

Research on the Effect of Higher Education Shunt to Social Stratification Mobility

【作者】 陈新忠

【导师】 董泽芳;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 高等教育学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 高等教育分流是指高等教育分流主体根据国家与社会发展的需要和可能、分流对象的意愿和条件,由分流机构实施操作的对分流对象有目的、有计划、有差别地培养高层次专门人才的活动;社会分层流动是指处于一定社会结构的社会成员在社会关系空间中从一种地位移向另一种地位,从一个阶层移向另一个阶层的状况。在社会结构日趋开放和高等教育功能日益彰显的现代社会,深入开展高等教育分流影响社会分层流动研究既是时代和社会的现实需要,也是高等教育和高教研究的主观诉求,有助于推动实现高等教育合理分流影响社会合理分层流动,构建我国高等教育分流与社会分层流动的和谐互动体系。本研究以新世纪我国和谐社会建设为背景,以已有的高等教育分流和社会分层流动相关理论为依据,从高等教育分流与社会分层流动的内在联系入手,紧紧围绕“高等教育分流对社会分层流动的影响”这一主题,沿着“理论探讨——现状分析——经验借鉴——对策建议”的研究思路展开。除导论外,本研究共分四个部分。第一部分是对高等教育分流影响社会分层流动研究的相关理论探讨,由第二章构成。在界定“高等教育分流”、“社会分层流动”等基本概念,理清“高等教育分流理论”、“社会分层流动理论”等理论依据的基础上,本章重点对高等教育分流影响社会分层流动研究的一些基本理论和主要研究取向进行了探讨。研究认为,高等教育分流与社会分层流动相互作用,二者关系具有个体性和群体性、主体性和客观性、先赋性和获致性、自然性和社会性、对立性和统一性等基本特点,高等教育分流影响社会分层流动只是二者关系的一个方面;根据活动进程及其结构,高等教育分流影响社会分层流动包括资质影响、过程影响、效果影响和前景影响四方面内涵;根据主要构成要素及其结构关系,高等教育合理分流具有分流目标统筹兼顾、分流依据主客结合、分流结构比例协调、分流时机适度把握、分流实施形式多样等五大特征,社会合理分层流动具有社会个体全面发展、社会阶层流转有序、社会组织吐庸纳英、社会规则健全有效、社会系统稳定进步等五大特征;根据进程演变和作用方向,“历史——渐进”规律、“个体——群体”规律、“显著——常态”规律是高等教育分流影响社会分层流动的三大活动规律;开展高等教育分流影响社会分层流动研究要以高教、社会与人三重主体为逻辑起点,以高等教育分流的八种形式(即流源、流量、流层、流型、流域、流向、流质和流速)为分析维度,以高等教育与社会和谐发展为价值目标。第二部分是对我国高等教育分流影响社会分层流动的现状分析,由第三章构成。本章以H省为例,通过调查研究,认为我国高等教育分流影响社会分层流动取得了巨大成效——流源上,来自村镇、低等收入家庭、低阶层父母职业、较低父母学历的社会成员获得了更多的向上流动职位,享有更多的向上流动机会;流量上,高学历人数逐年增多,在职人员正在被大批高校毕业生取代或充实;流层上,高等教育的不同层次高校和不同层次教育为社会领域培养了各自需要的人才;流型上,全日制普通高校教育成为社会成员获得职业岗位并向上流动的主要途径;流域上,高等院校毕业生立足大学属地就业,并依据大学属地差别形成了有区别的社会流动基本秩序;流向上,管理学、理学、工学、农学、经济学等学科的高校毕业生成为经济社会建设的主力军,并在社会分层流动中根据需要形成了优劣差异;流质上,学业成绩优秀和良好的毕业者成为各个地区各种职业、职位和收入等级群体中的主要成员;流速上,专科、本科和研究生的修业年限对社会分层流动发挥了积极影响,形成了以本科学历者为主体的职工队伍。我国高等教育分流影响社会分层流动仍然存在诸多问题——流源上,来源于中等及以下等级收入家庭的社会成员接受高等教育的机会正在逐渐减少,高等教育分流促进中下层社会成员向上流动的作用趋于减弱;流量上,我国高等教育入学学生在同龄人口中的比重仍然较小,高等教育文化人口在全国人口中的比例依然很低;流层上,高校在校学生在不同层次高等教育和不同层次高等院校之间进行流转存在困难,毕业之后的进一步学习流转也有诸多限制;流型上,过分看重全日制普通高等教育,忽视非全日制高等教育,各种教育形式之间流转不畅;流域上,地域分据比较严重,地域层级较为分明,自由流动受到阻滞;流向上,学科专业设置与社会需求脱节,人才错位和专业浪费现象较为普遍;流质上,高校学生存在“重理轻文”、“重分轻能”、“重学轻用”、高分低能等弊端,影响了社会分层流动的效果;流速上,修业年限过长、过死,弹性学制应用不广、伸缩不强,延缓了社会分层流动的步伐。导致高等教育分流影响社会分层流动出现上述问题,既有政府体制政策和社会文化氛围的外部影响,也有高教分流行为和学生职业追求的内部作用,是内外部因素共同反应的结果。第三部分是对国外高等教育分流影响社会分层流动的经验考察,由第四章构成。本章选取美、英、德三个国家,分别分析了其高等教育分流影响社会分层流动的成功经验。研究认为,在高等教育分流影响社会分层流动中,美国联邦政府法律政策推动,高等教育“质”“量”兼顾分流,社会团体自觉协同推进,高校学生积极主动就业;英国联邦政府法律政策调节,高等教育内外并重分流,社会组织适时渐次参与,高校学生借助外力择业;德国联邦政府法律政策引导,高等教育两段相承分流,社会各界密切合作促进,高校学生“自我负责”竞争,三个国家既有相似之处,又有不同之点。学习借鉴美、英、德三国高等教育分流影响社会分层流动的经验做法,我国高等教育分流影响社会分层流动应从国家政府加强宏观调控、高等教育实施合理分流、社会各界助推良性流动、高校学生提高流升意识四个方面进行改进。第四部分是对我国高等教育分流影响社会分层流动的路径研究,由第五章构成。在理论探讨、现状分析和经验借鉴的基础上,本章从社会阶层优化视角、社会和谐发展视角及高教、社会与人的关系视角出发,依据高等教育分流影响社会分层流动的内涵和实际,以高等教育与社会和谐发展为方向,以高等教育合理分流促进社会合理分层流动为目标,从政府改革高等教育制度、高等教育优化分流行为、社会各界营造良好风尚、高校学生积极建业创业等四个方面提出了我国高等教育分流影响社会分层流动的改善路径。高等教育分流影响社会分层流动是一项利在高教、功垂国家的复杂系统工程,需要政府、高教、社会和学生共同完成。本论文期望通过对高等教育分流影响社会分层流动的研究,引起各级政府组织和更多社会人士对相关问题的关注和思考,为高等教育合理分流促进社会合理分层流动开辟更加广阔的道路。

【Abstract】 Higher education shunt refers to a purposeful, planned, discriminating activity for higher education shunt body to train high-level personnel according to county and social development needs and possible, shunt object wishes and conditions, which is implemented by the shunt operating agency; social stratification mobility refers to a mobility condition for communitarians in a certain social structure moving from one position to another position, from one class to another class status in social relation space. As the social structure is becoming more open and the function of higher education is increasingly conspicuous in modern society, deep research on the effect of higher education shunt to social stratification mobility is not only the practical needs of the times and the society, but also the subjective demand of higher education and higher education study, it will help to achieve the effect of higher education rational shunt to social reasonable stratification mobility. Finally it will prompt to build our harmonious interaction system between higher education shunt and social stratification mobility.This research regards building a harmonious society in China in the new century as background, regards the existed correlative theories on higher education shunt and social stratification mobility as foundation, diverts in an inherent connection of higher education shunt and social stratification mobility. Then it starts thinking along "theory discussion--situation analysis -- experience abstract-countermeasure suggestion" centering on the theme of "the effect on higher education shunt to social stratification mobility". In addition to introduction, this thesis includes four parts.The first part, which is the second chapter, discusses the related theories about researches on the effect of higher education shunt to social stratification mobility. Based on defining about some basic concepts such as "higher education shunt", "social stratification mobility" and others as well as clarifying