

The Studies and Application on the Plants’ Adaptability to Environment of Quanzhou Bay Estuary Wetland

【作者】 刘荣成

【导师】 吴沿友;

【作者基本信息】 江苏大学 , 农业水土工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 泉州湾河口湿地,由于其所处的地理位置和独特的地貌特征,决定了其具有广泛的生物多样性以及典型性、稀有性和脆弱性,因此,被认为是中国亚热带河口湿地的典型代表。目前,惠安县已在泉州湾河口湿地种植400多hm2的红树植物。但是,这样的红树林面积对于7039.56hm2的泉州湾河口湿地自然保护区来说,显然不够,需要扩大红树林种植面积和规模。继续种植红树林植物,这就牵涉到适宜的树种选择和合理的植物配置问题。为了更有针对性地指导泉州湾河口湿地的红树林生态修复,必须对已经恢复的420hm2红树植物的环境适应性进行分析评估,选择适应树种,进行“适地”种植和合理配置。通过对泉州湾河口湿地红树林植物三种优势种,秋茄(Kandelia candel)、桐花树(Aegiceras corniculatum)、白骨壤(Avicennia marina)以及近年来新引种的木榄(Bruguiera gymnorrioza)和老鼠簕(Acanthus ilicifolius)两物种,进行不同地点、不同时期的株高、冠幅直径、叶长三个生长指标的测量,研究了以上各种红树植物各自不同的生长特征。结果表明:秋茄属于快速增长型,木榄和老鼠簕属于中速增长型,桐花树和白骨壤属于慢速增长型。红树植物的生长受周围环境的影响。高盐分和高pH可能是限制秋茄生长的主要因子。白骨壤抗寒性最差,秋茄最强,桐花树介于两者之间但远强于白骨壤。对白骨壤来说,生长的限制因子是低温。植株的密度也是影响植物生长速率的因素。利用标志桩法测量不同区域的土壤淤积速率。结果表明,泉州湾河口湿地淤泥淤积速度平均达到6.74cm yr-1,最快的土壤淤积发生在中游,最慢的土壤淤积发生在下游。冬季的淤积量最大,占全年的48%。夏季淤积量少。中高潮位的土壤处于快速淤积期,达到平均10.64cm yr-1淤积量,而高潮位和中低潮位仅为中高潮位淤积量的1/3。植被的不同,其下土壤的淤积速率也不同;互花米草下的土壤淤积最少,秋茄下的土壤淤积量最大,可达到平均10.40cm yr-1淤积量。泉州湾河口湿地淤积速率的时空变化与水动力学的时空变化有关。植被的差异也影响该湿地的水动力学过程。为了研究泉州湾河口湿地盐度和pH的变化特征,分别测定洛阳江东岸上、中、下游的不同高程(中高潮区和中低潮区)和不同植物下土壤表层(2-5cm)的盐度和pH值。泉州湾河口湿地土壤的盐度在各分区的平均值为10.8-17.0ms cm-1,变幅较大,空间差异明显,总体上呈现出上游<中游<下游的变化趋势;泉州湾河口湿地土壤的酸碱度在各分区的pH平均值为6.92-7.66,呈明显的中性偏弱碱性,且变幅较小。上、中游pH均值差异极小;下游pH略高于上、中游。部分分区及其不同潮位处土壤盐度与pH相关性较强。对泉州湾河口湿地不同植物对湿地土壤的脱盐作用进行了研究,结果表明,空地和裸地土壤的盐度大于有植被生长的土壤,距主茎(丛)越远,其盐度越大,说明植物对土壤具有脱盐作用,且不同植物对土壤的脱盐能力顺序为:秋茄>互花米草>桐花树>白骨壤。有些区域植被脱盐作用和酸化作用呈剂量关系。大多数区域的植被对土壤的脱盐作用和酸化作用剂量关系不明显,甚至是两个独立的过程。对泉州湾河口湿地不同区域(上、中、下游)、不同植被下的土壤铵态氮、硝态氮、有效磷以及铜、锌、铁、锰的时空分布特征以及土壤营养元素的相关关系进行了研究。研究结果表明:春季土壤铵态氮含量高于其他各季,这与春季土壤脲酶的活性有关;原生桐花树下土壤30-40 cm处的铵态氮含量最高,因为该土层为原生桐花树根系密集分布区;土壤的硝态氮、有效磷含量的高低,与温度和植物生物量关系密切;泉州湾河口湿地土壤中铵态氮和硝态氮的比值为1.05-1.97,土壤的通气性决定了铵态氮和硝态氮的比值;泉州湾河口湿地土壤有效态N/P比值在0.56与1.52之间,随着植物的生长,土壤氮的限制程度越来越严重;泉州湾河口湿地土壤有效态铜、锌、铁、锰含量时空变化明显,这与植物的吸收、季节、土壤通气性等因素变化有关。泉州湾河口湿地土壤中的营养元素组成模式和化学计量学关系具有多样性,因植被的变化,湿地土壤从富磷型转变成磷限制型。植物营养元素的化学计量学关系,因植物种类、元素种类以及微环境的不同而不同。污染物的输入对湿地土壤元素的组成和含量也有一定的影响。泉州湾河口湿地植物矿质营养的“多样性”是植物适应环境的物质基础。对泉州湾河口湿地不同区域(上、中、下游)不同季节、不同植被覆盖和不同层次土壤脲酶、磷酸酶、过氧化氢酶和多酚氧化酶活性的变化规律进行了研究。结果表明:脲酶和磷酸酶活性变化规律均为夏季(春季)>冬季(秋季)。同一季节不同植被下土壤脲酶的活力差异显著,有植被的土壤脲酶活性均大于无植被的空地和裸地,夏季和秋季互花米草根际土壤的脲酶活性均为最大值;磷酸酶活性表现为互花米草>原生桐花树>秋茄>白骨壤>桐花树>空地>裸地。无论有无植被,土壤脲酶和磷酸酶的活性都表现出随着土壤深度的增加其活性逐渐减弱的趋势。过氧化氢酶的季节变化规律表现为春季>秋季>冬季>夏季。冬季,过氧化氢酶酶活性在上中下游差异极其显著,上游酶活性最低,中游最高。白骨壤下土壤的过氧化氢酶活性在各季节差异不大,冬季原生桐花树下土壤的过氧化氢酶酶活性则最高。多酚氧化酶活性具有显著的季节变化,其活性大小顺序为:夏季>冬季>春季>秋季。在区域上土壤多酚氧化酶酶活性表现为上游春季>夏季>冬季>秋季,中游为春季>夏季>秋季>冬季,下游为夏季>冬季>秋季>春季。该酶活性在不同的植物下差异明显,在春季中以空地的酶活性最高,而在各季节中互花米草均显示出较高的活性。不同植被下不同土壤深度过氧化氢酶活性的变化有着不同的模式,这与植物根的构型以及植物的根系供氧有关。不同植被下不同土壤深度多酚氧化酶活性的变化有着不同的模式,这与植被下死亡根系的多少有关。过氧化氢酶和多酚氧化酶的相关性较弱(R2=0.036,n=770,p<0.01),且为负相关。此外,对泉州湾河口湿地土壤酶活性与营养元素的相关性也进行了分析。结果表明,泉州湾河口湿地土壤为氮、磷共同限制型,不同植被下土壤酶活性对营养元素的敏感性不同。各种植物适应干湿交替的湿地环境的机制各不相同,影响湿地土壤碳、氮、磷的生物地球化学循环的方式也各有差异。对泉州湾河口湿地洛阳江红树林区域优势植物的叶绿素荧光特征的研究发现:成熟的桐花树、秋茄和白骨壤具有较好的适应性。通过对泉州湾河口湿地洛阳江下游的红树植物桐花树、秋茄和白骨壤的光合作用的研究以及净光合速率与气候因子的相关分析发现,由于潮水的影响,3种植物的净光合速率日变化曲线均为3峰曲线,日平均净光合速率大小排序为白骨壤>桐花树>秋茄。3种植物的净光合速率与其自身的生理因子有显著相关,尤其是与胞间CO2浓度有极显著的负相关。不同植物的光合作用受气孔导度的影响不同,桐花树和白骨壤受气孔导度影响显著,而秋茄则不受气孔导度的影响。通过分析发现,白骨壤适宜生长在高盐环境下,但易受水分胁迫;秋茄适宜生长在潮水变化的环境下,易受盐分胁迫;桐花树则介于两者之间。最后,依据前面的研究结果,提出了红树林造林树种的适宜环境和建议布局的区域。

【Abstract】 Quanzhou Bay estuary wetland is characterized with extensive, biodiversity eco-system typicality and vulnerability determined by its location and unique topographical character. Therefore, it had been regarded as the typical representative of the subtropical estuary wetland. At present, more than 400 hm2 of mangrove plants were planted in Quanzhou Bay estuary wetland in Huian County. However, the mangrove forestation areas is not apparently enough for the Quanzhou Bay estuary wetland nature reserve of 7039.56 hm2 of mangrove area, and the acreage and scale of mangrove forest needs to be expanded. To be continued to planting mangrove