

【作者】 孟万忠

【导师】 王尚义;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 历史地理学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 水是人类文明产生和发展的基础,是自然地理各要素中最敏感和脆弱的因子。河流与湖泊是水的载体,历史时期发生了频繁而复杂的变迁,对自然和人文地理面貌都产生了深远的影响。关注流域,揭示流域水环境、生态和社会经济系统的演变过程是历史地理学研究的重要内容之一。汾河中游历史时期湖泊众多,水量丰沛,成就了灌溉农业发达的三晋文明,孕育了太原等历史文化古城,成为山西省最重要的经济与城镇密集区。但同时出现了水资源短缺,地下水位大幅度下降,地下漏斗区面积扩大等一系列环境问题,成为山西社会经济可持续发展的瓶颈。对汾河中游的河湖变迁进行研究,不仅具有重要的学术价值,而且具有很强的现实意义。传统的河湖变迁研究,主要依靠历史文献,进行定性的分析和考证。现代历史地理学发展的趋势,要求学科之间的融合和定量化研究。环境变迁是长时段的地理过程,截取其中的某个片段,难以反映变迁的全貌。因此,本研究拓展了研究时段,从全新世开始,延伸到现代。没有文献记载的史前时段,主要依托地层、考古、孢粉、动植物化石等资料,分析判断汾河中游的气候、植被、动物等自然要素的特点以及人类聚落空间分布的特征,推测河流与湖泊的变迁情况。先秦以来,以史料为主,辅以考古、舆图、现代地形图、遥感影像资料和器测的气象、水文数据等与之相配合,综合分析,相互印证,揭示历史时期汾河中游河湖变迁的过程、原因和规律。同时,采用现代地图学的方法,将河湖变迁的空间形态直观地展现在地形图上。本文以汾河中游河湖变迁为研究对象,主要开展了以下工作:(1)史前的湖泊变迁,通过对前面所述的考古等资料的综合分析,史前人类聚落大都分布在汾河及其支流的台地或山前丘陵地带,海拔高度从1300m逐步下降到900m左右,反映出人进湖退的变迁脉络;先秦以来,通过昭余祁和文湖个案研究,元代以前湖泊以自然演变为主,明清以来人类活动对湖泊变迁过程开始起到决定性的作用;同时,应用地理学、水文学等多学科的方法,用定量的方法对汾河中游古湖泊的水量平衡进行了研究。(2)河流变迁,对干流与支流分别进行研究。对干流的八次全河段变迁和局部典型事件进行了较为详细的论证;支流选取晋水和潇河,作为个案进行剖析,探究其变迁与人类活动的相关性。(3)选取生物多样性、旱涝灾害和地质灾害等因子,研究了河湖变迁的流域生态环境响应,结果表明,这些响应因子的变化,既是河湖变迁的果,也是河湖进一步变迁的因。(4)从自然、人文因素角度,综合分析了河湖变迁的原因,自然因素从气候、地质、地貌、植被等方面进行分析;人文因素从人口、水利灌溉工程和聚落等方面探讨,对雍正、光绪时期,潇河的灌溉用水量,进行了估算;对各要素共同作用下产生的泥沙沉积,进行了定量研究。通过上述研究,得出如下结论:(1)汾河中游河湖变迁经历了湖泊兴盛——河湖共存——河盛湖衰3个阶段:全新世早、中期,人类活动影响有限,湖泊兴盛;先秦到元,人类活动影响增强,农耕与灌溉技术逐步提高,呈现出湖消河长的局面,这与含沙量高的汾河中上游诸河的发育是密不可分的;明清以来,人类围湖造田,导致湖泊全部消失,而灌溉用水量激增,使水循环的水量平衡难以为继。(2)汾河中游的河流与湖泊是相互依存,密切相关的,汾河及其支流为湖泊提供水源补给,湖泊为河流调节水量。稳定的径流补给是湖泊存续的决定性因素,汾河的重大改道成为湖泊消亡的直接原因。昭余祁、文湖等消亡后的低洼地带,成为汾河中游的洪泛区,汾河与文峪河的合流与分流成为变迁的主旋律,河道迁徙频繁。(3)纵观整个变迁过程,自然与人文因素共同发挥作用,前期自然因素起决定作用,其中气候是主导因子,地质、地貌和植被等因子叠加其上,决定了汾河中游降水量、径流量和泥沙量的变化,进而影响了河湖的水文变化。后期人文因素作用加强,人口增长、聚落的变迁、农业生产力水平的提高,特别是水利灌溉的发展,造成水资源的失衡,改变了流域的自然动态平衡,在很大程度上影响着河湖未来的走向。总之,人类与流域的关系,是现代历史地理学研究的重要课题,也是当今社会经济可持续发展必须面对和思考的问题,更是人类认识自然、改造自然的永恒主题。

