

【作者】 练振中

【导师】 胡希宁;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 政治经济学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 临空经济是近年出现的一种新型经济形态,其形成和发展是科技进步的结果。20世纪末期以来,随着科学技术进步和信息技术广泛适用,特别是互联网应用,世界经济发展模式发生改变,为了充分利用各地区比较优势,获取生产成本降低而带来的收益,出现以生产、市场和生产要素全球化为特征的经济全球化,产业国际转移正在加速。在这场经济全球化运动过程中,航空运输是加速生产全球分工和产业国际转移的催化剂,国际门户枢纽机场的客货运量数倍增加,使机场日渐成为人流、物流和信息流汇集的结点。机场逐渐改变单一旅客和货物运输功能,机场及其周边地区成为航空运输业、航空服务业、航空制造业、高新技术产业、现代制造业、现代服务业、传统生活服务业等产业集聚区,导致临空经济现象出现。本文研究目的,就是以上述现象为背景,采用规范分析与实证分析相结合研究方法,通过分析研究临空经济概念、临空经济特征、临空经济效应、临空经济发展阶段、临空经济形成机理、临空经济运行动力机制、临空经济区与外界相互作用机制,以及中国临空经济发展现状,提出中国临空经济发展对策,为统筹中国区域经济发展、实现共同富裕提供路径。首先,论文对临空经济和临空经济区概念进行界定,指出应从机场、空间、产业和新型性四个方面理解临空经济概念,从临空产业载体和空间地理两个方面理解临空经济区。分析临空指向性特征、产业集聚特征、空间布局圈层性特征、市场易达和市场速达特征、区域经济增长极特征等五大临空经济特征。建立临空经济力场模型,以此为基础,讨论临空经济极化效应、扩散效应与溢出效应,此外还对临空经济支配效应和乘数效应进行描述。借鉴生物学中关于生命周期概念,研究临空经济初创阶段、成长阶段、成熟阶段、瓶颈阶段、航空城开发阶段的相应特征。其次,论文研究临空经济运行机理。从产业层面和空间层面,分析基于时间的竞争、柔性生产方式、资源禀赋、外部规模经济四大因素导致临空经济形成的机理。建立临空经济运行动力模型,讨论技术创新、集聚经济、产业链分工、制度变迁、市场机制等五大临空经济运行动力机制。探讨临空经济区与机场依托的城市、腹地之间相互作用机制,以及临空经济区与另一临空经济区之间相互作用机制。再次,论文进行临空经济实证研究。选择北京临空经济作为实证研究对象,回顾北京临空经济区发展历程,分析北京临空经济区空间圈层结构,对天竺综合保税区、空港经济开发区、新国际展览中心、国门商务区、林河经济开发区、汽车生产基地、空港物流基地等功能区发展状况进行研究分析。最后,论文探讨在区域经济统筹发展条件下,发展中国临空经济的方略。分析临空经济对区域协调发展作用,研究中国临空经济体系构建路径,探讨临空经济发展对策与建议。通过对上述临空经济主题的研究,本论文得出主要结论为:1.临空经济具有五大特征。通过对临空经济现象总结分析,认为临空经济具备五个方面特征,即临空指向性特征、产业集聚特征、空间布局圈层性特征、市场速达与空间易达特征、区域经济增长极特征。2.临空经济发展历程可分为五个阶段。借鉴产业生命周期理论,认为临空经济按照初创阶段、成长阶段、成熟阶段、瓶颈阶段和航空城开发阶段依次发展,并且每个阶段具有相应不同特征。3.产业和空间两个层面的因素共同推进临空经济形成。在产业层面,对于生产具有时间约束的产品的企业来说,基于时间的竞争是其取得市场竞争胜利的关键,为了实现基于时间的竞争,高新技术产业、现代制造业、高档服装业和现代园艺农业等产业主动向机场周边聚集;柔性生产方式要求压缩采购、生产和配送周期的时间,促使高新技术产业和高档服装业将其区位选择于机场周边。在空间层面,资源禀赋为临空经济形成提供可能性,机场及其设施资源和航线网络资源是临空经济形成的必要资源,机场所在区域的生产要素资源是临空经济形成不可或缺的条件;外部规模经济节约企业生产成本,促进企业向临空经济区聚集。4.五大动力推动临空经济稳健运行。通过理论分析,认为创新动力、集聚经济动力、产业链分工动力、政府动力和市场动力是推动临空经济运行的五大动力。创新动力提高推进型企业生产效率,促进企业间要素流动和临空产业升级,推动临空经济不断向高级形态演进。集聚经济动力降低生产成本,提高临空企业生产经营效益,推动临空经济发展。产业链分工动力形成功能专业化经济和速度经济,节约临空企业成本,增进生产效益。政府动力推进制度变迁,为临空经济运行提供一个可预见环境,推动临空经济持续演进。市场动力促进产业集聚和产业链分工,引导技术创新和制度变迁,进而推动临空经济形成和发展。5.中国有些发达地区已经着手发展临空经济,呈现出一些临空经济典型特征,但发展尚不完善。选择北京临空经济区对临空经济现象进行研究,结果表明,北京临空经济区圈层空间结构初步形成;临空指向性产业有一定发展,但还不成熟;航空运输、航空服务和航空物流产业发展比较成熟,形成较为完备产业体系;产业集聚特征明显,产业集群正在形成中,集聚经济作用不够;区域经济增长极作用未充分体现,扩散效应没有能够充分发挥,溢出效应不明显;非临空指向性和传统产业在临空经济区发展过多,需要逐渐调整。6.中国临空经济体系由三级临空经济区构成。三大国际门户枢纽机场的临空经济区为一级临空经济区,干线机场的临空经济区为二级临空经济区,部分支线机场的临空经济区为三级临空经济区。7.五项措施促进中国临空经济发展。为了发展临空经济,实现中国区域经济统筹发展,当务之急应采取五项措施:规划先行,优选临空产业,加强技术创新,注重政府政策安排,建立扶持机制和市场机制。

【Abstract】 Airport economy is a new economic form emerging in recent years, of which formation and development is the results of scientific and technological progress. Since the late 20th century, with the scientific and technological progress and wide application of information technology, particularly the application of the internet, the world economy developing patterns have changed. To take full advantage of regional comparative advantages and acquire the benefits due to lower production costs, there are economic globalization characterized by globalization of production, market, and producing factors,at the same time,industry transfering between states is accelerating. In this process of economic globalization movement, air transport is catalyst whicch accelerate division of production in world and international transfer of industry. The traffic volume of passenger and cargo increase several times in international gateway of the airport, which make airport being nodes of people flow, logistics and information flow together. Airport gradually changing its function as a single transport of passenger and cargo , airport and its surrounding areas become gathering area of aviation transportation industry, aviation services industry, aviation manufacturing industry, hi-tech industry, modern manufacturing industry , modern service industry, and traditional life service industries, which lead to the phenomenon of airport economy.Purpose of this paper, in the above phenomenon as a background, is to puts forward the countermeasures of Chinese airport economy development so as to promote coordinated development of regional economy in China, which provide the path realizing common prosperity. In order to acquire the purpose, the paper,through the combining method of standard analysis and empirical