

【作者】 沈洁

【导师】 陈长平;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 人类学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 自人类起源以来,人口与环境之间的关系就客观地存在着。远古时期,环境极大制约了人口的发展;近代工业革命后,人类大规模改造自然,扩大生存空间,在增加人口数量的同时,对环境也造成了一定的影响和破坏。如何正确处理人口与环境之间的关系成为当今人口学、经济学、社会学等学科研究的一个重要课题,并随之产生了一系列的理论成果。本论文通过对享有“中国人口文化第一村”和“中国计划生育第一村”美誉的贵州省从江县占里村——位于大山深处的一个侗族村寨的人类学调查和研究,以民族志手法描述了占里人在当地环境中的位置、占里人与环境之间的相互适应过程、文化在这个过程中所发挥的重要作用,以及国家行政建构和经济发展对当地文化的影响,等等,论证人与环境之间并非只是简单地相互制约关系。人口问题,或环境问题并非是孤立的,二者间存在着有机的联系,其关键就在于文化的调节作用。在当前日益深化的人口发展政策及生态资源保护中,如果忽略本土文化生存与民族主体性发挥、忽略当地民族文化与自然·社会环境之间的相互适应性,就是缘木求鱼,甚至可能误入歧途,其前途令人担忧。本论文通过考察当地的经济生活、政治制度、社会组织、文化习俗、信仰体系、传承方式等文化构成要素及其时代的变迁,阐释文化作为一种调适手段在人口发展上所发挥的积极作用,强调从民族主体出发解决生存与环境之间矛盾的重要性。本论文认为,占里作为传统农耕民族,之所以能够长时间在量和质上对人口进行有效控制,与其传统文化所发挥的影响和作用密不可分:生活在一个相对封闭空间中的占里侗族,无法也不愿向更加广阔的地域移民以缓解人口增加的压力,只能从内部对人口进行控制;当人口控制思想形成之后,围绕这一中心所建立起来的文化体系为其实施提供了保障。虽然占里以“换花草”而闻名,但实际上,现象背后整套的文化机制才是占里成功控制人口的“良方秘药’当然,在面对强势外来文化或主流文化的时候,民族文化显然在竞争力上居于弱势。占里人传承了几百年的文化体系也面临着崩溃的边缘:近年来,占里人口不断增加,已超过了传统文化中所规定的数量;占里的年轻一代都渴望走出大山开始新生活,而不愿传承本民族的文化。本论文所从事的研究,从一定意义上来说,是一种“文化的抢救”。也许在不久之后,促成“人口第一村”的占里文化会消失但是它将被载入人类学研究的文案中,而不会被湮没在历史的长河里。这也正是我们作为文化人类学研究者应当具备的一种人文关怀。本论文通过对翔实的民族志材料的分析,阐释在国家建构和现代化建设过程中,以进步和改造的名义对当地传统文化造成的破坏,影响了人口与环境之间的顺遂发展;而忽略民族文化和民族主体性的保护,又将加深本土人群文化的生存危机。本论文对于丰富社区研究实践、反思国家的话语权力、拓展“文明”与“乡野”关系的研究思路具有一定现实意义。占里模式是在户籍制、城乡二元化及国家控制人口政策的推行过程中被挖掘出来的典型和特例,具有一定的历史、地理和文化特殊性。作为一种成功模式,它究竟在多大的程度上能够对我国的计划生育工作提供借鉴也未可知。但是,作为人类发展史上的一个特例,它不同于农耕社会人口发展规律的常态,丰富了人类社会发展的多样性,具有相当重要的学术价值。在调查和文本写作的过程中,本论文主要运用了人类学深度访谈、参与观察、比较研究和综合分析等方法。尤其重要的是,在田野调查的过程中,我十分注重倾听当地人的声音,再以自己的眼睛去验证。这也正是马文·哈里斯一再强调的方法论。总之,本研究将加深我们对环境、人口与文化之间互动关系的理解,为学术研究和民族政策提供必要的资料;对于促进生态人类学这门新兴学科在中国的发展也具有重要意义。

