

On the Relationship of China and European Community during the Cold War

【作者】 丁超

【导师】 邢来顺;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 世界史, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 论文将中国与欧共体关系放在冷战背景下长时段考察,意在从历史的角度探讨中国与欧共体关系的互动特点及演变历程,分析冷战国际背景、冷战思维对于中国与欧共体关系的影响,总结中国与欧共体双方为实现共同利益而进行的跨越意识形态分歧、反对霸权主义的合作经验,以期对国际政治经济区域化合作加强形势下的国际关系处理有资鉴意义。论文以辩证唯物主义与历史唯物主义为指导,以历史学的实证考察为基础,综合运用多学科研究方法,纵向切入,横向分析,把理论与史实相结合,把历史与现实相结合,对冷战背景下中国和欧共体的主体性角色给以科学定位,突出在外部国际政治形势和内生环境变化的情况下,双方关系的相对自主性而非完全依附性、相互依存性而非直接对抗性、政治主导性而非完全经贸性。根据世界格局对国际关系影响的基础性、中国与欧共体作为冷战主体的特殊性、冷战背景下中国与欧共体关系发展的阶段性、国家利益对国际政治行为体对外活动影响的决定性,论文内容分为五章。第一章选取冷战背景作为切入点,在探讨学术界关于“冷战”的现有理解与局限的基础上,引出“冷战主体”概念,深入分析冷战主体的差异性,专门探讨“超级大国挤压下的中国与欧共体”作为冷战主体在冷战进程中表现出的特殊性,为文章主体内容的展开提供切入点与立论基础。论文主体部分按照中国与欧共体关系在冷战背景下演变的阶段性特征分为四章:“阵营对立时期中国与早期一体化的西欧”(第二章)、“缓和时期中国与欧共体关系的建立与发展”(第三章)、“新冷战时期中国与欧共体关系的全面发展”(第四章)、“冷战结束时期中国与欧共体关系的曲折发展”(第五章)。20世纪40年代末到60年代初期是美苏为首的两大阵营尖锐对峙时期,冷战无论在广度还是深度上,都迅速扩展,对抗不断升级并有着强烈的意识形态色彩。中国与西欧国家处于冷战在亚洲、欧洲对峙的最前沿,受到的威胁最直接、最严重,为了生存与安全,中国与西欧主要国家分属于对立的两大阵营,双方虽然没有直接的利益冲突,但接触有限,中国对欧洲一体化的看法带有相当多的意识相态偏见,妨碍了对欧洲一体化认识的客观性,延缓了中欧关系的正常化。20世纪60年代初到70年代末,国际关系中的冷战对峙趋于缓和,冷战阵营开始分裂与瓦解,国际政治体系趋向多极化,东西方缓和的势头越来越明显。新的形势下,“共同的安全需要”成为中国与欧共体成员国最重要的战略利益,制止超级大国的核竟赛、维护世界和平,成为双方共同合作的基础,中国与欧共体成员国关系迅速发展,与欧洲经济共同体正式建立外交关系。进入20世纪80年代,美苏关系回到全面对抗的新冷战状态。新冷战对抗延续时间不长、对抗程度平缓、涉及范围较窄,美苏各自的盟国同美苏的政策和行动存在分歧,保持了相当的距离,中国基本上没有介入。中国与欧共体双方在一种相对宽松的国际环境中能够更好地认识各自及双方共同的利益与国际责任,’双方关系进入到历史上的最好时期。20世纪80年代后半期到90年代初,在相对平缓的国际背景下,苏联、东欧等社会主义国家发生剧变,美苏主导的两极对峙格局走向解体,北约与华约两大军事政治集团对抗终结。在世界共产主义运动跌入低谷,西方国家发起对中国和平演变的强大攻势下,欧共体及其成员国,单方面推出一系列制裁中国的措施,中国与欧共体关系骤然回冷。但是,时隔不久,双方关系乍寒还暖,继续发展。论文最后选取“国家利益”作为立论分析的逻辑起点,深入分析了影响中国与欧共体关系发展演变的基本动因,对中国与欧共体关系发展的前景进行了展望,进而完成对“冷战背景下中国与欧共体关系研究”的理论分析与总结。