analysis, investigates the concept of airport economy, the characteristics of airport economy, the effects of airport economy, the stage of airport economic development , the mechanism of the airport economy formation, the dynamic mechanism of airport economy, the mechanism of airport economy interaction with the outside world, and the status of airport economy development in china.First, paper defines airport economy and the zone of airport economy, and points out that the concept of airport economy should be understanded from the four aspects of airport , space, industry, and new pattern, and that the concept of the zone of airport economy should be understanded from airport industrial carrier and geographical space. Paper analyse the characteristics of airport directivity, industrial agglomeration, circular spatial distribution, easy market accessibility and fast market accessibility, and regional economic growth polar, which belong to airport economy. The model of force field is be built in airport economy, on base of which the effect of polarization, spread, and overflow are be discussed. on the other hand, paper investigates the effect of domination and multiplier. According to the concept of life cycle in biology, paper studies the relevant features of initial stage, growth stage, mature stage, bottleneck stage, and aviation city development stage.Secondly, the paper studies the operation mechanism of airport economy. From the industry level and spatial dimensions, it is discussed that time-based competition, flexible production methods, resource endowment, and external scale economy, contribute to the formation mechanism of airport economy. Dynamic model of airport economy operation is established, on base of which paper analyse five dynamic mechanism of airport economy operation contributed by technology innovation, agglomeration economies, industrial chain division, institutional change, and market mechanisms. Paper discuss action mechanism between airport economy zone and the city which airport depend on, airport economy zone and hinterland, and airport economy zone and other airport economy zone.Third, paper executes the empirical study about airport economy. Beijing airport economy is selected as target of the empirical study. The study reveal the developing course and circular space structure of of Beijing airport economy zone. The studies are carried out about the development status of functional zone, such as tianzhu comprehensive free trade zone, airport economic development zone, airport economic development zone, international business district, Linhe economic development zone, auto production base, airport logistics base.Finally, this paper investigates the strategy of airport economy development in china on condition of co-ordinating development of regional economy. At the same time, the paper study the role of airport economy contributing to regional harmonious development, the path of airport economy system constructed in china, and the countermeasure and the suggestion of developing airport economy.Based on the above mentioned theme of airport economy investigated, this paper’s main conclusions are as follows: 1.Airport economy has five characteristics. According to the analysis of airport economic phenomenon, it is concluded that the airport economy has five characteristics, including airport directional characteristics, industrial agglomeration characteristics, circular spatial distribution characteristics, the characteristics of easy market accessibility and fast market accessibility, and the characteristics of regional economic growth polar.2.Airport economic development course can be divided into five stages. According to the industry life cycle theory, the course of airport economy development is is discussed and it is thought that airport economy develop in line with initial stage, growth stage, mature stage, bottleneck stage, and aviation city development stage in turn. Moreover, the features of all stage are studied.3.Industry and space factors promote the formation of airport economy at two levels. At the industry level, time constraints for the production of products for companies, time-based competition in the