

【作者】 林明太

【导师】 孙虎;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 自然地理学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 旅游型海岛是以旅游业为主导产业的海岛,在旅游业蓬勃发展的今天,海岛旅游地成为了热门的旅游目的地,尤其在2010年1月4日国务院发布《国务院关于推进海南国际旅游岛建设发展的若干意见》后,旅游型海岛更是成为了人们关注的焦点,也成了开发者与学者们研究的热点。众所周知,旅游型海岛建设成败与否和开发者与学者们从各个角度进行理论与实践、宏观与微观研究的深入程度有很大关系,其中特别有关旅游型海岛的生态建设问题尤其显得重要,这是旅游型海岛可持续发展取得成功的根本问题。本文就是抓住这个关键问题开展研究的。本文首先从理论上,围绕旅游型海岛在发展旅游业过程中受自然和人为干扰后,景观生态系统受损或退化,影响自身可持续发展时,该如何运用恢复生态学、景观生态学、生态园林及可持续发展等理论,构建模型进行景观生态健康评价,并依据评价结果分析,研究旅游型海岛从大尺度、中尺度及小尺度角度该运用怎样的具体措施和方法进行生态修复与优化,实现构建一个和谐的、绿色的、优美的、有人文底蕴的旅游型海岛。接着从实践上,以全国首家生态文明示范教育基地、国家4A景区、国家级旅游度假区、世界妈祖文化发源地、世界非物质文化遗产《妈祖信俗》依托地——湄洲岛为案例,详细分析湄洲岛的自然社会概况、旅游发展现状的基础上,按照前面理论研究结果,进行湄洲岛景观生态健康评价,分析评价结果,依据分析结论,探索研究大尺度角度的湄洲岛景观格局与景观功能生态修复与优化的具体措施与方法,研究中小尺度角度的湄洲岛岛陆植被景观、岛陆水体景观、岛陆裸岩景观、潮间带沙滩景观、潮间带泥滩景观、近海湿地景观、岛陆建设景观、妈祖文化景观生态修复与优化的具体措施与方法。全文共分四部分九章,第一部分为第1章绪论,第二部分为理论研究部分,主要包括第2-5章,第三部分为实证研究部分,主要包括第6-8章,第四部分为第9章结论与展望,具体如下:第一部分:主要阐述了本论文的选题背景与选题意义,确定研究的内容与方法,诠释研究所依托的主要基础理论。第二部分:首先,在分析海岛概念的基础上,界定了旅游型海岛的概念,分析了国内外旅游型海岛的类型和特征,总结了国内外海岛旅游研究进展;在分析生态恢复与生态修复概念、分析景观概念、景观特征及景观优化概念的基础上,界定了旅游型海岛景观生态修复与优化概念。进行了国内外旅游型海岛景观生态修复的研究综述和国内外旅游发展对海岛生态环境影响的研究综述。其次,界定了旅游型海岛景观生态系统的概念、格局、尺度、功能,提出了旅游型海岛景观生态系统的组成与特征,分析了旅游型海岛景观生态系统所受到的自然与人为方面的主要干扰。再次,在分析国内外景观生态健康概念的基础上,界定了旅游型海岛景观生态健康的概念,提出了旅游型海岛景观生态健康的评价模型、评价指标、评价方法、评价标准及评价等级,探讨评价结果的分析。最后,提出了旅游型海岛景观生态修复与优化需遵循的基本原则,依据旅游型海岛景观生态健康评价结果,分别从大尺度、中尺度、小尺度的角度探索了旅游型海岛景观生态修复与优化的措施和方法。第二部分:首先,介绍了湄洲岛自然社会概况,分析了湄洲岛旅游开发现状。其次,利用旅游型海岛景观生态健康评价模型对湄洲岛进行了评价,分析探讨了其景观生态健康总体态势,及压力、状态、响应方面状况、分析了景观生态健康各影响因子的具体受损或退化情况。最后,依据旅游型海岛景观生态修复与优化的原理与方法,分别从大尺度角度提出了湄洲岛如何进行景观格局与景观功能的生态修复与优化,从中小尺度角度提出了湄洲岛如何通过系统、具体的措施方法对不同类型景观进行生态修复与优化,实现湄洲岛建设国际生态旅游岛和世界妈祖文化中心的目标。第四部分:阐述了本论文研究获得的结论及研究的创新之处和有待深入或继续研究的地方。本论文创新之处为:(1)界定了旅游型海岛的概念、类型,分析了其特征和分布。界定了旅游型海岛景观生态修复和景观优化的概念。界定了旅游型海岛景观生态系统概念、尺度、格局、功能、组成、特征和面临的主要干扰。(2)参考已有的景观健康评价方法,大RS与GIS技术支持下,建立了旅游型海岛景观生态健康评价模型和评价指标体系,并根据旅游型海岛实际情况选择了各评价指标和评价方法,确定了评价等级。(3)借鉴已有方法的基础上,从理论上探索了旅游刑海岛大尺度、中尺度、小尺度不同范畴的景观生态修复与优化的措施和方法,具体研究了旅游型海岛景观格局及包含生态功能、旅游功能、生产功能、发展功能等的景观功能的生态修复与优化的措施与方法;研究了旅游型海岛岛陆部分的旅游景观、人居景观、背景景观和潮间带部分的沙滩景观、泥滩景观、岩礁景观及近海湿地景观的生态修复与优化的措施和方法。(4)将湄洲岛作为案例,计算其景观生态健康综合及压力、状态、响应的指数,详细分析指数所反映的问题,并以这些问题为依据,结合上面的理论研究成果,具体研究了湄洲岛大尺度角度景观格局与景观功能的生态修复与优化的措施和方法,研究了湄洲岛中小尺度角度自然环境中的岛陆植被景观、岛陆水体景观、岛陆裸岩景观、潮间带沙滩景观、潮间带泥滩景观、近海湿地景观和人文环境中的建设景观、妈祖文化景观、旅游氛围具体的生态修复与优化的措施与方法,为湄洲岛建设国际生态旅游岛和世界妈祖文化中心提供了科学依据。

【Abstract】 Tourism island is an island in which the tourism industry is taken as the leading industry Today,with the tourism industry booming, the island do not only become a popular tourist destination, but also become the point of concern of people, and hot research spot of developers and scholars, especially after the State Council issued "A number of opinions of the State Council about Promoting the construction and development of international tourism Island in Hainan Province, "in the January 4,2010. As we are known, success of the construction and development of the tourism island or not has a lot to the depth with various theoretical and practical point of view, macro and micro research from scholars and developers. In particular the ecological building of tourism island is very important, because this is a fundamental problem for the success of the sustainable development in the tourism island. This paper is to grab the key issues to study.Firstly, in theory, the paper has researched how to build the model of landscape ecological health assessment based on the restoration ecology, landscape ecology, ecological theory of landscape and sustainable development, and to use specific measures and methods of ecological restoration and optimization from the large-scale, mesoscale and small-scale point of view to achieve a tourism island with harmony green, beauty, and cultural-heritage based on the analysis of evaluation results about the tourism island, when the landscape