but to know exactly who and where were they from. Second, the investigation on relations between Sifang Guan and other departments are limited in depth leaving a lot of questions to study. Those two problems needs to be further explored and solved step by step.The content is as following:Chapter one is an introduction. It focuses on the source of the topic, the meanings of the topic, the survey of Sifang Guan research, the research method and the emphasis of the thesis.Chapter two introduces the origin and the development of the Sifang Guan. Based on the previous studies, the author further analyses the historic reason and social background of Sifang Guan’s developemt. The study mainly deals with House in Pre——Qin period, Manyi Di in Qin and Han Dynasties, Siyi Guan in Wei, Jin, and Southern and Northern Dynasties, Sifang Guan in Sui and Tang Dynasties, Duting Yi in Song Dynasty, Huitong Guan in Yuan and Ming Dynasties. It explains that the main reason for the development of SifangGuan is the objective demands of the ethnic relationships and the foreign relationships. The change and reform of the central government receiving organization subrdinated to the general interest of the state.Chapter three is the intoduction of the administrative organization of SifangGuan. This part focus on its organization, the manning quotas, and the main responsibilities of its staff. At the same time, pay attention to research the foreign guest from circumjacent nation,such as paying—tribute—legate, begging—legate, allied—legate, notifying—legate, trading—legate, congratulating—legate, etc.Chapter four discuss the relation between the Sifang Guan and other departments,for example Honglu Hotel, Libin Court, Taipu Si, Jiangzuo Jian, local hotel, and other departments of the central government of Tang Dynasty. Expatiate the function of Honglu Hotel, Libin Court, Taipu Si, Jiangzuo Jian etc.hereby,draw a conclusion that the Sifang Guan take on the main task to serve the most foreign guests.Chapter five pay much attention to expound the function of Sifang Guan,Base on the historical materials, the author bring up a viewpoint that Sifang Guan with responsibility for recepting foreign guests, showing proprieties, conciliating, trading, collecting information. Last part is epilogue. Mainly discusses Sifang Guan in the Tang Dynasty implement open inclusive foreign policy and enlightened relaxed political rule of the environment,to cooperate with theTang Dynasty, the complete heavy diplomatic reception the task, to show strong diplomatic image, promote the Tang Dynasty and peripheral national exchange and integration, strengthen the Tang Dynasty and neighboring countries friendly exchanges between the positive role. And according to the situation of Sifang Guan reception of the foreign guests, reveals during the Tang Dynasty between nation association and national relations is an important phenomenon, namely the communication and exchanges between The Tang Dynasty and the surrounding strong nation and great power, is the mainstream, predominates of the subject of national association and exchange, by contraries,the communion and exchange between Tang and the surrounding weak nations and countries in the main body of the exchange exchanges the submissive and subsidiary position.

【关键词】 唐朝四方馆变迁建置职能研究
【Key words】 TangSifang GuanVicissitudeOrganizationFunctionResearch