

【作者】 王贵禄

【导师】 赵学勇;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 从某种意义上讲,中国当代西部小说代表了新时期三十年中国当代文学的创作水平。因此我们说,本课题将西部小说作为研究的窗口,其意义不仅表现在整合与深化西部小说研究的既有成果,而且表现在这其实也是对中国当代文学的整体动向与存在问题以独特的方式进行的观照。本课题在运作中所把握的关键词,如精神结构、文化基因、冲突模式,以及文学接受,都事关转型时期中国当代文学发展乃至当代文化建设中的深刻矛盾与复杂纠葛,事关如何缓释世界潮流影响下本土性文学与文化诉求所形成的巨大张力。问题意识的存在与研究视野的择取,也表现出本课题研究者对中国文学当代境遇的深层焦虑、思考及探寻。本课题的最终研究成果体现为五章,分别是“绪论”、“精神结构论”、“文化基因论”、“冲突模式论”和“史评接受论”。“绪论”部分回顾了西部小说的研究历史及其研究现状,指出西部小说研究尚有较大的再研究空间,西部小说研究到了向深度开拓的转型时期。澄清了西部小说的概念、命名及其学理根据。追溯了西部小说发生的文化语境,在此基础上划分出了西部小说的历史分期:1942年—1976年为“形成期”,1976年—1993年为“兴盛期”,1993年—2010年为“分化期”,并逐一梳理了西部小说在各个历史时段的表现特征。对最终研究成果的命名做了学理性的说明。阐述了本课题的研究价值、研究内容和研究思路等。“精神结构论”旨在揭秘西部作家的文学精神、创作精神和人格精神,及其演进的内在机制。精神高度是西部作家取得辉煌艺术成就的前提,在以往的西部小说的研究中,未能形成西部作家精神结构研究的整体性,故我们在本课题研究中对西部作家的精神结构做整体观和整体性的描述,力图呈现出西部作家精神结构的整体形象。本章分为三节,分别是“重铸民族文学之魂:西部作家的文学精神”、“为谁写作:西部作家的底层意识”和“转型时期的文学能指:新生代西部作家的精神结构与历史境遇”。“文化基因论”重在探寻西部小说的本质规定性,也就是辨别使西部小说成为西部小说的内在要素,地理人文环境、地域文化和民间文化精神的多重影响与深度书写,是使西部小说形成“本土性”叙事特征的主要原因。除了做宏观性的观察与描述之外,很有必要对“地方性文学与文化精神”的关系研究做抽样调查,因此本章择取了两个视点——当代秦地作家和宁夏西海固作家,前者是从历史维度分析文化精神传统对当代秦地作家的影响,后者是从现实维度考察民间文化精神对西海固作家的规范。本章分为三节,它们是“在乡土、荒野及牧场之间:西部小说叙事与地理人文环境”、“缘自远古的心音:长安文化精神对当代秦地作家的深层影响”和“从现实走向诗意:西海固作家对地域文化精神的沿承与超越”。“冲突模式论”力图揭示西部小说反复呈现的主要冲突形态,并意欲对西部小说的研究由表象进入到深层,以求深度把握西部小说运作的本质规律。“冲突模式”是西部小说研究中的一个盲点,尽管以往的研究或多或少对其有所涉及,但未能引起研究者的足够重视,故在这个环节的研究中我们将尽可能地凸显原创性。本章分为三节,分别是“西部小说叙事的可能深度:灵与肉的冲突”、“西部小说叙事的地域根性:人与自然的冲突”和“西部小说叙事的母题衍化:传统与现代的冲突”。“史评接受论”从文学史评价和读者接受的复合视角探讨了西部小说的命运遭际。文学史评价反映的是史家对它的认可程度,读者接受状况则反映着它产生的社会价值意义。但史评与接受并不是总能达成一致,在西部作家身上这种矛盾有时表现得非常突出,因此对西部小说叙事从上述两种视角进行研究,其价值不仅是重新反思和透视西部作家的创作问题,从更宽泛的意义上讲,也是对整个当代文学史叙事的史学观念、价值立场、评价尺度,以及读者接受机制的整体性反思。在西部小说的研究史上,这个研究空间尚属盲区,所以,此命题的努力更具有探索性质。本章分为三节,分别为“《创业史》:当代文学史叙事反复言说与沉浮不定的经典”、“路遥《平凡的世界》现象:再议当代文学的一桩公案”和“《白鹿原》:新历史小说,家族小说,抑或西部小说”。本课题力图对西部小说研究有所突破,而所谓突破必然首先体现在文学及文化观念的更新上,因此,我们将近年来学术界所关注的热点问题和讨论的前沿问题,在有鉴别地吸收与整合的基础上,引入到了具体的研究中来,从而建构起了本课题展开研究的现实维度,这些问题诸如,底层问题、现代性问题、人文精神问题、文学史写作问题、文学精神问题、生态问题、“身体”问题、消费时代文学的命运问题等,所以在较大程度上激活与拓展了本课题可能的研究空间。而在更高的意义上说,新的研究维度的引入与运作,也是为了敞亮与描述西部小说在急剧转型的消费时代的命运远景,释放与澄清西部作家所面临的写作焦虑与思想困惑,最终为西部小说创作的全面走向经典化提供坚实可靠的理论依据。文学从来都不是一个人的事情,也不可能是“私有形态”的事情,它需要所有以之作为事业的人来共同推进,共同在“荒诞”的世俗人生之外,创构一种可能的精神家园,因为文学只有通过这种诗性的方式,才有可能成为人们最后的诗意栖居之地。

【Abstract】 In a sense, the novels on western China represents the creative standard of contemporary Chinese literature of recent 30 years. So we say, to take the novels on western China as a research window makes the project not only show the significance of integrating and deepening the former researches regard to the novels on western China, but also show that it is to witness the overall trend and existing problems of contemporary Chinese literature in a unique way. The keywords such as spirit structure, culture gene, conflict patterns and literature accepting grasped by the project in the operation all relate to the profound contradictions and complicated disputes in the development of contemporary Chinese literature as well as in the construction of contemporary Chinese culture during the transition periods, also relate to how to release the great tension formed by the influence of global trends to native demand of Chinese literature or culture. The existence of issue consciousness and picking of research vision show the project researcher’s deep anxiety, thinking and exploring to the contemporary situation of Chinese literature.This project’s final research result manifests five chapters respectively being The Introduction, The Theory of Spirit Structure, The Theory of Culture Gene, The Theory of Conflict Patterns and The Theory of Literature Accepting. The Introduction (the first chapter) looks back into the research history and the present research situation of the novels on western China and points out that the