

Developing Talent in the State-owned Forest Areas of Heilongjiang Province: Efficiency, Flow and Countermeasure

【作者】 梁大战

【导师】 曹玉昆;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 林业经济管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 长期以来国有林区可采资源枯竭、企业经济危困的问题没有得到根本解决,致使林区社会发展缓慢、职工群众收入水平低下,造成大量人才流失,形成恶性循环。目前国有林区一方面留下的现有人才不能充分发挥其作用,使用效益和开发效率低下;另一方面人才流动不合理,主要表现在人才流失现象十分严重。因此,本文以大量调研数据为基础,基于人才资源视角,探索振兴国有林区社会发展,振兴经济的人才资源开发与利用的举措与政策建议。本文以黑龙江省国有林区为研究范围,以人才开发效率和人才流动为研究核心。首先,分析了黑龙江省国有林区人才资源及其开发的状况。利用统计数据并结合调研数据,分析了黑龙江省国有林区人才资源的数量、质量以及结构状况,估算了黑龙江省国有林区人均受教育年限并做比较研究,通过分析人才开发利用中存在的问题及其制约因素,呈现了黑龙江省国有林区人才资源及其开发的状况。其次,在大量实地调研基础上,对国有林区人才使用效益和开发效率进行了实证分析。运用相对离散指数(G/M)模型对黑龙江省国有林区人才资源的使用效率进行了评价。研究表明:黑龙江省国有林区的人才资源使用的经济效益较差,无论是与国内发达地区还是落后地区相比,国有林区的人才资源使用效益都有差距,并且人才资源使用效益水平低下是在黑龙江省林业系统内整体性存在的现象,而非地区内独有的现象。同时,运用数据包络分析(DEA)模型对国有林区人才开发效率进行评价,发现2004年和2007年黑龙江省国有林区分别有25个和28个森工林业局人才投入规模合理。再次,运用逻辑斯蒂(Logistic)回归方法分析了国有林区人才流动意愿的影响因素。研究表明:人才流动的意愿受人才自身的性别、学历、家庭教育及医疗负担、企业工作环境、企业用人机制以及地区经济发展水平等因素的影响,不同因素的影响程度和方向各不相同。具体而言,人才的性别、学历以及家庭的教育和医疗负担与人才流动的意愿呈正相关关系;企业工作环境、企业用人机制以及地区经济发展水平与人才流动的意愿呈负相关关系。最后,从提高国有林区人才资源的使用效益、防止人才流失,促进国有林区人才合理流动二个方面提出了具体的对策与建议。国有林区产业的整体水平偏低,低附加值产业多而高附加值产业少;人才多从事于低附加值的产业,不能有效创造更多的价值,反映出的人才开发效率当然要低。而那些属于人才开发有效率的企业也多表现为低产出水平下的有效率,即是由于产值低故而对人才贡献的要求也低。解决这一问题的思路无疑是调整产业结构,不断创造新的有高附加值的产业。在国有林区,更主要的是发展木材精深加工产业。值得说明的是,国有林区产业结构的高级化发展不仅能够提高高产出水平下的人才开发效率,而且也是确保国有林区人才有效需求的动力源泉。就国有林区的人才流动提出的对策建议应该包括,激发国有林区人才需求动力,解决人才年均增长率偏低问题;提高森工企业职工生活待遇问题,解决制约国有林区人才开发的障碍问题以及森工企业工作环境和用人机制等问题;优化国有林区的经济社会环境,促进国有林区的经济发展水平,解决职工家庭的教育负担及医疗负担等问题;建立科学的用人制度,解决人才选拔任用制度、人才评价制度和人才激励制度等不完善问题;建立合理的人才流动机制,解决人才流失问题,同时对促进人才结构与产业结构的相适也具有积极意义。人才资源开发利用是一项系统工程,与一个国家的社会、经济发展水平、人文观念密切相关,本文仅从提高现有人才使用效率、防止人才流失促进人才合理流动两个视角研究了国有林区人才资源开发利用的状况,提出了可操作性政策与建议。

