

Study on Democratic Form for People’s Congress System

【作者】 蔡文成

【导师】 刘先春;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 马克思主义中国化研究, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 人民代表大会制度是人民民主的政体形式,是社会主义民主政治的根本标志。作为根本政治制度,人民代表大会制度是研究中国政治的现状和发展的基础,是解读中国民主状况及民主化进程的关键。人大民主形态是指人民代表大会制度的民主结构、制度设计、机制程序及价值功能的有机组合和运行状态。“人大民主形态”是一个高度综合的概念,它既包含静态结构,又包含动态的程序;既包含内在的关系,又包含外部的形态;既包含显性的制度,又包含隐性的规范,是对人大民主制度的系统反映。人大制度民主形态在纵向维度主要展示人民代表大会制度民主的思想基础、形态演变的历程;人大制度民主形态在横向维度上主要分解人民代表大会制度的具体制度结构和运行机制。人大民主形态的理论基础是人民民主专政理论,导源于马克思主义的国家政权建设学说,发展于苏联工农兵苏维埃的政权理论,形成为人民民主专政和民主集中制的理论体系。人大民主形态是代议民主制度同中国具体的社会主义民主实践相结合的产物,历经罢工工人代表大会、苏维埃代表大会、边区参与会、人民代表会议、人民政治协商会议和人民代表大会的萌芽、产生、发展、完善和成熟的演变过程。人大民主形态是一个制度系统,由代表制度、选举制度和会议制度组成和建构,其组成要素、子系统之间相互联系、相辅相成,形成完整的制度结构体系。代表制度是人大民主形态的主体。代表是人民代表大会制度的组织细胞,是人民代表大会制度运行的主导者、运作者,参与者,是联结人民和国家的中介,无代表则无人大制度。会议制度是人大民主形态的载体。人民代表大会制度运行的基本途径和方式是会议,人民代表大会既是民意机关、权力机关和立法机关的统一体,又是人民意志的集中表达的公共场所,是这一制度运行的基础、条件、平台,是人大代表的实践场域。选举制度是人大民主形态的基础和逻辑起点,是代表制度和会议制度的前提和依据,是我国人民代表大会制度的组织基础和保证。人大民主机制是一定民主政治系统内各构成要素之间相互联系和相互协调的作用原理和运行状态。人大参与机制是人大民主运行的基础,参与机制推动和维系人大系统的运行,没有参与就没有民主;人大民主形成以公民、代表、共产党、政府、社会组织为参与主体,直接参与和间接参与、主动参与和被动参与相结合的参与方式。制衡机制是人大民主运行的制约,人民代表大会制度是国家权力的主体,形成立法系统、行政系统、司法系统、军事系统、监督系统相互分立的国家结构和立法权、决策权、执行权、监督权的职能划分,形成有效的权力运行、相互制约机制。法律机制是人大民主运行的保障,人民代表表达人民意志,制定法律、监督法律、执行法律,形成一套有序的法律机制,保证人大机构、各要素合法、有序运行。代表制度、选举制度和会议制度三大制度相辅相成,构成人大制度系统,参与机制、制衡机制和法治机制相互作用,形成人大的机制体系,制度和机制、结构和程序有机统一,奠定人大民主形态的基础,共同承担并完成人大制度的民主价值和功能。但同任何制度一样,人大民主制度建设和运行机制还不完善,存在缺漏、矛盾和不足之处,新陈代谢和发展创新势在必行。从制度形态而言,人大民主应实行代表专职化、选举竞争化、会议辩论化的革新,推动人大民主结构和功能的统一;从机制形态而言,人大民主应扩大参与机制、强化制衡机制、完善法治机制,促使人大民主动态和静态的融合,从而,通过发展和创新真正建构事实与价值一致、工具理性和价值理性结合、实至名归先进的人大民主形态。

