

Effects of Manure Application on Soil Phosphorus Components and Phosphorus Losses of Farmland

【作者】 朱晓晖

【导师】 张维理;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业科学院 , 植物营养学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 近年来随着我国畜禽养殖业的高速发展,畜禽粪便产生磷量大幅度增长,目前已达1000万吨,相当于当年化肥投入磷素总量的90%。随着畜禽养殖产业带的发展,在我国部分农区,农田对畜禽粪尿产生磷的承载量急剧增长,对我国集约化农区100多个乡镇的调查结果显示:80年代初期耕地承载畜禽粪尿磷量约为20 kg P2O5/ha,而目前平均为114 kg P2O5/ha,一些乡镇超过600 kg P2O5/ha。已有研究显示农田超量施用化学磷肥,在降雨导致农田产生径流和淋溶条件下,会导致农田磷素流失。新近的研究还显示:畜禽有机肥磷的主要组分为水溶态磷及易溶态磷,大量施用有机肥也会导致农田磷素流失。为了解有机肥用量对不同形态土壤磷含量的影响,阐明由于施用有机肥引起土壤磷素的变化对农田磷素流失的作用,在中国农业科学院廊坊试验站(东经116°35′37″,北纬39°36′04″),设置了有机肥用量田间试验和原位人工模拟降雨试验。有机肥试验进行于2008-2009年,种植作物为春玉米-冬小麦-夏玉米,肥料为畜禽有机肥,磷用量为0(对照)、75、225 kg P/ha三个水平,重复4-6次,有机肥含磷量为4.49 g/kg,其中水溶性总磷、水溶性无机磷、水溶性有机磷、Olsen浸提剂浸提磷分别为19.9 %、18.4、1.5 %、66.1%。肥料均在玉米播种前一次性施入,表施后翻耕。田间原位模拟降雨试验于2009年8月上旬进行,设置了120mm/h,60mm/h两个雨强,分别模拟大雨造成的地表径流和持续降雨形成的渗漏两类流失过程,雨量均为120mm。研究结果显示:随有机肥磷用量水平的提高,0-5 cm和5-20 cm土层土壤全磷、土壤全磷、水溶性总磷、水溶性无机磷、水溶性有机磷、Olsen-P含量均显著提高。就不同形态土壤磷而言,有机肥磷用量对高水溶性土壤磷含量的影响大于对低水溶性土壤磷含量的影响。有机肥磷用量为75 kg/ha时,0-5cm土层中水溶性无机磷、土壤水溶性总磷、水溶性有机磷、Olsen-P较对照分别提高了1320.6 %、1044.2 %、631.3 %、479.4 %,其中土壤水溶性无机磷由对照的0.65 mg P/kg提高到9.24 mg P/kg,而土壤全磷仅提高了19.0 %,由对照的636.3 mg P/kg提高到757.5 mg P/kg。有机肥磷用量为225 kg/ha时,0-5cm土层中水溶性无机磷、土壤水溶性总磷、水溶性有机磷、Olsen-P较对照分别提高了3755.2 %、2536.1 %、715.7 %、1603.1 %,其中土壤水溶性无机磷提高到25.08 mg P/kg,而土壤全磷提高到1069.8 mg P/kg,较对照仅提高了68.1 %。就两种土层而言,有机肥磷用量对表层土壤磷含量的影响显著高于对下层的影响。有机肥磷用量为75 kg/ha时,0-5 cm土层中各种形态土壤磷含量分别较对照平均增加了698.9 %,而其在5-20 cm土层中的平均增加仅为154.7 %;在0-5 cm土层中土壤水溶性总磷含量从由对照的1.09 mg P/kg提高到12.43 mg P/kg,土壤全磷含量从由对照的636.3 mg P/kg提高到757.5 mg P/kg。有机肥磷用量为225 kg P/ha时,0-5 cm土层中各种形态土壤磷含量较对照平均增加了1735.6 %,而其在5-20 cm土层中的平均增加仅为634.2 %,在0-5 cm土层中土壤水溶性总磷含量从由对照的1.09 mg P/kg提高到28.63 mg P/kg,土壤全磷含量从由对照的636.3 mg P/kg提高到1069.8mg P/kg。田间原位人工模拟降雨试验结果显示,在土壤磷含量,特别是表层高水溶性土壤磷含量随着有机肥磷用量增加而呈高倍增加条件下,渗漏流失液中的总磷、水溶性总磷、水溶性无机磷、颗粒磷含量均显著增加,其中增加幅度最大为水溶性无机磷,当有机肥磷用量为225 kg/ha时,农田渗漏流失液中的总磷、水溶性总磷、水溶性无机磷、水溶性有机磷、颗粒磷含量分别为8.12 mg P/L、3.48 mg P/L、3.21 mg P/L、0.28 mg P/L、4.64 mg P/L,较不施肥处理的(1.18 mg P/L、0.11 mg P/L、0.06 mg P/L、0.05 mg P/L、1.07 mg P/L)增加了588.9 %、3126.6 %、5529.5 %、446.4 %、333.0 %。当有机肥磷用量为225 kg/ha时,一次模拟降雨条件下引起的农田渗漏流失的总磷、水溶性总磷、水溶性无机磷、水溶性有机磷、颗粒磷量分别为3.57 kg P/ha、1.59 kg P/ha、1.46 kg P/ha、0.12 kg P/ha、1.98 kg P/ha,较对照(0.69 kg P/ha、0.06 kg P/ha、0.03 kg P/ha、0.03 kg P/ha、0.63 kg P/ha)分别增加了414.7 %、2398.3 %、4268.4 %、312.2 %、214.6 %。随有机肥磷用量和土壤表层高水溶性土壤磷含量的增加,径流流失液中仅总磷含量呈显著增加。当有机肥磷用量为225 kg/ha时,径流流失液总磷含量从对照的0.79 mg P/L增加到1.64 mg P/L,增幅达107.1 %,径流流失总磷量则由对照的0.58 kg P/ha增加到1.15 kg P/ha,增幅98.0 %,显著低于渗漏流失方式。模拟降雨试验中径流流失液中水溶性总磷、水溶性无机磷、水溶性有机磷、颗粒磷含量变异较大,在不同有机肥磷用量、不同土壤磷含量条件下,未能呈现显著变化。综上所述,可以看出农田施用含高量水溶态及易溶态磷的畜禽有机肥,土壤表层水溶性磷的含量将大幅度提高,增幅可达10-49倍,有机肥用量越大,对土壤表层水溶性磷含量的影响越大。而随着土壤表层水溶性磷含量的提高,持续降雨条件下,农田水溶性磷的渗漏流失将大幅度增加,在一次模拟降雨条件下农田水溶性磷的渗漏流失量可以从0.06提升至1.59 kg P/ha,增幅达到25.0倍。为此在充分利用畜禽粪便氮磷养分资源、减少畜禽业排污的同时,还要注意科学施用畜禽有机肥,有效控制施用有机肥引起的农田磷素流失。