【Abstract】 The dissertation will put the relationship of China and European Community under the background of long period of investigation in the cold war. From the historical angle of exploring the interactive relationship between China and the European characteristics and evolution course, the author will analyze the international background and the thought of the cold war which influence China and European Community, and summarizes the relationship between China and European sides for achieving common interests and undertaking across ideology divergence, opposing hegemonic cooperation experiences to strengthen the regional international political and economic cooperation under the situation of international relations handling qualification significance.The dissertation, by the dialectical and historical materialism as a guidance and history empirical research as a foundation, uses comprehensively the multidisciplinary research methods, longitudinal cut and transverse analysis, combines the history and reality. The author combines with the cold war under the background of China and subjectivity to scientific orientation, plays a prominent role in external international political situation and endogenous environment change. The relations between the two sides are the relative autonomy rather than the completely dependence, the interdependence rather than the direct confrontational, the political guidance rather than the complete trade.According to the basic of the pattern of the world on the international relation influence, the particularity of China and European Community as the cold war of the main body, the stage of the cold war under the background of the development of relations between China and European Community and the decision of the national interests of international political behavior affecting foreign activities, the dissertation is divided into five chapters.The first chapter selects the background of the cold war as a starting point, discusses the academic researches on the existing cold war on the basis of understanding and limitations and leads the concept of the cold-war subject. At the same time the author makes the thorough analysis of the cold war, gets the differences of specialized subject exploring the superpower extrusion of China and European Community as the main body in the process of the cold war, shows the particularity for the breakthrough point of the main content expansion and provides theoretical foundations.The main part of the thesis, according to the relation of China and European Community during the cold war under the background of the evolution of phased characteristics, is divided into four chapters. Chapter Two is about rivalries period in China and the integration of Western Europe early. The third chapter is about the detente period in the establishment and development between China and the European Community. The forth is about new China and European Community relations during the cold war. The last is about the tortuous development at the end of the cold war period in China and European Community’s relationship.From the end of 1940s to the early 1960s, the U.S.-Soviet led the sharp confrontation period as the two camps. Both depth and breadth in the cold war expanded rapidly. The confrontation was escalating and had a strong ideology color. China of Asia and western European countries of Europe became the forefront confrontation threat in the cold war, which was the most direct and the most serious threat. In order to obtain survival and security, China and western European countries respectively belonged to opposing two camps. Both sides had no direct conflict,but each seldom contacted with the other. China, to the European integration, viewed with quite a number of consciousness prejudices, whichharnpered to European integration understanding of objectivity and delayed the normal relationship of Sino-Euro.From the early 1960s to the late 1970s, the confrontation of the international relations in the cold war was easing. The faction of the cold war started to split and collapse, the international political system began with the multi-polarization and the trend of the momentum was getting more and more obvious. In the new situation, the common security needs of China and the European communities is becoming the most important strategic interest to stop superpower nuclear competition and safeguard world peace which become the basis of mutual cooperation. The relationship between China and the European Union member states is developing rapidly and China has formally established diplomatic relations with the European Economic Community.In the 1980s, Soviet-American relations backed to combat the new cold war. A new cold war against continuance time was not long, the antagonism degree gentle, the concerning scope narrow. The respective allies of the U.S.-Soviet dealt with Soviet-American policies and actions differently and kept a considerable distance. Basically China had no intervention. China and the European sides are in a relatively loose international environment, which can better understand their mutual economic and political interests and international obligations. The common development of interest in promoting the relationship has got into the best period in history.From the late 1980s to the early 1990s, the Soviet Unions and the socialist countries of the Eastern Europe came into upheaval in relatively flat international background. The U.S.-Soviet dominant poles of the standoff pattern began to divorce. NATO and the Warsaw Treaty, two major militaries and political groups, led to an end. The communist movement bottomed in the world. The western countries launched the peaceful evolution and the strong offensive to China. The European Unions and its member states unilaterally sanctions against China with a series of measures, which made China and the European relationship deign to cold. However, the relations between the two sides soon became warm and continued to grow.The dissertation selects the national interest as a theoretical analysis of the logical starting point and deeply analyses the basic reason between China and the European Community’s evolution and development. The author makes the prospects for China and European Community’s development, and then completes the theory analysis and summary under the background of the cold war between China and European Community.

【关键词】 冷战中国欧共体国家利益
【Key words】 the Cold WarChinaEuropean Communitythe National Interests
  • 【分类号】K153
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】489