【Abstract】 People’s congress system is a regime forms for people democratic, also is the basic mark of the socialist democracy. As the fundamental political system, people’s congress system is foundation for study China’s political status and development, is basic point of the interpretation for situation and process of democracy in China. Democratic form of NPC is the NPC system of democratic forms of democratic structures, systems design, process and value of the functional mechanism of the organic composition and running. "NPC form of democracy" is a highly integrated concept and a reflection of the NPC system of democracy, including both static structure, but also contains the dynamic program; contains both the internal relations, but also contains the external form; contains both dominant system, but also contains the implicit norms. Democratic form of the NPC system displays the ideological foundation of democracy and the morphological evolution in the vertical dimension; decompose the specific people’s congress system and operating mechanism of democracy in the horizontal dimension.The people’s democratic dictatorship is the theoretical basis for NPC form of democracy, derived from the Marxist theory of state building, development of the Soviet regime theory, and formation for the people’s democratic dictatorship and the democratic centralism of the theoretical system. NPC form of democracy is the product that combined democracy of socialism with China’s specific of the of democratic practice, after the process of the striking workers on behalf of the General Assembly, the Soviet congress, and the Border Region participate will, the representatives of the people, the people’s Political Consultative Conference, and the evolution process, such as seeds, produce, develop, improve and mature of the people’s congresses.NPC form of democracy is an institutional system, include the representative system, the electoral system and conference system, its constituent elements, subsystems are interrelated and mutually reinforcing, representative system is the main body of the NPC form of democracy. Delegate is the cell of the people’s congress system, and is the leader, participant of the people’s congress system, was the intermediary linking the people and the state, no representative had no NPC system, Meeting system is the is the carrier of the NPC form of democracy. The basic method and way of people’s congress system is the meeting. People’s congress is not only public opinion, the unity of authority and the legislature, but also to express the will of the people in public places, And that is the basis, conditions, and platform for running the system. Also is the practice of field deputies. Electoral system is the basis and the logical starting point of the NPC form of democracy, and is the prerequisite and basis of the system of representative system and meeting, also is the foundation and guarantee of people’s congress system.The democratic institutions of NPC are interrelated and coordinated action principle and running within the democratic political system. NPC mechanism is involved in running the foundation of democracy, participatory mechanisms to promote and maintain the operation of the NPC system, democratic the NPC formed by citizens, representatives, the Communist Party, government, social organizations as participate of the main, combination of the direct and indirect,active and passive in a participation. Checks and balances is constraints of operation to the NPC. The people’s congress system is the main body of state power, to formed the state structure of legislative system, administrative system, judicial system, military system, the monitoring system of mutual separation, and the formation of the mutual control mechanism with the legislative decision-making, enforcement and oversight Allocation of functions the right to form an effective exercise of power. Legal mechanisms is the protection for the operation of democracy people’s congresses, representatives of the people expressed the will of the people, law-making, supervision law, enforce the law, and formed of a legal mechanism orderly, to ensure the people’s congress agencies, elements of legal, orderly fashion.The representative system, the electoral system and conference system are complementary. The three systems constitute the people’s congress system. The mechanisms of the participatory, checks and balances and the rule are interacted each other, to formed mechanism system of the NPC, the systems and mechanisms, united of the structures and procedures organically, laid the foundation of democratic forms for NPC, shared responsibility and complete the democratic values and functions. However, as with any system, democratic system and operation mechanism is not perfect of the NPC, there are gaps, contradictions and shortcomings, metabolism and development of innovation is imperative. Form from of the system, the National People’s Congress of democracy should be reformed, and implemented on behalf of full-time, competitive elections, debate of the meeting. Promote democratic structures and functions of the NPC to unite; from the mechanism of morphology, the National People’s Congress should be expand democratic participation mechanisms, strengthen the checks and balances, improve the rule mechanisms of law, to promote the NPC integration of static and dynamic democracy. Thereby, construction of the same fact and value, combination of instrumental rationality and value rationality, and deserved the advanced democratic form of NPC by through the development and innovation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 10期