【Abstract】 In recent years, with the rapid development of the breeding industry in China, the amount of animal manure phosphorus has increased to 10 million tons, which was equivalent to 90 % of the total input of chemical phosphorus in the same year. This has caused rapid growth of manure phosphorus applying to farmland in some agricultural regions. The investigation from more than 100 towns in intensive agricultural areas showed that: at present, the amount of manure phosphorus applied to farmland has increased to 114 kg P2O5/haon average, and higher than 600 kg P2O5/hain some special towns, while it was just about 20 kg P2O5/hain the early 1980s.The pre-existing researches showed when the number of phosphate fertilizer in the cropland was overdressing; the phosphate fertilizer could wash away on condition that rainfall leads to run off and leaching. The new researches showed that the main components of phosphorus in manure were water soluble phosphorus and free soluble phosphorus, and using manure excessively could lead the phosphorus in cropland to run off. to realize how the amount of manure influence the kinds of phosphorus contents, and expound the changes of soil phosphorus from manure on the effects of wastage of cropland phosphorus, the author designed the field experiments and manual simulation rainfall in situ experiments in LangFang experiment station of CAAS(116°35′37″E , 39°36′04″N ). The manure experiment began between 2008 and 2009, which grew spring maize - winter wheat– summer maize with manure which contained phosphorus 4.49 g/kg, among the amount of phosphorus, water soluble total phosphorus, water soluble inorganic phosphorus, water soluble organic phosphorus and the phosphorus of Olsen extraction agent extracting was 19.9%, 18.4%, 1.5%, 66.1%, separately, and there were three standards in the amount of phosphorus: 0(contrast), 75, 225 kg P/ha, and every standard repeated four to six. The manure used disputably before maize seeding and ploughing after surface application. The simulation rainfall in situ experiments began in the first ten-day period of August, 2009, the experiment designed two rainfall intensity of 120mm/h and 60mm/h, and imitated the processes of the surface runoff from heavy rain and leakage from sustained rainfall, and both the rainfall were 120mm.The results showed that with the increase of manure use level, all the contents of soil total phosphorus, water soluble total phosphorus, water soluble inorganic phosphorus, water soluble organic phosphorus, the phosphorus of Olsen extraction agent extracting in 0-5cm and 5-20cm enhanced observably. Regarding different morphology soil phosphorus, the phosphorus use level in manure on effect of the content of high water soluble soil phosphorus was greater than the content low water soluble soil phosphorus. When the use level of manure phosphorus is 75 kg P/ha, water soluble inorganic phosphorus, soil water soluble total phosphorus, water soluble organic phosphorus, Olsen-P in 0-5cm soil horizon is greater than contrast, and separately1320.6 %, 1044.2 %, 631.3 %, 479.4 %, among them, soil water soluble inorganic phosphorus increases from 0.65 mg P/kg in contrast to 9.24 mg P/kg, while soil total phosphorus only increases 19.0 %, from 636.3 mg P/kg in contrast to 757.5 mg P/kg. When the use level of manure phosphorus is 225 kg P/ha, water soluble inorganic phosphorus, soil water soluble total phosphorus, water soluble organic phosphorus, Olsen-P in 0-5cm soil horizon is greater than contrast, and separately 3755.2 %, 2536.1 %, 715.7 %, 1603.1 %, among them, soil water soluble inorganic phosphorus increases to 25.08 mg P/kg, while soil total phosphorus increases to 1069.8 mg P/kg, only increases 68.1 %.In respect of two type soil horizon, the use level of manure phosphorus effect on surface horizon is greater observably than subsurface horizon. When the use level of manure phosphorus is 75 