

【作者】 周小艺

【导师】 陈理;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 专门史, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 仡佬族是一个历史悠久而历经曲折的古老民族,大致经历了从濮人到僚人再到仡佬族的历史演变过程。黔北自古以来是仡佬族及其先民活动的地区,其特殊的地理位置和历史背景使该地区历来是汉文化通向贵州及其以西以南广大地区的门户,与其他地区的仡佬族相比,黔北仡佬族受汉文化影响的程度更深,甚至一度濒于消亡。建国后的民族识别工作,使仡佬族得以重建,但仡佬族传统文化的重构,仍然任重而道远。今天,黔北仍然是仡佬族人口最多、分布最集中的地区,成为“仡佬族大本营”,在重建仡佬族和复兴仡佬族传统文化的过程中扮演着主要角色。本文分为七个部分对黔北地区仡佬族的历史进程进行梳理,展现仡佬族从历史上的繁盛走向衰落甚至消亡,再到今天重建的过程,并对仡佬族族群重建和民族文化重构等相关问题进行试探性的分析。第一章为绪论部分,介绍本文的选题缘由和意义、研究的理论和方法以及国内外相关研究状况。第二章主要对仡佬族的族源问题进行简要的分析,介绍了黔北地区仡佬族的历史渊源,着重突出历史上濮人的活动情况并探寻濮人与仡佬族的关系。第三章论述了仡佬单一民族的形成以及唐宋至明初中央王朝间接统治之下黔北地区仡佬族的基本情况,主要表现为:与汉族等民族杂居共处和社会经济平稳发展这两个特点,并分析了这一时期仡佬族平稳发展的主要原因。第四章主要分析了明清时期改土归流、汉人大量进入以及战乱等因素对黔北仡佬族带来的巨大冲击以及仡佬族逐步走向衰落的情况。进一步分析民国时期的政局动荡和民族同化政策对黔北仡佬族的致命打击。第五章通过民族识别和黔北地区仡佬族民族区域自治地方的建立来看仡佬族的重建,并结合民族学、人类学的相关理论分析重建的条件、基础及动力。第六章主要说明作为重建的民族,其文化的复兴主要是在政府力量的主导下进行,介绍当前黔北地区在仡佬族传统文化复兴的现状,分析存在的困难,对黔北仡佬族文化复兴的道路做出一定的探讨。最后在结论部分对全文进行总结,仡佬族的重建是历史的选择和现实的需要,然而民族的重建伴随而来的民族文化复兴更为关键,是一项长期而复杂的过程,文章在结论中对仡佬族文化复兴的前景进行了展望。

【Abstract】 Gelao is a single ethnic group of people who have a long history and Splendid culture, roughly experienced from Pu people,then Liao people to Gelao. North Guizhou is always the main activity area of Gelao as well as their ancestors since ancient times, also is the channel of Han culture into the vast regions of the Guizhou and Guizhou’s southern and western because of its special geographical position and historical background. Gelao in north Guizhou was influence by Han culture deeper Compared with Gelao people in other regions, even die out. After the founding of The People’s Republic of China, Gelao get re-established by means of the Ethnic identification. But the traditional culture’s re-build of Gelao is more complicated and time-consuming. Today, North Guizhou still is the main live space of Gelao by the main part of people and concentration of Living, and be referred to as "The base camp of Gelao", play a major role (?) the process of ethnic reconstruction and cultural renaissance.The dissertation is divided into 7 sections:The first section is introduction. It mainly introduces why I chose this research direction and the research significance meanwhile goes through the theories of academic study on Gelao. In addition, it illustrates the related research status domestic and overseas.The second section mainly reviews the Gelao’s Ethnic origin, especial introduces the historical origin of Gelao in north Guizhou. Pu people’s activity and the relationship of Pu people and Gelao are highlighted.The third section relate and analyze the form of Gelao as a single ethnic group, concentrated on the smoothly development situation of Gelao was under the indirect rule by the central imperial from Tang dynasty to early days in Ming dynasty. The main characteristics were live together with Han and society and economies steadily progress.The forth section focuses on the decline of Gelao in Ming and Qing dynasty Because of the Gai-tu-gui-liu policy and han people’large-scale entrance. Then analysis Gelao’s die out in volatile political situation and policy of the national assimilation policy in the Republic of China.The fifth section Combined with the theories of ethnology and anthropology, narrates the Ethnic identification work and re-established of Gelao.The sixth section mainly account for traditional culture’s rebuilt by the administrative means, introduce the current situation of cultures rebuilt in north Guizhou, pointed out the predicament of the rebuilt work.The last section is conclusion, Ethnic re-construction of Gelao is the The need of historic choice and real need, the traditional cultural renaissance is more difficult and more important. Then the dissertation estimates the future of the Gelao and their culture.

【关键词】 黔北地区仡佬族重建复兴
【Key words】 North GuizhouGelaoReconstructionRenaissance