about some theoretical basis such as "theory of higher education shunt", "theory of social stratification mobility" and so forth, the chapter explores chiefly the basic theories and the key research orientations about the effect of higher education shunt to social stratification mobility. Studies suggest that the relationship between higher education shunt and social stratification mobility is interactive, it has some basic characteristics such as individuality and groupment, subjectivity and objectivity, ascription and attainment, naturality and sociality, opposition and unity; the effect of higher education shunt to social stratification mobility is one just one side of this relationship. According to the activity process and its structure, the effect of higher education shunt to social stratification mobility includes the following four connotations:the effect of qualifications, the effect of process, the effect of results and the effect of prospects. According to the main elements and its structural relationship, higher education reasonable shunt has five distinctive characteristics such as the integrated goal, the rational base, the coordinated proportion, the appropriate opportunity and the diversity of the implementation; social reasonable stratification mobility also has five major characteristics, which contains the overall development of individuals, the ordered change of the social classes, the promising development of the social organizations, the sound and effective sequence of society rules, and the stable progress of the social systems. According to the process evolution and the development direction, "history-gradualness" law, "individual - group" law and "distinctness -- norm" are the three major laws on the effect of higher education shunt to social stratification mobility. The research on the effect of higher education shunt to social stratification mobility will make the higher education, society and human as the objects and a logical starting point, and will carry out the analysis from eight dimensions of higher education shunt (i.e. shunt source, shunt amount, shunt level, shunt type, shunt region, shunt orientation, shunt quality and shunt speed) with the aim of prompting harmonious development of society and higher education.The second part, which is the third chapter, analyses the present situation of the effect on China’s higher education shunt to social stratification mobility. This chapter takes H province as an example, through investigation and study, it is thought that our higher education shunt has made great achievements in the process affecting social stratification mobility. The research shows, in shunt sources, the persons from the lower level such as villages and towns, low-income families, low-level parental occupations and low-educated parents get more upward mobility positions and will have more upward mobility opportunities after. receiving the higher education; in shunt amounts, the number of persons with higher education background increased yearly, in-service personnel are being replaced or enriched by a large number of college and university graduates; in shunt levels, higher education at different levels colleges and universities as well as different levels of education has brought up a lot of personnel for social needs; in shunt types, members of society get access to occupational positions and upward mobility through the full-time college and university education; in shunt regions, the graduates from the institutions of higher education base on the region of learning to realize the employment, and form the differentiated basic order of social mobility in accordance with regional differences about the colleges; in shunt orientations, college and university graduates from management, science, engineering, agriculture, economics and other disciplines become the main force of economic and social construction, and demonstrate their strengths and weaknesses in accordance with different needs in the social stratification mobility; in shunt qualities, the academic excellence and good graduates become the main members into the various regions, occupations and income level groups; in shunt speeds, the academic durations of junior college, university and graduate school has played a positive effect on social stratification mobility and formed the graduates with a bachelor’s degree as the main workforce. There are still many problems in the effect of higher education shunt to social stratification mobility. In shunt sources, the chance of social members from the middle-income and lower-class families with access to higher education is gradually reduced, the function of higher education promoting the middle and lower-class members of society upward tends to decline; in shunt amounts, the proportion of students enrolled in higher education in the same ages is still