【Abstract】 Content:Water is the basis of emergence and development of human civilizations, is the most sensitive and the fragile in natural geographical factors. Rivers and lakes are water carrier, have had frequent and the complex vicissitude in historical period, the change has had the profound influence to the nature and the human geography. Attention to basin, the evolution of basin water environment, the ecology and the social economy system is one of important research contents in historical geography. In historical period, there were numerous lakes and plenty of irrigation water in middle reaches of Fenhe River, to achieve SanJin civilization of irrigation fanning and bred the historical and cultural city like Taiyuan, which become the most important areas of economic and urban concentration. But at the same time, there appeared a series of environmental problems like water shortages, underground water level dropped substantially, the underground funnel area expanded and so on, which become the bottleneck of social and economic sustainable development in Shanxi. To study the change of river and lake in the middle of Fenhe river not only has important academic value, but also has a strong practical significance.The traditional research of river-lake’s change mainly depends upon the historical documents to carry on the qualitative analysis and research. The development’s trend of modern historical geography requests disciplinary fusion and quantitative research. Environmental change is the geographical processes of long period, some fragment intercepted cannot reflect the complete picture of changes. Therefore, this study extends time interval, which starts from the brand-new world to the modern age. The research of prehistoric period without the literature record mainly relies on strata, archaeological, pollen and fossil of plants and animals etc, to analyze and judge the characteristics of natural elements like climate, vegetation, animals and spatial distribution characteristics of human settlements in middle reaches of Fenhe River, to speculate the change of rivers and lakes. Since pre-Qin, mainly combined historical data with archaeological, ancient map, modern topographic map, remote sensing image data as well as meteorological and hydrological data of device measurement etc, for comprehensive analysis, mutual support, reveal the process, reason and law of rivers and lakes’change in middle reach of Fenhe river. At the same time, adopt the method of modern cartography, the space form of rivers and lakes’change will be showed on topographic maps intuitively.This article takes rivers and lakes’vicissitude in the middle reaches of Fenhe River as the object of study, mainly has done the following job:(1) The prehistoric lakes’change. Through to analyze comprehensively the archeological data mentioned, the prehistoric human settlements are mostly distributed platform or piedmont foothills in Fenhe river and its tributaries, the altitude from 1300m gradually altitude down to about 900m, reflected the vein of vicissitude which human occupies the lakes and they draws back; Since pre-Qin, through the case studies about ZhaoYuQi and WenHu, to find that the nature evolution is primarily before Yuan Dynasty, that the Ming and Qing Dynasties the human activity plays the decisive function on the process of lakes’vicissitude; Meanwhile, the water balance of ancient lakes in the middle reach of Fenhe river is studied by quantitative and multidisciplinary method like geography and hydrology. (2) The rivers’vicissitude. The article conducts the research separately to the main current and the branch. The eight main rivers’change of main current and local typical incident have be argued detailed; The branch selects the Jinwater River and Xiaohe River as the case to analyze, to explore the relevancy between the change and human activities. (3) Selects the factors such as biodiversity, drought and flood disaster and geological disaster, studied the response of watershed ecological environment about the rivers and lakes’vicissitude. (4) From the angle of natural and cultural factors, analyze comprehensively the reason of rivers and lakes’vicissitude, natural factors from climate, geology, topography and vegetation are analyzed; Humanistic factors from the population, the irrigation engineering and settlement are discussed, during Yongzheng and Guangxu, the irrigation water of Xiaohe River is estimated; Sediment deposition under the joint action of each factor is investigated quantitatively.Through the above research, draws following conclusion:(1) The vicissitude of rivers and lakes in middle reach of Fenhe River has undergone lakes’prosperity--coexistence of rivers and lakes--rivers flouring and lakes decay three stages:the Holocene early and mid, human activities are limited, lakes are prosperous; from the pre-Qin to the Yuan dynasty, human activities affect enhancement, fanning and irrigation technology improve gradually, showing that lakes gradually subsidies and rivers increase, which is closely tied to the development of all rivers with high sediment in middle and upper reaches Fenhe river. Since the Ming and Qing dynasties, the humanity reclaim land by surrounding and filling in lake bottom, causing lakes vanish completely, and irrigation requirement increases sharply, making water balance unsustainable.(2)The rivers and lakes are interdependent and closely related, Fenhe and its tributaries supply water for lake, lakes adjust water for rivers. The stable runoff supplies are the decisive factor which the lake lasts, the immediate cause of lake dies is significant changing course of Fenhe river. Low-lying areas after ZhaoYuQi and WenHu lake dying become the flood storage in middle reaches of Fenhe river, Fenhe River and Wenyuhe River’s confluence and diverge are the main melody, the river course migration are frequent. (3) Throughout the whole change, natural and humanistic factors play the role together, the earlier period natural factor takes the decision effect, including dominant factor--climate, geological and geomorphic and vegetation factors decide the precipitation, runoff and the silt quantity’s change, which has affected the river-lake’s hydrological changes. Later period the humanities’ function strengthens. The population growth, the settlement vicissitude and the agricultural productive especially the development of irrigation cause the water imbalance of the basin, change the dynamic balance, to a great extent influence the future direction of rivers and lakes.In brief, the relationship between human and basin is important topic in modern historical geography, also is the question we must face for social and economic sustainable development, especially is eternal subject for the humanity to recognize and transform nature.
