

【作者】 张敏

【导师】 门忠民;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 思想政治教育, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 全球化时代,弘扬人的主体性、重视人的价值、追求人的自由全面发展成为一种主流思潮。在这种趋势下,思想政治教育应该以解决人的生存价值和意义为己任,承担起建构人类精神家园的重任,使受教育者的人性不断趋于完善,达到涵养身心、塑造人格、陶冶性情,从而实现精神成人。本研究针对当代大学生精神生活中精神缺失,心灵空虚的现状,力图在思想政治教育视域下思考和探讨当代大学生精神成人问题,旨在从思想政治教育的目的性本质,即“从思想上把握人,实现人的精神塑造与建构,促进人的全面发展”这一维度来探讨当代大学生精神成人问题,努力实现高校思想政治教育价值诉求从工具化向人本化的根本转变。论文以厘清相关为前提,整合并借鉴中外优秀文化价值资源,辨析了精神成人与思想政治教育的关系。在调查研究当代大学生精神生活现状的基础上,明确了现代思想政治教育的价值取向,探讨了思想政治教育引导大学生精神成人的教育实践活动。论文共分六个章节。第一章界定了相关概念,重点是把握本文所探讨的精神成人中“精神”一词的含义。“精神”含义的界定有助于我们正确把握精神成人的内涵与目标。“真正的人-思维着的精神。”①人的精神性存在是人的一种根本性存在。弗洛伊德的精神分析学、荣格的人格心理学、人的现代化理论以及马克思关于人的自由全面发展学说为本文的探讨提供了理论基础。精神成人的核心是对于理想人格的追求,即“人格成人”。自由既是“全部精神存在的类本质”,又是理想人格追求的目标。而以积极、乐观的态度面对人生,实现自由,不断超越,是通达理想人格的根本路径。人格、自由、积极、超越构成精神成人的核心要素,目标在于树立自觉的主体精神,构建理性的批判精神,追求高尚的人生境界。第二章着力于从中外文化传统中找寻经验,在不同的文化形态、文化体系、文化层面中进行细致的历史考察与研究,力求探寻引导大学生精神成人的思想资源。中国传统文化中“天人合一”的教育理念,整体性的教育思维,“三位一体”的体系构建,为引导大学生精神成人的实践提供了深厚的内源性发展动力。①西方世界的“博雅教育”、“全人教育”,以及情理交融与德智结合教育模式、回归生活世界的教育实践指向,为我们提供了丰富的“外源性”借鉴。引导学生精神成人应立足整体教育的视野,追求人文精神与科学素养的内在和谐统一。第三章重点阐述精神成人与思想政治教育的关系。思想政治教育有工具性和目的性两个方面,二者的有机结合构成完整的思想政治教育目标,它的终极意义在于对人的培养,促进人性的不断提升,实现对人的精神与价值引导,从而实现人的全面发展。精神成人是思想政治教育的本质性目的,思想政治教育是精神成人的奠基性工程,思想政治教育与“精神成人”实质上是辩证统一的。第四章通过对当代大学生精神生活现状的透析和思想政治教育目标设置的反思,探讨思想政治教育在引导大学生精神成人方面的现实困境及其历史根源。长期以来,思想政治教育目标设置过于理想化、工具化,缺乏针对性、感染力,从而脱离了思想政治教育引导学生精神成人的这一本质性目的,结果陷入实效性不佳的困境。在对思想政治教育目标设置的历史反思中,本文试图解析当前高校思想政治教育“低效”的原因,以“整体教育”(Holistic Education)为视野,明确本真的思想政治教育价值取向。第五章在前四章的基础上探讨思想政治教育引导学生精神成人的实践路径。在多元文化和信息革命的严峻挑战下,思想政治教育引导大学生精神成人应确立主体教育、实践教育、和谐教育的理念,通过加强对学生的精神追求教育、精神信仰教育、精神淬炼教育、道德发展教育来引导学生精神成人。以社会主义核心价值体系构筑学生精神世界,在“化理论为德性”的实践中提升学生思想道德素质,同时要重视加强大学生心理健康教育。