small, the proportion of population with higher education diploma in our country is still low; in shunt levels, the flow of college and university students is difficult among higher educations at different levels and among higher institutions at different levels, moreover, the transferring on further study after graduation has many restrictions; in shunt types, the over-emphasis on full-time regular higher education and ignoring the non-full-time higher education led to the poor circulation between various forms of education; in shunt regions, the serious geographical partition and more distinct regional level impeded the free mobility; in shunt orientations, the setting of professional subject is out of touch with the needs of society, human dislocation and professional waste is more common; in shunt qualities, the college and university students usually put more attention on science than art, on marks than ability, on knowledge than application as well as other drawbacks, it has affected the effect of social stratification mobility; in shunt speeds, the period of learning in school is too long and not flexible, the scalability education system is not universal in application and its stretching is not strong, it has slowed the pace of the social stratification mobility. The problems about the effect of higher education shunt to social stratification mobility mentioned above have deep roots. Not only the influence from governmental system policies and social culture atmosphere, but also the action of higher education shunt behaviors and student’s employment pursuits, led to the problems.The third part is the experience from the effect of foreign higher education shunt to social stratification mobility, constituted by the fourth chapter. The chapter selects the United States, Britain, and Germany as the case study, analyzes the successful experience from foreign higher education shunt affecting social stratification mobility. Studies suggest that in the process, the U.S. federal government made laws and policies to promote, higher education shunt took into account the quality and amount, social groups together promoted consciously, college and university students are actively employed; in the United Kingdom, the federal government regulated laws and policies, higher education shunt emphasized the equal of internal and external, social organizations made gradually and timely participation, college students got employed with outside help; in Germany, the federal government gave legal policy guidance, higher education shunt carried out with two-stage complementary each other, the community worked closely to promote, college and university students participated actively in competition with self-responsibility. The three countries share both similarities aspects and different points. To learn experience from the United States, Britain and Germany about higher education shunt affecting social stratification mobility, our government should strengthen the macro-control, our higher education should implement reasonable.shunting, the community should boost healthy mobility, college and university students should raise awareness of upward mobility in the effect of our higher education shunt to social stratification mobility.The fourth part is the research in the way of China’s higher education shunt affecting social stratification mobility, this being the fifth chapter. Based on the theoretical discussion, current situation analysis and experience abstract, from the perspective of the optimization of social class, social harmonious development and higher education, society and people’s relationship, on the basis of meaning and reality on the effect of higher education shunt to social stratification mobility, regarding harmonious development of higher education and society as the direction, with the purpose of reasonable higher education shunt facilitates social stratification mobility, this chapter advances improvement ways of our higher education shunt affecting social stratification mobility in the following four aspects:government should reform higher education system, higher education should optimize shunt way, community should create good cultural habits, college and university students should actively establish post performance and make their own career.Activity on the effect of higher education shunt to social stratification mobility is a complex systemically project which will benefit both the higher education and the government. It needs the combined effort of the government, the higher education, society and the students. Through the research, the thesis attempts to attract the attention and trigger more thinking from the government and the related personnel, meanwhile, it will broaden new space in the process of promoting social stratification reasonable mobility with the higher education reasonable shunt.