【Abstract】 The issue that exploitable resources in state-owned forest area are exhausted as well as enterprise’s economic difficulties hasn’t been solved thoroughly, which slowed the progress of social developmental forestry, brought down staff income, gave rise to lots of brain drain and turned into a vicious cycle. At present, the existing personnel who work in the state-owned forest area can’t give full play to their capacities, in addition to low utilization benefit and development efficiency. On the other hand, the flow of talents is improper, mainly manifested by serious phenomenon of brain drain. Therefore, based on plenty of investigation data and viewed from human resources, the thesis discusses about measures and policy proposals relating to revitalization of state-owned social developmental forestry as well as development and utilization of human resources that will prosper economy.This thesis is grounded on the state-owned forest area in Heilongjiang Province, with personnel development efficiency and the flow of talents as the core research. Firstly, it analyzes the human resources in state-owned forest area in Heilongjiang Province and its developmental state. Utilizing the statistical data and combining with research data, this paper analyzes the quantity, quality and structure of human resources in the state-owned forest area in Heilongjiang Province and estimates average years of schooling in state-owned forest area in Heilongjiang Province with a comparative research. The thesis presents human resources and its developmental state in state-owned forest area in Heilongjiang Province by the analysis of the problems as well as its constraints existing in the process of human resource development. Secondly, based on abundant investigations, the paper does a positive analysis of personnel utilization benefit and development efficiency in state-owned forest area. It evaluates the utilization efficiency of human resources in state-owned forest area in Heilongjiang Province by making use of G/M model. Research shows that the economic benefit on utilization of human resources in state-owned forest area in Heilongjiang Province is poor. No matter compared with the developed or undeveloped areas;there are differences about utilization efficiency of human resources in state-owned forest area. In addition, the low level of utilization efficiency of human resources is the integral phenomenon existing in the forestry system in Heilongjiang Province rather than a unique phenomenon in a specific region. Meanwhile, using DEA model to evaluate personnel development efficiency in state-owned forest area, it is found that personnel investment scales of 25 Forestry Bureaus in 2004 and 28 in 2007 respectively are proper. Thirdly, the thesis analyzes the factors that affect the flow of talents in state-owned forest area by Logistic retrogressive method. It shows that the flow of talents is due to one’s gender, educational background, family education, medical treatment, working environment, enterprise employment system, and level of regional economic development and so on. Different factors influence degree and direction distinctively. Specifically, one’s gender, educational background, family education and medical care will be positively correlated with the flow of talents, while working environment, enterprise employment system, and level of regional economic development will be negatively correlated with that.Finally, the thesis puts forward specific countermeasures and suggestions from two aspects, one concerning how to improve the utilization benefit of human resources and how to prevent brain drain, the other regarding to promoting proper flow of talents. The overall level of state-owned forest industry is on the low side with more low value-added but less high value-added industries. Many workers who engage in low value-added industries are unable to create more value effectively, which reflects low personnel development efficiency. However, those which belong to effective personnel development enterprises manifest their efficiency by low output, namely a lower standard for personnel due to low output. To solve this problem, it is undoubtedly to adjust industrial structure and to bring about new high value-added industries constantly. It is more important to develop wood deep processing industry. It should be emphasized that advanced development of industrial structure in state-owned forest area can not only improve the personnel development efficiency at the level of high output, but also ensure effective demand for personnel in state-owned forest area. The proposals to the flow of talents in state-owned forest area are as follows. Stimulate the demand for personnel in state-owned forest area. Solve the problem that annual growth of personnel is low. Clear the way for the development of human resources in state-owned area, the working environment and employment. Optimize state-owned forest economic social environment. Develop the economy in state-owned area. Reduce the educational and medical burden. Establish a scientific employment system. Figure out selecting, employing, assessing and encouraging. Set up a proper flow of talents. Decrease brain drain. These proposals are good for the harmony between personnel structure and industrial structure.The development and utilization of personnel is a systemic project, which closely relates to social and economic progress as well as cultural concept. The thesis, based on how to improve existing personnel utilization efficiency and how to prevent brain drain and promote proper flow of talents, studies the development and utilization of human resources in state-owned forest area and then put forward operative policies and suggestions.