【Abstract】 In the age of globalization, to promote the individual character, the emphasis on people’s value, pursuit of freedom and comprehensive development become a mainstream trend. Below this kind of trend, ideological and political education should undertake the responsibility of human spirit world construction, to solve the existence value and meaning of people, its core is to make the development of human nature of the educated, reach perfect constantly shaped personality, body and mind, self-restraint edify, so as to achieve the spirit adults. At the situation of the contemporary undergraduates’ spiritual life:spirit flaw, spiritual emptiness, lose the spiritual homeland, this study aimed to thinking and explores contemporary college students’spirit adult problems in view of ideological and political education. From the purpose of ideological and political education, which is "from the thought on hold to realize man’s spirit, building and construction, promote the all-round development of man" to this dimension of contemporary undergraduatets’ mental adult problems, so as to achieve instrumental transformation from the tools to humanistic digestion of the ideological and political education value aim.The article consists of six chapters.The first chapter defines the relevant concepts; the key is to grasp this paper discussed the meaning of "spirit" in the spirit adult. The definition of "spirit" meaning correctly grasp the spirit can help us with the connotation of adult goal. Because "real people=the spirit." The spiritual existence is a fundamental exist. Freud’s psychoanalysis, Jung’s personality psychology, human modernization theory and Marx about people’s free and comprehensive development provide theory basis for this paper discusses. The core of the spirit adult is in the pursuit of ideal personality, namely "personality adult." Freedom is the spirit of "full of nature", there is the goal of pursuit in ideal personality. But in a positive, optimistic attitude to face life, achieve freedom, continuously surpuss, which is the fundamental path prudent ideal personality. Personality, free, positive compose the core elements of spirit adult. The aim is to establish self-consciously subject spirit, constructing the rational critical spirit, the pursuit of noble realm of life.The second chapter dedicated to search experiences from the sino-foreign culture traditional. In different cultural forms, cultural system and cultural level meticulous investigation and study history of ideological and political education, trying to explore the thought resouses to spiritual mature. Chinese traditional culture in the "nature and humanity" education concept, integrity education thinking and "trinity" construction of education system provide ideological and political education in guiding the practice of undergraduates’ spirit adult with profound endogenous development momentum. In the reference to "liberal education", "the whole person education", reasonable and virtue education mode, regression cleaves intellectual education practice pointing to the living world of the western word. The globalization of ideological and political education must pursue inner harmony of the humanistic spirit and scientific literacy in the vision of the holistic education.The third chapter focuses on the relationship of ideological and political education and spirit adult. Although the instrumental and the purposiveness are two part of ideological and political education The organic integration of the two form the goal of ideological and political education whose ultimate significance lies in the cultivation of people, the constant promotion of human, the realization of human spirit and value guidance, thus realizes people’s development in an all-round way. Spirit adults are the essential purpose of ideological and political education. Ideological and political education is the fundamental project of adult spirit. Therefore, purpose of ideological and political education and "spiritual adult" is essentially the dialectical unification.The fourth chapter discusses the practical difficulties and historical roots of ideological and political education guide students of spiritual mature, through survey data and analysis on the current students’spiritual life hiatus phenomenon. For a long time, since the goal setting of ideological and political education is too idealistic, lacking pertinence and pertinence and infection, thus divorced from the essential purpose of spirit adult, the results is in the plight of poor effectiveness. In the reflection of goal setting history of ideological and political education, this paper tries to reflect current "inefficient" reasons in ideological and political education analytical practice, at last, proposes seeking the humanistic spirit and scientific literacy inner harmony in the perspective of the holistic education.The fifth chapter explores the practice of ideological and political education guiding students to mental adult based on the former four chapters. To propose ideological and political education guiding students spirit adult, we should establish ideas of subject education, harmonious education and practice education, strengthen the education of students’ spiritual pursuit, mental and spiritual beliefs education, spiritual Setback education and moral education to guide the development of students spirit adult. By constructing the socialist core value system of the world, in "the theory in practice of virtue" for improving student’s ideological and moral quality, as should attach importance to strengthen college students’ psychological health education.