ecosystem of tourism island is damaged or degraded, affecting their sustainable development, after it affected by natural and human disturbance in the development process of its tourism industry. Then the paper reseached from the practice. It took Meizhoudao Island as a case, which is the first educational and exemplary base model of ecological civilization among the country, National 4A scenic areas, State-level tourist resort, the birthplace of Mazu culture in the world, the world’s intangible cultural heritage "Belief in Mazu," relying on ground. Based on the detailed analysis about the natural and social profiles, and the status of tourism development in Meizhoudao Island, and in accordance with previous theoretical results, it did the landscape ecological health assessment for the Meizhoudao Island, and analyzed the evaluation results, and based on the analysis conclusions to explore specific measures and methods of ecological restoration and optimization on large-scale perspective for landscape pattern and landscape features in Meizhoudao Island, and to study the specific measures and methods of ecological restoration and optimization on small scale for the vegetation landscape of island land, water landscape of island land, bare rock landscape of island land, beaches landscape of intertidal island, mudflats landscape of intertidal island, coastal wetlands, construction landscape of island land, cultural landscape of Mazu in the Meizhou Island.Paper is divided into four parts, nine chapters. The first part is Chapter 1-- the Introduction. The second part is theory research, including the Chapter 2 to 5. The third part is some empirical research, including the Chapter 6 to 8,and the fourth part is Chapter 9, Conclusions and Outlook, as follows:Part 1:It mainly described the background and significance of this paper topic selection, and identified the research contents and methods, and interpreted the main basis of theory of research need.Part 2:Firstly, based on the analysis of the concept of Island, the concept of tourism island was defined. Through analyzing the types and characteristics of tourism island home and abroad, research progress of the island tourism was summarized. Based on the analysis of the concept of ecological restoration and ecological reconstruction, the concept and features of landscape, and the concept of landscape optimization and ecological restoration and optimization for tourism island was defined. Domestic and international Studies on landscape ecological restoration of tourism island and the international research on ecological environment of island under effected by the tourism development was completed.Secondly, the concept, pattern, scale, function of landscape ecosystem of tourist island was defined, and composition and characteristics of landscape ecosystem of tourism island was proposed. The main interference from natural and human aspects for the landscape ecosystems of tourism island was analyzed.Once again, Based on the analysis for the concept of landscape ecological health of home and abroad, the concept of landscape ecological health of the tourism island was defined, and the evaluation model, evaluation index, evaluation methods, evaluation criteria and rating scale about landscape ecological health of the tourism island was proposed, and its evaluation results was analyzed.Finally. The basic principles followed by landscape ecological restoration and optimization of tourism island were proposed, and then according to landscape ecological health assessment results of the tourism island, the measures and methods of landscape ecological restoration and enhancement of the tourism island respectively from large-scale, medium scale, small-scale were explored.Part 3:Firstly, natural and social