

The Research on Comprehensive Management Model and Benefits Evaluation of Small Watershed in Yanqing

【作者】 孙艳红

【导师】 张洪江;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 水土保持与荒漠化防治, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本论文以可持续发展理论、景观生态学原理、水土保持学原理等为指导,对延庆县的21条小流域治理进行了调查,应用聚类分析、多层次模糊评价法和Topsis法等方法,对延庆县小流域综合治理模式及效益评价展开研究,从而为北京市的水土保持生态建设提供参考和科学依据。(1)通过对群众小流域治理措施及相关政策的看法态度、小流域综合治理措施实施效果等内容进行问卷调查,揭示了延庆县小流域综合治理中存在的问题,并对问题进行剖析,在此基础上,提出了小流域综合治理应体现以人为本的理念、调动民众参与治理的积极性、与改善当地民众生产、生活条件相结合、加强对民众的宣传教育等对策。(2)选择沟壑密度、人均密度、人均耕地、耕地面积、林地面积、果同面积、梯田坝地面积、生态林面积、经济林面积、已治理面积,作为分类的指标,采用聚类分析方法,将21条小流域综合治理模式大体上分为生态型、农业型、经济型三大类治理模式。其中,生态型治理模式涉及9条小流域,所占比例为42.9%;农业型治理模式涉及2条小流域,所占比例为9.5%;经济性治理模式涉及10条小流域,所占比例为47.6%,并以典型小流域为例介绍了三类治理模式。(3)小流域综合治理中6个典型要素与农民年人均纯收入的关联顺序依次为:投资(0.724)>治理面积(0.711)>水保工程措施(0.648)>经济林(0.590)>水保林(0.536)>整地(0.508)。(4)采用层次分析法得出效益分析的权重值:生态效益0.5299,经济效益0.3497,社会效益0.1204。层次总排序CI=0.0751<0.1符合一致性要求,各个效益评价指标所得权重符合评价要求,因而指标的总排序是正确的。治理程度的权重为0.2920,林草覆盖率的权重为0.0966,土壤侵蚀模数的权重为0.1413;经济效益中的劳动生产率的权重为0.0878,土地生产率的权重为0.0545,人均纯收入的权重为0.2074;社会效益中的人均产粮的权重为0.0160,人均基本农田的权重为0.0558,劳动力利用率的权重为0.0485。由综合权重排序反馈出,治理程度、人均纯收入土壤侵蚀模数是延庆县小流域综合治理的主要影响因子。(5)采用多层次模糊评价法进行小流域综合治理效益评价,得出以生态型和经济型治理模式为主小流域生态效益和经济效益比较好,生态效益达到中或良;以农业型治理模式为主的小流域生态效益和经济效益都比较差。以经济型治理模式为主的佛峪口小流域的经济最为突出,经济效益评价值达到92分。(6)多层次模糊评价法和Topsis法所得到的效益评价分值的直线拟合方程的拟合程度比较高,相关系数R2达到0.8853。这说明两种方法在小流域综合治理效益评价方面具有一定的可靠性,为延庆县小流域治理的效益评价工作提供科学依据。

【Abstract】 Based on the theory of sustainable development, the theory of runoff regulation, the theory of system, principles of landscape ecology, principles of soil and water conservation and principles of ecological economics, a survey was conducted in 21 small watershed of Yanqing County on their management. Statistical methods including cluster analysis, multi-level fuzzy evaluation and Topsis were conducted to the research of management modes and evaluating the effectiveness of small watershed in Yanqing County. Results of this research can be further referenced hence providing scientific basis for soil and water conservation of Beijing(1) Existing problems were revealed in the survey on the masses for their attitudes toward relevant policies in management of small watershed and the effectiveness of the policies. Upon discussion, the idea of people-orientation is proposed. Local people should be encouraged to take part in governance, their living and producing conditions should be improved, and publicity and education should be strengthened.(2) We select the gully density (both total and per capita), per capita arable land, cultivated land, forest area, orchard area, terrace and dam area, the ecological forest area, economic forest area, and controlled area as the indicators of classification, and use cluster analysis method to categorize 21 models of small watershed governance into three types:ecological, agricultural and economic. Among them, the eco-governed 9 small watershed take up 42.9%; agri-governed 2 small watershed accounts for 9.5%; econ-governed 10 small watershed take up 47.6%. Based on the canonical example of three types of small watershed, the management models were introduced.(3) Six typical elements related to net income Per capita in management of small watershed are aligned into order:investment (0.724)> controlled area (0.711)> soil and water conservation engineering (0.648)> economic forest (0.590)> water conservation forest(0.536)>land preparation (0.508).(4) Weight values of AHP-benefit are:ecological benefits:0.5299, economic benefits:0.3497, social benefits:0.1204. The total level of sorting CI= 0.0751 meet compliance requirement (CI<0.1), and weights of each factor meet evaluation requirements, and thus indicators of the total order is correct. Weight of governance level:0.2920, grass coverage:0.0966, soil erosion modulus: 0.1413; economic benefits of labor productivity:0.0878, land productivity:0.0545, per capita net income:0.2074; social benefits in the weight of grain per capita:0.0160, basic farmland per capita:0.0558, the labor utilization rate:0.0485. According to the feedback of weight order, in the management of small watershed of Yanqing County, the level of small watershed management, per capita net income, soil erosion modulus are the main factors.(5) With multi-level fuzzy evaluation method, it can be concluded that the eco-governed and econ-governed watersheds have better ecological and economic benefits, ecological benefits achieved average or good; to agri-governed small watersheds are less desirable, both ecologically and economically. As more attentions are paid on soil and water conservation and ecological construction, three types of models of small watershed management have certain social benefits, among which the most outstanding is Foyukou watershed of total evaluation of 92 points.(6) The linear regression of multi-level evaluation method and evaluation of Topsis scores relatively high (R2= 0.8853). Two methods in evaluation of small watershed management efficiency have certain extent of reliability, and can provide scientific basis for effective evaluation of small watersheds in Yanqing County.