plants, it involves in the mangrove tree species selection and reasonable plant allocation. The research objects were the 420 hm2 mangrove plants. The plants’adaptability to environment was analyzed and valued in order to guide to purposeful ecologically restore the wetland in Quanzhou Bay estuary wetland. The appropriate mangrove species selected was planted and allocated in appropriate sites.Three dominant plant species in Quanzhou Bay estuary wetland, Kandelia candel, Aegiceras corniculatum and Avicennia marina, additional two new-introduced plant species, Bruguiera gymnorrioza and Acanthus ilicifolius, three growth indices, such as plant height, diameter, leaf length parameters in different sites and period, were measured, and their diverse growth characteristics were studied. The results showed that Kandelia candel belongs to the rapid growth species, Bruguiera gymnorrioza and Acanthus ilicifolius belong to the medium-rate growth one, Aegiceras corniculatum, Avicennia marina belong to the tardiness one. Mangrove growth was influenced by the surrounding environment. The high salinity and high pH are the main factors that may restrict the growth of Kandelia candel. Avicennia marina had the worst winter resistance among the three species plants, Kandelia candel had the strongest, Aegiceras corniculatum was between the two, but was much better than Avicennia marina. Plant density also influenced growth rate.The accretion rates in different zones were measured by marked stump method. The results indicated that the average accretion rate in Quanzhou Bay estuary wetland is 6.74 cm yr-1, the fastest accretion occurred in midstream, while the slowest in the downstream. The accretion in winter, accounting for 48% of the year, is more than that in summer. During the rapid accretion period, the accretion rate in the high-middle tide area reaches an average of 10.64 cm yr-1. The accretion rate in the high tide level and low tide level is only a third of the high mid-tide level. The accretion rate are different under different vegetations, the lowest rate occurs under Spartina alterniflora, while the highest rate occurs under Kandelia candel, up to an average of 10.40 cm yr-1. The temporal and spatial variation of accretion rate in Quanzhou Bay estuary wetland was related to the hydrodynamics variation. Vegetation variation also has impact on the hydrodynamic processes.To study the salinity variations of Quanzhou Bay estuary wetland, the salinity and pH values of top-soil (2-5 cm) under different vegetation at different elevation (high-mid tidal area and low-mid tidal area) from upstream, midstream and downstream of Luoyang River, were measured. The average soil salinities in different sections of Quanzhou Bay estuary wetland are spatially different and ranges in a large variation span, from 10.8 to 17.0 ms per cm. The salinity in soil is increasing in order:upstream> midstream>downstream. The average pH value in soil of Quanzhou Bay estuary wetland was 6.92-7.66, with a small variation range. The difference between the soil pH values from upstream and mid-stream was slightly and no significant. The pH values in soil from downstream are higher than those of the upstream and midstream. The soil salinities in some sections or tidal levels were positively correlated with the pH values significantly, the desalinated by different plants in Quanzhou Bay estuary wetlands were studied. The results showed that the salinity of the new alluvial without plants and the bare soil (the plants was destroyed) was higher than that of the soil under plants. The farther away from the basal main stem, the greater the salinity was. The desalination of plants in Quanzhou Bay estuary wetland was take placed. The order of plants desalination capability was as following:Kandelia