

Research on Ecological Effect of Lilium Davidii Var. Unicolor under Film Mulches and Fertilization

【作者】 杨雨华

【导师】 李自珍;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 生态学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 兰州百合在甘肃已有150多年的栽培历史,是集食用价值、药用价值和观赏价值于一身的蔬菜中的珍品,也是是甘肃省特色农产品和优势产业。本文针对兰州百合栽培中存在的问题,采用田间试验,研究了覆膜和施肥处理下兰州百合生长发育动态,生态位适宜度及其对产量的影响。并从种群生态学的角度出发,探讨了覆膜和施肥对兰州百合种群生长动态的影响。主要结论如下:1.采用三种栽种方式,露地垄作(BR),普通地膜覆盖(OPMR),和渗水膜覆盖(WPMR)。结果表明地膜覆盖提高10cm土层的土壤温度1.5-3.2°C,0-100cm土层的含水量7.61-19.14%。与普通地膜覆盖相比,渗水膜覆盖条件下的土壤温度在百合生长前期和后期都更高,而在气温的较高的月份,渗水膜覆盖条件下的土壤温度反而低于普通地膜覆盖,这可以避免温度过高对植株生长造成的不利影响。整个百合生育期内,渗水膜覆盖条件下土壤含水量一直高于普通地膜覆盖。百合植株在覆膜条件下表现出更健强,株高、茎粗、叶片数,在覆膜条件下均有所增加,特别是在渗水膜覆盖条件下。覆膜显著提高干物质积累,并且使得地下鳞茎部分干物重占全株干物重百分比增加。这证明覆膜能促进光合产物向地下鳞茎的转移。相比露地垄作,覆膜提高了百合鳞茎产量,在普通地膜覆盖和渗水膜覆盖条件下,分别达到了17268.56kg ha-1和16655.67kg ha-1,露地垄作条件下鳞茎产量为14838.65kg ha-1。覆膜同样提高了水分利用效率,普通地膜覆盖和渗水膜覆盖下的水分利用效率比露地垄作分别提高了12.56%和19.40%。2.氮磷为一因素,设3个处理水平,钾为一因素,也设3个水平,构成2因素3水平共9个处理。试验结果表明,合理施肥能够促进兰州百合植株生长发育。单施氮、磷肥,株高、茎粗、叶片数和全株干物质在(NP)hK0处理下最高;单施钾肥,各个生长指标在(NP)0Kh处理下达到最高;氮、磷、钾肥配施对植株生长和干物质积累提高最为显著,在(NP)hKh处理下,植株生长最为旺盛。施肥同样可以增加产量。无论单施氮、磷肥或是单施钾肥,鳞茎产量均随着施肥用量的增加而增大。在从对照到低肥处理的产量增幅要高于从低肥到高肥的增幅;且单施钾肥鳞茎产量增幅高于单施氮、磷肥。氮、磷、钾肥配施对产量提高最为显著,在(NP)hKh处理下产量达到25906.35kg ha-1。施肥对子鳞茎产量没有规律性影响。3.将生态位理论引入作物生长系统研究中,分析了作物生态位适宜度的内涵;并以兰州百合为研究对象,依据大田覆膜及施肥调控试验和生态位适宜度的数学模型,对兰州百合生态位适宜度值进行了定量分析。结果表明:覆膜和施肥均有增加叶面积指数、提高兰州百合适宜度值和增加产量的效果。覆膜比平播样区的叶面积指数在苗期、现蕾期和盛花期三个时期内平均增加了25.90%,生态位适宜度值提高了6.40%,产量增加了21.21%。在土壤养分梯度上随着N、P肥或K肥施用量的增加,叶面积指数、生态位适宜度值和作物产量均有所增加。平播条件下,(NP)1K1、(NP)0K1、和(NP)1K0处理下叶面积指数比(NP)0K0处理下叶面积指数在苗期,现蕾期和盛花期三个生长时期内分别增加了41.83%,30.07%和13.73%;单施K肥处理生态位适宜度值和产量((NP)0K1处理相对于(NP)0K0处理)增幅大于单施N、P肥处理((NP)1K0处理相对于(NP)0K0处理),分别为18.32%和42.65%。N、P、K肥混施对生态位适宜度值提高和产量增加最为显著,且增幅((NP)1K1处理相对于(NP)0K0处理)在覆膜条件下较大,分别达26.80%和58.82%。商品鳞茎产量与其适宜度值之间呈现显著的二项式相关关系。4.研究了钾素和覆膜对兰州百合收获指数、生殖配置和个体大小不整齐性的影响,并探讨了其影响机制。钾肥处理与K0相比,露地栽培下,鳞茎产量提高44.42%,生物产量提高20.60%,收获指数提高14.30%,生殖配置5.55%;覆膜栽培下,鳞茎产量、生物产量、收获指数和生殖配置分别提高了57.21%、13.89%、23.30%和7.35%。无论覆膜还是露地栽培,兰州百合个体大小不整齐性随着钾肥用量的增加而降低。与露地对照相比,覆膜栽培提高百合鳞茎产量15.59%,生物产量提高13.09%。但是,覆膜种群的收获指数和生殖配置相对于露地栽培,分别降低4.19%和3.20%。说明兰州百合种群个体大小不整齐性与钾素施用密切相关,钾肥处理下植株生长旺盛,收获指数较高。覆膜导致了兰州百合种群的生长冗余,这是覆膜栽培下百合种群内个体竞争加剧,使得个体大小不整齐性增加的结果。