kg P/ha, all kinds of morphology phosphorus in 0-5cm increase 698.9 % on average than the contrast, while only 154.7 % on average in 5-20cm; the content of soil water soluble total phosphorus in 0-5cm increases from 1.09 mg P/kg in contrast to 12.43 mg P/kg, the content of soil total phosphorus increases from 636.3 mg P/kg in contrast to 757.5 mg P/kg. When the use level of manure phosphorus is 225 kg P/ha, all kinds of morphology phosphorus in 0-5 cm increase 1735.6 % on average than the contrast, while only 634.2 % on average in 5-20 cm; the content of soil water soluble total phosphorus in 0-5cm increases from 1.09 mg P/kg in contrast to 28.63 mg P/kg, the content of soil total phosphorus increases from 636.3 mg P/kg in contrast to 1069.8 mg P/kg.The result of manual simulation rainfall in situ experiments showed that on the condition of the content of soil phosphorus, especially the content of high water soluble soil phosphorus increases with the increased manure, all of the content of the total phosphorus of leakage and runoff, water soluble total phosphorus, water soluble inorganic phosphorus and particulate phosphorus increase observably, among them, the content of water soluble inorganic phosphorus is greatest. When the use level of manure phosphorus is 75 kg P/ha, the content of the total phosphorus of leakage and runoff, water soluble total phosphorus, water soluble inorganic phosphorus and particulate phosphorus is 8.12 mg P/L, 3.48 mg P/L, 3.21 mg P/L, 0.28 mg P/L, 4.64 mg P/L, separately, and increase 588.9 %、3126.6 %、5529.5 %、446.4 %、333.0 % ,than the contrast (1.18 mg P/L, 0.11 mg P/L, 0.06 mg P/L, 0.05 mg P/L, 1.07 mg P/L). When the use level of manure phosphorus is 225 kg P/ha, the content of the total phosphorus of leakage and runoff, water soluble total phosphorus, water soluble inorganic phosphorus and particulate phosphorus from one imitation rainfall is 3.57 kg P/ha, 1.59 kg P/ha, 1.46 kg P/ha, 0.12 kg P/ha, 1.98 kg P/ha separately, and increase 414.7 %, 2398.3 %, 4268.4 %, 312.2 %, 214.6 % than the contrast (0.69 kg P/ha, 0.06 kg P/ha, 0.03 kg P/ha, 0.03 kg P/ha, 0.63 kg P/ha).With the increase of the use level of manure phosphorus and the content of high water soil phosphorus in soil surface horizon, only the content of the total phosphorus in runoff liquid increase observably. When the use level of manure phosphorus is 225 kg P/ha, the content of the total phosphorus in runoff liquid increase from 0.79 mg P/L in contrast to 1.64 mg P/L, increase by 107.1 %, the content of the total phosphorus in runoff liquid increase from 0.58 kg P/ha to 1.15kg P/ha, increase by 98.0 %, and lower observably than runoff. The variation of the content of the water soluble total phosphorus, water soluble inorganic phosphorus, water soluble organic phosphorus, particulate phosphorus is greater, while on the condition of different use level of manure and the content of soil phosphorus, the variation is not observably.In conclusion, when using livestock manure with high water soluble phosphorus and free soluble phosphorus, the content of water soluble phosphorus in soil surface horizon will increase by a wide margin, increase by 10-49 times, the more using manure, the greater it effects on the content of water soluble phosphorus in soil surface horizon. While with the enhancing of the content of water soluble phosphorus in soil surface horizon, on the condition of continue rainfall, the leakage wastage of water soluble phosphorus in field will increase by a wide margin, which will increase from 0.06 kg P/ha to 1.59 kg P/ha in one imitation rainfall, and increase by 25.0 times. Therefore, at the same time of using fully phosphorus nutrient resource from livestock and reducing livestock pollution, we notice to use livestock manure scientific and control effectively the runoff of phosphorus in field arise from manure.

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