

Research into the Contemporary Mongolian Chinese Novels

【作者】 带兄

【导师】 乌日斯嘎拉;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古大学 , 中国少数民族语言文学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 蒙古族文学以族属为前提条件,在作家的生长地域、作品语言和作品所反映的历史文化生活等因素的作用下,呈现出多层次结构。蒙古族汉语创作,紧随母语创作,是蒙古族文学的重要组成部分。蒙古族汉语小说进入当代以后迅速发展,形成了以蒙古族聚居区为主体的作家队伍,省市作家协会以上作家已有54位;作品收获丰厚,已出版82部长篇小说,发表、出版近800篇中短篇小说。整体关注汉语小说创作,准确定位其在文学史上的地位,并进行深入研究,已成为亟待解决的问题。论文选取当代蒙古族汉语小说创作为研究对象,力图弥补该领域系统考察的缺失。论文以搜集、整理有关作家和作品详尽资料为首要任务。在此基础上,考察蒙古族汉语小说创作在不同历史区间内,作家队伍构成和作品题材的变迁,并进一步探讨其创作特点。蒙古族汉语小说家虽然多生长在蒙古族聚居区,但其双重边缘化地位,在某种程度上决定了他们独特的创作追求。论文从草原、黄金家族史和宗教文化三个向度,探究了当代蒙古族汉语小说的创作诉求。汉语小说家情系草原,玛拉沁夫、扎拉嘎胡等作家笔下充满革命情感的草原生活,展现蒙古族的命运变迁的同时,力图表达民族性的内容;哈斯乌拉和白雪林,挖掘了蒙古民族人民不因时代变迁而改变的美好性格;在千夫长和海勒根那那里,草原是蒙古族的精神家园,也是净化人们灵魂的精神园地。历史题材小说集中书写着蒙古族黄金家族历史,他们以饱满的民族情感,分别塑造了具有蒙古民族历史意味的人物形象,并揭示历史背后的民族精神内涵。蒙古族汉语小说家在思考民族和人类的生存问题时,纷纷转向民族的宗教文化。海德才、察森敖拉、孙书林等作家,从人性的高度出发,力图揭开宗教神秘的面纱,还原其本来面目,而郭雪波发掘了深藏宗教背后的大爱精神。

【Abstract】 If the writer’ s national origin is preconditioned, Mongolian literature would be a multi-level structure because the factors that the area the writer’s growing up, the work language and the themes of works. Mongolian Chinese creation, followed by mother-tongue writing, is an important part of Mongolian literature. Contemporary Mongolian Chinese novel went into the rapid development, and formed a writer team who mainly grown up in Mongolian area, there are 54 writers who belongs to provincial and municipal Writers Association. And there are rich harvest works, has published 81 novels, and delivered nearly 800 short stories. Overall concern about Chinese novels, accurately positioning of their status in literature and making an in-depth study, has become a serious problem. The dissertation selected Mongolian Chinese novels for the studying subject, and trying to make up for the lack of systematic study in this field. It will be the top priority of the dissertation to collect and collate detailed information about authors and works. On this basis, it will study on the team changes and the work’s theme of the Mongolian Chinese fiction in the different range.Although the Mongolian Chinese novelist grows up in the Mongolian area, but the double marginalization situation, to some extent, make their creation of a special pursuit. It explores the contemporary Mongolian Chinese novels aspirations according in the vision of grasslands, Mongolian royal family history and religion. Mongolian Chinese novelist who writes grasslands, MalaQinFu, Jalagahu, full of revolutionary spirit of life, to show changes in the fate of Mongolia, trying to show the nationality of the content; Hasiwula and Bai Xuelin, excavated in the Mongolian People’s good character that does not change because of changing times; In Qianfuzhang and Hailegena’s novel, grassland has become the spiritual home of the Mongolian, but also the human soul garden purifying the human spirit. Historical Fiction writing the Mongolian prime focused on royal family history, and shaped mean figure in Mongolian history, then reveals the national spiritual content covered with the history. Mongolian Chinese novelist went back to the religion for answers the question about human and nation realities. Hai Decai, Chasenaola, and Sun Shulin, tried to show the facts of the religion from the materialistic point. And Guo Xuebo explores the religious love.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 内蒙古大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 10期
  • 【分类号】I207.9
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】494