【Abstract】 Lilium davidii var. unicolor is one of plants with great economic value due to its applications in food, medicine, and gardening. Lilium davidii var. unicolor has more than 150 years cultural history, and it is also local agricultural product and competitive industry in Gansu Province. Aimed at the problems in Lilium davidii var. unicolor planting, this paper studied the effects of mulches and fertilization on growth, niche-fitness and yield of Lilium davidii var. unicolor. Moreover, from the perspective of population ecology, discussed the effects of mulches and fertilization on dynamic of Lilium davidii var. unicolor population. The main results were as follows:1. A 3-year study was conducted to compare the performance of Lilium davidii var. unicolor under different planting patterns, to identify the effect of soil temperature and soil water content, as affected by plastic film mulches, on the growth and yield of Lilium davidii var. unicolor. Three planting patterns were tested in open fields:contour bare ridge (BR), ordinary plastic film mulched contour ridge (OPMR), and water-permeable plastic film mulched ridge (WPMR). The results indicated that plastic-mulched ridge system could increase soil temperature in 10 cm depth and soil water content in 0-100 cm by 1.5-3.2℃and 7.61-19.14%, respectively. Compared with those under OPMR plots, soil temperatures and water content were higher under WPMR plots. The exception was soil temperatures in hot seasons, they were lower under WPMR plots than that under OPMR plots, which could be an advantage for crops under high ambient temperature and high solar radiation. The growth characteristics, i.e., plant height, basal diameter, leaf number and biomass, were also increased under plastic-mulched ridge system, especially under WPMR plots. Mulches improved dry matter accumalation of Lilium davidii var. unicolor, and increased the percentages of bulb in total dry matter. There were significant (P<0.001) differences in the marketable yield and bulblet yield among all three treatments. The highest yield (17268.56 kg ha-1) was obtained under WPMR plots, while the lowest yield (14838.65 kg ha-1) was occurred under BR plots; the bulb yield was 16655.67 kg ha-1 under OPMR plots. Compared with BR plots, the water use efficiency (WUE) under OPMR plots and WPMR plots increased by 12.56% and 19.40% during the whole growth period, respectively.2. The nine fertilization treatments were applied, which consisted of the combinations of three N/P treatment rates and three K treatment rates. The results showed that fertilization improved plant growth. For N/P treatments, seedling height, basal diameter, leaf number and dry matter all reached the highest under (NP)hK0 plots. For K plots, the values of growth characteristics were the highest under (NP)0Kh plots. The mixed fertilizer for N, P, K was more beneficial than single N/P or single K in improving plant growth and dry matter accumulation. The plants of Lilium davidii var. unicolor grow more rapidly and vigorously under (NP)hKh plots. Fertilization increased significantly bulb yield. The bulb yield of Lilium davidii var. unicolor increased with the increase of N/P fertilizer or K fertilizer. The increment of yield between (NP)0K0 and low fertilizer was larger than between high fertilizer and low fertilizer; the effect of K on improving yield was more significant than N/P. The highest bulb yield was obtained under (NP)hKh plots. Fertilization had no regular influence on bulblet yield.3. Introducing the niche theory into the research of crop growth system, this paper studied the meaning of niche-fitness, and also analyzed quantitatively the niche-fitness values of Lilium davidii var. unicolor under different habitat conditions regulated by mulching and fertilizer according to relevant mathematical model. The results showed that film mulching and fertilizer had the effects of increasing of LAI, niche-fitness values and bulb yield. The LAI of Lilium davidii var. unicolor during seedling stage, squaring period and anthesis was increased averagely by 25.90%, and their fitness values and bulb yield were increased by 6.40% and 21.21% under mulching. The LAI, optimum niche values and bulb yield of Lilium davidii var. unicolor tended to increase with the increasing of N, P and K application on the fertilizer gradient under either mulching or flat sowing. Compared with A0B0, the values of LAI with (NP)1K1, (NP)0K1 and (NP)1K0 during seedling stage, squaring period and anthesis were increased by 41.83%,30.07% and 13.73% under flat sowing. Single K application((NP)0K1 relative to (NP)0K0)increased greater in fitness values and bulb yield than single N and P application((NP)1K0 relative to (NP) 0K0) under flat sowing, were 18.32% and 42.65%, respectively. The increments of fitness values and bulb yield with N, P and K application were most significant, and the increments((NP)1K1 relative to (NP)0K0)under mulching condition were larger than that under flat sowing, up to 26.80% and 58.82%, respectively. The marketable bulb yield of Lilium davidii var. unicolor is remarkable quadratic interrelated with the fitness values.4. The study was conducted to determine the effect of K supply regimes and plastic film mulching on the harvest index (HI), reproductive allocation (RA) and the size inequality of Lilium davidii var. unicolor population, and to explore the mechanisms causing them. Compared with K0 treatment, bulb yield, biological yield, HI and RA of Lilium davidii var. unicolor with K fertilizer treatment increased 44.42%,20.60%,14.30% and 5.55%, respectively, under non-mulching control, and 57.21%,13.89%,23.30% and 7.35%, respectively, under mulching condition. Either mulching or non-mulching, size inequality always decreased along the K supply gradient. Compared with the values under non-mulching, the bulb yield and biological yield of Lilium davidii var. unicolor under mulching increased by 15.59% and 13.09%, respectively. However, HI and RA under mulching were lower by 4.19% and 3.20% than that under non-mulching, respectively. Results suggest that the size inequality of Lilium davidii var. unicolor populations are closely correlated with K supply, and that under greater K supply there are relatively larger plants with higher HI. Growth redundancy under mulching conditions occurred in Lilium davidii var. unicolor populations, which may result from the exacerbated interplant competition and greater size inequality.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 10期
  • 【分类号】S682.29;S644.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】245
  • 攻读期成果