

【作者】 杨亮

【导师】 阮青;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 马克思主义哲学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 当人类社会进入21世纪,中国站在新的历史起点上。经过三十年改革开放的伟大实践,我国创造了一个历史上少有的经济繁荣的奇迹,也经受住了各种各样危机和困难的考验,在政府危机管理方面也积累了大量丰富的经验。但实事求是地讲,我国政府危机管理与公民的期望、社会发展的要求还有一定的差距;我国政府危机管理职能定位和体制机制尚不尽完善;政府危机管理能力有待于进一步地提高。另外,随着我国社会的进一步转型和经济体制改革的不断深化,经济、政治、社会等改革领域也存在着诸多不协调因素,如利益的分化、贫富差距扩大、社会不公现象的存在以及生态环境恶化等,所有这些都易造成人们的心理失衡,从而使社会矛盾激化,引起社会震荡,诱发危机,给国家和社会带来巨大的威胁和损害。如何提高政府危机管理能力,有效实施政府危机管理?如何尽可能地预防危机的发生,及时有效地应对、消解危机,减少其带来的负面影响,更好地保护人民生命和财产安全,促进社会的稳定和谐,已经成为今后一定时期内我国政府面临的重大挑战。2003年10月,党的十六届三中全会上,党中央第一次以《决定》的形式明确提出“建立健全各种预警和应急机制,提高政府应对突发事件和风险的能力”的要求。党的十七大报告也指出:完善突发事件应急管理机制。这不仅是各级政府面临的一项紧迫任务,同时也是摆在学术界面前的一项重大课题。本文以马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想和科学发展观为指导,在结合当今世界关于政府危机管理的实践,收集、整理和归纳国内外关于本问题研究的经典著作和最新成果的基础上,立足于中国的国情,从马克思主义哲学的视域,对当代中国政府危机管理的理论进行了系统地阐发和论述,力图实现学科的理论性与现实性的有机结合。文章首先从实施政府危机管理的必要性和重要意义入手,依次对政府危机管理的相关概念以及存在的问题、政府危机管理的方法论、政府危机管理的价值论、政府危机管理的规律进行阐释,力求在辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的指导下,针对当前我国政府所面临的危机和挑战,探索提出政府危机管理的新思路和新方法。最后强调要不断探索出具有中国特色的有效的政府危机管理模式。基于以上分析,本文的基本框架如下:引言阐述了政府危机管理提出的理论意义和实践意义,并在梳理和评述国内外研究成果的基础上,对政府危机管理涉及的基本问题进行了说明和定位,并就本课题的研究脉络、基本思路和研究方法进行了阐述,同时概括了全文的重点、难点以及创新之处。第一章“政府危机管理的概念阐释”,主要介绍了危机、危机管理和政府危机管理的相关概念和特征等方面内容,并对政府危机管理的关系范畴以及当代中国政府危机管理面临的困境作了详细地说明,以期对政府危机管理有一个总体性的认识。第二章“政府危机管理的方法论研究”,通过三个层面即政府危机管理社会基本矛盾分析、社会有机体分析以及人民群众观分析,对政府危机管理的方法论进行了研究,力求为政府科学地解决危机管理中存在的各种问题,取得应对危机事半功倍的效果提供世界观和方法论的指导。第三章“政府危机管理的价值论研究”,主要阐释了政府危机管理的价值目标是社会公平正义、社会稳定和谐和人的全面发展;论证了政府危机管理的价值选择为社会制度合理有序、社会阶层结构优化和社会各领域协调发展;分析了政府危机管理的评价机制,包括评价主体——“人民群众”、评价客体——“五位一体”建设成效以及评价标准——“三个有利于”标准。第四章“政府危机管理的规律研究”,尝试提出了政府危机管理存在着四种规律,即预前控制规律、视型而定规律、良性互动规律和知行统一规律。认识并遵循这种本质性必然性的政府危机管理规律,可以使政府危机管理呈现科学性和有序性,使政府危机管理更富有成效。第五章“政府危机管理的对策论研究”,分别从深化经济体制改革是预防或消弥危机的根本、推进政治体制改革是预防或消弥危机的的保障,加强和创新社会管理是预防或消弥危机的条件以及实现政府危机管理理论创新是预防或消弥危机的引导力四个方面探索提出推进政府危机管理的对策和建议。结语部分强调要不断探索出具有中国特色的有效的政府危机管理模式。

