

【作者】 杨永发

【导师】 郭芹纳;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 此论文通过对钱谦益、仇兆鳌、浦起龙、杨伦四家注本的细致梳理,参考自宋代以来的多种杜诗注本,对杜诗注释的各个注释项目的内容、术语、方式方法进行了分类归纳,通过大量的例证,整理出了诗歌注释的内容系统和功能系统。论文从语言学、文章学、文献学、文艺学四个方面来归纳诗歌注释的内容系统和功能系统,这是此论文的贡献之一,也是第一个创新点。如图:论文在此框架下分成上篇、下篇两部分。上篇归纳了杜诗四家注注释的内容及其系统,分语言学、文章学、文献学、文艺学四章,较为详细地整理了诗歌注释内容的各个元素,并列举了大量的例证予以支撑。对清人注杜著作中的各种注释元素的整理,基本覆盖了杜诗注释的所有内容,为将来建立中国传统诗歌注释学铺下了一个坚实的底子,立起了基本的框架。这是对前人不同角度、不同领域的研究和针对诗歌注释的大量零碎探讨的一个整合,完全着眼于诗歌注释,有意识地加强系统性和全面性,基本完整地归纳出了全部注释元素,并形成了诗歌注释的元素系统。这是本论文的第二个贡献。第一章和第三章的内容前人都是前人和当代的训诂学家已经提及的,本文只是对这些内容进行了系统化和完整性方面的处理。第二章释诗法的内容,是前人未曾重视的,属本文的发现。第四章四家注本中的文艺学内容中传统诗歌的方法论和诗歌批评也是经常不当作注释学的内容来看待的,而事实上清人把大量的精力放在这些内容上面,所以理所当然地要作为注释的元素来看待,而不是仅仅当作文学研究的内容。这也是本文提出的新认识。下篇整理杜甫诗歌注释的功能系统,即术语和方法,也分语言学、文章学、文献学、文艺学四章加以表述,同样列举了大量的注释例证,就诗歌注释的内容系统中的各种具体元素来归纳清人注释中所使用的术语和方法,基本全面地整理了不同注释内容的不同术语和方法,挖掘出了不少现有的训诂研究中不曾提及的术语和未曾注意的方法,具有较大的实践价值和创新意义。如第五章中解释短语和句子的术语和方法、释通假的术语、释语法的方法、释方言俗语的术语和方法;第六章文章学的方法中释旨意的术语方法、释章法的术语、释层次结构的“代句法”;第七章文献学的方法中处理误说的方式和方法、辨编年的方法;第八章归纳文艺学的方法中提到的功效描述法、感受体验法、情感咏叹法、成因分析法、欣赏赞叹法、影响揭示法、批判指正法;第九章讨论的“推释法”、“引用法”、“比较法”、“提示法”等主要技法,都包含着创新成分。本文还有一个理论贡献,那就是创立了“施体”、“受体”两个概念,前者表示用以解释的内容,后者表示被解释的内容。较之传统的“被释词”等术语,这两个概念大大增强了对两个方面内容的概括力。

【Abstract】 By studying deeply and carefully the four school, (namely Qian qianyi,Qiu Zhaoao, Pu Qilong and Yang Long) works of comments on the poems of Dufu, one of the greatest poetry of ancient China, as well as many others’works of comments, the writer of this paper finds the systems of contents and functions to comment and note poems. These systems,based on the analysis and classification of quantity amount of the above said notes and comments, are described in different angles as linguistics, essays, document, and literary theory which is the first innovation and theoretic contribution of this paper.The structure of this paper is arranged as the diagram showed below: As is showed above, this paper is divided into two parts:The first part is a summarize of the contents and system of said four school comments. Having dealt with great number of first hand materials, the author sorted and classified all the works into four chapter:linguistics, essays, document, and literary theory and looked into the detailed aspects of the four school annotations. These analyzation of the notes and comments in Qing Dynasty covered all the attitudes of the notes and comments to the poems of Du. The sweater work dealt with different ancient authors’scattered research and notes and then arranged them academicaly into systematic, integrated work. By doing so, the author set up a frame for interpretation of traditional Chinese poetry, and this is the second inovation and achievement of this paper.While in chapter one and chapter three the contents are all existed before and just be arranged in a systematic and integrated way, the second chapter is a totally creation which never appeared before this paper. As for chapter four, there is a great deal works left by ancient authors which are never viewed as annotation, but these works contains a great deal elements of annotation, and so they are analyzed in a new angle as works of annotation but literature which is the third innovation and achievement of this paper.The second part of this paper aims at the function of annotation to the poems of Du, taking the same structure and method as the first part, and focus on the terminology and methods used by Qing predecessors. There are both great theoretical and practical significance finding some new methods and terminology unknowing to todays exegetics, as well as putting in order comprehensively all the terminology and methods we had known. Chapter cne focuses on terminologies and methods how to annotate tongjiazi、grammar and vernacular and slangs; Chapter two focuses on the terminologies and methods on how to annotate purport of article、art of composition and structure of article; Chapter three, disposal hearsay of paraphrase and determining time; In chapter four, the literal methods of description of function、experience、emotional expression、analyzation of causal、appreciation、revelation of influence and criticism are discussed. In chapter five there are so many innovative new methods discussed there such as reasoning、citation、comparison、reminding, etc.Another Theoretic Contribution of this paper is that two totally new concepts were created, that is "annotater" and "annotatee",the former is the materials to interpret and the latter is what to be interpreted. Comparing to the traditional concept of "interpreted word", these two concept covered both sides of the annotational procession.