candel> Spartina alterniflora> Aegiceras corniculatum> Avicennia marina. There was significant correlation between the pH and salinity in some zones. The correlation between the pH and salinity in most zones was weak. It indicated that soil desalination and acidification had poor correlation, or even were two independent processes in most zones.The characteristics of spatial-temporal distribution of ammonium nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, available phosphorus, copper, zinc, iron and manganese in soil in different districts (upstream, midstream and downstream) and under different vegetations of Quanzhou Bay estuary wetland were studied. The result showed that the content of ammonium nitrogen of soil in spring was higher than that in other seasons; it was associated with the great urease activity of soil in spring. The content of ammonium nitrogen was highest in soil-layer of 30-40 centimeter in Centenary Aegiceras corniculatum, as the soil-layer was the dense distribution of roots system. The content of ammonium nitrogen and available phosphorus were related to temperature and plant biomass. The proportion of ammonium nitrogen to nitrate nitrogen of soil in Quanzhou Bay estuary wetland was between 1.05 and 1.97, and the soil ventilation influenced the proportion. The proportion of available nitrogen and available phosphorus of soil in Quanzhou Bay estuary wetland was between 0.56 and 1.52, the nitrogen-limited status of soil was more serious along with plants growing. The spatial-temporal variation of available copper, zinc, iron and manganese was significant, and this was involved in the absorption on nutrition elements by plants, the variation of seasons and the ventilation of soil. the composition patterns and stoichiometry of nutrition elements in soil of Ouanzhou Bay and estuary wetland had diversity. The wetland soil transformed from phosphorus-abundance to phosphorus-limitation owing to the variation of the vegetation. Stoichiometry of nutrition elements depended on the plant species, the element types and the variation of microenvironment. The input of pollutant also had some influence on the composition and content of nutrition elements in soil. The diversity of mineral nutrition elements was the foundation of the plants’adaptability to environment.The variations of the activities of urease, phosphatase, catalase (CAT) and polyphenol oxidase (PPO) at different soil depth, under different vegetation, in different seasons and from different district of Quanzhou estuary wetland were studied. The results revealed that the urease and phosphatase activities from summer (spring) were higher than these from winter (autumn). In the same season, the soil urease activity was significantly different under different plant species. The activity of urease in soil with vegetation was higher than that with no vegetation. The urease activity of Spartina alterniflora rizhozsphere soil was the highest. The order of the phosphatase activity in soil under different vegetation was as following:Spartina alterniflora> Centenary Aegiceras corniculatum> Kandelia candel> Avicennia marina> Aegiceras corniculatum> Bared land> new alluvial without plants. The soil urease and phosphatase enzyme activities got lower along with the increasing soil depth no matter with or without vegetations. The seasonal variation of CAT was as following:spring> autumn> winter> summer. In winter, the variation of CAT activity from different stream was greatly significant, the soil CAT activity from upstream was the lowest and that from midstream was the highest. The seasonal variation of soil CAT activity from Avicennia marina rhizosphere was not significant and that from Centenary Aegiceras corniculatum rhizosphere was the highest in winter. The seasonal variation of soil