

【作者】 冯玉新

【导师】 萧正洪;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 历史地理学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 以政区沿革变迁过程的复原为基础,考析不同时期和不同地域政区变动与地方政治、经济、文化、族群等社会要素之间复杂的互动关系,已是现今学界对历史政区地理研究的关注方向。相对而言,对甘、宁、青黄河上游地区政区变动与区域人文要素互动的过程,学界尚缺乏全面深入的系统性研究。该文主要以明清民国时期黄河上游农牧交错地区的一系列行政区划沿革过程为线索,将政区变动置于区域社会发展变迁的整体历史脉络中加以把握,采取“宏观视野下”的个案研究方法,通过分别选取不同地域的“政区事件”进行深入细致的考察,藉以探讨黄河上游农牧交错带这一特殊“区域”,界域变动与地方社会之间互动与表达的相互关系。该文中涉及的界域概念,是指历史政区地理中之“界域”,即称政区界域,此概念主要涵盖了政区要素的两个方面——边界与幅员,界域变动指政区边界或疆域的变动与调整。政区作为地域社会重要的组成要素,它是联结国家制度与地方社会的“纽结”。故而,政区可作为深入地方社会研究的一把钥匙。“小区域(社会)、大历史”,该文选取政区界域变动为线索和切入点,就地理环境、政治过程与地方社会的互动关系作有益的探讨,以探究这一特殊区域历史发展的特点,进而对明清民国时期黄河上游农牧交错带地方社会作出整体性的考察。通过对政区演变过程的考察,可以使我们在传统社会末期西北边疆历史演变的宏大叙事框架中去深入思考地方社会建构的过程,反之理解地方社会发展演变的历史轨迹又是如何蕴含在政区界域变动之中表达出米的。政区界域变动不仅是一种有意识的国家行为,而且是地方社会历史发展演变的真切表达与反映。明清民国时期黄河上游农牧交错地区界域的变动反映出传统西北边疆社会向近代社会转型的历史轨迹。在这个历史轨迹之中,界域变动表达出西北边疆社会政治、经济、文化变迁的诸多方面,诸如政治上内边疆的腹地化,经济上农牧经济的互动消长,文化上的民族认同的不断加强,以及族群格局的变动与成型等等。政区界域的动态调整到静态成型,经历了一个纵向承继、横向变动的时空交织的过程,是蕴涵着政治、经济、文化等因素综合作用的结果。具体到明清民国时期黄河上游农牧交错地区界域变动的背后,包含了环境变迁、行政运作、地方开发、宗教因素、族群关系的演变、文化认同的加强等诸多因素交互的作用,同时也展现了国家制度与区域社会关系变化,体现出国家与地方、地方与地方之间上下互动与平行互动的关系,由于影响区域社会政区变动的主导因素存在差异,致使研究区政区变动呈现出多种发展面向,这需要我们具体问题具体分析,以加深对整个研究区政区变动机制的认识。以政区界域变动介入区域社会研究的理念,是一种有益的尝试与探索。该文希望通过对黄河上游农牧交错带界域变动与地方社会之间关系的研究,能使我们更加深入地理解明清民国时期黄河上游农牧交错带政治结构演变与区域社会变迁的整体发展脉络,并且希望能够进一步丰富历史政治地理研究的视野和内涵。

【Abstract】 Restoration the changes in administrative divisions evolution as base, the research on the interactive relationship between changes of those administrative divisions in different periods and regions, and politics, economy, culture, ethnic groups and other social elements of local regions, has aroused concern among the academic circles. Comparatively speaking, it is still want of a comprehensive and thorough academic research on interactive process between administrative divisions changes and regional humanism factors of the upstream area of the Yellow River in Gan-Ning-Qing region. This paper takes the process of serial administrative divisions evolution in the upstream area of the Yellow River farming-pastoral zone during Ming and Qing Dynasty, and Republican Period as the main clue, to grasp the whole historcal vein of changes under the development of regional society. Taking the macroscopic vision case study method, and focusing on the "problems", respectively selecting various administrative divisions events make a deep and detailed investigation so as to discuss about the mutual relations of interaction and expression between boundary region changes and local communities in the special area of Upper Yellow River agriculture and pasture interlaced region.The concept of "Jieyu" involved in this paper, refers to the one related to historical administrative geography, and covers boundary and territory those two aspects of administrative regions. Boundary region changes mean the changes and adjustments in administrative divisions boundary or territory.As far as people are concerned, being as one of the most important elements of regional society, administrative division is the knot between the national system and local societies. Therefore, it can be taken as a key to further research on local societies."Microscopic region or society, and macroscopic history", this paper will start with changes of boundary region, do thoroughly historical surveys on the farming-pastoral zone of the Upper Yellow River in Ming and Qing Dynasty, and Republican Period in order to inquiry the special historical characteristics of this region’s development, and explore the interactive relations between geographical environment, political process, and local community. On the whole, through the study on the evolution process of administrative divisions can help people to think about social construction of local communities within the framework of Northwest Frontier’s historical evolution in the end of traditional societies, and vice versa.The change of administrative divisions is not only a sort of conscious act of state, but also the true expression and reflection of local communities’ developing process.The changes of agriculture-pasture transition zone of the upstream of the Yellow River in Ming and Qing Dynasty, and Republican Period embodies the historical trajectory from the traditional society to the modern one of Northwest Frontier. In the above-mentioned historical trajectory, changes of boundaries show evolution of Northwest Frontier from many aspects about politics, economy, culture, such as the hinterland of the inter-frontier from politics, the growth and decline, and interaction of farming-pastoral zone from economy, the strengthening cognition between different ethnic groups from culture, the change and formation of population structure, and so on.From dynamic adjustment to static state of administrative regions, it has went through a succession of longitudinal inherit and horizontal varying development, a process of changes including time and space, which is look as a result from comprehensive action of politics, economy, culture, and other elements. To be more specific, changes of farming-pastoral zone of the Upper Yellow River in Ming and Qing Dynasty, and Republican Period including the interactive influences between environmental changes, administrative operations, district development, religious factors, ethnic groups relationship changes, cultural identity reinforcement and other ones, and show perpendicular and parallel interactive relations between states and local areas, and local areas themselves. However, because the dominant factors leading to administrative regions’changes are different, the researches on administrative regions’changes are various, which requires us to be fact-specific to enhance and enrich the knowledge of the research on the whole administrative regions’change mechanisms.It is a meaningful attempt and exploration to do research on regional societies while beginning with changes of administrative regions and boundaries. All in all, the paper is designed to help people better understand the brief historical changes of the agriculture-pasture transition zone of the upstream of the Yellow River in Ming and Qing Dynasty, and Republican Period, and further enrich the vision and content of historical political geography.
