

From Conflict to Harmony: A Sociology Analysis on Value Orientation of Higher Education Assessment

【作者】 张继平

【导师】 董泽芳;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 高等教育学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 在高等教育大众化进程中,开展高等教育评估以保证高等教育质量是世界各国普遍的价值选择,也是推动我国高等教育事业和谐发展的必然要求。我国高等教育评估取得了显著成绩,但其间的冲突也更为突出,需要从价值取向上进行探讨。高等教育评估价值取向是指高等教育评估主体与客体在面对或处理评估中的各种矛盾、冲突、关系时所持的基本价值立场、价值信念、价值态度以及所表现出来的价值倾向性。高等教育评估价值取向体现于高等教育评估体系中,在高等教育评估中起着基础性、导向性的作用。判断一国高等教育评估体系是否合理,其价值标准为评估理念合发展性、评估主体合包容性、评估客体合自觉性、评估指标合逻辑性、评估方法合规范性和评估结果合目的性。放眼世界,当今国际高等教育评估存在着以法国为代表的政府控制模式、以英国为代表的委托代理模式、以荷兰为代表的叠加评估模式和以美国为代表的多元合作模式,其保证质量与提升效益和合相应、政府参与与社会评估和协有序、自我觉醒与外部推动和衷共济、综合评估与分类评估和美交融、定量评估与定性评估和雅共生、公平竞争与绩效拨款和顺相依的共同特征,体现了国际高等教育评估和谐发展的价值取向。择其善者而从之,有助于建立具有中国特色的高等教育评估制度。回归国情,我国高等教育评估在价值变迁中际遇了理念性冲突、主体性冲突、客体性冲突、指标性冲突、方法性冲突和结果性冲突,其形成原因是高等教育评估中的强制,主要体现为符号暴力、行政权威、话语剥夺、绝对主义、非理性逻辑和不公平分配等。平衡高等教育评估中的价值冲突,促进高等教育评估事业的和谐发展,首先是要建立起高等教育评估的价值平衡机制,其次是要建立起高等教育评估的价值平衡战略,再次是要建立起高等教育评估的价值保障体系。综观全文,研究得出以下结论:第一,高等教育评估是作为冲突与和谐的统一体而存在的,但冲突是绝对的,和谐是相对的;第二,和谐的高等教育评估是一个不断推进的过程,是一个长远的征程,是现代高等教育发展永恒不变的价值追求;第三,现实中的冲突不可能颠覆高等教育评估的存在价值,坚持评估的立场不可动摇;第四,高等教育评估中的冲突暴露了高等教育评估本身的弱点,评估制度需要不断完善;第五,公民的理解与支持是高等教育评估事业健康、可持续发展的巨大动力。

【Abstract】 In the process of mass higher education, it is a general choice to ensure the quality of higher by education carrying out assessment around the world. Also, it is a necessary requirement to promote the harmonious development of Chinese higher education. Chinese higher education has made remarkable achievements as well as facing serious value conflict, which needs to be explored from value orientation.Value orientation of higher education assessment means basic value of position, beliefs, attitudes and bias that assessment subjects and objects hold while they are facing or dealing with various contradictions, conflicts, relations during the course of assessment. Value orientation of higher education assessment shows in the system of higher education assessment. It plays foundmental and oriented role. Judging a system of higher education assessment is reasonable or not, its criteria is that assessment philosophy is developmental, assessmetn subject is inclusive, assessment object is conscious, assessment indicator is logical, assessment method is specificatious and assessment result is objective.In the world, there exist four tipical assessment model:represented by France’s government-controlled model, UK’s principal-agent model, Netherlands’superposition model and USA’s multifaceted cooperation model. Their common features show that ensuring quality and enhance the effectiveness are corresponding, government involvement and social assessment are co-ordered, external promotion and self-awareness are co-operative, comprehensive assessment and classificational assessment are co- fusion, quantitative assessmetn and qualitative assessment are co-symbiotic, fair competition and performance funding are dependent, which reflects the harmonious development of international higher education values. Choosing its merits, it is helpul to build a higher education assessment system with Chinese characteristics.As far as Chinese condition is concerned, its higher education assessment meets philosophical conflict, subjective conflict, objective conflict, indicative conflict, methodological conflict and result conflict in the process of value change. The main reason of higher education conflict is mandatory that shows in symbolic violence, administrative authority, discourse deprivation, absolutism, irrationa, unfair distribution of logic and so on. Balancing the value conflict of higher education assessment so that it develop harmoniously, it needs to take the following measures:First of all, we must establish a value balance mechanism of higher education assessnment; Secondly, we must establish a value strategy of higher education assessnment; Last but not the least, we must establish a value security system of higher education assessnment.Above all, we can safely draw the following conculsions:First, Higher education assessment exists as a unity of conflict and harmony, but the conflict is absolute, the harmony is relative. Second, the harmonious higher education assessment is an ongoing process, it is a long journey and eternal pursuit of modern higher education development. Third, The immediate conflict can not subvert the existing value of higher education assessment, the position that carrying out assessment should be insisted. Fourth, the conflict in higher education assessment exposes the weaknessesf higher education assessment itself, which shows the assessment system needs to be constantly improved. Fifth, the citizen’s understanding and support is a great driving force for higher education assessment to develop healthily and sustainablely.

  • 【分类号】G649.2
  • 【被引频次】3
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