PPO activity was significant and the order of the activity was as following:summer> winter > spring> autumn. Spatially, the order of the soil PPO activity from upstream was as following:spring> summer> winter> autumn; that from the mid-stream was as following:spring> summer> autumn> winter and that from the downstream was as following:summer> winter> autumn> spring. The variation of the PPO activity from different vegetation rhizosphere was significant. There was a highest enzyme activity in bare soil in spring. Comparing with other vegetations, the soil PPO activity from Spartina alterniflora rizhozsphere was high. The variation patterns of the soil CAT activities along with the soil depths under different vegetation were involved in the roots architecture and oxygen supply by plant roots. The variation patterns of the soil PPO activities along with the soil depths under different vegetation were involved in the amount of the dead roots. The negative correlation between the activity of catalase and polyphenol oxidase in soil of Quanzhou Bay estuary wetland was weak (R2=0.036, n=770, p<0.01). In addition, the correlation between soil enzyme activity and nutrition elements in Quanzhou Bay estuary wetland were analyzed. The result showed that the soil in Quanzhou Bay estuary wetland was nitrogen and phosphorus co-limited. The response of soil enzymes on nutrient elements varied with the vegetations. The mechanism on the plants’adaptability to the wetland environment alternately dried and immersed varied with the plant species. The diverse patterns will influence the biogeochemical circles of soil carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus.The characteristics of chlorophyll fluorescence and photosynthesis of these dominant plants, Aegiceras corniculatum, Kandelia candel and Avicennia marina, in the wetland from different streams at different times were studied. The results showed that mature Aegiceras corniculatum, Kandelia candel and Avicennia marina were provided with good adaptability. The photosynthetics of mangrove Aegiceras corniculatum, Kandelia candel and Avicennia marina at downstream in Quanzhou Bay estuarine wetland were measured, and the relationship between the net photosynthetic rates of these plants and the climatic factors were analyzed. The results had shown that the diurnal variation of net photosynthetic rates of three species of plants were three-peak curve due to tidal action. The order of the average daily net photosynthetic rate was as following:Avicennia marina>Aegiceras corniculatum>Kandelia candel. The net photosynthetic rate of the plants was significantly correlated with their own physiological factors. There was a significant negative correlation between the net photosynthetic rate of the plants and the internal CO2 concentration, especially. The impact of stomatal conductance on the photosynthesis varied with plants. The net photosynthetic rates of Aegiceras corniculatum and Avicennia marina were significantly affected by stomatal conductance, and that of Kandelia candel was not affected. It was found that Avicennia marina had the adaptation to high salt environment, and sensitivity to flooding. But, Kandelia candel had the adaptation to tide changes, and sensitivity to high salt environment. The adaptation to high salt environment and flooding of Aegiceras corniculatum was intermediate between Avicennia marina and Kandelia candel.Finally, the principles of the selection on mangroves species, which include cold-resistance, toward-sea, and ecological security based on above results. The suggestion on the selection and configuration of mangrov species in the mangrove afforestation was put forward.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 江苏大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 10期