【Abstract】 The relationship between population and environment is the existing objective relationship since the beginning of the human beings. In ancient times, the environment has greatly restricted the development of the population; since modern industrial revolution, to expand living space and to increase population, humans have done the large-scale transformation of the nature, meanwhile, some environmental impact and damage have been caused as well. How to correctly handle the relationship between population and environment will become the demography, economics, sociology and other disciplines an important research topic, and through which a series of theoretical results and perspectives have being produced. In this paper, the author with anthropological research approach, studied the village Zhanli village in Congjiang County, Guizhou Province, entitled "China’s first population culture village" and "family planning, the first village of China", with anthropological ethnography, narrated the Zhanli villagers’position of local ecological environment, the process of interactive adjustment and development between population and environment, the influence to the social organization by nature and social environment, the importance of cultural mechanism to the process of population control, and the local culture influence by the State administrative construction and economic development ect. By which, the author studied that the population and the environment were not simply the mutual influence, because the issue of population or the environment was not being isolated by its own, but organically inter-related, which the culture adjustment played the key roles. Deepening of the current population and development policies and the protection of ecological resources, if local culture and ethnic subjectivities were ignored, as well as the mutual adaptation between local ethnic culture, nature and social environment, it may be wishful thinking, or even misguided, The future may be worthy of concern.This thesis by examining the cultural forming factors, such as the local economic life, political system, social organization, cultural practices, belief systems, heritage modes etc. and the change of times, described culture as an adaptive means of population development played an active role, and emphasized the importance of resolving the contradiction between survival and environment from the ethnic subjectivity. In my view, Zhanli, as the traditional farming Dong ethnic group village, has been able to control of its population in the quantity and quality for a long time, its traditional culture, played important role. Living in a relatively closed space Dong people in Zhanli village, unable or unwilling to broader geographical migration to ease the pressure of survival, can only be controlled from within the population; When population control as an idea came into being, the focus on the establishment of this center upon the cultural system as the smooth implementation of the policy provides protection. Although Zhanli has been well known for its "huanhuacao", but in fact the whole set of cultural mechanisms behind is the key success of population control.In the face of strong foreign culture or the mainstream culture, national and ethnic culture, in terms of competitive, is in the inferior position. In Zhanli village, the heritage of cultural system transmitted for several hundred of years, also faced the brink of collapse:In recent years the population in Zhanli has been high, which has surpassed the threshold of the local customary law. Research undertaken by this paper, to a certain sense, is a kind of "culture rescuing":Maybe in the near future, as a "populous village" Zhanli culture will disappear, but it will not be lost in history. This is what we as cultural anthropologists should have of a humanistic concern.By analyzing the detailed ethnographic materials, the author explained that the construction and modernization at the national process, in the name of progress and transformation, the local traditional culture has been damaged, the development of population and the environment was badly affected; the neglect of the ethnic culture and subjectivity protection, in turn deepened survival of crisis the culture of indigenous people. This research contributed to the communities’studies, reflecting the national discourse of power, expanding the research views of the central and the periphery, the civilized and the barbaric with a certain practical significance.Zhanli mode is a typical and special case for implementing the household registration system, the urban-rural and national population control policy, has a certain historical, geographical and cultural specificity. As a successful model, to what extent, it can play some referential role in the family planning is also unknown. However, as a special case of the history of human development, it has broken the law of development of agricultural population; it has enriched the diversity of the development of human society, which has important academic value.In the process of the investigation and the writing of the text, this thesis used the anthropological in-depth interviews, participant observation, comparative study and comprehensive analysis etc. In the course of fieldwork, focusing on local people’s voices, and then to verify with my own eyes, this is what Marvin Harris has repeatedly stressed.In conclusion, this study will enhance the understanding the interactive relations between the environment, population and culture, which will provide some experimental information for academic research and the experience of national policy; for the promotion of this emerging discipline of ecological anthropology in China’s development is also important.

【关键词】 人口环境文化占里生存
【Key words】 PopulationEnvironmentCultureZhanliSurvival