【Abstract】 As human society entered the 21st century, China is on a new historical starting point. After three decades years of the reform and opening up, China has scored achievements in development that have captured world attention and withstood the test of the various crises and difficulties, and then accumulated a great deal of experience during government crisis management. But realistically speaking, there is a gap between our government crisis management and the expectations of the people, the requirements of social development; the functions and institutional mechanisms of government crisis management do not perfect; the capabilities of government crisis management need to be further improved. In addition, with the further transformation of our society and the deepening of economic reform, there are some inconsistent factors in our economic, political, social and other areas of reform, such as the differentiation of interests, a widening gap between the poor and the rich, the existence of social injustice and deteriorating ecological environment, all of which could lead to people’s psychological imbalance, social conflicts and crises, especially a huge threat and damage to the country. How to improve the capabilities of the government crisis management and carry out the government crisis management effectively; how to prevent and deal with the crises timely and effectively; how to reduce the negative impacts to protect people’s lives and property; how to promote social stability and harmony, which have become a major challenge for our country in future. In October 2003,“strengthen all kinds of warning and response mechanisms and improve the capacities of coping with the emergencies and risks”was brought up in report firstly on the Third Plenary Session of the Sixteenth Party Central Committee. Report to the Seventeenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China points out: "We will improve the mechanism of emergency management". It is not only an urgent task for the government, but also a major subject for academic world.This paper has followed the guidance of Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thoughts, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of Three Represents and the scientific outlook on development, combined with the practice of government crisis management today, referred to the classics and research achievements at home and abroad about the subject, based on China’s specific social and historical conditions. On this basis, the author elaborates the theory of contemporary Chinese government crisis management systematically and tries to realize the organic combination between the theory and reality from the perspective of Marxist philosophy. The paper firstly starts from the necessity and importance of the government crisis management, and then discusses the related concepts of the government crisis management, the plight of contemporary Chinese government crisis management, the methodology of the government crisis management, the value of the government crisis management and the law of the government crisis management. The author tries to put forward some new train of thought and methods according to the current crises and challenges which our government faced under the guidance of the dialectical materialism and historical materialism. Finally, it puts an emphasis on exploring Chinese characteristic pattern of the government crisis management constantly in the epilogue.Based on the above analysis, the basic framework of this paper is as follows:Introduction:it mainly sets out the theoretical and practical significance of the government crisis management, and gives the descriptions and location on fundamental issues of the government crisis management on the basis of the research achievements at home and abroad. In addition, it provides an explanation of the whole context and methods of the dissertation and summarizes the emphasis, difficulties and innovations of this dissertation.ChapterⅠ: "Theoretical Interpretation of the Government Crisis Management". It introduces the related concepts and features of the crisis, crisis management and government crisis management. It also elaborates on the scope of the relation of the government crisis management, the plight of contemporary Chinese government crisis management. The aim of this part is to let the readers have a whole understanding for the government crisis management.ChapterⅡ: "Study on the Methodology of the Government Crisis Management". It explores the methodology of the government crisis management from the analysis of the basic social contradictions, the social organism and the public view. The purpose of this chapter is to provide a scientific world outlook and the guidance of methodology for resolving some problems that exist in the government crisis management and obtaining an effective response.ChapterⅢ: "Study on the Value of the Government Crisis Management". The value goals of the government crisis management are the social justice, the social stability and harmony, all-round development of human being. The value selections of the government crisis management are a reasonable and orderly social system, the optimum social class structure, the coordinated development of all areas of the society. The evaluation mechanism of the government crisis management includes "the people" as subject of the evaluation, the constructive effectiveness of "Five in One" as object of the evaluation, "three benefits" as the standard of the evaluation.ChapterⅣ: "Study on the Law of the Government Crisis Management". The author tries to put forward four laws of the government crisis management. First is the law of the former control. Second is the law of varying according to the types. Third is the interaction law. Fourth is the law of the unity of knowing and doing. Following these laws can improve the level of the government crisis management and make it be more scientific and orderly.ChapterⅤ: "Study on the proposals of the Government Crisis Management". The author puts forward four proposals on preventing from the crisis through four aspects. Deepening economic reform is the foundation; step-by-step political reform is the safeguard; Strengthening and innovating social management is the condition; the innovation of theories is the guardian spirit.It puts an emphasis on exploring Chinese characteristic pattern of the government crisis management constantly in the epilogue.

  • 【分类号】D623
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】1409