research area still has big re-research space and the research of the novels on western China meeting the reforming time to deep development. Then it clarifies the concept, naming and the academic basis of the novels on western China. Based on tracing the cultural linguistic environment which the novels on western China begin, it distinguishes different historical periods. It distinguishes the novels on western China into three stages:the period from 1942 to 1976 which called formative period, the period from 1976 to 1993 which called prosperous period and the period from 1993 to 2010 which called independent period. After that, it generalizes the performance characteristics of the novels on western China in each historical period one by one and does some academic explanations to the naming of final research result. Finally,it elaborates the project’s research values, the research contents and the research ideas, and so on.The Theory of Spirit Structure (the second chapter) is for the purpose of revealing Chinese western writers’literature spirit, the creation spirit and the personality spirit, and further revealing the evolution intrinsic mechanism of spirits. The spiritual altitude is the premise for China’s western writers to great success,but the former researches have not been able to form a holistic view on the spirit structure of Chinese western writers. So we hope to form a holistic view on the spirit structure and make a whole description to it. Finally, we try to present an overall image of Chinese western writers’ spirit structure. This chapter includes three sections. Section one is Re-building Soul of the National Literature: the Literature Spirit of Chinese Western Writers, section two is Writing for whom:the Underclass Awareness of China’s Western Writers and section three is Literature Signifiers in the Reforming Time:the Spirit Structure and Historical Circumstances for China’s Western Writers Born in the Sixties.The Theory of Culture Gene (the third chapter) works for inquires about the novels on western China essential regulated.In other words, it should find the intrinsic essential factors which make the novels on western China become the novels on western China. The novels on western China are profoundly impacted by geography humanities environment, region culture and folk cultural spirit, otherwise, the novels on western China deeply reflect them, these are the main causes that make the novels on western China trend and form localilzation narrative characteristics. It is important to research the relationship between local literature and cultural spirit beyond macroscopic observation and description, so the chapter takes contemporary Shanxi writers and Xihaigu writers of Ningxia as two view angles. The former analyzes how the cultural spirit traditions to influence contemporary Shanxi writers from historical dimension and the latter investigates from realistic dimension how folk cultural spirit to form standards to Xihaigu writers. The chapter includes three sections. They are section one Rural, Wilderness and Rangeland:the Novels on Western China with the Geographical and Cultural Environment, section two From Ancient Times’Influence:Chang’an Cultural Spirit Deeply Influencing Contemporary Shanxi Writers and section three From Reality to Esthetics:Xihaigu Writers’Inheritance and Surmounting to Local and Folk Cultural Spirit.The Theory of Conflict Patterns (the fourth chapter) tries to show the major conflict patterns that present repeatedly in the novels on western China. It is an attempt to study the novels on western China from representation to depth, so that we can deeply grasp the essential rules which the novels