profiles of Meizhoudao Island were introduced and tourism development situation of Meizhoudao island was analyzed.Secondly, landscape ecological health assessment model for tourism island was used to evaluate the Meizhoudao island, and to analyze the overall situation of the landscape ecological health, the pressure, state and response areas, and to analyze the damaged or degradation about the specific factors of landscape ecological health.Finally, based on the principles and methods of landscape ecological restoration and optimization for the tourism island,how to do ecological restoration and optimization for landscape pattern and landscape function in Meizhoudao Island from the angle of the large-scale, and how to use the specific and system methods and measures of ecological restoration and optimization for the different types of landscape in Meizhoudao Island from the angle of small scale,in order to make the construction of the international eco-tourism and the world’s Mazu cultural center in Meizhoudao Island has completed.Part 4:The conclusion,the research innovation, and the place where need to be further researched in this thesis was explained.Innovation of this paper:(1) The concept and types of the tourism island were defined. Its characteristics and distribution was analyzed. The concept of landscape ecological restoration and landscape optimization of the tourism island was defined. The concept, scale, structure, function, composition, characteristics and the main interference of landscape ecosystem in the tourism island was defined.(2) Referencing on the existing method of landscape health assessment, and supported by the RS and GIS technical, the assessment model and the evaluation index system of landscape ecological health for the tourism island was established. According to the actual situation of tourism island the evaluation indicators and evaluation methods were selected, and the rating scale was determined.(3) Based on the existing methods, the paper has explored the measures and methods of landscape ecological restoration and enhancement for the tourism island in different areas of large-scale, medium scale, small-scale in theory, and researched the specific measures and methods of ecological restoration and enhancement for landscape functions including landscape ecological functions, tourism function, production functions, development functions in tourism island; and studied the measures and methods of ecological restoration and enhancement for the tourist attractions, living landscape, the background landscape in Island’s mainland part, and the beach landscape, mudflats landscape, rocks in the inter-tidal part, and coastal wetland landscape in the tourism island.(4) The paper took Meizhoudao Island as a case to calculate the index of the integrated and its pressure, state, response of the landscape ecological health, and dentally analyze the issues of it reflects. The basis of these problems, and combined with the above theoretical results, it specific study the measures and methods of ecological restoration and enhancement for landscape pattern and landscape features from the angle of large-scale in Meizhoudao Island, and research the specific measures and methods of ecological rehabilitation and optimization in the small scale point of view for the vegetation landscape, water landscape, bare rock landscape of island land, and beach view, mudflats landscape of inter-tidal, and coastal wetland landscape of the natural environment, and for the construction landscape, Mazu cultural landscape, tourism environment of cultural environment in Meizhoudao Island. This research provided a scientific basis for the construction of International Eco-tourism and the World’s Mazu Cultural Center in Meizhoudao Island.
