

Research on the Investment and Efficiency of Anti-poverty Capital in Gansu Rural Area Based on the Sustainable Livelihood

【作者】 翟彬

【导师】 聂华林;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 区域经济学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 经过多年反贫困斗争,中国农村扶贫工作取得了举世瞩目的成就,资金在推动农村扶贫事业发展中起着重要的作用。目前,中国农村贫困人口呈现出向中西部经济、自然条件都十分脆弱地区集中的趋势,在扶贫难度增大与扶贫资金边际效益递减的情况下,研究贫困地区如何提高扶贫资金使用效益,将有限的扶贫资源用到贫困对象脱贫与可持续发展能力的培育上就有着非常重要的意义。事实上,贫困农户的脱贫与发展能力与其拥有的资本和选择的生计途径密切相关。基于此,利用可持续生计框架研究扶贫资金投向对农户生计的影响,对于完善现有的农村扶贫资金效益研究体系,探索更加有效地提高农户可持续生计的扶贫资金使用模式,有着较为重要的研究意义。甘肃是中国农村贫困人口比例较高、贫困程度较深的省份之一,因此本文选取甘肃农村的扶贫资金投向及效益作为研究对象,探讨有利于提高农户可持续生计的扶贫资金投入、运行与使用途径。首先,本文对甘肃农村扶贫资金的投向与使用效益进行了分析。在回顾了甘肃扶贫资金使用历程的基础上,分析了农村扶贫资金的投向及农户对扶贫资金的需求,并通过项目实施效果和资金投向与农户收入的关联来分析资金的使用效益,指出扶贫资金分配使用中存在的问题。结果表明:现阶段甘肃扶贫资金投向与农户现实需求之间存在着较大的差异,扶贫资金投向对农户增收与脱贫的作用力不甚理想。其次,以可持续生计分析框架为基础,以全面性、科学性、可比性和可操作性等为原则,采用理论分析与经验分析相结合的方法来选取指标,结合甘肃农村贫困地区农户的生计特点,构建了适用于贫困地区的农户可持续生计评价指标体系。再次,本文以天水地区为例,通过主要知情人访谈、小组访谈和农户问卷调查等多种研究方法,对该地区8个乡镇17个自然村的170户农户进行问卷调查,获得155份有效问卷。在原始资料和数据基础上,通过层次分析法(AHP)、综合指数法、收入来源构成分析法和生计多样化指数测算方法对农户生计资本与生计策略进行定量分析,从而揭示出农户的生计状况。结果表明:在农户所拥有的五种生计资本中,自然资本的数值最高,社会资本值最小,该地区农户获得来自外部的帮助十分有限;生计资本值高的地区,农户生计多样化指数就高。最后,本文通过调整扶贫资金投向变动幅度,采用Logit模型定量分析生计策略与生计资本之间的关系,从而进一步测定了不同资金投向对农户生计资本与生计策略的影响。结果表明:在资金投入总量不变的情况下,资金投向的改变能够在一定程度上提升农户的生计水平。其中,人力资本方面的投资对农户生计资本的提升最为有效;人力资本值的变动对农户选择非农生计策略的影响最大,其次是自然资本和金融资本,而物质资本与社会资本对生计策略的选择并无显著的影响作用。在以上研究工作基础上,本文最终提出如下政策建议:扶贫资金作为一种稀缺资源,其投向使用应与微观层面农户的需求与可持续脱贫能力建设结合起来;要综合运用经济手段、法律手段和行政手段,搞好农村扶贫项目资金的运行和管理工作,使其安全有效的为促进贫困地区经济发展发挥更大的作用。

【Abstract】 Rural poverty reduction in China has made remarkable achievements after years of fighting against poverty. Funds play an important role in the development of the promotion of rural poverty alleviation. At present, the rural poverty has a trend which spreads to the Midwest, vulnerable natural areas. As poverty reduction and alleviation are more difficult and marginal utility of funding is diminishing, it’s quite important that how to improve capital efficiency in poor areas, how to use the limited resources in the process of poverty alleviation and how to realize sustainable development of the poor during cultivating the poverty. In fact, poverty alleviation and development capacity is closely related to capital they owned and the livelihood approach they chose. It has more important research significance to improve the existing fund system and explore more effective sustainable livelihoods model of poor farmers with the use of sustainable livelihood framework of poverty alleviation. As China’s highest proportion of the rural poor, one of the most poverty provinces, this article selected Gansu as the research object which aims at improving the funding, operation and means of the sustainable livelihoods of poor farmers.Firstly, this article analyzes the investment in rural poverty reduction and efficiency in the use of fund in Gansu Province. Based on the review of poverty alleviation funds in Gansu Province, it analyzes directions of investment of fund to the rural poverty alleviation and the demand of poverty reduction; Meanwhile it points out the problems existed under this process through analyzing the efficiency of capital use among the relationship of project implementation, capital investment and household income. The results show that:current way of directing anti-poverty funds in Gansu Province doesn’t match the practical needs of farmers, the poverty alleviation funds which helped farmers get out of poverty and increase the income are unsatisfactory.Secondly, with the sustainable livelihoods analysis as framework, the comprehensive, scientific, and maneuverability as the comparability principle, using a combination methods of theoretical analysis and empirical analysis to select indicators, and the characteristics of the livelihoods of farmers in poor areas, it tries to construct evaluation index system of sustainable livelihoods for farmers in poor areas.Thirdly, taking Tianshui area for example, through interviews with key informants, group interviews and household surveys and other research methods, this article conducts a questionnaire survey to 8 towns in the region of 17 villages of 170 households, and obtained 155 valid questionnaires. With the original data and statistics, it uses the analytic hierarchy process (AHP), comprehensive index, constitute sources of income and livelihood diversification index analysis method to measure livelihood strategies of capital and quantitative analysis to reveal the living conditions of rural households. The results show that:there are five livelihoods capital of rural households, the higher value natural capital is, the smaller social capital value in the region is. The help farmers obtain from the outside is very limited; the higher the living capital value in areas is, the higher farmers’livelihood diversification index is.Finally, a further method is evaluated on the influences that livelihood of farmers and livelihood strategies affected by different investment of funds through regulating the fluctuation of capital investment while using the Logit models to analyze the relationship between livelihood strategies and livelihood of quantitative. The results show that:the change of funding directions can improve livelihoods of farmers to a certain extent under the same capital volume. Thereafter, human capital investment will enhance household livelihood which is the most effective; human capital value changes on selected non-agricultural livelihood strategies households is most affected, natural capital and financial capital in the next place while physical capital and social capital on the livelihood strategies select have no significant influence.Based on the study above, the paper finally proposes the following policy recommendations: anti-poverty funds as a scarce resource, should be used to invest in the needs of farmers and micro-level, capacity building and sustainable poverty reduction; we should use economic instruments, legal instruments and administrative measures together to promote the rural poverty alleviation project funds and the management of the operation which will enhance the economic development in poor areas safely and efficiently.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 10期