market competition is the key for companies, which produce product of time constrains, to achieve victory. in order to achieve time-based competition, high-tech industries, modern manufacturing, high-end clothing and modern gardening agriculture etc take the initiative to gather around the airport. Flexible production approach requires compress the cycle time of purchase, production and distribution, which promote high-tech industries and high-end clothing industry to choose its location around the airport. In the space level, resource endowment provide the possibility for the formation of airport economy, the resources of airport and its facilities, and route network resources are naccessary resources which result in the formation of airport economy. The resource of production factors in the regional airport is an indispensable condition for the formation of airport economy. External scale economy economize production cost, which promote enterprise to gather in the airport economic zone.4.Five dynamic drive airport economy to operate stably. Through theoretical analysis, it is thought that five dynamic, which drive airport economy to operate, are innovation dynamic, agglomeration economies dynamic, the dynamic of industrial chain division, government dynamic, and market dynamic. Innovation dynamic improve production efficiency of driven enterprise, promote production factors to flow among enterprises and airport industry to upgrade, and drive airport economy to evolve to higher forms. Agglomeration economies dynamic reduce production costs and improve efficiency of production and operations, and promote development of airport economy. The dynamic of industrial chain division form functional specialization economy and speed economy, which economize the costs of airport enterprise and enhance the efficiency and benefit of production. Government dynamic prompt system changes, offer a predictable environment in which airport economy run, and promote the airport economy continues to evolve. Market dynamic accelerate industrial agglomeration and industrial chain division and guide technological innovation and institutional change, thus promoting the formation and development of airport economy.5.Some developed areas of China have started develop airport economy and show some typical characteristics of airport economy, but the development is not perfect. Beijing airport economic zone is selected as object which is studied in order to get airport economic phenomenon. the results show as follows: Spatial structure of circle has formed preliminarilly in Beijing airport economic zone; the industry of airport directivity has be developped to a certain extent, but not mature; Air transport, air services and aviation logistics industry are relatively mature, forming a relatively complete industrial system; The characteristics of industrial agglomeration is obvious and industrial clusters are forming, but the role of agglomeration economies is not enough; The regional poles of economic growth is not fully showed, the diffusion effect is not able to fully play, and spillover effect is not obvious; traditional industries and the industry which do not belong to airport directivity are excess in airport economic zone, which need to be gradually adjusted.6.China’s airport economic system is constituted by the three airport economic zone. The airport economic zone, which locate in three major international hub airport, is classed as first grade airport economic zone. The airport economic zone, which locate in main route airport, is classed as second grade airport economic zone. The airport economic zone, which locate in part of minor route airport, is classed as third grade airport economic zone.7.Five measures to promote China’s airport economic development. In order to develop airport economy and achieve co-ordinated development of China’s regional economy, it is imperative to take five steps: planning in advance, selecting airport industry preferably, strengthening technological innovation, focusing on government policy arrangements, the establishment of support mechanisms and market mechanisms.

  • 【分类号】F127
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1635