

【作者】 杨卫

【导师】 周伟洲;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 民族学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 藏族是中华民族中的一员,青海藏族是藏族中的一份子。在历史发展过程中,青海藏族的形成,有别于西藏藏族。而清代对青海藏族的管辖,又与对西藏藏族的管辖有较大区别。本文以清代的青海藏族部落为研究对象,在探究青海藏族的来源及其历史发展过程的基础上,论述了清代对青海藏族管辖过程中所实行的各种制度,如土司制度下的土司、千百户、囊所等设置情况,并对清代青海藏族的状况作了较为详细的论述。尤其是清朝对青海地区实行的政策及政策变化的原因等方面做了初步探讨。除以上外,又依据有限的文献资料、田野资料等,对清代青海藏族社会的实际情况从经济、社会组织、文化教育、风俗习惯等方面做了论述。文章章节内容具体如下:第一章从相关学者们的研究成果及民间口碑资料入手,以目前青海藏族部落之果洛藏族为例,分析其来源,认为青海藏族的来源是多元的。并以历史发展为线索,论述了吐蕃王朝灭亡以来青海藏族在宋元明三代的产生形成、发展的历史脉络。第二章主要对清代的青海藏族情况进行论述,并探讨清代在青海政策的转变及因政策转变而实行的各项制度,如土司制度、政教合一制度,并探讨了藏族部落的兵制,清政府对藏族部落的法律制度以及藏族部落的习惯法等内容。此章节包含内容较多,既包括中央政府对青海藏族部落所实行的相关政策,也包含藏族部落内部处理各种事务的习惯法规及政策。第三章主要介绍了青海藏族的社会组织。其中除了探究藏族社会的社会阶层外,还探讨了部落组织、世俗组织和寺院组织的状况,以便对青海藏族的整个社会有个了解。第四章依据有限的资料,对清代青海藏族的经济状况进行探讨,认为青海藏族的经济还是以畜牧业为主体,尽管也存在其他行业,但都没有对其经济形成大的影响,并以玉树藏族部落为主,分析了其经济状况以及制约其经济发展的相关因素。第五章论述了清代青海藏族的文化教育情况,以为其教育主要还是以寺院的经堂教育为主。在寺院中,分别学习密宗、显宗、天文历算、藏医药知识等,完全依照藏传佛教的清规戒律,正因为此,藏族人自懂事以来,就成为虔诚的藏传佛教信众。而尽管儒学教育在河湟地区早已开展,但对藏族影响不大,毫不夸张的说,在清代,儒学教育根本就没进入到青海藏族人中。第六章介绍和论述了清代青海藏族的风俗习惯以及宗教信仰。认为,从风俗习惯的内涵来看,也是多种文化并存的,这也从另一个侧面揭示了青海藏族来源的多元性。而在信仰中,除了对藏传佛教的虔诚信仰外,若对其民间信仰追根溯源,会发现其有别于西藏的本教,其中包含着很多原始信仰、自然崇拜中的内容。

【Abstract】 Tibetan is a member of the Chinese nation, and the Tibetan in Qinghai is also the part of Tibetan. In the course of historical development, the formation of Tibetan in Qinghai is different from the Tibetan in Tibet, so the jurisdiction of Tibetan in Qinghai under the Qing government distinguishes from that of Tibetan in Tibet. Taking the Qinghai-based Tibetan tribes in the Qing Dynasty as the object of study, based on the study into the origin of the Tibetan in Qinghai and historical development, this thesis discusses the various systems for the Qinghai-based Tibetans under the jurisdiction of Qing government, such as the installation of the Tusi system including Tusi, thousands of households and so on, and probes into the status of the Tibetan in Qinghai in details. In particular, the preliminary study on the policies implemented in Qinghai during the Qing Dynasty and the reasons of policy changes has been done. In addition, based on the limited documents and materials, field information, etc., this thesis expounds the actual situation of Tibetan society in Qinghai of Qing Dynasty from the aspects of economy, social organization, culture, education, and folk customs. The chapters of thesis are as follows:In ChapterⅠ, starting from the relevant research results of the scholars and folk word of mouth information and taking the Golog Tibetan among the Tibetan tribes in Qinghai as an example, the author analyzes their origin and argues that the origin of Tibetans in Qinghai is diverse. By use of the historical development as a clue, the thesis discusses the historical context of the Tibetan in Qinghai from their generation and formation to development in the Song, Yuan and Ming Dynasties since the end of Tubo dynasty.In ChapterⅡ, the author deals with the situation of the Tibetan tribes in Qinghai of the Qing Dynasty and discusses the policy changes in Qinghai from the Qing government and the various systems implemented by the policy changes, such as the Tusi system and the theocracy system, and explores the military system of the Tibetan tribes, the legal system for the Tibetan tribes from Qing government and the customary law in the Tibetan tribes and so on. This section contains more contents, including both the related policies for the Qinghai-based Tibetan tribes from the central government and the custom policies which are used to deal with the different matters among the Tibetan tribes.In ChapterⅢ, the author mainly describes the social organizations of Tibetan tribes in Qinghai. With the exception of the social strata of Tibetan society, this section focuses on the status o tribal organizations, secular organizations and temple organizations so as to have an understanding of the social situation of the Tibetan tribes in Qinghai.In ChapterⅣ, the author studies the economic conditions of the Tibetan tribes in Qinghai based on the limited information, the author thinks that the economy of Tibetan tribes in Qinghai takes the animal husbandry as the mainstay, although there are other industries, they does not have a significant impact on their economies, and based on the Tibetan tribes in Yushu, this section analyzes their economic conditions and the related constraint factors on their economic development.In ChapterⅤ, the author discusses the cultural and educational situation of the Tibetan tribes in Qinghai of the Qing Dynasty, and their culture and education primarily adopts the lection education in temples. In the temples, the learning contents concerns the Esoteric Buddhism, Exoteric Buddhism, astronomy, calendar, knowledge of Tibetan medicine and so on and they utterly follow the rules and regulations of Tibetan Buddhism, because of this, since the Tibetan people become the sensible, they have been the devout believers in Tibetan Buddhism. Although the Confucian education already carried out in the Hehuang area, it had little effect on the Tibetan tribes. I can say without exaggeration that in the Qing Dynasty, Confucian education did not even enter into the Tibetan people.In ChapterⅥ, the author introduces and discusses the status of folk customs and religious belief in the Tibetan tribes of Qinghai in the Qing Dynasty. From the view of the folk customs, the phenomenon of coexistence of different cultures exists, which also reveals the diversity of Qinghai Tibetan origins. For the faith, in addition to the religious beliefs of Tibetan Buddhism, the folk belief also includes the content of the primitive belief、nature worship.

【关键词】 清代青海藏族社会
【Key words】 Qing DynastyTibetan in QinghaiSociety