on western China operate. The study of the conflict patterns is a scotoma in former researches of the novels on western China. Though few researchers touch upon to it, in fact they have not paid enough attention to it. Therefore,we highlight the originality as far as possible in the research. The chapter includes three sections. They are section one Possible Depth of the Novels on Western China: Conflict between Soul Purification and Bodily Desire, section two Geographical Features of the Novels on Western China:The Conflict between Man and Nature and section three Motif Evolution of the Novels on Western China:Traditional and Modern Conflict.The Theory of Literature Accepting (the fifth chapter) discusses the destiny circumstances of the novels on western China from the view angles of appraisal of literature history and reader acceptance. The appraisal of literature history mirrors literature historians to approbate it or not, as well as that the condition of reader acceptance reflects what social value significance they may produce. But significantly, the appraisal of literature history and reader acceptance can not always achieve consistently, this kind of contradiction even sometimes displays prominently to Chinese western writers. Therefore, to study the novels on western China from above two view angles not only can reconsider and re-examine creative problems of Chinese western writers, but also can reconsider and re-examine the history ideas, the value standpoints and the appraisal criterions of the entire contemporary history of literature narrative as well as reception system. In the research history of the novels on western China, this research space is still a blind spot, so the proposition contains more exploratory efforts. This chapter includes three sections. They are section one "Pioneering History":a Literature Classics Repeatedly Discussed and Unpredictably Swayed, section two Lu Yao "Ordinary World" Phenomenon:Mentioning a Case in Contemporary Literature Again, and section three "Bailu Plateau":a New Historical Novel, a Family Novel or a Novel on Western China.The project seeks to achieve a breakthrough on the research of the novels on western China, but the so-called breakthrough inevitably embodies in literature and culture renewal ideas.Therefore, we focus of attention to some hot issues concerned and forefront issues discussed in academic circles recent years, on the basis of absorption and integration to these hot and forefront issues, we introduce them to our concrete research so as to construct the research dimensions. These are introduced such as underclass issue, modernity issue, humanistic spirit issue, writing issue of literary history, literary spirit issue, "body" issue, ecology issue, literature fate in the age of consumption, and so on. In some kind of significance, the project activates and expands the possible research space in great degree. At a higher sense, to introduce and operate the research dimensions aims at clearing and describing the destiny vision of the novels on Western China in the consumption era with sharp transformation, at releasing and clarifying the anxiety and confusion that China’s western writers are facing, and ultimately, at providing solid and reliable theoretical basis for the creation of the novels on western China to move towards classics comprehensively. Literature has never been a personal thing, also can’t be a "private form" thing. It needs all the people who take it as a career to advance together so as to create a possible spiritual home outside the "absurd" common secular life. Only in this way, literature can be more likely to become our final poetic dwelling place.
