

On the Rural Old-Age Social Security System That is Benificial to Population Development in Gansu Province

【作者】 金文俊

【导师】 郭志仪;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 区域经济学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本文认为,甘肃省应建设促进入口发展的农村社会养老保障制度,并对促进人口发展的农村社会养老保障制度的内涵、前提和原则作了尝试性界定,认为促进人口发展的农村社会养老保障制度是指农村社会养老保障制度建设应注重与人口政策衔接,使农村社会保障制度建设切实促进人口发展,从而实现人口条件在当前和未来对经济发展的支持,并应以坚持现行生育政策为前提。甘肃省促进人口发展的农村社会养老保障制度建设在当前不仅必要,而且可能。其建设有两条主要途径,其一为2009年由国务院试点的“新型农村社会养老保险”,另一为人口和计划生育利益导向机制的重要内容之一——国家人口委于2004年开始推行的农村部分计划生育家庭奖励扶助制度。人口计生与其他有关部门实施的具有或部分具有农村社会养老保障属性的制度构成甘肃省促进人口发展的农村社会养老保障制度建设的辅助途径。“新型农村养老保险”“破冰”中国城乡差距长期存在、持续“二元经济”格局下以户籍制度为代表的种种制度壁垒,从完善社会保障制度角度开始了逐步缩小城乡差距,实现城乡均衡发展的努力。奖励扶助制度的实施,则在一定程度上为计划生育“两户家庭”分担了养老风险,保障计划生育基本国策实施的长期效应,兑现政府承诺,在实施中取得了很好的效果。在甘肃省的具体实施中,“新农保”和奖励扶助尽管成效卓著,但也都存在明显的不足。“新农保”对计划生育基本国策的支持,尚未形成省内统一的政策考量,需要避免区域性,增强社会性。奖励扶助制度目前的设计基十汉族的生育政策,导致生育政策较为宽松的少数民族实际生育水平高于汉族,“两户家庭”产生的几率减小,在设计政策生育率和符合政策的总和生育率两项指标的基础上,通过分析发现少数民族育龄妇女的生育水平已经接近政策水平,因此从基于生育政策的社会公正角度考虑,奖励扶助对少数民族计划生育家庭的社会养老保障不足,应结合生育政策对保障对象拓面。基于以上探讨,本文对甘肃省促进人口发展的农村社会养老保障制度的框架设计为:考虑少数民族因素的奖励扶助和考虑统一对“两户家庭”优先的“新农保”为主体,其他制度为补充的开放的政策体系。对甘肃省促进人口发展的农村社会养老保障制度的框架用分段函数做了初步论证,并对制度完善所需的投入需求作了粗略估算。

【Abstract】 The dissertation argues that the Rural Old-Age Social Security System that is beneficial to population development should be built in Gansu Province, and argued the concept, basement and principle of the Rural Old-Age Social Security System that is beneficial to population development. The article thinks that Rural Old-Age Social Security System that is beneficial to population development means when to build the Rural Old-Age Social Security would think of the population policy and induces population to adapt to the development of economy and society. It should be based on insisting present birth policy. And the dissertation believes that building the system is not only necessary but possible.There are two major ways to build it in Gansu. One is "the New Rural Old-Age Insurance System" piloted by the State Council since 2009; the other is the System of Encouragement and Assitance, took by National Population and Family Planning Commission since 2004, which is an important part of the interest-oriented mechanism of population and family planning. There are also other systems which belong to or partially belong to social security have been the supplemental ways, such as one-time pension for "the Two Sort of Family" implemented in Gansu Province, and the Old Age Allowance by the Ministry of Civil Affairs of China.After the implement of the New Rural Cooperative Medical System, the New Rural Old-Age Insurance System started to break the ice of China’s long-standing gap between urban and rural areas under various institutional barriers in particular, the household registration system in "Dual Economics". China is on the way to gradually narrow the urban-rural gap and pursue a more balanced development in the perspective of improving the social security system.The implementation of the System of Encouragement and Assistance, have reduced the risk for old age maintenance, as well as guaranteed the long-term effects of the family planning policy as a basic policy while the economy develops and price rises. And it has honored the Government’s commitment and reduced the pressure on the work of population and family planning.As to the specific measures for the fulfillment, however, there are clear deficiencies in the New Rural Old-Age Insurance System and the System of Encouragement and Assistance, despite of their remarkable effectiveness and the considerable protection of peasants’interests. The disadvantage of New Rural Old-Age Insurance System is not fully expanded in wider areas. It is still in the stage of piloting and gradually promotion, and has not implemented in the entire province. So the pilot counties made different preferential policies to "Two Sorts of Families"’by their own understanding under the basic principles. The provincial and unified policy consideration has not come into being. There would be considerable discrepancy in future. The gap of different levels of New Rural Social Old-Age Security among different areas in the province might be wide. Which could give a certain impact on the "social" side of the Social Old-Age Security System.The biggest deficiency of the System of Encouragement and Assistance is because it did not take the ethnic factors into consideration. The range of the beneficiaries who can enjoy the subsidy in minorities is narrower than that of Han people. However, the most beneficial policy for the minority families is the project "fewer children, quicker prosperity". The article argues that the goal of the current system designed to supplement the birth policy of "1.5 children" whose objectives are Han people, which leads to a higher fertility level in the minorities. Therefore, it is not enough for the social security of the minority families abiding to birth policy. But, through making two concept:Policy Regulated Fertility Rate and Policy Regulated Total Fertility Rate, the research found the birth rate of minorities in Gansu Province has gotten to the level of the birth rante that regulated.In response to the two shortcomings to be amended, the dissertation has offered corresponding policy recommendations:one is to stress the "social" side in building New Rural Old-Age Insurance System as the embodiment of the basic national policy of family planning; the other is to add "ethnical" side to the System of Encouragement and Assistance and expanding its coverage, which could be summarized as "The Encouragement and Assitance System+Less Children, Quicker Prosperity".Based on the research, the dissertation presents the framework of the Rural Old-Age Social Security System that is beneficial to population development in Gansu Province:the major ways are the amended "New Rural Old-Age Insurance System+Encouragement and Assitance System", the supplemental ways are the other systems, such as one-time pension for "the Two Sort of Family" and the Old Age Allowance, and so forth. Finally, the dissertation has calculated the demands of both policy recommendations.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 10期