

Study on the Influence Factors of Oriented Efficacy Exertion of Huanglian (Rhizoma Coptidis) in Formula

【作者】 陈西平

【导师】 邓中甲;

【作者基本信息】 成都中医药大学 , 方剂学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 目的:研究影响黄连在复方中功效发挥方向的控制因素,揭示黄连在复方运用中的配伍规律。方法:以《中医方剂大辞典(精选本)》为据,收集含黄连方剂1070首,用Excel建立数据表,统计分析黄连的配伍、剂量、炮制、剂型、用法、产地对其功效发挥方向的影响。结果:黄连的功效可归纳为清热燥湿、清热泻火、清热解毒和苦寒健胃四大功效。清热燥湿、清热泻火、清热解毒为直接功效,苦寒健胃乃间接功效。控制黄连在复方中功效发挥方向的因素有配伍环境、剂量、炮制、剂型、用法和产地品种等。配伍环境对黄连功效发挥方向的影响尤为重要:配阿胶、肉桂、甘草,长于清泻心火;配龙胆草、当归、香附,长于清泻肝火;配升麻、苏叶、半夏、大黄,长于清泻胃火;配木香、厚朴、肉桂,长于清热燥湿;配黄芩、黄柏和栀子,长于清热解毒;配白术、神曲,长于苦寒健胃。黄连生用,长于泻火解毒;黄连酒炙,长于清泻上焦热邪;黄连姜炙,长于清泻中焦热邪。小剂量黄连,长于苦寒健胃;中剂量黄连,长于清热泻火和清热解毒;大剂量黄连,长于清热燥湿。黄连发挥清热燥湿、清热泻火、清热解毒功效,最常用的剂型均为汤剂;发挥苦寒健胃功效,常用剂型为丸剂。结论:配伍环境是影响黄连功效发挥的主要因素;炮制、剂量、剂型、煎服方法、产地等因素对黄连的功效发挥方向产生不同程度的影响。黄连在复方中功效发挥方向是上述诸因素综合作用的结果。

【Abstract】 Objective:To research the regulating factors that controlling the function of Huanglian(Rhizoma Coptidis) in formula.Methods 1070 formulas with huanglian were structured data bank in Micro-Excel, according to the classic format Formula Dictionary of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Statisticsing and analyzing the effectiveness influence factors of Huanglian including compatibility, dosage, processing, dosage form, usage and provenience place by statistic methods of classification.Results:The four kinds of concluded Huanglian’s efficacy are clearing heat and dampness, clearing away heat purging fire, clearing away heat and toxic materials and invigorating the stomach with bitter and cold natured. Clearing heat and dampness, clearing away heat purging fire and clearing away heat and toxic materials are Direct effect. Invigorating the stomach with bitter and cold natured is Indirect effect. The regulating factors that controlling functional exertion of Huanglian in formula are the circumstances of compatibility, dosage, processing of Huanglian, preparation, usage and origins of Huanglian. The circumstances of compatibility is the most important regulating factors. When exerting function of removing fire from the heart, Huanglian is usually made up a prescription with Ejiao (Colla Corii Asini), Rougui(Cortex Cinnamomi), Gancao(Radix Glycyrrhizae). When exerting function of removing fire from the liver, Huanglian is usually made up a prescription with Longdancao(Radix Gentianae), Danggui(Radix Angelicae), Xiangfu (Rhizoma Cyperi). When exerting function of removing fire from the stomach, Huanglian is usually made up a prescription with Shengma(Rhizoma Cimicifugae), Suye (Folium Perillae), Banxia(Rhizoma Pinelliae), Dahuang(Radix et Rhizoma Rhei). When exerting function of clearing heat and dampness, Huanglian is usually made up a prescription with Muxiang (Radix Aucklandiae), Houpu(Cortex Magnoliae),Rougui (Cortex Cinnamomi).When exerting function of clearing away heat and toxic materials,Huanglian is usually made up a prescription with Huangqin (Radix Scutellariae), Huangbai(Cortex Phellodendri), Zhizi(Fructus Gardeniae).When exerting function of invigorating the stomach with bitter and cold natured, Huanglian is usually made up a prescription with Baizhu (Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae), Shenqu(Massa Fermentata Madicinalis). Fresh Huanglian is good to clear away heat and toxic materials. Huanglian processed with wine is good to clear fire from the upper-energizer. Huanglian processed with fresh ginger is good to clear fire from the middle-energizer. The small dosage of Huanglian is good to invigorate stomach. The middle dosage of Huanglian is good to clear away heat purging fire and toxic materials. The big dosage of Huanglian is good to clear heat and dampness. Decoction apply to clear heat and dampness, clear away heat purging fire, clear away heat and toxic materials. Pill is often used to invigorate the stomach.Conclusion:The compatibility is the key point of all factors influencing the efficacy of Huanglian. What is more, other factor including dosage, processing, dosage form, usage and provenience place are also influential. Therefore, the efficacy exertion of Huanglian in compound formus is influenced by all the factors were mentioned above.
